AsianBR Posted October 7, 2018 Share Posted October 7, 2018 Well I did 2 jobs, one of delivering pizza and another of delivering newspaper, in case every time I go to the red mark it appears both jobs being that the markings are in different locations, follow the print down: THERE IS THE CODE THAT I USE IN THE 2 WORKS ONLY CHANGED NAMES AND LOCATIONS IF YOU CAN TELL ME WHERE IT IS WRONG, I USE IMAGES TO GENERATE THE PANELS TO ACCEPT WORK, IT HAS OTHER ARCHIVOS.LUA BUT IT IS NOT THEY THAT ARE CAUSING THAT BUT IF YOU WATCH ME, I PLACE THEM ALSO TO HELP ME. Newspaper Deliverer: addEvent("openinf_kop", true) screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function windm () if not getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working") then infowind = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth - 700, screenHeight - 500, 300, 359, "background.png", false) guiMemoSetReadOnly( infotext, true ) --guiSetFont(text2, "default-bold-small") showCursor(true) guiSetVisible ( infowind , true) guiWindowSetSizable(infowind, false) Button_Glose = guiCreateStaticImage(25, 300, 250, 45, "teste.png", false, infowind) Button_Start = guiCreateStaticImage(25, 250, 250, 45, "bu.png", false, infowind) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button_Start, kit ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button_Glose, noshow ) else for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho de entregar jornal.", 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addEventHandler("openinf_kop", root, windm ) function noshow () if ( source == Button_Glose ) then destroyElement ( infowind ) showCursor ( false ) end end function kit () if ( source == Button_Start ) then startWorking() destroyElement ( infowind ) showCursor ( false ) end end addEvent ( "pay", true ) function giving () outputChatBox ( "Você coletou e pegou - 50$ ", getRootElement(), 255, 100, 100, true ) end addEventHandler("pay", resourceRoot, giving ) addEvent ( "get", true ) function peremen (plr) plr = getLocalPlayer () end addEventHandler("get", resourceRoot, peremen ) pickupSpawns = { { 824 ,-1421,14 }, { 1365,-1432,13 }, { 1413,-1701,13 }, { 1929,-1777,13 }, { 2326,-1717,13 }, { 2495,-1689,14 }, { 2067,-1628,14 }, { 1909,-1598,14 }, } max_pickups_set = 8 -- Número de entregas maximo createdPickups = {} max_pickups = max_pickups_set if max_pickups_set > #pickupSpawns then max_pickups = #pickupSpawns end function startWorking () if not getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working" ) then createdPickups = {} triggerServerEvent ( "picku_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", true ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit", 0 ) outputChatBox ( "Você começou o trabalho.\nPegue a bicicleta e vá entregar jornal!!", 255, 255, 255, true ) for i, v in ipairs ( pickupSpawns ) do local pick = createMarker ( v[1],v[2],v[3], "checkpoint", 4.0, 0, 0, 255 ) local pick2 = createPickup ( v[1],v[2],v[3], 3, 1582, 10000 ) setElementData ( pick, "taken", false ) setElementData ( pick, "pick2", pick2 ) setElementData ( pick, "kop_pickup", true ) setElementData ( pick, "id", i ) if i == 1 then local icon = createBlipAttachedTo ( pick, 41, 2 ) setElementData ( pick, "icon", icon ) end table.insert (createdPickups, pick) end end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement(), function(thePlayer, seat) if thePlayer == getLocalPlayer() then if getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working" ) then for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho", 255, 255, 255, true ) end end end ) function clientPickupHit(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if thePlayer == localPlayer and getElementData ( source, "kop_pickup" ) and not getElementData ( source, "taken" ) then setElementData ( source, "taken", true ) setElementVelocity ( getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), 0, 0, 0 ) toggleAllControls ( false, true, false ) setTimer ( finishBoarding, 5000, 1 ) outputChatBox("Entrega está em andamento", 0,153,51) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_pickup", 2 ) local hitted = getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit" ) or 0 hitted = hitted+1 local pick2 = getElementData ( source, "pick2" ) if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( source, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement(source) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit", hitted) if hitted >= max_pickups then for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho, espere", 255, 255, 255, true ) return true end if createdPickups[hitted+1] then local icon = createBlipAttachedTo ( createdPickups[hitted+1], 41, 2 ) setElementData ( createdPickups[hitted+1], "icon", icon ) end end end function finishBoarding () toggleAllControls ( true, true, true ) outputChatBox ( "você entregou os jornais, sua recompensa é de R$ 100 ", 255, 100, 100, true ) triggerServerEvent ( "giveMoneyFromClient_kop", localPlayer, 100 ) --VALOR MONEY PRA DAR setElementPosition ( trailer, bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][1], bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][2], bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][3] ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), clientPickupHit ) Pizza delivery: addEvent("openinf_kop", true) screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function windm () if not getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working") then infowind = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth - 700, screenHeight - 500, 300, 359, "background.png", false) guiMemoSetReadOnly( infotext, true ) --guiSetFont(text2, "default-bold-small") showCursor(true) guiSetVisible ( infowind , true) guiWindowSetSizable(infowind, false) Button_Glose = guiCreateStaticImage(25, 300, 250, 45, "teste.png", false, infowind) Button_Start = guiCreateStaticImage(25, 250, 250, 45, "bu.png", false, infowind) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button_Start, kit ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button_Glose, noshow ) else for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho de entregar pizza.", 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addEventHandler("openinf_kop", root, windm ) function noshow () if ( source == Button_Glose ) then destroyElement ( infowind ) showCursor ( false ) end end function kit () if ( source == Button_Start ) then startWorking() destroyElement ( infowind ) showCursor ( false ) end end addEvent ( "pay", true ) function giving () outputChatBox ( "Você coletou e pegou - 50$ ", getRootElement(), 255, 100, 100, true ) end addEventHandler("pay", resourceRoot, giving ) addEvent ( "get", true ) function peremen (plr) plr = getLocalPlayer () end addEventHandler("get", resourceRoot, peremen ) pickupSpawns = { { 2225,2520,10 }, { 2102,2484,11 }, { 1889,2408,11 }, { 1934,2306,10 }, { 2065,2290,10 }, { 2279,2341,10 }, { 2258,2289,10 }, { 2497,2239,10 }, { 2519,2335,10 }, { 2301,2507,10 }, { 2318,2516,10 }, { 2347,2506,10 }, } max_pickups_set = 15 -- Número de entregas maximo createdPickups = {} max_pickups = max_pickups_set if max_pickups_set > #pickupSpawns then max_pickups = #pickupSpawns end function startWorking () if not getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working" ) then createdPickups = {} triggerServerEvent ( "picku_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", true ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit", 0 ) outputChatBox ( "Você começou o trabalho.\nPegue a moto e vá entregar pizzas!!", 255, 255, 255, true ) for i, v in ipairs ( pickupSpawns ) do local pick = createMarker ( v[1],v[2],v[3], "checkpoint", 4.0, 0, 0, 255 ) local pick2 = createPickup ( v[1],v[2],v[3], 3, 1582, 10000 ) setElementData ( pick, "taken", false ) setElementData ( pick, "pick2", pick2 ) setElementData ( pick, "kop_pickup", true ) setElementData ( pick, "id", i ) if i == 1 then local icon = createBlipAttachedTo ( pick, 41, 2 ) setElementData ( pick, "icon", icon ) end table.insert (createdPickups, pick) end end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement(), function(thePlayer, seat) if thePlayer == getLocalPlayer() then if getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working" ) then for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho", 255, 255, 255, true ) end end end ) function clientPickupHit(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if thePlayer == localPlayer and getElementData ( source, "kop_pickup" ) and not getElementData ( source, "taken" ) then setElementData ( source, "taken", true ) setElementVelocity ( getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), 0, 0, 0 ) toggleAllControls ( false, true, false ) setTimer ( finishBoarding, 5000, 1 ) outputChatBox("Entrega está em andamento", 0,153,51) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_pickup", 2 ) local hitted = getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit" ) or 0 hitted = hitted+1 local pick2 = getElementData ( source, "pick2" ) if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( source, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement(source) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit", hitted) if hitted >= max_pickups then for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho, espere", 255, 255, 255, true ) return true end if createdPickups[hitted+1] then local icon = createBlipAttachedTo ( createdPickups[hitted+1], 41, 2 ) setElementData ( createdPickups[hitted+1], "icon", icon ) end end end function finishBoarding () toggleAllControls ( true, true, true ) outputChatBox ( "você entregou pizza, sua recompensa é de R$ 250 ", 255, 100, 100, true ) triggerServerEvent ( "giveMoneyFromClient_kop", localPlayer, 250 ) --VALOR MONEY PRA DAR setElementPosition ( trailer, bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][1], bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][2], bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][3] ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), clientPickupHit ) PLZ HELP ME Link to comment
LyricalMM Posted October 7, 2018 Share Posted October 7, 2018 you added the same events on both scripts addEvent("openinf_kop", true) addEventHandler("get", resourceRoot, peremen ) addEventHandler("openinf_kop", root, windm ) and etc.. also remember to change the trigger events names too after you changed the handlers @AsianBR 1 Link to comment
AsianBR Posted October 7, 2018 Author Share Posted October 7, 2018 8 hours ago, LyricalMM said: you added the same events on both scripts addEvent("openinf_kop", true)addEventHandler("get", resourceRoot, peremen )addEventHandler("openinf_kop", root, windm ) and etc.. also remember to change the trigger events names too after you changed the handlers @AsianBR Thank you very much, I did the way you said and I solved the problem. 1 Link to comment
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