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HTTP: Connection flood from ''. Ignoring for 1 min.


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Dear MTA Community, i hope here can someone Help me.


I got the Multigamemode from Sebihunter, theres a Mode DM. I want hear the Map Music, but for that i need Change something in the Configs. He get the Map Music from a HTTP MP3. With from a other Server the IP Works fine.  "" And if i open that URL in my Browser theres no Login Required. But with mine IP is a Login Required "" and i think its because he cant Login, its possible to Disable the Login or how i can fix that issue?.  i hope you understand what i want from you guys xd


while true do 
			local xmlNode = xmlFindChild ( metaXML, "file", i)
			if not xmlNode then
				local copyFile = xmlNodeGetAttribute(xmlNode, "src")
				--Check if the file has been already added to the meta.xml - Some mappers are so stupid to add scripts 2 times which can fail ;)
				local metaLineExists = false
				for i,v in ipairs(temporaryTable) do if v == copyFile then metaLineExists = true end end
				if metaLineExists == false then			
					if ( string.find(copyFile, ".mp3" ) ) then
						gMapMusicDM = true
						fileCopy ( ":"..mapname.."/"..copyFile, ":vitaStream/dm.mp3", true )
						fileCopy ( ":"..mapname.."/"..copyFile, ":vitaMapDM/"..copyFile, true )
						table.insert(gMapFilesDM, copyFile)
						mapNode = xmlCreateChild(mapXML, "file")
						xmlNodeSetAttribute(mapNode, "src", copyFile)
						xmlNodeSetAttribute(mapNode, "download", "false")
						temporaryTable[#temporaryTable+1] = copyFile
				i = i + 1
_playSound = playSound
function playSound( soundPath, looped )
	if looped ~= true then looped = false end
	soundPath = string.gsub(soundPath, "vita%-online%.eu", "sebihunter%.de")
	soundPath = string.gsub(soundPath, "vita%.gamers%-board%.com", "sebihunter%.de")		
--	local sound
--	if string.find(soundPath, "song" ) ) or ( string.find(soundPath, "music" ) ) then
		--triggerEvent ( "onMapSoundReceive",getRootElement(),"http://localhost:22005/vitaStream/dm.mp3")
		if string.find(soundPath, "http") then
			triggerEvent ( "onMapSoundReceive",getRootElement(), soundPath)		
			triggerEvent ( "onMapSoundReceive",getRootElement(),"")
		sound = _playSound( "http://sebihunter.de/serverfiles/race/nothing.wav", true)
		gMapSounds[#gMapSounds+1] = sound	
		return sound
--	else
--		sound = _playSound( soundPath, looped)
--		gMapSounds[#gMapSounds+1] = sound	
--		return sound
--	end
--	return false


Edited by Veo
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Are both servers running the same version with the same mtaserver.conf? The title mentions connection flood - that is related to httpdosthreshold and http_dos_exclude which limit how often an IP can make a request (to prevent denial of service attacks originating from one IP) - but the contents of the post make no mention of it, concentrating on logins; would be helpful if you clarified what exactly is the problem.

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4 minutes ago, Investor said:

Are both servers running the same version with the same mtaserver.conf? The title mentions connection flood - that is related to httpdosthreshold and http_dos_exclude which limit how often an IP can make a request (to prevent denial of service attacks originating from one IP) - but the contents of the post make no mention of it, concentrating on logins; would be helpful if you clarified what exactly is the problem.

i think, the problem is that i need Login on "". 
i need Login there, how its possible to Disable that?

Edited by Veo
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Are they running the same version? I remember a while back MTA included extra protections on HTTP logins requiring an IP associated with an authorized serial, or a httppass being postfixed to a user password.

Disabling login can be done via ACLs if you so wish, but this is a security risk. You may open up the webadmin or HTTP runcode to unauthorized users this way. Adding resource.vitaStream.http in Default ACL rights (with access="true" of course) will open up http://serverip:port/vitaStream/* (including vitaStream/call/functionName which can call exported functions with http="true") to anyone without login.

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Like that "<right name=" resource.vitaStream.http " access="true"></right>" under Default? & thats just inside the vitaStream folder its just a meta.xml.  I want to Disable on "" the Login, with just that dosnt works



EDIT: With " <right name="general.http" access="true"></right>" Works, but if i do that all have Control of the Server

Edited by Veo
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