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setElementVisibleTo not working?


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Hello, sorry for my bad english

i have turf war script, for example i have function to create area turf

mysql = exports.mysql
local pCuboid = nil
local pArea = nil

function loadAllTurf(res)
	local result = mysql:query("SELECT id FROM `turf` ORDER BY `id` ASC")
	if (result) then
		local run = true
		while run do
			local row = mysql:fetch_assoc(result)
			if not row then break end
			if res then
				loadOneTurf(row['id'], true)
	exports['global']:sendMessageToAdmins("All area turf loaded")
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), loadAllTurf)

function loadOneTurf(id, state)
	local row = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM turf WHERE id = '"..mysql:escape_string(id).."'")
	if row then
		local id = tonumber(row['id'])
		local name = row['turf_name']
		local owner = tonumber(row['owner_id'])
		local r, g, b = tonumber(row['r']), tonumber(row['g']), tonumber(row['b'])
		local x, y, z = tonumber(row['turfx']), tonumber(row['turfy']), tonumber(row['turfz'])
		local long, width = tonumber(row['turflong']), tonumber(row['turfwidth'])
		local ownerName = exports.factions:getFactionName(owner)

		pCuboid = createColCuboid(x, y, z-10, long, width, z+30)
		pArea = createRadarArea(x, y, long, width, r, g, b, 100 )

		setElementInterior(pCuboid, 0)
		setElementDimension(pCuboid, 0)

		addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", pCuboid, onTurfEnter)
		addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave", pCuboid, onTurfLeave)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "turf", true, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "id", id, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "x", x, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "y", y, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "z", z-10, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "name", name, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "owner", owner, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "long", long, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "width", width, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "friendly", owner, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "radar", pArea, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "payment", math.floor((long*width)/20), false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "turf", true, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "x", x, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "y", y, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "long", long, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "width", width, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "owner", owner, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "r", r, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "g", g, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "b", b, false)

and I want to hide the turf area on players who are not in faction by checking every 5 seconds, I've tried using the script below but it doesn't work

function checkPlayersInTeam(area)
	for _, player in ipairs(exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player")) do
		if getElementData(player, "loggedin") then
			local Team = getPlayerTeam(player)
			local factionType = getElementData(Team, "type") or 99
			if (factionType==0) then
				setElementVisibleTo(area, player, true) -- i want to show the area to player who factiontype is 0 (when i change player with root it works show the area)
				setElementVisibleTo(area, player, false) -- i want to hide the area to player who factiontype is not 0 (when i change player with root it works hide the area)

function hideTurf(area)
	setTimer(checkPlayersInTeam, 5000, 0, area)	

can anyone help me? thank you very much

Edited by nurfaizfy19
added some code
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1 hour ago, nurfaizfy19 said:

Hello, sorry for my bad english

i have turf war script, for example i have function to create area turf

mysql = exports.mysql
local pCuboid = nil
local pArea = nil

function loadAllTurf(res)
	local result = mysql:query("SELECT id FROM `turf` ORDER BY `id` ASC")
	if (result) then
		local run = true
		while run do
			local row = mysql:fetch_assoc(result)
			if not row then break end
			if res then
				loadOneTurf(row['id'], true)
	exports['global']:sendMessageToAdmins("All area turf loaded")
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), loadAllTurf)

function loadOneTurf(id, state)
	local row = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM turf WHERE id = '"..mysql:escape_string(id).."'")
	if row then
		local id = tonumber(row['id'])
		local name = row['turf_name']
		local owner = tonumber(row['owner_id'])
		local r, g, b = tonumber(row['r']), tonumber(row['g']), tonumber(row['b'])
		local x, y, z = tonumber(row['turfx']), tonumber(row['turfy']), tonumber(row['turfz'])
		local long, width = tonumber(row['turflong']), tonumber(row['turfwidth'])
		local ownerName = exports.factions:getFactionName(owner)

		pCuboid = createColCuboid(x, y, z-10, long, width, z+30)
		pArea = createRadarArea(x, y, long, width, r, g, b, 100 )

		setElementInterior(pCuboid, 0)
		setElementDimension(pCuboid, 0)

		addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", pCuboid, onTurfEnter)
		addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave", pCuboid, onTurfLeave)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "turf", true, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "id", id, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "x", x, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "y", y, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "z", z-10, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "name", name, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "owner", owner, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "long", long, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "width", width, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "friendly", owner, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "radar", pArea, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pCuboid, "payment", math.floor((long*width)/20), false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "turf", true, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "x", x, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "y", y, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "long", long, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "width", width, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "owner", owner, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "r", r, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "g", g, false)
		exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(pArea, "b", b, false)

and I want to hide the turf area on players who are not in faction by checking every 5 seconds, I've tried using the script below but it doesn't work

function checkPlayersInTeam(area)
	for _, player in ipairs(exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player")) do
		if getElementData(player, "loggedin") then
			local Team = getPlayerTeam(player)
			local factionType = getElementData(Team, "type") or 99
			if (factionType==0) then
				setElementVisibleTo(area, player, true) -- i want to show the area to player who factiontype is 0 (when i change player with root it works show the area)
				setElementVisibleTo(area, player, false) -- i want to hide the area to player who factiontype is not 0 (when i change player with root it works hide the area)

function hideTurf(area)
	setTimer(checkPlayersInTeam, 5000, 0, area)	

can anyone help me? thank you very much


the code is working for me

but try to make a table for areas like this

pArea = {}

pArea[id] = createRadarArea(50, 100, 200, 500, 255, 0, 0, 100 )


Edited by Simple.
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6 hours ago, Simple. said:


the code is working for me

but try to make a table for areas like this

pArea = {}

pArea[id] = createRadarArea(50, 100, 200, 500, 255, 0, 0, 100 )


how can it work for you? i tried your suggest but i've got error


turf\server.lua:87: attempt to index local 'pArea' (a userdata value)

function checkPlayersInTeam()
	for _, player in ipairs(exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player")) do
		if getElementData(player, "loggedin") then
			local Team = getPlayerTeam(player)
			local factionType = getElementData(Team, "type") or 99
			for key, pArea in ipairs(pArea) do
				if (factionType==0) then
					setElementVisibleTo(pArea[key], player, true)
					setElementVisibleTo(pArea[key], player, false) -- line 87

function hideTurf()
	setTimer(checkPlayersInTeam, 5000, 0)	


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  • Moderators
40 minutes ago, nurfaizfy19 said:

Oke, i solve this problem. I just add setElementVisibleTo to root and player, and now its work normally. Thanks for your helping

If you do that every 5 seconds forever, then ask the question: "is your network activity not in progress forever?"


Make sure to check that!




Edited by IIYAMA
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