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getPlayersInTeam help


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local theTeam = "Thugs"
local players = getPlayersInTeam ( theTeam ) 
if (getElementData(players,"Clan" == 5)then
 outputChatBox("Thugs: There are already 5 of your members ",source)

This is what im trieing to do , if there are 5 of the same clan members in a team then put that message

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local theTeam = "Thugs"
local players = getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName(theTeam)) -- this part will break with debug error, getPlayersInTeam expecting team got nil, if a team under that name does not exist
if (#players >= 5) then -- count (#) the values in the table
  outputChatBox("Thugs: There are already 5 of your members ",source)


Edited by Investor
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4 minutes ago, Investor said:

local theTeam = "Thugs"
local players = getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName(theTeam)) -- added getTeamFromName
if (#players >= 5) then -- count (#) the values in the table
  outputChatBox("Thugs: There are already 5 of your members ",source)


How can i make if there are an ammount of members in a clan there aka
if there are 5 terrorists,  then outpu that message
format : getElementData(source,"Clan"

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