br99pedro Posted May 3, 2019 Share Posted May 3, 2019 Hi, I'm having some problems and I'm having a hard time resolving them. This is the .log ================================================================== = Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.5.6 [64 bit] ================================================================== = Server name : Default MTA Server = Server IP address: auto = Server port : 22003 = = Log file : ..o_linux_x64/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log = Maximum players : 32 = HTTP port : 22005 = Voice Chat : Disabled = Bandwidth saving : Medium ================================================================== [19-05-03 19:18:26] Resources: 200 loaded, 0 failed [19-05-03 19:18:27] MODULE: Loaded "MySQL 5.0 database module" (0.50) by "Alberto Alonso <[email protected]>" [19-05-03 19:18:27] Starting resources... [19-05-03 19:18:27] Server minclientversion is now 1.5.6-9.16588.0 [19-05-03 19:18:27] INFO: MAPMANAGER: Some important ACL permissions are missing. To ensure the correct functioning of Mapmanager, please write: aclrequest allow mapmanager all [19-05-03 19:18:28] Successfully connect to MySQL server! [19-05-03 19:18:28] ERROR: dayzmode/lib/team/s_team.lua:1: call: failed to call 'dayzconnect:MySQL' [string "?"] [19-05-03 19:18:28] ERROR: dayzmode/lib/system/player.lua:1: call: failed to call 'dayzconnect:MySQL' [string "?"] [19-05-03 19:18:28] ERROR: dayzmode/lib/system/player.lua:221: attempt to index local 'mysql' (a boolean value) [19-05-03 19:18:36] Gamemode 'dayzconnect' started. [19-05-03 19:18:36] Querying MTA master server... success! (Auto detected IP: [19-05-03 19:18:36] Authorized serial account protection is enabled for the ACL group(s): `Admin` See [19-05-03 19:18:36] WARNING: <owner_email_address> not set [19-05-03 19:18:36] Server started and is ready to accept connections! [19-05-03 19:18:36] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C [19-05-03 19:18:36] Type 'help' for a list of commands. [19-05-03 19:18:55] Server stopped! [19-05-03 19:18:55] Stopping resources............................ [19-05-03 19:18:55] MODULE: Unloaded "MySQL 5.0 database module" (0.50) by "Alberto Alonso <[email protected]>" [19-05-03 19:18:55] Closing SQLite3 database This is the s_team.lua local mysql = exports.dayzconnect:MySQL() local function getDBTeam(name,host) local query = mysql.query('SELECT * FROM `teams` WHERE `name` = ?',name) if query then if query[1] then if host then outputDebugString(123) return false end return query[1] else mysql.exec('INSERT INTO `teams` (`name`,`host`) VALUES (?,?)',name,host) return getDBTeam(name) end end end local language = { ['createteam'] = {'Created team: ','Создан клан: '}, ['moreinfo'] = {'More info: ','Больше информации: '}, ['doesnotnewteam'] = {'The team with the same name is already registered!','Команда с таким именем уже зарегистрирована!'}, ['ansinviteteam'] = {'Write the chat /yes or /no to accept or refuse an invitation','Напишите в чат /yes или /no чтобы принять или отклонить приглашение'}, ['sendinviteonlyhost'] = {'Send an invitation can only be a team leader!','Отправлять приглашения может только лидер команды!'}, ['playeralreadyteam'] = {'The player is already a member of another team! He must leave her to get an invitation.','Игрок уже состоит в другой команде! Ему необходимо покинуть её, чтобы получить приглашение.'}, ['writebadname'] = {'The name is entered incorrectly!','Имя введено неверно!'}, ['nocreateteambecauseonteam'] = {'You are already a member of a team!','Вы уже состоите в команде!'}, ['leaveteam'] = {'You left the team: ','Вы покинули команду: '}, ['addmode'] = {'Added a new chat mode: team','Добавлен новый режим чата: team'}, ['usemode'] = {'Use Ctrl, to switch the chat mode','Используйте Ctrl, чтобы переключать режимы чата'}, ['usecmd'] = {'Use commands:','Используйте команды:'}, ['info1'] = {'/addplayer PLAYER_NAME [add a player to the team]','/addplayer ИМЯ_ИГРОКА [добавить игрока в команду]'}, ['info2'] = {'/leaveteam [leave team]','/leaveteam [покинуть команду]'}, } local function LANGUAGE(player,name) local lan = language[name] if lan then return lan[player:getData('options',false).language] or lan[1] end return name end local function isPlayerHostOfTeam(player,team) local team = getRegTeam(name) return player:getSerial() == end local function setTeam(player,set) local oldTeam = player:getData('team') player:setData('team',set) player:setData('inviteteam',nil) if set then outputChat(player,LANGUAGE(player,'addmode'),'orange') outputChat(player,LANGUAGE(player,'usemode'),'orange') outputChat(player,LANGUAGE(player,'moreinfo')..'/infoteam','orange') elseif oldTeam then outputChat(player,LANGUAGE(player,'leaveteam')..oldTeam,'orange') end end local function newTeam(host,name) if host:getData('team') then outputChat(host,LANGUAGE(host,'nocreateteambecauseonteam'),'red') else local team = getDBTeam(name,host:getSerial()) if not team then outputChat(host,LANGUAGE(host,'doesnotnewteam'),'red') else outputChat(host,LANGUAGE(host,'createteam'),'orange') setTeam(host,name) end end end local function invitePlayerTeam(host,inviteName) local team = host:getData('team') local player = getPlayerFromName(inviteName) if player then if player:getData('team') then outputChat(host,LANGUAGE(host,'playeralreadyteam'),'red') else player:setData('inviteteam',team) outputChat(player,LANGUAGE(player,'ansinviteteam'),'orange') end else outputChat(host,LANGUAGE(host,'writebadname'),'red') end end local function infoTeam(player) outputChat(player,LANGUAGE(player,'usecmd'),'orange') outputChat(player,LANGUAGE(player,'info1'),'orange') outputChat(player,LANGUAGE(player,'info2'),'orange') end function teamCommand(player,cmd,comment) if cmd == 'createteam' then if #comment > 2 and #comment < 32 then return newTeam(player,comment) end elseif (cmd == 'yes' or cmd == 'no') and player:getData('inviteteam') then return setTeam(player,(cmd == 'yes' and player:getData('inviteteam'))) elseif cmd == 'addplayer' then return invitePlayerTeam(player,comment) elseif cmd == 'leaveteam' then return setTeam(player) elseif cmd == 'infoteam' then return infoTeam(player) end end This is the player.lua local mysql = exports.dayzconnect:MySQL() local function dbAccount(player,a) local a = a or {} local dbtype = mysql.server.type local serial = player:getSerial() local query,result = mysql.query('SELECT `serial` FROM '..dbtype..' WHERE `serial` = ?',serial) if query then if result > 0 then return (a.check and mysql.query('SELECT `serial` FROM '..dbtype..' WHERE `serial` = ?',serial)[1]) or true elseif a.create and mysql.exec('INSERT INTO '..dbtype..' (`name`,`serial`,`ip`) VALUES (?,?,?)',player:getName(),serial,player:getIP()) then return false end end end local defaultData = { ['blood'] = 5000, ['thirst'] = 80, ['hunger'] = 75, ['hands'] = false, ['pain'] = false, ['fracture'] = false, ['temperature'] = 36.6, ['damp'] = 0, ['bleeding'] = {0}, } local dataSave = { ['options']=true, ['face']=true, ['team']=true, ['coins']=true, ['spawnclothes']=true, } for name,_ in pairs(defaultData) do dataSave[name] = true end local function dbBackup() local backupPass = '%DayZ+iPanda=Love%' return Account('backup',backupPass) or addAccount('backup',backupPass) end local function setItem(item,source) if item then = nil if source then = tostring(source)..tostring(item) end if type(item.o) == 'table' then local sx,sy = itemSize(item) for n=1,sx*sy do if item.o[n] then item.o[n].id = nil if source then item.o[n].id = tostring(source)..tostring(item.o[n]) end if itemType(item.o[n].n) == 'cont' and type(item.o) == 'table' then local sx,sy = itemSize(item.o[n]) for n2=1,sx*sy do if item.o[n].o[n2] then item.o[n].o[n2].id = nil if source then item.o[n].o[n2].id = tostring(source)..tostring(item.o[n].o[n2]) end else if source then item.o[n].o[n2] = nil else item.o[n].o[n2] = false end end end end else if source then item.o[n] = nil else item.o[n] = false end end end end else item = false end return item end local function playerDefault(player) local playerpoints = getElementsByType('playerpoints') local x,y,z = getElementPosition(playerpoints[math.random(#playerpoints)]) player:spawn(x,y,z+0.1,math.random(360),0,0) for data,value in pairs(defaultData) do player:setData(data,value) end local inventory = resetClothes(player,player:getData('spawnclothes')) for i,item in ipairs(inventory) do player:setData(itemType(item.n),item) if type(item.o) == 'table' then table.insert(inventory[i].o,{n='battery',c=1,id=tostring(player)..'battery'}) table.insert(inventory[i].o,{n='wpn422flash',c=1,id=tostring(player)..'wpn422flash'}) end end player:setData('inventory',inventory) player:setData('pockets',{}) player:fadeCamera(true,4) local avatar = player:getData('avatar') if avatar and isElement(avatar) then avatar:setData('face',player:getData('face')) end end local function saveAccount(player) if player:getData('logedin') then player:setAnimation() player:setData('giveplayer',false) if player:isDead() then playerDefault(player) end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) if player:isInWater() then z = math.max(z,0)+10 end local pos = toJSON({math.round(100,x,y,z,getPedRotation(player))}) local data = {} for name,value in pairs(player:getAllData()) do if dataSave[name] then if name == 'hands' and value then value = setItem(value) end data[name] = value end end local data = toJSON(data) local inventory = {} for i,item in ipairs(player:getData('inventory')) do inventory[i] = setItem(item) end local inventory = toJSON(inventory) dbAccount(player,{create=true}) mysql.exec( 'UPDATE '..mysql.server.type..' SET `name` = ?, `ip` = ?, `pos` = ?, `data` = ?, `inventory` = ? WHERE `serial` = ?', player:getName(),player:getIP(),pos,data,inventory,player:getSerial() ) end end local function playerLogin(player,accData) local x,y,z,rot = unpack(fromJSON(accData.pos)) setElementPosition(player,x,y,z+0.1) setPedRotation(player,rot) player:setCameraTarget(player) player:fadeCamera(true,4) end local function playerSpawn(player) playerDefault(player) player:setCameraTarget(player) saveAccount(player) end addEvent('Spawn',true) addEventHandler('Spawn',root,playerSpawn) local function playerWasted(ammo,attacker,weapon,bodypart) source:fadeCamera(false,0) triggerClientEvent(source,'setBlackScreen',source,'You are dead') local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) source:removeFromVehicle() if not source:isInWater() then local ped = Ped(source:getModel(),x,y,z,getPedRotation(source)) ped:removeClothes(0) ped:removeClothes(2) ped:removeClothes(3) ped:setData('face',source:getData('face')) local hands = source:getData('hands') if hands then triggerEvent('createItem',ped,hands) end local loot = {} for i,item in ipairs(source:getData('inventory')) do loot[i] = setItem(item,ped) source:setData(itemType(item.n),false) ped:setData(itemType(item.n),item) end local data = { loot = loot, } ped:setData('data',data) ped:kill() end source:setPosition(6000,6000,0) --playerSpawn(source) end addEventHandler('onPlayerWasted',root,playerWasted) local function destroyAvatar(player) local avatar = player:getData('avatar') if avatar and isElement(avatar) then avatar:destroy() end end local function createAvatar(player) destroyAvatar(player) local ped = Ped(0,6000,6000,10) ped:setFrozen(true) ped:removeClothes(0) ped:removeClothes(2) ped:removeClothes(3) ped:setData('face',player:getData('face')) ped:setData('noattach',true) player:setData('avatar',ped) end addEventHandler('onPlayerQuit',root,function() saveAccount(source) destroyAvatar(source) end) function mysql.destroy() mysql.connect:destroy() mysql.connect = nil outputServerLog('Destroy connect to MySQL server!') end addEventHandler('onResourceStop',resourceRoot,function() setGameSpeed(0.1) for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do if player:getData('logedin') then saveAccount(player) player:setFrozen(true) end end mysql.destroy() local backup = dbBackup() saveVehicles(backup) saveTents(backup) end) addEventHandler('onResourceStart',resourceRoot,function() for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do if player:getData('logedin') then createAvatar(player) end player:setFrozen(false) end local backup = dbBackup() if backup then if backup:getData('vehicles') then for _,data in ipairs(fromJSON(backup:getData('vehicles'))) do local vehpart = {} local vehdoor = {} for i=0,5 do vehpart[i] = data.vehpart[i+1] vehdoor[i] = data.vehdoor[i+1] end data.vehpart = vehpart data.vehdoor = vehdoor createVeh(data) end end if backup:getData('tents') then for _,data in ipairs(fromJSON(backup:getData('tents'))) do createTent(data) end end end end) --[[ addEventHandler('onPlayerLogin',root,function() -- if not AdminSerial[source:getSerial()] then -- return cancelEvent(true) -- end end) --]] addEventHandler('onPlayerStealthKill',root,function()cancelEvent()end) addEventHandler('onPlayerChangeNick',root,function()cancelEvent()end) addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin',root,function() for _,stat in ipairs({24,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,160,229,230}) do if stat == 69 or stat == 73 or stat == 75 then setPedStat(source,stat,500) else setPedStat(source,stat,999) end end setPedStat(source,23,300) setPedFightingStyle(source,5) for _,control in ipairs({'look_behind','next_weapon','previous_weapon','vehicle_look_behind','vehicle_look_right','vehicle_look_left','radar','action','change_camera'}) do toggleControl(source,control,false) end source:showHudComponent('all',false) source:showHudComponent('crosshair',true) source:setNametagShowing(false) showChat(source,false) source:removeClothes(0) source:removeClothes(2) source:removeClothes(3) local options = { language = 1, vperson = 3, } source:setData('options',options) local inventory,spawnclothes = resetClothes(source) source:setData('spawnclothes',spawnclothes) source:setData('inventory',inventory) source:setData('pockets',{}) source:setData('chatbox',{}) source:setData('coins',0) local db = dbAccount(source,{check=true}) if db then source:setDimension( for name,value in pairs(fromJSON( do if name == 'hands' and value then value = setItem(value,source) end source:setData(name,value) end local inventory = {} for i,item in ipairs(fromJSON(db.inventory)) do inventory[i] = setItem(item,source) end source:setData('inventory',inventory) else for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do if player == source then source:setDimension(i) break end end end for i,admin in ipairs(fromJSON(mysql.server.admin)) do if admin == source:getSerial() then source:setData('admin','admin'..i) end end end) function spawnOrLogin(player) local accData = dbAccount(player,{check=true}) if accData and accData.pos then playerLogin(player,accData) else playerSpawn(player) end createAvatar(player) player:setDimension(0) end That's it, I do not know what else to do. 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JCL Posted May 3, 2019 Share Posted May 3, 2019 this function dayzconnect:MySQL not exported well. Try to start dayzconnect game mode first then start dayzmode resource after. if that not worked , check if the function (dayzconnect:MySQL) exported well in dayzconnect meta.xml. Link to comment
br99pedro Posted May 3, 2019 Author Share Posted May 3, 2019 <meta><download_priority_group>1</download_priority_group><oop>true</oop> <info author='iPanda' type='gamemode'/> <file src='connect.xml'/> <script src='class.lua'/> <script src='whitelist.lua'/> <export function='MySQL'/> <include resource='dayzbase'/> <include resource='dayzcache'/> <include resource='dayzconnect'/> <include resource='dayzedf'/> <include resource='dayzmap'/> <include resource='dayzmode'/> <include resource='dayzshop'/> <include resource='object_preview'/> </meta> This is my meta.xml, seems to be all right Link to comment
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