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onPlayerJoin Problem


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Hi guys .

please fix my script for on players join and after /login name changed to username . before login name : Guess,random number

function GuessShodan()

   local adadshansi = math.random(9999,9999)
   setPlayerName(thePlayer, Guess#adadshansi )


Edited by xXGhostXx
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Not sure what you meant but here u go.

local names = {} -- Create a tabe to save names when they join

function GuessShodan( )
	names[source] = getPlayerName( source ) -- Save the player's name in the table.
	giveRandomName( source ) -- Call our custom function to generate a random name and give it to the player.
addEventHandler( "onPlayerJoin", root, GuessShodan )

function giveRandomName( plr )
	local newName -- Create a variable to store the name that is only visible within the function.
		newName = math.random(1000,9999) -- Generate random number
	until not getPlayerFromName( "Guess_"..newName ) -- repeat the line above until no player with this name is found in the server
	setPlayerName( plr, "Guess_"..tostring(newName) ) -- Give the player the new name

function Restorenick( )
	if names[source] then -- Check if the player is in the table
		setPlayerName( source, names[source] ) -- Set the player's name to the nick he had when joining
		names[source] = nil -- Remove the name from the table
addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", root, Restorenick )


Edited by Mr.Loki
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10 hours ago, Mr.Loki said:

Not sure what you meant but here u go.

local names = {} -- Create a tabe to save names when they join

function GuessShodan( )
	names[source] = getPlayerName( source ) -- Save the player's name in the table.
	giveRandomName( source ) -- Call our custom function to generate a random name and give it to the player.
addEventHandler( "onPlayerJoin", root, GuessShodan )

function giveRandomName( plr )
	local newName -- Create a variable to store the name that is only visible within the function.
		newName = math.random(1000,9999) -- Generate random number
	until not getPlayerFromName( "Guess_"..newName ) -- repeat the line above until no player with this name is found in the server
	setPlayerName( plr, "Guess_"..tostring(newName) ) -- Give the player the new name

function Restorenick( )
	if names[source] then -- Check if the player is in the table
		setPlayerName( source, names[source] ) -- Set the player's name to the nick he had when joining
		names[source] = nil -- Remove the name from the table
addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", root, Restorenick )


Worked . But players can change the name from MTA Setting ! I Want script for change the name to username /register .

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4 hours ago, xXGhostXx said:

Worked . But players can change the name from MTA Setting ! I Want script for change the name to username /register .

You can cancel the event onPlayerChangeNick the first example on the page shows you how.

Use this instead of the above code.

function giveRandomName( )
	local newName -- Create a variable to store the name that is only visible within the function.
		newName = math.random(1000,9999) -- Generate random number.
	until not getPlayerFromName( "Guess_"..newName ) -- Repeat the line above until if player with this name is found.
	setPlayerName( source, "Guess_"..tostring(newName) ) -- Give the player the new name.
addEventHandler( "onPlayerJoin", root, giveRandomName )

function Restorenick( _, acc )
  local accountName = getAccountname(acc) -- get the name of the account they logged in with
  setPlayerName( source, accountName ) -- Set the player's name to his account name.
addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", root, Restorenick )


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1 hour ago, Mr.Loki said:

You can cancel the event onPlayerChangeNick the first example on the page shows you how.

Use this instead of the above code.

function giveRandomName( )
	local newName -- Create a variable to store the name that is only visible within the function.
		newName = math.random(1000,9999) -- Generate random number.
	until not getPlayerFromName( "Guess_"..newName ) -- Repeat the line above until if player with this name is found.
	setPlayerName( source, "Guess_"..tostring(newName) ) -- Give the player the new name.
addEventHandler( "onPlayerJoin", root, giveRandomName )

function Restorenick( _, acc )
  local accountName = getAccountname(acc) -- get the name of the account they logged in with
  setPlayerName( source, accountName ) -- Set the player's name to his account name.
addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", root, Restorenick )


Worked but i player name changed to Guess Random Number ! i want after Login Guess and before login Set name to Username

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2 minutes ago, Mr.Loki said:


what ?

12 minutes ago, xXGhostXx said:

Worked but i player name changed to Guess Random Number ! i want after Login Guess and before login Set name to Username

addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", getRootElement(), 

this is code ?

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function giveRandomName( )
	local newName -- Create a variable to store the name that is only visible within the function.
		newName = math.random(1000,9999) -- Generate random number.
	until not getPlayerFromName( "Guess_"..newName ) -- Repeat the line above until if player with this name is found.
	setPlayerName( source, "Guess_"..tostring(newName) ) -- Give the player the new name.
addEventHandler( "onPlayerJoin", root, giveRandomName )

function Restorenick(_, acc)
  local accountName = getAccountName(acc) -- get the name of the account they logged in with
  setPlayerName( source, accountName ) -- Set the player's name to his account name.
addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", root, Restorenick )


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7 hours ago, Dimos7 said:

function giveRandomName( )
	local newName -- Create a variable to store the name that is only visible within the function.
		newName = math.random(1000,9999) -- Generate random number.
	until not getPlayerFromName( "Guess_"..newName ) -- Repeat the line above until if player with this name is found.
	setPlayerName( source, "Guess_"..tostring(newName) ) -- Give the player the new name.
addEventHandler( "onPlayerJoin", root, giveRandomName )

function Restorenick(_, acc)
  local accountName = getAccountName(acc) -- get the name of the account they logged in with
  setPlayerName( source, accountName ) -- Set the player's name to his account name.
addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", root, Restorenick )


Not Work !

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addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root,
		local newName = "Guest#"..math.random(1000,9999)
			newName = "Guest#"..math.random(1000,9999)
		until not getPlayerFromName(newName)
		setPlayerName(source, newName)

addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root,
		local accountName = getAccountName(account)
		setPlayerName(source, tostring(accountName))

addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root,


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guests = {}

addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root,
		local newName = "Guest#"..math.random(9999)
		if not guests[newName] then
			setPlayerName(source, newName)
			guests[newName] = true

addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root,
		guests[getPlayerName(source)] = nil
		local accountName = getAccountName(account)
		setPlayerName(source, tostring(accountName))

addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root,


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