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[HELP] How to make a infinite loop function.


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I am very sure that you do not want to make a infinity loop. It is a very bad thing after all.


This is an infinity loop:

while true do


Never ending execution of code, which at the end gets abort because the game starts to freeze.


And this is what you probably want:

setTimer(function () end, 1000, 0)

Executing the function once per second.



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I wanna make a health checker. If player health under 15hp,

The camera starts to shake. I actually did the coding. But i can't make the check function. There is code;

local hp = getElementHealth( localPlayer )

function healthshake ()
if hp <= 15 then 
   else if hp > 15 then



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I want automatically get the health value from the player, how can I do it?

1 minute ago, xuaNN said:


I want automatically get the health value from the player, how can I do it?

Okey okey okey, i understand the problem. Thank you.


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For this you can use onClientPlayerDamage event to check the player's health each time they take damage.

Something like this

function camShake ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss )
    local health = getElementHealth( localPlayer ) -- get the player's health
    -- check health
    -- set shake etc...
addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, camShake )


Edited by Mr.Loki
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