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I need help with some calculations


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Hello! I'm trying to make the player rotate +-30° in both directions with onClientCursorMove event

something like this

		-- aX is an absolute position of cursor in this event
		local w, h = guiGetScreenSize()
		aX = aX - w / 2

		local h_rot = rz+aX/2 -- aX/2 - make rotation smoother
		if h_rot >= 360 then
			h_rot = h_rot - 360
		elseif h_rot < 0 then
			h_rot = 360 + h_rot
		--local crot_l = sh.camrot - 30
		--local crot_r = sh.camrot + 30
		--print("h_rot: "..math.floor(h_rot)..", crot: "..math.floor(crot))
		--if h_rot >= crot_l and h_rot <= crot_r then


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26 minutes ago, Jayceon said:

Like in Vice City camera/ped rotation? When you move your cursor the ped rotate by the camera.

not really. I made a camera angle looking towards the ped. This camera is not moving at all - just staying still (static in general). I want to make this:

when i press and hold right mouse button ped will rotate. If i move a mouse right, ped'll rotate clockwise, left - counterclockwise. Also i want to make a limit - player can be rotated until it reach: original_rotation + 30 degrees OR original_rotation - 30 degrees

Sorry if you can't understand something cuz i'm not english-speaking really


Edited by JeViCo
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