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peds interaction invincible


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i need help to add invinciblility to those peds after i finished the scripting i found my self forgetting making it invincible this my current script server lua :

local peds = {

      -- Model, Posx, Posy, Posz, Rotation, Interior, Dimension, Ped Name, Ped Language

      {212, -1938.3562011719, 1340.9323730469, 7.1875, 180, 0, 0, "Alperto", "Spanish" },

      {100, 2039.4375, 1533.5224609375, 10.671875, 0, 0, 0, "samir", "English" }



local saludos = {

          ["Hasta "] = "Hasta luego señor, tenga un buen día", --------------------------here salut speech and NPc reply



local despidos = {

      ["Hasta luego"] = "Hasta luego señor, tenga un buen día",

      ["Nos vemos"] = "¡Claramente! Cuidese",

      ["Adiós"] = "Hasta luego muchacho",



local _peds = { }


function creacionPeds ( )

    for k, v in ipairs ( peds ) do

        local skin = v[1]

        local x, y, z, rz = v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5]

            local interior, dimension = v[6], v[7]

            local nombre = v[8]

            local lenguaje = v[9]

        if ( skin and x and y and z and rz ) then

            local ped = createPed ( skin, x, y, z, rz )

                  _peds[ ped ] = { name = nombre, language = lenguaje }

                  setElementDimension ( ped, dimension )

                  setElementInteior ( ped, interior )

                  setElementFrozen ( ped, true )



            outputDebugString ( "[Interaccion] No has colocado los datos de creación de PEDS bien." )




addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), creacionPeds )


addEventHandler( "onPlayerChat", root,

      function( message, messageType )

            if messageType == 0 then

                  local peds = getElementsByType( 'ped' )

                  for i=1, #peds do

                        local value = peds

                        if value and _peds[ value ] and getElementType( value ) == "ped" then

                             local name = _peds[ value ].name

                             local language = _peds[ value ].language

                             local x, y, z = getElementPosition( source )

                             local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition( value )

                             local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x, y, z, x1, y1, z1 )

                             if distance < 1 then

                                   if saludos[ message ] then

                                         setTimer( function( )

                                               outputChatBox ( "["..language.."] "..name..": "..saludos[message].."", source, 255, 255, 255 )

                                         end, 50, 1 )                                        


                                         if despidos[ message ] then

                                         setTimer( function( )

                                               outputChatBox ( "["..language.."] "..name..": "..despidos[message].."", source, 255, 255, 255 )

                                         end, 50, 1 )                                              










 sorry if my english is laking

please help ....


prety please : )

Edited by DarkBeautyDZ
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On 15/02/2019 at 02:39, Peti said:

To make an inmortal ped, you need to cancel the event  'onClientPedDamage':

function inmortal()
addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage", yourPed, inmortal)


i know this :
it's like using this one

addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage", thePed, function () cancelEvent() end)

with this the ped take damage when his health become red =he  got replaced with another one then he multiply and after that even when i stop the mod he still there and the worst thing is that the chat interaction doesn't work anymore unless i restarted the mod 
... so it apear he take damage .
PS. i tried them in both client and server side .

Edited by DarkBeautyDZ
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