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[QUESTION] How to output every command entered into console


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I was curious if it was possible to output every single command entered into console?


For example:

No matter which command a player enters, it’ll output on console. I know you can add this call to a regular function, but you’d need to tie it to every command manually, and when there’s over 300 commands it’s hard to get every one of them.


So to recap, even if it’s not a valid command I’d like it to be sent to console - can this be done?

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addEventHandler("onClientConsole", localPlayer,
  function (text)
    local args = split(text, " ") -- split the text by spaces
    local command = table.remove(args, 1) -- remove the first word from the args table and put it into the "command" variable

This should work, but I haven't tested it. This is clientside code by the way. You can use onConsole on the server but I believe that won't trigger for commands handled by a command handler.

Edited by MrTasty
  • Thanks 1
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