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A simple server set up tutorial?

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The readme included with the server files was really bog standard and didn't help at all. I changed the name of my server, and player amounts via the notepad file and when I run the server executable it still comes up as 'Untitled MTA server' with 32 players!

I just want to setup a small server so a couple of friends can play in Freeroam mode (preferabbly). But I wouldn't know what do to.

Haven't really found anything useful on here as of yet, but could someone provide me with a bit of help on how to set up a small freeroam server ?

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Server setup doesn't require a genius, just make sure you're editing the right file.

MTA San Andreas\server\mods\race\mtaserver.conf

It's all in there, anything with a # before it is a comment and the server will ignore it when executing the script.

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