Pedro001 Posted May 12, 2019 Share Posted May 12, 2019 Hi guys, I'm trying to export the info of this function here clanRankNames = { [1] = "Aprendiz", [2] = "Membro", [3] = "Treinador", [4] = "Sub-Comandante", [5] = "Comandante", [6] = "Líder" } into the scoreboard using this GangRank = clanRankNames[rank] exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn("GangRank") but instead of getting the text in the quotes, i'm getting the number in brackets. How can I get the text in the scoreboard? Link to comment
Pedro001 Posted May 12, 2019 Author Share Posted May 12, 2019 10 hours ago, Pedro001 said: Hi guys, I'm trying to export the info of this function here clanRankNames = { [1] = "Aprendiz", [2] = "Membro", [3] = "Treinador", [4] = "Sub-Comandante", [5] = "Comandante", [6] = "Líder" } into the scoreboard using this GangRank = clanRankNames[rank] exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn("GangRank") but instead of getting the text in the quotes, i'm getting the number in brackets. How can I get the text in the scoreboard? Please! Someone help me with this! Link to comment
aka Blue Posted May 13, 2019 Share Posted May 13, 2019 If you dont post your code lines we cant help you. Link to comment
Pedro001 Posted May 13, 2019 Author Share Posted May 13, 2019 12 hours ago, aka Blue said: If you dont post your code lines we cant help you. Server local clanDB = nil local clanTable = {} zp = 300000 function initDatabase() clanDB = dbConnect( "sqlite", "clans.db" ) dbExec(clanDB, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Clans (Name PRIMARY KEY, Color, Members, X, Y, Z, Cash)") end initDatabase() function fillClanTable() local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(clanDB, "SELECT * FROM Clans"),-1) if result and type(result) == "table" then clanTable = {} for k,v in pairs(result) do v["Color"] = fromJSON(v["Color"]) v["Members"] = fromJSON(v["Members"]) for key,val in pairs(v["Members"]) do if val[2] == 6 then v["Leader"] = val[1] end end table.insert(clanTable,v) createTeam( v["Name"], unpack(v["Color"]) ) end end end fillClanTable() function createClan(name,r,g,b) local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(clanDB, "SELECT * FROM Clans WHERE Name = ?", name),-1) local resultt = dbPoll(dbQuery(clanDB, "SELECT * FROM Clans WHERE Members = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))),-1) if resultt and #resultt <= 0 then if result and #result <= 0 then if name and #name <= 15 then local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) if r and g and b then if tonumber(getPlayerMoney(source, localPlayer)) >= 20000000 then setPlayerMoney(source, tonumber(getPlayerMoney(source, localPlayer)) - 20000000) local color = {tonumber(r),tonumber(g),tonumber(b)} dbExec(clanDB, "INSERT INTO Clans VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",name,toJSON(color),toJSON({{accName,6}}),0,0,0,0) local team = createTeam(name,unpack(color)) setPlayerTeam(source,team) local oldName = getPlayerName(source) fillClanTable() setElementData(source,"faction", name) outputChatBox("#FF0000[GANG]: #FFFFFFVoce criou a facção #FF0000"" #FFFFFFcom sucesso",source,255, 0, 0, true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000[GANG]: #FFFFFFParece que voce nao tem dinheiro o suficiente", source, 255, 0, 0, true) outputChatBox("#FF0000[GANG]: #FFFFFFPara poder criar uma você precisa de #00800030,000,000$", source, 255, 0, 0, true) return end end else outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG] #ffffffO nome é muito longo!",source) end else outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffO facção já existe !",source) end end end addEvent( "createNewClan", true ) addEventHandler("createNewClan", root, createClan) function getFreeID() local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(clanDB, "SELECT ID FROM Clans ORDER BY ID ASC"), -1) newID = false for i, id in pairs (result) do if id["ID"] ~= i then newID = i break end end if newID then return newID else return #result + 1 end end function was () local faction, rank = getPlayerFaction(source) local data = getFactionData(faction) if faction and rank then if data["X"] ~= 0 or 0 and data["Y"] ~= 0 or 0 and data["Z"] ~= 0 or 20 then spawnPlayer(source,data["X"],data["Y"],data["Z"]+0.2) setTimer (spawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source, data["X"],data["Y"],data["Z"]+0.2, 0, getPedSkin (source), 0, 0, getPlayerTeam(source)) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), was) function initClanCreationWindow(ply) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( ply ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then triggerClientEvent( ply, "initClanCreationWindow", ply, clanTable ) end end addCommandHandler("gangs",initClanCreationWindow) function getPlayerFaction(ply) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( ply ) ) for k,v in pairs(clanTable) do for key,val in pairs(v["Members"]) do if val[1] == accName then return v["Name"], val[2] end end end end function getFactionData(name) for k,v in pairs(clanTable) do if v["Name"] == name then return v end end end function setFactionOnLogin() local faction, rank = getPlayerFaction(source) local data = getFactionData(faction) if faction and rank then setElementData(source,"faction",faction) setElementData(source,"GangRank",rank) if getTeamFromName (faction) then setPlayerTeam(source,getTeamFromName (faction)) else local team = createTeam(faction,unpack(data["Color"])) setPlayerTeam(source,team) end local oldName = getPlayerName(source) local newName = "["..faction.."]"..oldName setPlayerName(source, newName ) if data["X"] ~= 0 and data["Y"] ~= 0 and data["Z"] ~= 0 then setElementPosition(source,data["X"],data["Y"],data["Z"]+0.2) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,setFactionOnLogin) function setFactionOnStart() GangRank = clanRankNames[rank] exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn("GangRank") for i, v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) if not isGuestAccount (acc) then local faction, rank = getPlayerFaction(v) local data = getFactionData(faction) if faction and rank then setElementData(v,"faction",faction) setElementData(v,"GangRank",rank) if getTeamFromName (faction) then setPlayerTeam(v,getTeamFromName (faction)) else local team = createTeam(faction,unpack(data["Color"])) setPlayerTeam(v,team) end local oldName = getPlayerName(v) local newName = "["..faction.."]"..oldName setPlayerName(v, newName ) if data["X"] ~= 0 and data["Y"] ~= 0 and data["Z"] ~= 0 then setElementPosition(v,data["X"],data["Y"],data["Z"]+0.2) end end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,setFactionOnStart) function deleteClan(name) local clan = getFactionData(name) for k,v in pairs(clan["Members"]) do local acc = getAccount(v[1]) local ply = getAccountPlayer( acc ) if ply then removeElementData(ply,"faction") removeElementData(ply,"GangRank") setPlayerTeam(ply,nil) outputChatBox("#FF0000[GANG]: #FFFFFFSua gang #FF0000"" #FFFFFFfoi excluida por um de nossos #FF0000ADMINISTRADORES", ply, 255, 0, 0, true) end end dbExec(clanDB, "DELETE FROM Clans WHERE Name = ?",name) fillClanTable() end addEvent( "deleteClan", true ) addEventHandler("deleteClan", root, deleteClan) function inviteToClan(ply) if not getElementData(ply,"faction") then if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (ply)) then local clan = getFactionData(getElementData(source,"faction")) triggerClientEvent(ply,"clanInvitation",source,clan) else outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffO jogador ainda não esta logado no servidor.",source, 255, 255, 255,true) end else outputChatBox("#32CD32[GANG]: #ffffffO jogador já está na facção.",source, 255, 0, 0) end end addEvent( "inviteToClan", true ) addEventHandler("inviteToClan", root, inviteToClan) function acceptInvite(clan) setElementData(source,"faction", clan["Name"]) setElementData(source,"GangRank", 1) setPlayerTeam(source,getTeamFromName (clan["Name"])) local newMembers = clan["Members"] local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) table.insert(newMembers,{accName,1}) dbExec(clanDB, "UPDATE Clans SET Members = ? WHERE Name = ? ",toJSON(newMembers), clan["Name"]) fillClanTable() end addEvent( "acceptInvite", true ) addEventHandler("acceptInvite", root, acceptInvite) function kickFromClan(login) if getElementData(source,"GangRank") == 6 or getElementData(source,"GangRank") == 5 then local acc = getAccount( login ) local clan = getFactionData(getElementData(source,"faction")) local newMembers = clan["Members"] for k,v in pairs(clan["Members"]) do if v[1] == login and v[2] < 6 then table.remove(newMembers,k) else end end dbExec(clanDB, "UPDATE Clans SET Members = ? WHERE Name = ? ",toJSON(newMembers), clan["Name"]) local ply = getAccountPlayer( acc ) if ply then removeElementData(ply,"faction") removeElementData(ply,"GangRank") outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffVocê foi excluído da facção.",ply) end fillClanTable() end end addEvent( "kickFromClan", true ) addEventHandler("kickFromClan", root, kickFromClan) function leaveClan() local clan = getFactionData(getElementData(source,"faction")) local newMembers = clan["Members"] local login = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) for k,v in pairs(clan["Members"]) do if v[1] == login and v[2] < 10 then table.remove(newMembers,k) end end dbExec(clanDB, "UPDATE Clans SET Members = ? WHERE Name = ? ",toJSON(newMembers), clan["Name"]) removeElementData(source,"faction") removeElementData(source,"GangRank") setPlayerTeam(source,nil) fillClanTable() end addEvent( "leaveClan", true ) addEventHandler("leaveClan", root, leaveClan) function changeClanCash(state,count) local clan = getFactionData(getElementData(source,"faction")) if clan then if state == "take" then if clan["Cash"] >= count then outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffVocê retirou com sucesso "..count.." #32CD32reais #ffffffda conta da facção!",source,255,255,255,true) givePlayerMoney(source,count) dbExec(clanDB, "UPDATE Clans SET Cash = ? WHERE Name = ? ",clan["Cash"]-count, clan["Name"]) fillClanTable() end elseif state == "give" then if getPlayerMoney(source) >= count then outputChatBox("#32CD32[GANG]: #ffffffVocê adicionou "..count.." #32CD32reias #ffffffpara sua facção!",source,255,255,255,true) takePlayerMoney(source,count) dbExec(clanDB, "UPDATE Clans SET Cash = ? WHERE Name = ? ",clan["Cash"]+count, clan["Name"]) fillClanTable() end end end end addEvent( "changeClanCash", true ) addEventHandler("changeClanCash", root, changeClanCash) function changeClanSpawnPoint(state) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local clan = getElementData(source,"faction") if state then dbExec(clanDB, "UPDATE Clans SET X = ?, Y = ?, Z = ? WHERE Name = ? ",x,y,z, clan) fillClanTable() else dbExec(clanDB, "UPDATE Clans SET X = ?, Y = ?, Z = ? WHERE Name = ? ",0,0,0, clan) fillClanTable() end end addEvent( "changeClanSpawnPoint", true ) addEventHandler("changeClanSpawnPoint", root, changeClanSpawnPoint) function setNewClanRank(login,rank) if getElementData(source,"GangRank") == 6 or getElementData(source,"GangRank") == 5 then local acc = getAccount( login ) local clan = getFactionData(getElementData(source,"faction")) local newMembers = clan["Members"] for k,v in pairs(clan["Members"]) do if v[1] == login then if v[2] < 6 then v[2] = rank else return end end end dbExec(clanDB, "UPDATE Clans SET Members = ? WHERE Name = ? ",toJSON(newMembers), clan["Name"]) local ply = getAccountPlayer( acc ) if ply then removeElementData(ply,"faction") removeElementData(ply,"GangRank") setPlayerTeam(ply,nil) outputChatBox("#32CD32[GANG]: #ffffffSua nova classificação: #32CD32"..rank,ply,255,255,255,true) end fillClanTable() end end addEvent( "setNewClanRank", true ) addEventHandler("setNewClanRank", root, setNewClanRank) function playerQuit() local team = getPlayerTeam(source) setPlayerTeam(source,nil) if team then local teamCount = getPlayersInTeam(team) outputServerLog( "CONTAGEM DE EQUIPE: "..#teamCount ) if #teamCount <= 1 then destroyElement(team) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,playerQuit) setTimer(function() for _,v in pairs(getElementsByType ("pickup")) do data = getElementData(v,"teamZone") if data then local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(clanDB, "SELECT * FROM Clans WHERE Name = ?",data),-1) if result and #result ~= 0 then cash1 = result[1].Cash cash2 = tonumber(cash1 + zp) dbExec(clanDB, "UPDATE Clans SET Cash = ? WHERE Name = ? ",cash2,data) fillClanTable() end end end end,3600000,0) Client local scx,scy = guiGetScreenSize() local px = scx/1920 local sizeX, sizeY = 400*px,600*px local posX,posY = 10*px,scy-sizeY-100*px local screen = dxCreateScreenSource( scx,scy ) local selectionsi_player_list_clan = 0 local presi_player_list_clan = false local scrollsi_player_list_clan = 0 local scrollMaxsi_player_list_clan = 0 local rtsi_player_list_clan = dxCreateRenderTarget( 280,160, true ) local clksi_player_list_clan = false local selectionsi_piglos = 0 local presi_piglos = false local scrollsi_piglos = 0 local scrollMaxsi_piglos = 0 local rtsi_piglos = dxCreateRenderTarget( 190,170, true ) local clksi_piglos = false local clanTable = nil local myClanTable = nil local creationWindow = nil local newClanWindow = nil local clanWindow = nil local font = guiCreateFont( "font.ttf", 32 ) local blipos = createBlip(2318.49194, 75.57992, 26.48438,60) setBlipVisibleDistance(blipos, 300) local marketbuy = createMarker(2318.49194, 75.57992, 25.48438, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 255, 106, 50 ) function openNewClanWindows (element) if element == localPlayer then if stat_create_clan_mark == false then stat_create_clan_mark = true showCursor(true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_create_clan_mark) guiSetVisible(edit, true) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", true) end end end addEventHandler( "onClientMarkerHit", marketbuy, openNewClanWindows ) function initClanCreationWindow(clans) if isElement(creationWindow) then showCursor(false) destroyElement(creationWindow) else clanTable = clans showCursor(true) creationWindow = guiCreateWindow(0.3,0.25,0.3,0.5,"Lista de Gangs - Servidor", true) local clanlist = guiCreateGridList(0.1,0.1,0.8,0.7,true,creationWindow) guiGridListAddColumn( clanlist, "Nome",0.5 ) guiGridListAddColumn( clanlist, "Lider",0.45 ) for k,v in pairs(clans) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(clanlist) guiGridListSetItemText(clanlist,row,1,v["Name"],false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(clanlist,row,2,v["Leader"],false,false) end local btnCreate = guiCreateButton(0.7,0.85,0.2,0.1,"Criar",true,creationWindow) local btnDelete = guiCreateButton(0.4,0.85,0.2,0.1,"Excluir",true,creationWindow) local btnClose = guiCreateButton(0.1,0.85,0.2,0.1,"Fechar",true,creationWindow) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",creationWindow,function() if source == btnCreate then initClanCreationWindow() if stat_create_clan_mark == false then stat_create_clan_mark = true showCursor(true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_create_clan_mark) guiSetVisible(edit, true) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", true) else stat_create_clan_mark = false showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_create_clan_mark) guiSetVisible(edit, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end elseif source == btnDelete then local clanName = guiGridListGetItemText( clanlist, guiGridListGetSelectedItem( clanlist ) ) triggerServerEvent( "deleteClan", localPlayer,clanName ) outputChatBox("#FF0000[GANG]: #FFFFFFVocê excluiu #FF0000"..clanName.." #FFFFFFcom sucesso", 255, 0, 0, true) initClanCreationWindow() elseif source == btnClose then initClanCreationWindow() end end) end end addEvent( "initClanCreationWindow", true ) addEventHandler("initClanCreationWindow", root, initClanCreationWindow) function isClanExists(name) for k,v in pairs(clanTable) do if v["Name"] == name then return true end end end function isRGB(str) local s = tonumber(str) if s and s >= 0 and s <= 255 then return true else return false end end stat_create_clan_mark = false name_clan = "Digite o nome da gang" scrolR_1 = scx / 2 + 127.5 ProcentR_1 = 1 visualPocentClan_1 = 0 scrolG_2 = scx / 2 + 127.5 ProcentG_2 = 1 visualPocentClan_2 = 0 scrolB_3 = scx / 2 + 127.5 ProcentB_3 = 1 visualPocentClan_3 = 0 edit = guiCreateEdit(scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 - 15, 290, 20,name_clan,false) guiSetVisible(edit, false) function wnd_create_clan_mark () dxDrawWindow( scx / 2 - 150 , scy / 2 - 150, 300, 235, "Painel - Criar Gang") dxDrawScrollBarR(scx / 2 - 127.5, scy / 2 - 90, 255, 10, scrolR_1, "Vermelho "..math.floor(visualPocentClan_1 / 2.55).." %", ProcentR_1) dxDrawScrollBarG(scx / 2 - 127.5, scy / 2 - 65, 255, 10, scrolG_2, "Verde "..math.floor(visualPocentClan_2 / 2.55).." %", ProcentG_2) dxDrawScrollBarB(scx / 2 - 127.5, scy / 2 - 40, 255, 10, scrolB_3, "Azul "..math.floor(visualPocentClan_3 / 2.55).." %", ProcentB_3) dxDrawButtonText_pas(scx / 2 - 150, scy / 2 - 120, 300, 20, "Nome: "..name_clan, 1, 1) dxDrawButtonText(scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 10, 290, 20, "Valor: 30 000 000$", 1, 1) dxDrawButton( scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 35, 290, 20, "Criar") dxDrawButton( scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 60, 290, 20, "Fechar") name_clan = guiGetText(edit) end addEventHandler( "onClientClick", root, function(button, state) if stat_create_clan_mark == true then if button == "left" and state == "down" then local x, y, w, h = scx / 2 - 127.5, scy / 2 - 90, 255, 10 if cursorPosition( scrolR_1, y-5, 10, h+10 ) then scrollMovingR_1 = true else if scrolR_1 <= x then if cursorPosition( x, y-5, 10, h+10 ) then scrollMovingR_1 = true end else if cursorPosition( (x+w)-10, y-5, 10, h+10 ) then scrollMovingR_1 = true end end end elseif button == "left" and state == "up" then if scrollMovingR_1 then scrollMovingR_1 = false end end if button == "left" and state == "down" then local x, y, w, h = scx / 2 - 127.5, scy / 2 - 65, 255, 10 if cursorPosition( scrolG_2, y-5, 10, h+10 ) then scrollMovingG_2 = true else if scrolG_2 <= x then if cursorPosition( x, y-5, 10, h+10 ) then scrollMovingG_2 = true end else if cursorPosition( (x+w)-10, y-5, 10, h+10 ) then scrollMovingG_2 = true end end end elseif button == "left" and state == "up" then if scrollMovingG_2 then scrollMovingG_2 = false end end if button == "left" and state == "down" then local x, y, w, h = scx / 2 - 127.5, scy / 2 - 40, 255, 10 if cursorPosition( scrolB_3, y-5, 10, h+10 ) then scrollMovingB_3 = true else if scrolB_3 <= x then if cursorPosition( x, y-5, 10, h+10 ) then scrollMovingB_3 = true end else if cursorPosition( (x+w)-10, y-5, 10, h+10 ) then scrollMovingB_3 = true end end end elseif button == "left" and state == "up" then if scrollMovingB_3 then scrollMovingB_3 = false end end end end) addEventHandler( "onClientCursorMove", getRootElement( ), function ( _, _, xMove ) if scrollMovingR_1 then scrolR_1 = xMove end if scrollMovingG_2 then scrolG_2 = xMove end if scrollMovingB_3 then scrolB_3 = xMove end end) function click_clan_mark (button, state) if stat_create_clan_mark == true then if button == "left" and state == "down" then if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 - 15, 290, 20) then guiSetText(edit, "") end if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 36, 290, 20) then if name_clan and #name_clan >= 2 and #name_clan <=15 then local Color_1 = getElementData(localPlayer, "ColorRclan") or 255 local Color_2 = getElementData(localPlayer, "ColorGclan") or 255 local Color_3 = getElementData(localPlayer, "ColorBclan") or 255 triggerServerEvent( "createNewClan", localPlayer, name_clan, Color_1, Color_2, Color_3 ) else outputChatBox("#FF0000[GANG]: #FFFFFFNome invalido. O comprimento mínimo do nome é de 2 caracteres, o máximo é de 15 caracteres..", 255, 0, 0, true) end stat_create_clan_mark = false showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_create_clan_mark) guiSetVisible(edit, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 60, 290, 20) then stat_create_clan_mark = false showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_create_clan_mark) guiSetVisible(edit, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, click_clan_mark) function open_wnd_clan_mark () if stat_create_clan_mark == false then stat_create_clan_mark = true showCursor(true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_create_clan_mark) guiSetVisible(edit, true) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", true) else stat_create_clan_mark = false showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_create_clan_mark) guiSetVisible(edit, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end end clans = "" memberName = nil stat_create_clan_upravlenie = false function wnd_create_clan_upravlenie () local rank = getElementData(localPlayer,"factionrank") dxDrawWindow( scx / 2 - 150 , scy / 2 - 155, 300, 330, "Gang : "..clans["Name"].." | Rank : "..clanRankNames[rank]) dxDrawRectangle(scx / 2 - 140,scy / 2 - 125,280,170,tocolor(0,0,0,200)) dxDrawButton( scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 50, 290, 20, "Banir jogador da gang") dxDrawButton( scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 75, 290, 20, "Alterar a classificação do jogador") dxDrawButton( scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 100, 290, 20, "Convidar jogador para a gang") dxDrawButton( scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 125, 142.5, 20, "Definir Spawn") dxDrawButton( scx / 2 + 2.5, scy / 2 + 125, 142.5, 20, "Remover Spawn") dxDrawButton( scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 150, 142.5, 20, "Abandonar a gang") dxDrawButton( scx / 2 + 2.5, scy / 2 + 150, 142.5, 20, "$ Tesouro da gang $") local CRL = getElementData(localPlayer, "ColorR") or standartR local CGL = getElementData(localPlayer, "ColorG") or standartG local CBL = getElementData(localPlayer, "ColorB") or standartB dxUpdateScreenSource( screen ) dxSetRenderTarget( rtsi_player_list_clan,true ) if scrollsi_player_list_clan < 0 then scrollsi_player_list_clan = 0 elseif scrollsi_player_list_clan >= scrollMaxsi_player_list_clan then scrollsi_player_list_clan = scrollMaxsi_player_list_clan end local sy = 0 for k,v in pairs(clans["Members"]) do if k == selectionsi_player_list_clan then yes_cl_w = 280 yes_cl_x = 0 dxDrawRectangle(yes_cl_x,sy-scrollsi_player_list_clan,yes_cl_w,15,tocolor(CRL, CGL, CBL, 255)) else no_cl_w = 270 no_cl_x = 5 dxDrawRectangle(no_cl_x,sy-scrollsi_player_list_clan,no_cl_w,15,tocolor(200, 200, 200, 200)) end dxDrawText("Login : "..v[1],10,sy-scrollsi_player_list_clan - 10,490,sy-scrollsi_player_list_clan+26,tocolor(255,255,255),1,1,"default-bold","left","center") dxDrawText("Rank : "..clanRankNames[v[2]],155,sy-scrollsi_player_list_clan - 10,490,sy-scrollsi_player_list_clan+26,tocolor(255,255,255),1,1,"default-bold","left","center") sy = sy + 16 end dxSetRenderTarget() dxDrawImage( scx / 2 - 140,scy / 2 - 120,280,160,rtsi_player_list_clan) if sy >= 160 then scrollMaxsi_player_list_clan = sy-160 local size = 160/sy*160 end local spy = 0 for k,v in pairs(clans["Members"]) do if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 140,scy / 2 - 120,280,170) then if cursorPosition( scx / 2 - 140,scy / 2 - 120+spy-scrollsi_player_list_clan,280,15) then if getKeyState("mouse1") and not clksi_player_list_clan then selectionsi_player_list_clan = k memberName = v[1] end end end spy = spy + 16 end if getKeyState("mouse1") then clksi_player_list_clan = true else clksi_player_list_clan = false end end stat_set_rank = false edit_rank = guiCreateEdit(scx / 2 - 80, scy / 2 - 205, 160, 20,"Nova classificação (1a5)",false) guiSetVisible(edit_rank, false) function set_rank () dxDrawWindow( scx / 2 - 85 , scy / 2 - 235, 170, 80, "Alterar Classificação") dxDrawButton( scx / 2 - 80, scy / 2 - 180, 160, 20, "Confirmar") end function click_clan_set_rank (button, state) if stat_set_rank == true then if button == "left" and state == "down" then if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 80, scy / 2 - 205, 160, 20) then guiSetText(edit_rank, "") end if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 80, scy / 2 - 180, 160, 20) then if selectionsi_player_list_clan == 1 then outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffVocê não pode mudar a sua classificação.!",255,0,0,true) else local text = guiGetText(edit_rank) if tonumber(text) and tonumber(text) >= 1 and tonumber(text) <= 5 then local rank = tonumber(text) outputChatBox("#32cd32[GANG]: #ffffffVocê alterou com sucesso a classificação do jogador: #32CD32"..memberName.."#ffffff!",0,255,0,true) triggerServerEvent( "setNewClanRank", localPlayer, memberName, rank ) stat_set_rank = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, set_rank) guiSetVisible(edit_rank, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) else outputChatBox("Valor inválido.",255,0,0) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, click_clan_set_rank) function click_clan_upravlenie (button, state) if stat_create_clan_upravlenie == true then if button == "left" and state == "down" then if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 50, 290, 20) then local rank = getElementData(localPlayer,"factionrank") if rank == 6 or rank == 5 then if memberName then if selectionsi_player_list_clan == 1 then outputChatBox("#FF0000[GANG]: #FFFFFFO lider da #FF0000[GANG] #FFFFFFnão pode ser banido", 255, 0, 0, true) else if cc == 5 then outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffVocê não pode se banir, você só pode deixar a facção!",255,255,255) else triggerServerEvent( "kickFromClan", localPlayer, memberName ) outputChatBox("#32cd32[GANG] #ffffffVocê excluiu com sucesso um jogador!",255,255,255,true) end end else outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffNenhum jogador selecionado!",255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffVocê não tem permissão suficiente!",255,255,255,true) end end if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 75, 290, 20) then local rank = getElementData(localPlayer,"factionrank") if rank == 6 or rank == 5 then if memberName then if stat_exit == true then stat_exit = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_exit) end if stat_piglos == true then stat_piglos = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_rpiglos) selectionsi_piglos = 0 end if stat_kazna == true then stat_kazna = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_kazna) guiSetVisible(edit_kazna, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end if stat_set_rank == false then stat_set_rank = true addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, set_rank) guiSetVisible(edit_rank, true) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", true) else stat_set_rank = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, set_rank) guiSetVisible(edit_rank, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end else outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffNenhum jogador selecionado!",255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffVocê não tem permissão suficiente!",255,255,255,true) end end if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 100, 290, 20) then local rank = getElementData(localPlayer,"factionrank") if rank == 6 or rank == 5 then if stat_exit == true then stat_exit = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_exit) end if stat_set_rank == true then stat_set_rank = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, set_rank) guiSetVisible(edit_rank, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end if stat_kazna == true then stat_kazna = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_kazna) guiSetVisible(edit_kazna, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end if stat_piglos == false then stat_piglos = true addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_rpiglos) selectionsi_piglos = 0 else stat_piglos = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_rpiglos) selectionsi_piglos = 0 end else outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffVocê não tem permissão suficiente!",255,255,255,true) end end if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 125, 142.5, 20) then local rank = getElementData(localPlayer,"factionrank") if rank == 6 then outputChatBox("#32cd32[GANG]: #ffffffVocê adicionou um ponto de renacimento para sua facção!!",255,255,255,true) triggerServerEvent("changeClanSpawnPoint",localPlayer,true) else outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffVocê não tem permissão suficiente!",255,255,255,true) end end if cursorPosition(scx / 2 + 2.5, scy / 2 + 125, 142.5, 20) then local rank = getElementData(localPlayer,"factionrank") if rank == 6 then triggerServerEvent("changeClanSpawnPoint",localPlayer,false) outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffVocê removeu o ponto de renacimento de sua facção!!",255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffVocê não tem permissão suficiente!",255,255,255,true) end end if cursorPosition(scx / 2 + 2.5, scy / 2 + 150, 142.5, 20) then if stat_exit == true then stat_exit = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_exit) end if stat_set_rank == true then stat_set_rank = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, set_rank) guiSetVisible(edit_rank, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end if stat_piglos == true then stat_piglos = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_rpiglos) selectionsi_piglos = 0 end if stat_kazna == false then stat_kazna = true addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_kazna) guiSetVisible(edit_kazna, true) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", true) else stat_kazna = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_kazna) guiSetVisible(edit_kazna, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end end if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 + 150, 142.5, 20) then if stat_exit == false then stat_exit = true addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_exit) else stat_exit = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_exit) end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, click_clan_upravlenie) stat_exit = false function wnd_exit () dxDrawWindow( scx / 2 - 150 , scy / 2 - 235, 300, 80, "Pense bem antes de abandonar, nao tera volta.") dxDrawButtonText(scx / 2 - 150 , scy / 2 - 205, 300, 20, "Tem certeza que voce quer abandonar a gang?\n"..clans["Name"].." ??", 1, 1) dxDrawButton( scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 - 180, 142.5, 20, "Sim, Abandonar") dxDrawButton( scx / 2 + 2.5, scy / 2 - 180, 142.5, 20, "Não, Fechar") end function click_clan_exit(button, state) if stat_exit == true then if button == "left" and state == "down" then if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 145, scy / 2 - 180, 142.5, 20) then triggerServerEvent( "leaveClan", localPlayer) stat_exit = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_exit) outputChatBox("Você deixou o clã com sucesso",0,255,0) stat_create_clan_upravlenie = false showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_create_clan_upravlenie) memberName = nil selectionsi_player_list_clan = 0 if stat_set_rank == true then stat_set_rank = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, set_rank) guiSetVisible(edit_rank, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end if stat_piglos == true then stat_piglos = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_rpiglos) selectionsi_piglos = 0 end if stat_kazna == true then stat_kazna = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_kazna) guiSetVisible(edit_kazna, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end end if cursorPosition(scx / 2 + 2.5, scy / 2 - 180, 142.5, 20) then stat_exit = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_exit) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, click_clan_exit) stat_kazna = false edit_kazna = guiCreateEdit(scx / 2 - 100, scy / 2 - 205, 198.5, 20,"0",false) guiSetVisible(edit_kazna, false) function wnd_kazna () dxDrawWindow( scx / 2 - 102.5 , scy / 2 - 235, 205, 80, "Tesouro do clã : "..clans["Cash"]) dxDrawButton( scx / 2 - 98.5, scy / 2 - 180, 95, 20, "Colocar") dxDrawButton( scx / 2 + 2.5 , scy / 2 - 180, 95, 20, "Retirar") end function click_clan_kazna(button, state) if stat_kazna == true then if button == "left" and state == "down" then if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 100, scy / 2 - 205, 198.5, 20) then guiSetText(edit_kazna, "") end if cursorPosition(scx / 2 - 98.5, scy / 2 - 180, 95, 20) then local cashText = guiGetText(edit_kazna) if tonumber(cashText) and tonumber(cashText) <= getPlayerMoney(localPlayer) then if ( string.find ( tonumber(cashText), '-' ) ) then outputChatBox("Valor errado",255,0,0) else triggerServerEvent( "changeClanCash", localPlayer, "give", tonumber(cashText) ) stat_create_clan_upravlenie = false showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_create_clan_upravlenie) memberName = nil selectionsi_player_list_clan = 0 if stat_set_rank == true then stat_set_rank = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, set_rank) guiSetVisible(edit_rank, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end if stat_piglos == true then stat_piglos = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_rpiglos) selectionsi_piglos = 0 end if stat_kazna == true then stat_kazna = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_kazna) guiSetVisible(edit_kazna, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end end end end if cursorPosition(scx / 2 + 2.5 , scy / 2 - 180, 95, 20) then local rank = getElementData(localPlayer,"factionrank") if rank == 6 or rank == 5 then local cashText = guiGetText(edit_kazna) if tonumber(cashText) and tonumber(cashText) <= clans["Cash"] then if ( string.find ( tonumber(cashText), '-' ) ) then outputChatBox("Valor inválido",255,0,0) else triggerServerEvent( "changeClanCash", localPlayer, "take", tonumber(cashText) ) stat_create_clan_upravlenie = false showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_create_clan_upravlenie) memberName = nil selectionsi_player_list_clan = 0 if stat_set_rank == true then stat_set_rank = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, set_rank) guiSetVisible(edit_rank, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end if stat_piglos == true then stat_piglos = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_rpiglos) selectionsi_piglos = 0 end if stat_kazna == true then stat_kazna = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_kazna) guiSetVisible(edit_kazna, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end end else outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffQuantidade inválida!",255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#ff0000[GANG]: #ffffffVocê não tem permissão suficiente!",255,255,255,true) end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, click_clan_kazna) stat_piglos = false function wnd_rpiglos () dxDrawWindow( scx / 2 + 155 , scy / 2 - 155, 200, 235, "Lista de jogadores") dxDrawButton( scx / 2 + 160, scy / 2 + 55, 190, 20, "Convidar") dxDrawRectangle(scx / 2 + 160 , scy / 2 - 125,190,175,tocolor(0,0,0,200)) local CRL = getElementData(localPlayer, "ColorR") or standartR local CGL = getElementData(localPlayer, "ColorG") or standartG local CBL = getElementData(localPlayer, "ColorB") or standartB dxUpdateScreenSource( screen ) dxSetRenderTarget( rtsi_piglos,true ) if scrollsi_piglos < 0 then scrollsi_piglos = 0 elseif scrollsi_piglos >= scrollMaxsi_piglos then scrollsi_piglos = scrollMaxsi_piglos end local sy = 0 for k,player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if not getElementData(player,"faction") then if k == selectionsi_piglos then yes_cl_w = 190 yes_cl_x = 0 dxDrawRectangle(yes_cl_x,sy-scrollsi_piglos,yes_cl_w,15,tocolor(CRL, CGL, CBL, 255)) else no_cl_w = 180 no_cl_x = 5 dxDrawRectangle(no_cl_x,sy-scrollsi_piglos,no_cl_w,15,tocolor(200, 200, 200, 200)) end local nick = getPlayerName(player) dxDrawText(string.gsub( nick, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "", 1 ),0,sy-scrollsi_piglos - 10,190,sy-scrollsi_piglos+26,tocolor(255,255,255),1,1,"default-bold","center","center") sy = sy + 16 end end dxSetRenderTarget() dxDrawImage(scx / 2 + 160, scy / 2 - 120,190,170,rtsi_piglos) if sy >= 170 then scrollMaxsi_piglos = sy-170 local size = 170/sy*170 end local spy = 0 for k,player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if not getElementData(player,"faction") then if cursorPosition(scx / 2 + 160, scy / 2 - 120,190,170) then if cursorPosition(scx / 2 + 160, scy / 2 - 120+spy-scrollsi_piglos,190,15) then if getKeyState("mouse1") and not clksi_piglos then if k == 1 then outputChatBox("você não pode se convidar") else selectionsi_piglos = k igrok = player end end end end spy = spy + 16 end end if getKeyState("mouse1") then clksi_piglos = true else clksi_piglos = false end end function click_clan_invite (button, state) if stat_piglos == true then if button == "left" and state == "down" then if cursorPosition(scx / 2 + 160, scy / 2 + 55, 190, 20) then if selectionsi_piglos == 0 then outputChatBox("Você não selecionou um jogador",255,0,0) else triggerServerEvent( "inviteToClan", localPlayer, igrok ) outputChatBox("Convite para o jogador enviado com sucesso",0,255,0) selectionsi_piglos = 0 end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, click_clan_invite) addEventHandler("onClientKey",root,function(key,presi_piglos) if presi_piglos then if not stat_piglos then return end if key == "mouse_wheel_down" then scrollsi_piglos = scrollsi_piglos + 12 elseif key == "mouse_wheel_up" then scrollsi_piglos = scrollsi_piglos - 12 end end end) addEventHandler("onClientKey",root,function(key,presi_player_list_clan) if presi_player_list_clan then if not stat_create_clan_upravlenie then return end if key == "mouse_wheel_down" then scrollsi_player_list_clan = scrollsi_player_list_clan + 12 elseif key == "mouse_wheel_up" then scrollsi_player_list_clan = scrollsi_player_list_clan - 12 end end end) function open_wnd_clan_upravlenie (clan) clans = clan if stat_create_clan_upravlenie == false then stat_create_clan_upravlenie = true showCursor(true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_create_clan_upravlenie) memberName = nil selectionsi_player_list_clan = 0 else stat_create_clan_upravlenie = false showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_create_clan_upravlenie) memberName = nil selectionsi_player_list_clan = 0 if stat_set_rank == true then stat_set_rank = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, set_rank) guiSetVisible(edit_rank, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end if stat_piglos == true then stat_piglos = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_rpiglos) selectionsi_piglos = 0 end if stat_kazna == true then stat_kazna = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_kazna) guiSetVisible(edit_kazna, false) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing", false) end if stat_exit == true then stat_exit = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, wnd_exit) end end end addEvent( "openClanWindow", true ) addEventHandler("openClanWindow", root, open_wnd_clan_upravlenie) function bindd_wnd_clan_upravlenie () if not getElementData(localPlayer,"faction") then outputChatBox("#FF0000[ACESSO-NEGAGO]: #FFFFFFPara acessar esse painel, voce precisa estar em uma #FF0000[GANG]", 255, 0, 0, true) else triggerServerEvent("openClanWindowS", localPlayer) end end bindKey("F7","down",bindd_wnd_clan_upravlenie) local inviteWindow = nil function clanInvitation(clan) if not isElement(inviteWindow) then inviteWindow = guiCreateWindow(0.35,0.4,0.25,0.1,"Convite para gang",true,inviteWindow) local btnClose = guiCreateButton(0.1,0.6,0.3,0.3,"Negar",true,inviteWindow) local btnAccept = guiCreateButton(0.6,0.6,0.3,0.3,"Aceitar",true,inviteWindow) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",inviteWindow,function() if source == btnClose then showCursor(false) destroyElement(inviteWindow) elseif source == btnAccept then showCursor(false) destroyElement(inviteWindow) triggerServerEvent( "acceptInvite", localPlayer, clan ) end end) local label = guiCreateLabel(0,0.3,1,0.2,"Você quer se juntar a gang "..clan["Name"],true,inviteWindow) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( label, "center" ) end end addEvent( "clanInvitation", true ) addEventHandler("clanInvitation", root, clanInvitation) Ranknames clanRankNames = { [1] = "Aprendiz", [2] = "Membro", [3] = "Treinador", [4] = "Sub-Comandante", [5] = "Comandante", [6] = "Líder" } please, help me out Link to comment
Pedro001 Posted May 13, 2019 Author Share Posted May 13, 2019 2 minutes ago, Dimos7 said: That is for scoreboard? It's a script for creating gangs, I wanted to show the rank of the player in the gang on the scorebord. the rank names are in the Ranknames file, which is this one clanRankNames = { [1] = "Aprendiz", [2] = "Membro", [3] = "Treinador", [4] = "Sub-Comandante", [5] = "Comandante", [6] = "Líder" } But instead of getting shown "Comandante" on the scoreboard, I get the number 5 shown. I wanted the rank name shown. Link to comment
jakson Posted May 13, 2019 Share Posted May 13, 2019 (edited) show the code in dxscoreboard_exports.lua i think u need to make something like that in it { ["name"] = "Clan Rank", ["width"] = 80, ["friendlyName"] = "Clan Rank", ["priority"] = 3 }, to make it shown in scoreboard Edited May 13, 2019 by jakson Link to comment
Pedro001 Posted May 13, 2019 Author Share Posted May 13, 2019 2 minutes ago, jakson said: show the code in dxscoreboard_exports.lua i think u need to make something like that in it { ["name"] = "Clan Rank", ["width"] = 80, ["friendlyName"] = "Clan Rank", ["priority"] = 3 }, to make it shown in scoreboard dxscoreboard_exports.lua ? I don't get it. Link to comment
jakson Posted May 13, 2019 Share Posted May 13, 2019 1 minute ago, Pedro001 said: dxscoreboard_exports.lua ? I don't get it. are you using the default mta scoreboard? Link to comment
Pedro001 Posted May 13, 2019 Author Share Posted May 13, 2019 (edited) 1 minute ago, jakson said: are you using the default mta scoreboard? No I've got another one, do you need it? MAX_PRIRORITY_SLOT = 500 scoreboardColumns = { { ["name"] = "ID", ["width"] = 20, ["friendlyName"] = "ID", ["priority"] = 1 }, { ["name"] = "name", ["width"] = 200, ["friendlyName"] = "Name", ["priority"] = 2 }, { ["name"] = "fps", ["width"] = 50, ["friendlyName"] = "FPS", ["priority"] = 3 }, --{ ["name"] = "country", ["width"] = 100, ["friendlyName"] = "Country", ["priority"] = MAX_PRIRORITY_SLOT-1 }, { ["name"] = "ping", ["width"] = 30, ["friendlyName"] = "Ping", ["priority"] = MAX_PRIRORITY_SLOT } } resourceColumns = {} function toboolean( bool ) bool = tostring( bool ) if bool == "true" then return true elseif bool == "false" then return false else return nil end end forceShowTeams = toboolean( get( "forceShowTeams" ) ) or false forceHideTeams = toboolean( get( "forceHideTeams" ) ) or false allowColorcodedNames = toboolean( get( "allowColorcodedNames" ) ) or false scrollStep = tonumber( get( "scrollStep" ) ) or 1 local function iif( cond, arg1, arg2 ) if cond then return arg1 end return arg2 end function scoreboardAddColumn( name, forElement, width, friendlyName, priority ) if type( name ) == "string" then width = tonumber( width ) or 70 friendlyName = friendlyName or name priority = tonumber( priority ) or getNextFreePrioritySlot( scoreboardGetColumnPriority( "name" ) ) fixPrioritySlot( priority ) forElement = iif( type( forElement ) == "userdata" and isElement( forElement ), forElement, getRootElement() ) if forElement == getRootElement() then if not (priority > MAX_PRIRORITY_SLOT or priority < 1) then for key, value in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do if name == then return false end end table.insert( scoreboardColumns, { ["name"] = name, ["width"] = width, ["friendlyName"] = friendlyName, ["priority"] = priority } ) table.sort( scoreboardColumns, function ( a, b ) return a.priority < b.priority end ) if sourceResource then if not resourceColumns[sourceResource] then resourceColumns[sourceResource] = {} end table.insert ( resourceColumns[sourceResource], name ) end return triggerClientEvent( getRootElement(), "doScoreboardAddColumn", getRootElement(), name, width, friendlyName, priority, sourceResource ) end else return triggerClientEvent( forElement, "doScoreboardAddColumn", getRootElement(), name, width, friendlyName, priority, sourceResource ) end end return false end function scoreboardRemoveColumn( name, forElement ) if type( name ) == "string" then forElement = iif( type( forElement ) == "userdata" and isElement( forElement ), forElement, getRootElement() ) if forElement == getRootElement() then for key, value in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do if name == then table.remove( scoreboardColumns, key ) for resource, content in pairs( resourceColumns ) do table.removevalue( content, name ) end return triggerClientEvent( getRootElement(), "doScoreboardRemoveColumn", getRootElement(), name ) end end else return triggerClientEvent( forElement, "doScoreboardRemoveColumn", getRootElement(), name ) end end return false end function scoreboardClearColumns( forElement ) forElement = iif( type( forElement ) == "userdata" and isElement( forElement ), forElement, getRootElement() ) if forElement == getRootElement() then while ( scoreboardColumns[1] ) do table.remove( scoreboardColumns, 1 ) resourceColumns = {} end return triggerClientEvent( getRootElement(), "doScoreboardClearColumns", getRootElement() ) else return triggerClientEvent( forElement, "doScoreboardClearColumns", getRootElement() ) end end function scoreboardResetColumns( forElement ) forElement = iif( type( forElement ) == "userdata" and isElement( forElement ), forElement, getRootElement() ) if forElement == getRootElement() then while ( scoreboardColumns[1] ) do table.remove( scoreboardColumns, 1 ) resourceColumns = {} end local result = triggerClientEvent( getRootElement(), "doScoreboardResetColumns", getRootElement() ) if result then scoreboardAddColumn( "name", 200, "Name" ) scoreboardAddColumn( "ping", 40, "Ping" ) end return result else return triggerClientEvent( forElement, "doScoreboardResetColumns", getRootElement(), false ) end end function scoreboardSetForced( forced, forElement ) if type( forced ) == "boolean" then forElement = iif( type( forElement ) == "userdata" and isElement( forElement ), forElement, getRootElement() ) return triggerClientEvent( forElement, "doScoreboardSetForced", getRootElement(), forced ) else return false end end function scoreboardSetSortBy( name, desc, forElement ) if type( name ) == "string" or name == nil then if name == nil then forElement = iif( type( desc ) == "userdata" and isElement( desc ), desc, getRootElement() ) else forElement = iif( type( forElement ) == "userdata" and isElement( forElement ), forElement, getRootElement() ) end desc = iif( type( desc ) == "boolean", desc, true ) return triggerClientEvent( forElement, "doScoreboardSetSortBy", getRootElement(), name, desc ) else return false end end function scoreboardGetColumnPriority( name ) if type( name ) == "string" then for key, value in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do if name == then return value.priority end end end return false end function scoreboardSetColumnPriority( name, priority, forElement ) if type( name ) == "string" and type( priority ) == "number" then if not (priority > MAX_PRIRORITY_SLOT or priority < 1) then forElement = iif( type( forElement ) == "userdata" and isElement( forElement ), forElement, getRootElement() ) if forElement == getRootElement() then local columnIndex = false for key, value in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do if name == then columnIndex = key end end if columnIndex then scoreboardColumns[columnIndex].priority = -1 -- To empty out the current priority fixPrioritySlot( priority ) scoreboardColumns[columnIndex].priority = priority table.sort( scoreboardColumns, function ( a, b ) return a.priority < b.priority end ) return triggerClientEvent( forElement, "doScoreboardSetColumnPriority", getRootElement(), name, priority ) end else return triggerClientEvent( forElement, "doScoreboardSetColumnPriority", getRootElement(), name, priority ) end end end return false end function scoreboardForceTeamsVisible( enabled ) if type( enabled ) == "boolean" then forceShowTeams = enabled return true end return false end function scoreboardForceTeamsHidden( enabled ) if type( enabled ) == "boolean" then forceHideTeams = enabled return true end return false end function scoreboardGetColumnCount() return #scoreboardColumns end function onClientDXScoreboardResourceStart() for key, column in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do triggerClientEvent( client, "doScoreboardAddColumn", getRootElement(),, column.width, column.friendlyName, column.priority ) end end addEvent( "onClientDXScoreboardResourceStart", true ) addEventHandler( "onClientDXScoreboardResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), onClientDXScoreboardResourceStart ) function requestServerInfoHandler() local mapmanager = getResourceFromName( "mapmanager" ) local output = {} output.forceshowteams = forceShowTeams output.forcehideteams = forceHideTeams output.allowcolorcodes = allowColorcodedNames output.scrollStep = scrollStep output.server = getServerName() output.players = getMaxPlayers() output.gamemode = false = false if mapmanager and getResourceState( mapmanager ) == "running" then local gamemode = exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemode() if gamemode then output.gamemode = getResourceInfo( gamemode, "name" ) or getResourceName( gamemode ) end local map = exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap() if map then = getResourceInfo( map, "name" ) or getResourceName( map ) end end triggerClientEvent( source, "sendServerInfo", getRootElement(), output ) end addEvent( "requestServerInfo", true ) addEventHandler( "requestServerInfo", getRootElement(), requestServerInfoHandler ) function removeResourceScoreboardColumns( resource ) if resourceColumns[resource] then while resourceColumns[resource][1] do local success = scoreboardRemoveColumn( resourceColumns[resource][1], getRootElement() ) if not success then break end end resourceColumns[resource] = nil end end addEventHandler( "onResourceStop", getRootElement(), removeResourceScoreboardColumns ) -- Compability addScoreboardColumn = function( name, forElement, position, size ) if type( size ) == "number" and size >= 0 and size <= 1.0 then size = size*700 end return scoreboardAddColumn( name, forElement, size, name, position ) end removeScoreboardColumn = scoreboardRemoveColumn resetScoreboardColumns = scoreboardResetColumns setPlayerScoreboardForced = function( forElement, forced ) return scoreboardSetForced( forced, forElement ) end --[[function onPlayerJoinToServer() if source then findIDForPlayer(source) local country = call(getResourceFromName("admin"),"getPlayerCountry",source) if country then setElementData(source,"country",country) else setElementData(source,"country","?") end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),onPlayerJoinToServer)]]-- function findIDForPlayer(thePlayer) if thePlayer and not getElementData(thePlayer,"ID") then local i = 0 local players = getElementsByType("player") repeat local foundID = false i = i + 1 for _,player in pairs(players) do if player ~= thePlayer then local playerID = tonumber(getElementData(player,"ID")) if playerID == i then foundID = true break end end end until not foundID setElementData(thePlayer,"ID",i) end end --[[function onServerIDStart() for i,thePlayer in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do findIDForPlayer(thePlayer) local country = call(getResourceFromName("admin"),"getPlayerCountry",source) if country then setElementData(source,"country",country) else setElementData(source,"country","?") end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,onServerIDStart) ]]--- Edited May 13, 2019 by Pedro001 Link to comment
jakson Posted May 13, 2019 Share Posted May 13, 2019 1 minute ago, Pedro001 said: No I've got another one, do you need it? give me ur discord account and i will try to help u Link to comment
Dimos7 Posted May 13, 2019 Share Posted May 13, 2019 (edited) clanRankNames = { [1] = "Aprediaz", [2] = "Membro", [3] = "Treinador", [4] = "Sub-Comandante", [5] = "Comandante", [6] = "Lider", } exports["scoreboard"]:scoreboardAddColumn("Clan Rank", root, 80,"Clan Rank", 5) function startHandler() for _, v in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do for i =1,6 do if not clanRankNames[i] then clanRankNames[i] = v setElementData(v, "Clan Rank", i) break end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, startHandler) function loginHandler() for i = 1, 6 do if not clanRankNames[i] then clanRankNames[i] = source setElementData(source, "Clan Rank", i) break end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, loginHandler) Edited May 13, 2019 by Dimos7 Link to comment
Pedro001 Posted May 14, 2019 Author Share Posted May 14, 2019 1 hour ago, Dimos7 said: clanRankNames = { [1] = "Aprediaz", [2] = "Membro", [3] = "Treinador", [4] = "Sub-Comandante", [5] = "Comandante", [6] = "Lider", } exports["scoreboard"]:scoreboardAddColumn("Clan Rank", root, 80,"Clan Rank", 5) function startHandler() for _, v in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do for i =1,6 do if not clanRankNames[i] then clanRankNames[i] = v setElementData(v, "Clan Rank", i) break end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, startHandler) function loginHandler() for i = 1, 6 do if not clanRankNames[i] then clanRankNames[i] = source setElementData(source, "Clan Rank", i) break end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, loginHandler) Hii. I tried this one, but now it shows nothing, it stays blank. Link to comment
Dimos7 Posted May 14, 2019 Share Posted May 14, 2019 (edited) Any errors or warnings in /debugscipt 3? clanRankNames = { [1] = "Aprediaz", [2] = "Membro", [3] = "Treinador", [4] = "Sub-Comandante", [5] = "Comandante", [6] = "Lider", } exports["scoreboard"]:scoreboardAddColumn("clanRank", root, 80,"clanRank", 5) function startHandler() for _, v in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do for #clanRankNames do for i =1,6 do if not clanRankNames[i] then clanRankNames[i] = v setElementData(v, "clanRank", i) break end end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, startHandler) function loginHandler() for #clanRankNames do for i = 1, 6 do if not clanRankNames[i] then clanRankNames[i] = source setElementData(source, "clanRank", i) break end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, loginHandler) Edited May 14, 2019 by Dimos7 Link to comment
Pedro001 Posted May 14, 2019 Author Share Posted May 14, 2019 18 minutes ago, Dimos7 said: Any errors or warnings in /debugscipt 3? clanRankNames = { [1] = "Aprediaz", [2] = "Membro", [3] = "Treinador", [4] = "Sub-Comandante", [5] = "Comandante", [6] = "Lider", } exports["scoreboard"]:scoreboardAddColumn("clanRank", root, 80,"clanRank", 5) function startHandler() for _, v in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do for #clanRankNames do for i =1,6 do if not clanRankNames[i] then clanRankNames[i] = v setElementData(v, "clanRank", i) break end end end endend addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, startHandler) function loginHandler() for #clanRankNames do for i = 1, 6 do if not clanRankNames[i] then clanRankNames[i] = source setElementData(source, "clanRank", i) break end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, loginHandler) '<name>' expected near '#' on line 13 attempt to index global 'clanRankNames' (a nil value) on line 161 Link to comment
justn Posted May 14, 2019 Share Posted May 14, 2019 (edited) function setFactionOnLogin() local faction, player_rank = getPlayerFaction(source) local data = getFactionData(faction) if faction and player_rank then for rank,kk in pairs(clanRankNames) do if ( rank == player_rank ) then local GangRank = clanRankNames[rank] setElementData(source,"faction",faction) setElementData(source,"GangRank",GangRank) if getTeamFromName (faction) then setPlayerTeam(source,getTeamFromName (faction)) else local team = createTeam(faction,unpack(data["Color"])) setPlayerTeam(source,team) end local oldName = getPlayerName(source) local newName = "["..faction.."]"..oldName setPlayerName(source, newName ) if data["X"] ~= 0 and data["Y"] ~= 0 and data["Z"] ~= 0 then setElementPosition(source,data["X"],data["Y"],data["Z"]+0.2) end break end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,setFactionOnLogin) function setFactionOnStart() exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn("GangRank") for i, v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) if not isGuestAccount (acc) then local faction, player_rank = getPlayerFaction(v) local data = getFactionData(faction) if faction and player_rank then for rank,kk in pairs(clanRankNames) do if ( rank == player_rank ) then local GangRank = clanRankNames[rank] setElementData(v,"faction",faction) setElementData(v,"GangRank",GangRank) if getTeamFromName (faction) then setPlayerTeam(v,getTeamFromName (faction)) else local team = createTeam(faction,unpack(data["Color"])) setPlayerTeam(v,team) end local oldName = getPlayerName(v) local newName = "["..faction.."]"..oldName setPlayerName(v, newName ) if data["X"] ~= 0 and data["Y"] ~= 0 and data["Z"] ~= 0 then setElementPosition(v,data["X"],data["Y"],data["Z"]+0.2) end break end end end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,setFactionOnStart) Edited May 14, 2019 by Shux Small correction! 1 Link to comment
Pedro001 Posted May 14, 2019 Author Share Posted May 14, 2019 4 minutes ago, Shux said: function setFactionOnLogin() local faction, player_rank = getPlayerFaction(source) local data = getFactionData(faction) if faction and rank then for rank,kk in pairs(clanRankNames) do if ( rank == player_rank ) then local GangRank = clanRankNames[rank] setElementData(source,"faction",faction) setElementData(source,"GangRank",GangRank) if getTeamFromName (faction) then setPlayerTeam(source,getTeamFromName (faction)) else local team = createTeam(faction,unpack(data["Color"])) setPlayerTeam(source,team) end local oldName = getPlayerName(source) local newName = "["..faction.."]"..oldName setPlayerName(source, newName ) if data["X"] ~= 0 and data["Y"] ~= 0 and data["Z"] ~= 0 then setElementPosition(source,data["X"],data["Y"],data["Z"]+0.2) end break end end endendaddEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,setFactionOnLogin)function setFactionOnStart() exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn("GangRank") for i, v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) if not isGuestAccount (acc) then local faction, player_rank = getPlayerFaction(v) local data = getFactionData(faction) if faction and rank then for rank,kk in pairs(clanRankNames) do if ( rank == player_rank ) then local GangRank = clanRankNames[rank] setElementData(v,"faction",faction) setElementData(v,"GangRank",GangRank) if getTeamFromName (faction) then setPlayerTeam(v,getTeamFromName (faction)) else local team = createTeam(faction,unpack(data["Color"])) setPlayerTeam(v,team) end local oldName = getPlayerName(v) local newName = "["..faction.."]"..oldName setPlayerName(v, newName ) if data["X"] ~= 0 and data["Y"] ~= 0 and data["Z"] ~= 0 then setElementPosition(v,data["X"],data["Y"],data["Z"]+0.2) end break end end end end endendaddEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,setFactionOnStart) Thank you for responding. but where do I put this? 4 minutes ago, Pedro001 said: Thank you for responding. but where do I put this? I guess I found it, But I still get the number on the scoreboard. Is it really possible to get the name shown instead of the number? I don't wanna bother you guys. Link to comment
justn Posted May 14, 2019 Share Posted May 14, 2019 (edited) Use that as a replacement of the code in your server file where your 'onPlayerLogin' and 'onResourceStart' events triggers Edited May 14, 2019 by Shux 1 Link to comment
Pedro001 Posted May 14, 2019 Author Share Posted May 14, 2019 8 minutes ago, Shux said: Use that as a replacement of the code in your server file where your 'onPlayerLogin' and 'onResourceStart' events triggers I did it, I don't get eny errors, but nothing is shown on the scoreboard though. Link to comment
justn Posted May 14, 2019 Share Posted May 14, 2019 2 minutes ago, Pedro001 said: I did it, I don't get eny errors, but nothing is shown on the scoreboard though. Oops! Forgot to replace something that I changed in your code leading to me checking a variable that didn't exist. I edited my code, try it now. 1 Link to comment
Pedro001 Posted May 14, 2019 Author Share Posted May 14, 2019 21 minutes ago, Shux said: Oops! Forgot to replace something that I changed in your code leading to me checking a variable that didn't exist. I edited my code, try it now. MAAAAAAAAAN! I WORKED!!! Thank you sooo much! I was almost giving it up! Thank you very much for that!! I really appreciate it! 1 Link to comment
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