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[LF] Hiring a scripter / developer [Highly Paid]

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For a serious upcoming project that will shake the gaming community of MTA, I need a team of scripters. Only the most dedicated and serious people will be taken to the project. 

Private message me on the forums and introduce yourself and from there we shall see.

High rewards awaits the winner. Good luck to everyone and have a blessed day.

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On 11/03/2019 at 12:48, BossmanZ said:

For a serious upcoming project that will shake the gaming community of MTA, I need a team of scripters. Only the most dedicated and serious people will be taken to the project. 

Private message me on the forums and introduce yourself and from there we shall see.

High rewards awaits the winner. Good luck to everyone and have a blessed day.

'winner'. What kind of tournament is this one?

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