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Immortal Peds 0_0


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Hello !

    I have a probblem. Everytime when I creating a ped in the server using 'createPed' function, the ped that creating can't be killed [ immortal ]. I don't like that way. The ped should be able to killed. Did you know to fix this ?

createPed(0, 0, 0, 5)


Edited by DeadthStrock
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56 minutes ago, DeadthStrock said:

Hello !

    I have a probblem. Everytime when I creating a ped in the server using 'createPed' function, the ped that creating can't be killed [ immortal ]. I don't like that way. The ped should be able to killed. Did you know to fix this ?

createPed(0, 0, 0, 5)


Can all peds not get killed?

If that is the case, then this event is cancelled in one of your resources:





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13 hours ago, IIYAMA said:

Can all peds not get killed?

If that is the case, then this event is cancelled in one of your resources:





I stopped my modified resources and then started the local server with built-in resources. If I create 10 peds, I can't even kill a single ped with a gun. [ knife will do :P stealth kill I think ]


14 hours ago, Bilal135 said:

There's no such argument as 'immortal' in createPed.

ped createPed ( int modelid, float x, float y, float z [, float rot = 0.0, bool synced = true ] )

It must be something else in your code which is making your ped invincible. Or it could be this issue, https://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=8790.

I saw that bug. But I don't try to set health of any ped. Their health doesn't change after spawn. I tried this with built-in resources of MTA local server.

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55 minutes ago, DeadthStrock said:

I stopped my modified resources and then started the local server with built-in resources. If I create 10 peds, I can't even kill a single ped with a gun. [ knife will do :P stealth kill I think ]


I saw that bug. But I don't try to set health of any ped. Their health doesn't change after spawn. I tried this with built-in resources of MTA local server.

What about other players in the same server?

What about you killing peds inside of a server that isn't yours?

Did you modifi any mods or textures?

Ask these kind of questions to yourself.

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