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Downloading screen


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Hi there, I have a question. Can anybody help me how to change the downloading screen? I mean when you are connecting to the server and all the scripts are downloading/loading. I want to put an image there and change the progress bar.
Thank you for your replies.

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You can do that in the meta.xml.

<download_priority_group>1<download_priority_group /> If not set, the download priority group for a resource defaults to 0. If this is set higher than 0, then the resource will be downloaded and started on the client earlier than other resources. If set to less than 0, the resource will be downloaded and started on the client later than other resources.


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Would probably be best to us dxDrawRectangle / dxDrawImage  and do a nicer looking one. And as for getting the amount that is downloaded get the amount of resources and get the files they contain server side, send that file side then run through them and check which files exist (Are downloaded) and which do not (Are not downloaded) then you can use on file download complete (Or whatever it's called) to remove from the total number then just interpolate to give a smooth download bar.

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Uuuuh... I'm lost in this. I can't make this happen. It's beyond my capabilities. Could any of you please help me with that, or even make it happen for me? I know that it is impolite to beg for scripts, but it's hard for me. ? I would be grateful for anybody who can help me. 

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If that is the case, then I think you picked the wrong project.
Be realistic and do smaller projects first.



Instead of a loading bar, you can also display a loading image or loading text.

Check this example:

It is used to detect if the transferbox(download bar) is active.

Edited by IIYAMA
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