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getRootElement() vs getResourceRootElement()


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Hi. I have some questions about things above.

As far i understand:


it's same as




it's same as



But i don't really understand where i should use getRootElement() / getResourceRootElement(). Can someone explain me about this, would be nice with a 2 examples.


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See this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Element_tree

The root element contains every single element present on the server (or each client if used clientside).
Resource root element contains every element under that resource, so if the resource creates an object using createObject, it will be contained within the resource root but also within the root element (as that contains all the resources).

It's like XML.

Edited by MIKI785
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resourceRoot is used only on 'onClientResourceStart' and on 'onResourceStart'

If you use root on the events mentioned above, when any resource starts, it will get triggered for all resources, so with resourceRoot it will get only triggered for the resource that you you want to know that it started

root is used on any other events, like 'onPlayerJoin' or 'onClientMarkerHit'

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