Ryan2233 Posted February 20, 2019 Share Posted February 20, 2019 Hello. I have a login panel, and a spawn panel. Once the player has logged in/registered, a login panel should show up as soon as the login is successful and when the player dies, the spawn menu should show. But the panel only shows when the player dies, and a black screen when logging in. What do I do? Spoiler local copTeams = { ["Gobierno"] = true, ["Policias"] = true, ["Squads"] = true, ["Navy Seals"] = true, } local immunityToStars = { ["Administradores"] = true, ["Exotic Cars"] = true, ["Navy Seals"] = true, ["Gobierno"] = true, } local immunityToFriendlyFire = { ["Administradores"] = true, ["Emergencias"] = true, ["Policias"] = true, ["Squads"] = true, ["Gobierno"] = true, } local immunityToBlip = { ["Gobierno"] = true, } local specialGroups = { ["Navy Seals"] = true, ["Talibanes"] = true, ["Gobierno"] = true, } local classesNoAccessToHospital = { ["Car Shooter"] = true, ["Alpha Team"] = true, ["Bravo Team"] = true, ["Recruitment Participator"] = true, } local playerCache = {} local pip = 0 setGameType("SALT:RPG") setMapName("San Andreas") -- // Order Teams // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function teamCreation() createTeam("Administradores", 0, 102, 102) createTeam("Gobierno", 180, 230, 230) createTeam("San Andreas Eventos", 160, 220, 55) createTeam("Talibanes", 75, 56, 35) createTeam("Navy Seals", 0, 100, 0) createTeam("Emergencias", 0, 255, 0) createTeam("Policias", 144, 147, 198) createTeam("Squads", 200, 202, 249) createTeam("Civiles", 255, 200, 0) createTeam("Compañias", 238, 240, 115) createTeam("Criminales", 150, 10, 10) createTeam("Crews", 250, 10, 10) createTeam("Cartel de Los Santos", 42, 10, 10) createTeam("San Andreas Construccion", 204, 153, 10) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, teamCreation) -- // Spawn Player // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function receiveSpawnData(player, x, y, z, rotation, interior, dimension, nameOfTeam, nameOfClass, idOfSkin, colorsOfClass, weaponsOfClass, cityOfClass, restrictionOfClass) if player then if x then if y then if z then if rotation then if interior then if dimension then if nameOfTeam then if nameOfClass then if nameOfClass then if idOfSkin then if colorsOfClass then if weaponsOfClass then if cityOfClass then if restrictionOfClass then if not player then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] Se ha producido un error al intentar identificar al reproductor.") end if not x then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] Se ha producido un error al intentar identificar la coordenada X del spawn.") end if not y then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] Se ha producido un error al intentar identificar la coordenada Y del spawn.") end if not z then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] Se ha producido un error al intentar identificar la coordenada Z del spawn.") end if not rotation then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] Se ha producido un error al intentar identificar la coordenada R del spawn.") end if not interior then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] An error has occured while trying to identify the interior of the spawn.") end if not dimension then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] An error has occured while trying to identify the dimension of the spawn.") end if not nameOfTeam then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] An error has occured while trying to identify the name of the team.") end if not nameOfClass then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] An error has occured while trying to identify the name of the spawn.") end if not idOfSkin then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] An error has occured while trying to identify the skin id of the spawn.") end if not colorsOfClass then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] Se ha producido un error al intentar identificar el color del spawn.") end if not weaponsOfClass then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] Se ha producido un error al intentar identificar los identificadores de arma del spawn.") end if not cityOfClass then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] Se ha producido un error al intentar identificar el id de ciudad del spawn.") end if not restrictionOfClass then return outputConsole("[SPAWN] Se ha producido un error al intentar identificar la restricción del spawn.") end if exports.SALTacl:isPlayerInGroup(player, "hq") or requestPermissionSuccess(player, restrictionOfClass, nameOfClass, nameOfTeam) then local team = getTeamFromName(nameOfTeam) if (not team) then team = createTeam(nameOfTeam, tonumber(colorsOfClass[1]), tonumber(colorsOfClass[2]), tonumber(colorsOfClass[3])) end spawnPlayer(player, tonumber(x), tonumber(y), tonumber(z), tonumber(rotation), tonumber(idOfSkin), tonumber(interior), tonumber(dimension), team) triggerClientEvent(player, "SALTrpg.deleteSelection", player) if immunityToFriendlyFire[nameOfTeam] then setTeamFriendlyFire(team, false) end if immunityToStars[nameOfTeam] then exports.SALTpolice:setWantedLevel(player, 0) end if specialGroups[nameOfTeam] then setPedArmor(player, 100) end if immunityToBlip[nameOfTeam] then createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, tonumber(colorsOfClass[1]), tonumber(colorsOfClass[2]), tonumber(colorsOfClass[3]), 0, 0, 0) else createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, tonumber(colorsOfClass[1]), tonumber(colorsOfClass[2]), tonumber(colorsOfClass[3]), 255, 0, 400) end setPlayerNametagColor(player, tonumber(colorsOfClass[1]), tonumber(colorsOfClass[2]), tonumber(colorsOfClass[3])) setElementData(player, "class", tostring(nameOfClass)) setElementData(player, "team", tostring(nameOfTeam)) fadeCamera(player, true) setCameraTarget(player, player) if (weaponsOfClass) then for weapon, ammo in pairs(weaponsOfClass) do if weapon and ammo then giveWeapon(player, tonumber(weapon), tonumber(ammo), false) end end end if getPlayerMoney(player) == 0 then exports.SALTcommands:giveMoney(player, 100) end setPlayerHudComponentVisible(player, "all", true) triggerEvent("onPlayerSpawned", player, x, y, z, rotation, interior, dimension, nameOfTeam, nameOfClass, idOfSkin, colorsOfClass, weaponsOfClass, cityOfClass, restrictionOfClass) end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end addEvent("sendSpawnData", true) addEventHandler("sendSpawnData", getRootElement(), receiveSpawnData) function requestPermissionSuccess(player, restriction, class, team) if player then if restriction then if (getElementType(player) == "player") then if copTeams[team] and tonumber(getElementData(player, "wanted")) > 0 then return end local getRestriction = split(restriction, string.byte(",")) if getRestriction[1] == "everyone" or getRestriction[1] == "none" then for _, v in ipairs(getRestriction) do return true end elseif getRestriction[1] == "gang" then for _, v in ipairs(getRestriction) do local check = tostring(getElementData(player, "SALTgang")) if check == v then return true else triggerClientEvent(player, "SALTrpg.showError", player, "Necesitas ser parte de ".. v .." para acceder a este spawn.") end end elseif getRestriction[1] == "group" then for _, group in ipairs(getRestriction) do if exports.SALTacl:isPlayerInGroup(player, group) then return true else triggerClientEvent(player, "SALTrpg.showError", player, "No tienes acceso a este spawn ya que no eres parte de este grupo.") end end elseif getRestriction[1] == "acl" then for _, acl in ipairs(getRestriction) do local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..account, aclGetGroup(getRestriction[2])) then return true else triggerClientEvent(player, "SALTrpg.showError", player, "No tienes acceso a este spawn ya que no eres parte de este grupo.") end end elseif getRestriction[1] == "account" then for _, v in ipairs(getRestriction) do local account = getElementData(player, "username") if account == v then return true else triggerClientEvent(player, "SALTrpg.showError", player, "No tienes acceso a este spawn ya que no eres parte de este grupo.") end end elseif getRestriction[1] == "wanted" then for _, wanted in ipairs(getRestriction) do local wanted = getElementData(player, "wanted") if getRestriction[2] == "false" and tonumber(wanted) == 0 then return true else triggerClientEvent(player, "SALTrpg.showError", player, "Necesitas perder tus estrellas deseadas para engendrar como esta clase.") end end elseif getRestriction[1] == "level" then for _, v in ipairs(getRestriction) do local level = getElementData(player, "level") if tonumber(level) >= tonumber(getRestriction[2]) then return true else triggerClientEvent(player, "SALTrpg.showError", player, "No tienes el nivel adecuado para desovar como esta clase.") end end elseif getRestriction[1] == "police" then for _, v in ipairs(getRestriction) do local level = getElementData(player, "policelevel") local wanted = getElementData(player, "wanted") if tonumber(level) >= tonumber(getRestriction[2]) and tonumber(wanted) == 0 then return true else triggerClientEvent(player, "SALTrpg.showError", player, "No tienes el nivel adecuado para desovar como esta clase.") end end elseif getRestriction[1] == "limited" then for _, v in ipairs(getRestriction) do local limited = tonumber(getMembersInProfession(class)) if tonumber(limited) <= tonumber(getRestriction[2]) then return true else triggerClientEvent(player, "SALTrpg.showError", player, "No tienes el nivel adecuado para desovar como esta clase.") end end end end end end end function getMembersInProfession(profession) pip = 0 for i, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v, "class") == profession then pip = pip + 1 end end return tonumber(pip) or 0 end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v, "loggedIn") then triggerEvent("onPlayerLogOut", v) end if not isPedDead(v) then killPed(v) end setElementData(v, "class", "N/A") end end) function onPlayerWastedTriggerHospital() if getElementData(source, "loggedIn") then if classesNoAccessToHospital[getElementData(source, "class")] then return triggerClientEvent(source, "SALTrpg.showSelection", source) end triggerClientEvent(source, "SALTrpg.showHospital", source) setElementData(source, "reanimation", false) setElementData(source, "reanimationtime", true) end local blips = getAttachedElements(source) if blips then for _, blip in ipairs(blips) do if isElement(blip) and getElementType(blip) == "blip" then destroyElement(blip) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, onPlayerWastedTriggerHospital) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogIn", getRootElement(), function(id, username) if playerCache and playerCache[id] then local cache = playerCache[id] local class = cache["class"] if classesNoAccessToHospital[class] then return triggerClientEvent(source, "SALTrpg.showSelection", source) end if cache["x"] and cache["y"] and cache["z"] and cache["skin"] and cache["interior"] and cache["dimension"] and cache["class"] and cache["r"] and cache["g"] and cache["b"] then if not getTeamFromName(cache["team"]) then triggerClientEvent(source, "SALTrpg.showSelection", source) end local nameOfTeam = cache["team"] spawnPlayer(source, cache["x"], cache["y"], cache["z"], 0, cache["skin"], cache["interior"], cache["dimension"], getTeamFromName(cache["team"])) setElementData(source, "class", cache["class"]) setElementData(source, "team", cache["team"]) local weps = cache["weapons"] if weps and weps ~= "" then local theWeps = split(weps,string.byte(";")) for k,v in ipairs(theWeps) do local wepData = split(v,string.byte(",")) giveWeapon(source, wepData[1], wepData[2], false) end end if getPlayerMoney(source) == 0 then exports.SALTcommands:giveMoney(source, 100) end setPlayerHudComponentVisible(source, "all", true) setPlayerNametagColor(source, cache["r"], cache["g"], cache["b"]) if immunityToBlip[nameOfTeam] then createBlipAttachedTo(source, 0, 2, cache["r"], cache["g"], cache["b"], 0, 0, 0) else createBlipAttachedTo(source, 0, 2, cache["r"], cache["g"], cache["b"], 255, 0, 400) end setCameraTarget(source) fadeCamera(source, true) else triggerClientEvent(source, "SALTrpg.showSelection", source) end else triggerClientEvent(source, "SALTrpg.showSelection", source) end end) function onPlayerQuitHandler() local blips = getAttachedElements(source) if blips then for k,v in ipairs(blips) do if isElement(v) and getElementType(v) == "blip" then destroyElement(v) end end end if not isPedDead(source) then if classesNoAccessToHospital[getElementData(source, "class")] then return end local cache = {} cache["class"] = getElementData(source,"class") cache["skin"] = getElementModel(source) local team = getPlayerTeam(source) if team then cache["team"] = getTeamName(team) end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local int = getElementInterior(source) local dim = getElementDimension(source) cache["x"], cache["y"], cache["z"], cache["interior"], cache["dimension"] = x, y, z, int, dim local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) cache["r"], cache["g"], cache["b"] = r, g, b local wepStr = "" for slot=0,12 do if getPedWeapon(source,slot) ~= 0 then local weapon = getPedWeapon(source,slot) local ammo = getPedTotalAmmo(source,slot) if wepStr == "" then wepStr = tostring(weapon)..","..tostring(ammo) else wepStr = wepStr..";"..tostring(weapon)..","..tostring(ammo) end end end cache["weapons"] = wepStr local id = getElementData(source, "id") if id then playerCache[id] = cache end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), onPlayerQuitHandler) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function() setElementData(source, "class", "N/A") end) function queryHouses() local username = getElementData(source, "username") local query = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `housing` WHERE `Owner`=?",username) local propTable = {} for i, v in ipairs(query) do local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `housing` WHERE `id`=?", v.id) if result and #result > 0 then local houseN = string.gsub(v.Name, "_", " ") local houseName = string.gsub(houseN, "%.", " ") propTable[houseName] = {result[1].ColX, result[1].ColY, result[1].ColZ, 0, 0} end end triggerClientEvent(source, "SALTrpg.fillHousesGrid", source, propTable) end addEvent("SALTrpg.queryHouses", true) addEventHandler("SALTrpg.queryHouses", root, queryHouses) local spawnHospital = { {2024.896484375, -1403.8828125, 17.206462860107, 180}, -- [Los Santos] -- {1172.7059326172, -1323.3139648438, 15.401785850525, 270}, -- [Los Santos 2] -- {-2642.9506835938, 638.62683105469, 14.453125, 180}, -- [San Fierro] -- {1615.5603027344, 1816.6477050781, 10.8203125, 2.2782709598541}, -- [Las Venturas] -- {-321.97262573242, 1055.2932128906, 19.7421875, 360}, -- [Bone County] -- {-2198.998046875, -2305.5822753906, 30.625, 233.57861328125}, -- [Whestone] -- {1244.3660888672, 331.98379516602, 19.5546875, 335.95263671875}, -- [Red County] -- {-432.65588378906, 2191.4252929688, 42, 312.96881103516}, -- [Ghost Town] -- } function findNearestHospital(player) distanceToHospital = 9999999999 local wastedX, wastedY, wastedZ = getElementPosition(player) for k, v in ipairs(spawnHospital) do local loopX, loopY, loopZ, loopRot = v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4] newDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(wastedX, wastedY, wastedZ, loopX, loopY, loopZ) if newDistance < distanceToHospital then distanceToHospital = newDistance hospitalX = loopX hospitalY = loopY hospitalZ = loopZ hospitalRot = loopRot end end return hospitalX, hospitalY, hospitalZ, hospitalRot end -- local hospitalTimer = {} function spawnAtNearestHospital(savedWeapons) local team = getPlayerTeam(source) if not team then return end if team then local nameOfTeam = getTeamName(team) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) local skin = getElementModel(source) local posX, posY, posZ, posRot = findNearestHospital(source) spawnPlayer(source, posX, posY, posZ, posRot, skin, 0, 0, team) if immunityToBlip[nameOfTeam] then createBlipAttachedTo(source, 0, 2, r, g, b, 0, 0, 0) else createBlipAttachedTo(source, 0, 2, r, g, b, 255, 0, 400) end -- if isTimer(hospitalTimer[source]) then killTimer(hospitalTimer[source]) end -- if getElementData(source, "hospitaltimer") then setElementData(source, "hospitaltimer", false) end -- setElementData(source, "hospitaltimer", true) -- hospitalTimer[source] = setTimer(setElementData, 30000, 1, source, "hospitaltimer", false) setPlayerNametagColor(source, r, g, b) for i, t in ipairs(savedWeapons) do giveWeapon(source, t[1], t[2]) end fadeCamera(source,true) setCameraTarget(source, source) end end addEvent("spawnPlayerAtHospital", true) addEventHandler("spawnPlayerAtHospital", root, spawnAtNearestHospital) function reanimatePlayer(savedWeapons, dimP, intP) setElementData(source, "reanimation", false) setElementData(source, "time", false) local skin = getPedSkin(source) local team = getPlayerTeam(source) if not team then return end if team then local nameOfTeam = getTeamName(team) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition(source) local interior = getElementInterior(source) local dimension = getElementDimension(source) spawnPlayer(source, posX, posY, posZ, 0, skin, interior, dimension, team) if immunityToBlip[nameOfTeam] then createBlipAttachedTo(source, 0, 2, r, g, b, 155, 0, 0) else createBlipAttachedTo(source, 0, 2, r, g, b, 255, 0, 400) end setPlayerNametagColor(source, r, g, b) setElementInterior(source, intP) setElementDimension(source, dimP) setElementHealth(source, 30) for i, t in ipairs(savedWeapons) do giveWeapon(source, t[1], t[2]) end fadeCamera(source,true) setCameraTarget(source,source) end end addEvent("REANIMATEPLAYER", true) addEventHandler("REANIMATEPLAYER", root, reanimatePlayer) function callFromRevive() triggerClientEvent("resetReanimation", root) end addEvent("callRevive",true) addEventHandler("callRevive",root, callFromRevive) function resetPlayerCache(source, cmd, id) if not exports.SALTacl:isPlayerInGroup(source, "hq") or not id then return end if playerCache[id] then playerCache[id] = nil exports.SALTcommands:sendMessage("*INFO* Player id reset.", 0, 255, 0, source) else exports.SALTcommands:sendMessage("*INFO* El id no existe.", 255, 0, 0, source) end end addCommandHandler("resetid", resetPlayerCache) function findPlayerId(source, cmd, account) if not exports.SALTacl:isPlayerInGroup(source, "hq") or not account then return end local query = executeSQLQuery("SELECT id FROM playerdata WHERE account = '"..account.."' LIMIT 1") if query and query[1] then exports.SALTcommands:sendMessage("*INFO* ".. account .." id: ".. tostring(query[1].id) ..".", 0, 255, 0, source) else exports.SALTcommands:sendMessage("*INFO* Cuenta no encontrada.", 255, 0, 0, source) end end addCommandHandler("id", findPlayerId) The spawn panel server.lua ^ Spoiler local bannedUsernames = { ["everyone"] = true, ["nil"] = true, ["none"] = true, ["guest"] = true, ["console"] = true, ["admin"] = true, ["moderator"] = true, ["supermoderator"] = true, ["rpg"] = true, ["SALT"] = true, ["[SALT]"] = true, ["s_a_c_h"] = true, ["housing"] = true, ["staff"] = true, ["housing_agent"] = true, ["larpg"] = true, }; function logInPlayer(username, password) if getElementData(source, "loggedIn") then return triggerClientEvent(source, "showLoginError", source, "Account already connected.") end local name = getPlayerName(source) local query = executeSQLQuery("SELECT `id`,`log` FROM `playerdata` WHERE `account`=? AND `password`=? LIMIT 1", username, password) if query and #query > 0 then if (query[1].log == 1) then return triggerClientEvent(source, "showLoginError", source, "Account already connected.") end local data = setElementData(source, "username", username) local id = setElementData(source, "id", query[1].id) if data and id then local ip = getPlayerIP(source) local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) local time = getRealTime() local months = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"} local days = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"} local day = ("%02d"):format(time.monthday) local month = months[time.month + 1] local year = ("%02d"):format(time.year + 1900) local weekday = days[time.weekday + 1] local hours = time.hour local minutes = time.minute local seconds = time.second if (hours >= 0 and hours < 10) then hours = "0"..time.hour end if (minutes >= 0 and minutes < 10) then minutes = "0"..time.minute end if (seconds >= 0 and seconds < 10) then seconds = "0"..time.second end executeSQLQuery("UPDATE playerdata SET login = '".. month .." ".. day ..", ".. year .."', serial = '"..serial.."', username = '".. getPlayerName(source) .."', log = 1, ip ='".. ip .."' WHERE account = '".. username .."'") setElementData(source, "loggedIn", true) triggerEvent("onPlayerLogIn", source, query[1].id, username, password) triggerClientEvent(source, "deleteLoginPanels", source) outputChatBox("You have successfully logged in as #00FF00".. username .."#FFFFFF.", source, 255, 255, 255, true) else triggerClientEvent(source, "showLoginError", source, "An error occurred while trying to sign in.") end elseif query then triggerClientEvent(source, "showLoginError", source, "Incorrect password.") else triggerClientEvent(source, "showLoginError", source, "An error has occurred. Please try again.") end end addEvent("sendLogin", true) addEventHandler("sendLogin", getRootElement(), logInPlayer) function registerInPlayer(username, password, email, serial) if username and email then if not bannedUsernames[username] then if not username:match("[%s%p]") then local serialQuery = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `playerdata` WHERE `serial`=?", serial) if serialQuery and #serialQuery == 1 then return triggerClientEvent(source, "showRegisterError", source, "You already have an account on this server.") end local query = executeSQLQuery("SELECT id FROM playerdata WHERE account=? LIMIT 1", username) local account = getAccount(username) if query and #query == 0 and account == false then local time = getRealTime() local months = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"} local days = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"} local day = ("%02d"):format(time.monthday) local month = months[time.month + 1] local year = ("%02d"):format(time.year + 1900) local weekday = days[time.weekday + 1] local hours = time.hour local minutes = time.minute local seconds = time.second if (hours >= 0 and hours < 10) then hours = "0"..time.hour end if (minutes >= 0 and minutes < 10) then minutes = "0"..time.minute end if (seconds >= 0 and seconds < 10) then seconds = "0"..time.second end local ip = getPlayerIP(source) local accountConvert = math.random(100,900) if executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO `playerdata` (`account`,`password`,`email`,`serial`,`groups`,`money`,`wanted`,`sentenced`,`registered`,`username`,`login`,`log`,`ip`) VALUES('".. username .."','".. password .."','".. email .."','".. serial .."','everyone','0','0','0','".. weekday ..", ".. month .." ".. day .." ".. year .." ".. hours ..":".. minutes ..":".. seconds .."','".. getPlayerName(source) .."','".. month .." ".. day ..", ".. year .."','0','".. ip .."')") then triggerClientEvent(source, "showRegisterError", source, "¡Registrado exitosamente! Cuenta: ".. username ..".") addAccount(username, password) else triggerClientEvent(source, "showRegisterError", source, "An error occurred while trying to register.") end elseif query and #query > 0 then triggerClientEvent(source, "showRegisterError", source, "This username is already in use.") else triggerClientEvent(source, "showRegisterError", source, "An error occurred while trying to register.") end else triggerClientEvent(source, "showRegisterError", source, "An error occurred while trying to register.") end else triggerClientEvent(source, "showRegisterError", source, "This username is prohibited to be used on the server.") end end end addEvent("sendRegistration", true) addEventHandler("sendRegistration", getRootElement(), registerInPlayer) function checkPlayer(player, serial) if player and serial then local query = executeSQLQuery("SELECT `account`,`password` FROM `playerdata` WHERE `serial`=?", serial) if query and #query > 0 then local account = query[1]["account"] local password = query[1]["password"] triggerClientEvent(player, "loadUpDetails", player, account, password) end end end addEvent("checkPlayer", true) addEventHandler("checkPlayer", getRootElement(), checkPlayer) function setLogOutData() local id = getElementData(source, "id") if id then executeSQLUpdate("playerdata","log = 0","id = "..id) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, setLogOutData) addEvent("onPlayerLogOut",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogOut",root,function() setElementData(source, "loggedIn", false) local username = getElementData(source, "username") local id = getElementData(source, "id") if id then executeSQLUpdate("playerdata","log = 0","id = "..id) end if not username then username = "N/A" end setElementData(source, "username", nil) setElementData(source, "id", nil) triggerClientEvent(source, "showLoginCreation", source) killPed(source) setElementInterior(source, 0) setElementDimension(source, 0) end) ^ login panel server Thanks Link to comment
VenomOG Posted February 20, 2019 Share Posted February 20, 2019 Hey well try this : addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,function() fadeCamera(source,true) end) Link to comment
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