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Set movement style - function


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  • Scripting Moderators

Hi. I created a function for enable/disable things like: walk, sprint, jump. However this function runs every 300ms on client side.

Any idea how can i improve it, to remove timer at all? (I tried to do it without timer - but without it, it doesn't work as it should)


function checkPlayerMovementStyle()
	local value = skinsData["Movement"][getElementModel(getLocalPlayer())]
	if value then
		setPedControlState(getLocalPlayer(), "walk", value[1])
		toggleControl("sprint", value[2])
		toggleControl("jump", value[3])
setTimer(checkPlayerMovementStyle, 300, 0)



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  • Scripting Moderators
8 minutes ago, DeadthStrock said:

Seems this code is toggling  player's sprint and jump every 300 miliseconds. But when you toggle the control one time... it will last longer until you enable it. Is't it ?

Without timer this thing:

setPedControlState(getLocalPlayer(), "walk", value[1])

isn't working, if i want to player move slowly all the time, after sometime it looks like this thing disable. (player can walk like you are exhausted, i want to player move all the time on ALT)

Edited by majqq
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can you test below peace of code separately from your resource ? and tell what you think about it related to your code ? after command as /walk

function checkPlayerMovementStyle()
	function ()
	    value = {}
	    value[1] = true
	    value[2] = false
	    setTimer(setPedControlState,50,2,getLocalPlayer(), "walk", value[1])
	    toggleControl("walk", value[2])
	    toggleControl("sprint", value[2])
	    toggleControl("jump", value[2])


Edited by DeadthStrock
  • Thanks 1
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  • Scripting Moderators
On 05/02/2019 at 16:15, DeadthStrock said:

can you test below peace of code separately from your resource ? and tell what you think about it related to your code ? after command as /walk

function checkPlayerMovementStyle()
	function ()
	    value = {}
	    value[1] = true
	    value[2] = false
	    setTimer(setPedControlState,50,2,getLocalPlayer(), "walk", value[1])
	    toggleControl("walk", value[2])
	    toggleControl("sprint", value[2])
	    toggleControl("jump", value[2])



I'll try it out soon, after it i'll answer you. Thanks.

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