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[HELP]: setElementRotation


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Hello, I have a resource airbrake with this code:

function putPlayerInPosition(timeslice)
	local cx,cy,cz,ctx,cty,ctz = getCameraMatrix()
	ctx,cty = ctx-cx,cty-cy
	timeslice = timeslice*0.1
	if getKeyState("num_7") then timeslice = timeslice*4 end
	if getKeyState("num_9") then timeslice = timeslice*0.25 end
	local mult = timeslice/math.sqrt(ctx*ctx+cty*cty)
	ctx,cty = ctx*mult,cty*mult
	if getKeyState("w") then abx,aby = abx+ctx,aby+cty end
	if getKeyState("s") then abx,aby = abx-ctx,aby-cty end
	if getKeyState("d") then abx,aby = abx+cty,aby-ctx end
	if getKeyState("a") then abx,aby = abx-cty,aby+ctx end
	if getKeyState("space") then abz = abz+timeslice end
	if getKeyState("lshift") then abz = abz-timeslice end

function toggleAirBrake()
	air_brake = not air_brake or nil
	if air_brake then
		abx,aby,abz = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
		abx,aby,abz = nil

But I do not know how to move the character to turn him in the direction where the camera is looking. Can someone help with this?

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