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[AT] Free MTA Application (OPENED)


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Why free : ARTAGAMEING Due to the newly launched and newly launched game servers, And you have your server as long as you make the necessary requests

Why artagameing? : Good Ping Time Servers . Artagameing servers have antiddos . Free . Artagameing servers are highly customizable and your server information is stored securely by our servers.

Demo servers:

Server location available (last updated 2024-01-20)Iran(Datacenter:Laser CO)
TIP:You can enter the above addresses and Get Timeplayed to get free server

Game contorol panel ? : open game panel(https://imgur.com/a/c3yxV41)

(Read Frist) HOW TO GET A MTA SERVERS? You must Signup to server and play DEMO server and get playtime. The more time you play, the higher the slot you get. And U must take a screenshoot from your playtime on demo server (from TAB) And Upload it and Send application form and send your screenshoot from playtime And more info And We will send your server information to your private message / email. (Approximate server approval time is 1 day. Please do not send duplicate requests and wait)

+4 Hour Monthly (32 Slot)

+9 Hour Monthly (64 Slot)

+15 Hour Monthly (108 Slot)

+20 Hour Monthly (180 Slot)

+28 Hour Monthly (250 Slot)


Application form (fill in and post on this topic)Application v1.4


Email (for panel information):

* Moderator note: don't post e-mail address if it contains your first + last name


Sv Location (France available):

Demo Sv Account Name:

Demo Sv playtime(screenshot from TAB):

Extra notes:



Sample a completed form (dont send this form/its just for test)

Your first name: Hamed

Email (for panel information): [email protected]

Country:  Iran

Sv Location (France available): France

Demo Sv Account Name: Hamed1

Demo Sv playtime (screenshot from TAB): https://imgur.com/a/mv8GsPL

Extra notes: Ty from artagameing company

Note gamemodes that will use much CPU and RAM will be deleted without prior notice. (By sending an application form you confirm that your gamemode is not a Virus or Sv spammer).

Note : if you send fake player screenshot or copy other player screenshot we dont give free server to you forever and you get banned.

Note : You need to be active on the Demo server according to your server slot to keep your server up to date.




Apply at new topic


Edited by hamed
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3 hours ago, Wineof said:

Email (for panel information): [email protected]

* Moderator note: don't post e-mail address if it contains your first + last name

Country:  Iran

Sv Location (France available): France

Demo Sv Account Name: Hunter1

Demo Sv playtime(screenshot from TAB)https://pasteboard.co/I2Hzy2i.png

Extra notes: Ty for free services


Hello Dear.Thanks for the request

You Win A Server 32 Slot

The server information was sent to your email / private message




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  • 3 weeks later...
On 14/03/2019 at 03:35, ShadowXiro said:


Email (for panel information):  [email protected]

* Moderator note: don't post e-mail address if it contains your first + last name

Country: Colombia

Sv Location (France available): France

Demo Sv Account Name: Shadow

Demo Sv playtime(screenshot from TAB): https://imgur.com/a/AeMHLLD

Extra notes:  I really need the server, thank you very much


Hello Dear.Thanks for the request

You Win A Server 32 Slot

The server information was sent to your email / private message




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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 years later...

apply on the new topic . 


On 04/07/2019 at 14:39, willian~ said:

Email (for panel information): [email protected]

* Moderator note: don't post e-mail address if it contains your first + last name

Country:  Tunisia

Sv Location (France available): France

Demo Sv Account Name: Hanns

Extra notes: i want an mta server please


On 02/07/2019 at 02:45, Abdo Nour said:

Email (for panel information): [email protected]

* Moderator note: don't post e-mail address if it contains your first + last name

Country:  Egypt

Sv Location (France available): France

Demo Sv Account Name: EGP

Extra notes: i want server mta sa please !


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