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MySQL if row value 1


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How can I get if the row value 1 then do something?

local result = dbQuery("SELECT matrica FROM vehicle WHERE id=?", vehicle:getData("veh:id"))
    if(#result == 1) then
        dbExec(mysql, "UPDATE vehicle SET paintjob = ? WHERE id = ?", paintjob, vehicle:getData("veh:id"))
	outputChatBox ( "Előbb szedd le a matricát!" )

I get that warning in debugscript (so I think the script didn't get the vehicle id?!):

Bad argument @ 'dbQuery'[Expected db connection at argument 1, got string 'SELECT matrica FROM vehicle WHERE id=?']


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local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(mysql, "SELECT matrica FROM vehicle WHERE id=?", vehicle:getData("veh:id")), - 1) 
    if(#result == 1) then
        dbExec(mysql, "UPDATE vehicle SET paintjob = ? WHERE id = ?", paintjob, vehicle:getData("veh:id"))
	outputChatBox ( "Előbb szedd le a matricát!" )


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Thanks for your help! , now works without error in debugscript ,but still not working properly.

Always says the outputchatbox thing "Előbb szedd le a matricát!" if the matrica row value is 0 in the vehicle table. I think you didn't get it what I want.

I want to do when the matrica row value is 1,2 or 3 in the vehicle table then outputchatbox say "Előbb szedd le a matricát!" and ignore the update command. but if the matrica row value is 0 in the vehicle table then do the update command.

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local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(mysql, "SELECT matrica FROM vehicle WHERE id=?", vehicle:getData("veh:id")), - 1) 
    if(#result >= 1) then
        dbExec(mysql, "UPDATE vehicle SET paintjob = ? WHERE id = ?", paintjob, vehicle:getData("veh:id"))
	outputChatBox ( "Előbb szedd le a matricát!" )


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local result, num_affected_row= dbPoll(dbQuery(mysql, "SELECT matrica FROM vehicle WHERE id=?", vehicle:getData("veh:id")), - 1) 
    if(num_affected_row >= 1) then
        dbExec(mysql, "UPDATE vehicle SET paintjob = ? WHERE id = ?", paintjob, vehicle:getData("veh:id"))
	outputChatBox ( "Előbb szedd le a matricát!" )


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dbQuery returns a query handle and not the final usable value, instead, it pass it to a callBackFunction, in this case dbPoll can handle it

also, it returns a table of the results which is you already put in there, means that if you want to get the colors of this vehicle id from the db you first must've inserted it there.



and see the results, then try

local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(mysql, "SELECT matrica FROM vehicle WHERE id=?", vehicle:getData("veh:id")), - 1) 
if(#result >= 1) then
  for i, v in ipairs(result) do
    outputChatBox("Result #"..i..": "..v)
  outputChatBox ( "No data were found that matching the query case" )

if you got the last message that means you don't have any data stored in your database matching that given arguement

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I got the vehcicle id in which I've be (23)

I'm trying to add to an eventhandler and get this error:

attempt to to concatenate local 'v' (a table value)


addEvent("tuning->Paintjob", true)
addEventHandler("tuning->Paintjob", root, function(vehicle, paintjob)
local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(mysql, "SELECT matrica FROM vehicle WHERE id=?", vehicle:getData("veh:id")), - 1) 
if(#result >= 1) then
  for i, v in ipairs(result) do
    outputChatBox("Result #"..i..": "..v)
  outputChatBox ( "No data were found that matching the query case" )


Edited by hipolitalakaj
provided wrong info before
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