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I want to add to a value per frame, for some reason it sticks to a single value, the speed value, instead of the actual value its self.

		-- Serverside creates data and syncs with clientside via element data. Tbh serverside isn't needed at all.
		self.wx1, self.wx2 = getDefaultWheelSize(self.vehicle)
		for i=1, self.wheelAmount do
			self.wheels[i] = {
				wheel = createObject(self.model, 0, 0, 0),
				width = 0,
				cam = {
					camber = 20, -- what you want it to be, this is whatever you set camber to
					current = 0,-- this what it currently is in-between gradual movements
					increment = 0.97,
					speed = 2,
					onGround = isVehicleOnGround(self.vehicle)
			if i == 1 or i == 2 then
				setObjectScale(self.wheels[i].wheel, self.wx1)
				setObjectScale(self.wheels[i].wheel, self.wx2)
			-- clientside, where all the :~ is done.
			for i=1, #self.wheels do
				if isElement(self.wheels[i].wheel) then
					dxSetShaderValue(wheelShader, 'red', 0.25)
					dxSetShaderValue(wheelShader, 'green', 0.25)
					dxSetShaderValue(wheelShader, 'blue', 0.25)
					dxSetShaderValue(wheelShader, 'alpha', 0.25)
					engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(wheelShader, '*', self.wheels[i].wheel)
					local x, y, z = getVehicleComponentPosition(self.vehicle, wheelNames[i], 'world')
					local rx, ry, rz = getVehicleComponentRotation(self.vehicle, wheelNames[i], 'world')
					local sx, sy, sz = getObjectScale(self.wheels[i].wheel)
					local newPos1 = (z-(self.wx1/2))+(sy/2)
					local newPos2 = (z-(self.wx2/2))+(sy/2)
					local camber = self.wheels[i].cam
					if isVehicleWheelOnGround(self.vehicle, i-1) then
						if camber.current < camber.camber then
							if camber.current > camber.camber then
								camber.current = camber.camber
						--if camber.current > 2 then
							--if camber.current < 2 then camber.current = 1 end
							--camber.current = camber.current - (camber.speed * camber.increment)
					if i == 1 or i == 2 then
						setElementPosition(self.wheels[i].wheel, x, y, newPos1)
						setElementPosition(self.wheels[i].wheel, x, y, newPos2)
					setElementRotation(self.wheels[i].wheel, rx, ry-camber.current, rz, 'ZYX')

So I want camber to be smooth, when vehicle isn't on the ground then the wheels are straight, but as it comes back to the ground, gradually go back into camber state. Basically adding a realistic effect to the wheels. The camber is stuck at the speed value created on server side.

Tbh, good luck with this one. Using a better version of interpolate.

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