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Database Coroutine Return Value


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function verileriAktar(sorgu, id)
    local cevap = dbPoll(sorgu, 0) -- since it's ready to poll, timeout is irrelevant and can be 0
    queries[id] = cevap
    --return coroutine.resume(co[id], cevap)

function querydb(str,c)
    if str:find("DROP TABLE") then return end
    local id = getFreeID()
    co[id] = coroutine.create(function()

        cevap = dbQuery(verileriAktar,{id}, connection, str)
    if coroutine.status(co[id]) ~= "dead" then
         if not coroutine.running() then
    return id

local id = querydb("SELECT * FROM `kayitlar` WHERE `KullaniciAdi`='mahlukat'")

print("querydb: "..tostring(id))
local result = getQueryResult(id)
print("queryresult: "..tostring(result))


Debug Monitor ;

print("querydb: "..tostring(id))
print("queryresult: "..tostring(result))



I want

Debug Monitor ;


print("querydb: "..tostring(id))
print("queryresult: "..tostring(result))

I want the pool value before the return, So the pool is on top.


Edited by XiVirtue
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Every step of the query process have to be done inside of the coroutine function. And you cannot use two coroutines for one execution process.




Functions blocks that are outside of the coroutine, but called from within the coroutine function block, are considered to be part of the coroutine.

It sound complicated, but it means that you can yield a coroutine from a different function, as long as it is part of the coroutine process.



Edited by IIYAMA
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45 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:


Every step of the query process have to be done inside of the coroutine function. And you cannot use two coroutines for one execution process.




Functions blocks that are outside of the coroutine, but called from within the coroutine function block, are considered to be part of the coroutine.

It sound complicated, but it means that you can yield a coroutine from a different function, as long as it is part of the coroutine process.



I'm a little confused. Can you help? So how do I do it?

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25 minutes ago, XiVirtue said:

I'm a little confused. Can you help? So how do I do it?


-- This block cannot be frozen!
co[id] = coroutine.create(function()
	-- This block can be frozen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	local id = querydb("SELECT * FROM `kayitlar` WHERE `KullaniciAdi`='mahlukat'")
	print("querydb: "..tostring(id))
	local result = getQueryResult(id)
	print("queryresult: "..tostring(result))

function querydb ()
	-- This block can be frozen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

function getQueryResult ()
  	-- This block can be frozen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That way.

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17 hours ago, IIYAMA said:


-- This block cannot be frozen!
co[id] = coroutine.create(function()
	-- This block can be frozen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	local id = querydb("SELECT * FROM `kayitlar` WHERE `KullaniciAdi`='mahlukat'")
	print("querydb: "..tostring(id))
	local result = getQueryResult(id)
	print("queryresult: "..tostring(result))

function querydb ()
	-- This block can be frozen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

function getQueryResult ()
  	-- This block can be frozen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That way.

I'm doing this because the pool performs more than other functions, but I'm having trouble returning early

How do I use it when I export it and want to get it as a return value?

Example : exports.sql:querydb("SELECT * FROM `kayitlar` WHERE `KullaniciAdi`='mahlukat'")


Edited by XiVirtue
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