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Vector3 to JSON


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Nope, a vector isn't a table.

I am not exactly sure if they build this data type in C++ or it might be a meta-table. Not that it really matters. As long as you can work with them.


Untested converter

	local keys = {"x", "y", "z", "w"}
	function vectorToTable (vector) 
		local newTable = {}
		for i=1, #keys do
			local key = keys[i]
			local value = vector[key]
			if value then
				newTable[key] = value
		return newTable
iprint(toJSON(vectorToTable(Vector2(234,2434))), "\n\n" , toJSON(vectorToTable(Vector3(234,2434,454))), "\n\n" , toJSON(vectorToTable(Vector4(234,2434,454, 365))) )





Edited by IIYAMA
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I did a sort of a "serializer/deserializer" too, but I don't really understand how the concatation on


Following example:

local json = "[\"[123, 1, 3]\"]"
outputDebugString(tostring(fromJSON(json)) -- Delivers [123, 1, 3]
local x, y, z = fromJSON(json) -- Results in nil values

-- But ...
for k, v in ipairs(fromJSON(json)) do
	outputDebugString(k .. " " .. v)
       1 123
       2 1
       3 3
-- I also tried this
local jsonTbl = fromJSON(json)
outputDebugString(jsonTbl[1] .. " " .. jsonTbl[2] .. " " .. jsonTbl[3]) -- Results in error due to nil value

On the wiki page, it shows that it's supposed to work like I did with local x, y, z ...

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