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Faction System


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2 hours ago, AncienT said:


i want faction system !

Abilitys :

1. Promote leader by Admin ACL group

2. Haves ranks faction : Rank 1 - Rank 2 - Rank 3 - Rank 4 - Rank 5 - Sub-Leader - Leader

3. Set rank faction members . /setrank <PartOfName> <Number> ( By Leader )

4. Haves faction vehicle .

5. Respawn all vehicle in faction HQ by Leader and Sub-Leader. /respawnveh

6. Demote leader by Admin

7. Color name in nametags and scoreboard for factions.


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Just now, xXGhostXx said:

i want faction system !

Abilitys :

1. Promote leader by Admin ACL group

2. Haves ranks faction : Rank 1 - Rank 2 - Rank 3 - Rank 4 - Rank 5 - Sub-Leader - Leader

3. Set rank faction members . /setrank <PartOfName> <Number> ( By Leader )

4. Haves faction vehicle .

5. Respawn all vehicle in faction HQ by Leader and Sub-Leader. /respawnveh

6. Demote leader by Admin

7. Color name in nametags and scoreboard for factions.


This is group system?

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4 minutes ago, iMr.WiFi..! said:



Use what you like db functions, or executeSQLQuery functions.
this is all functions you need.
except simple functions like: outputChatbox, and i think you don't wanna to consider it.

And i prefer to use SQL with system like this, not recommended to use Admin ACL.

You suggest to make ACL ?

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1 minute ago, iMr.WiFi..! said:
  • Save the spawn positions into SQL.
  • Get the spawn positions from SQL.
  • Spawn the vehicle with positions you get. 


i have a question :

This is my code for Admin PM Script.

Admin PM from admin to players.

function adminpm ( thePlayer, command, taraf,... )
  local message = table.concat ({...}, " ") 
 if not ( isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer ) ) then
    outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffShoma Dastresi Be In Dastoor Nadarid!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
    return false
  if taraf == nil then
    outputChatBox("#00ff00Bezan: /pm <PartOfName> <Matn>", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
      return false
  if not findPlayer(taraf) then
    outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffPlayer Peyda Nashod!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
    return false
  local playerpm = findPlayer(taraf)
  local nameadmin = getPlayerName( thePlayer )
  outputChatBox("#F39C12<< Be " ..taraf.. ": " ..message.. " >>", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
  outputChatBox("#F39C12<< [Admin PM] " ..nameadmin.. ": " ..message.. " >>", playerpm, 255, 255, 255, true)

addCommandHandler("pm", adminpm)

When i use /pm <PartOfName>
An empty message will be sent.

please fix my script :(

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Just now, xXGhostXx said:

i have a question :

This is my code for Admin PM Script.

Admin PM from admin to players.

function adminpm ( thePlayer, command, taraf,... )
  local message = table.concat ({...}, " ") 
 if not ( isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer ) ) then
    outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffShoma Dastresi Be In Dastoor Nadarid!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
    return false
  if taraf == nil then
    outputChatBox("#00ff00Bezan: /pm <PartOfName> <Matn>", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
      return false
  if not findPlayer(taraf) then
    outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffPlayer Peyda Nashod!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
    return false
  local playerpm = findPlayer(taraf)
  local nameadmin = getPlayerName( thePlayer )
  outputChatBox("#F39C12<< Be " ..taraf.. ": " ..message.. " >>", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true)
  outputChatBox("#F39C12<< [Admin PM] " ..nameadmin.. ": " ..message.. " >>", playerpm, 255, 255, 255, true)

addCommandHandler("pm", adminpm)

When i use /pm <PartOfName>
An empty message will be sent.

please fix my script :(

Open another topic for this problem.

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