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Compiling scripts - questions.


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  • Scripting Moderators

Hey. Some questions about securing scripts. So as far i know there is no guarantee that my script will be 100 % safe. I can compile both, side or client side scripts. Someone also said that compiling scripts make that scripts works better, as MTA doesn't need to convert plaintext to lua bytecode. So here are my questions:

1. What does really obfuscate 1/2 option does, it's worth to use it when compiling?


2. Compiling scripts make them load faster or work more efficient?

3. After compiling script to luac, there's nothing wrong if i change extension of file to lua? Kind of funny question, but i want to know.





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  • Scripting Moderators
8 minutes ago, CodyJ(L) said:

#1 just more just higher levels of obfuscation

#2 Yes

#3 Yes

Thanks. But about 1st question, what obfuscate option really does?

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