i,xAhmed Posted August 28, 2018 Share Posted August 28, 2018 سلآم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته عندي مود آلبنك فيه مشكلة آبي اذا فتحت اللوحة م يقدر يكتب اي امر الا اذا قفلها مثلا جيت للمود وجاني لوحة سحب الفلوس وكذا ابي اكتب باف 8 call م ينكتب يعني الامر يتعطل واذا قفلت اللوحة عادي يرجع طبيعي ويتفعل الامر Link to comment
#BrosS Posted August 28, 2018 Share Posted August 28, 2018 toggleAllControls استعمله في الكلينت سايد Link to comment
i,xAhmed Posted August 28, 2018 Author Share Posted August 28, 2018 version = "Bank System v3.0" wBank, bClose, lBalance, tabPanel, tabPersonal, tabPersonalTransactions, tabBusiness, tabBusinessTransactions, lWithdrawP, tWithdrawP, bWithdrawP, lDepositP, tDepositP, bDepositP = nil lWithdrawB, tWithdrawB, bWithdrawB, lDepositB, tDepositB, bDepositB, lBalanceB, gPersonalTransactions, gBusinessTransactions = nil gfactionBalance = nil cooldown = nil lastUsedATM = nil _depositable = nil _withdrawable = nil limitedwithdraw = 0 local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() function tonumber2( num ) if type(num) == "number" then return num else num = num:gsub(",",""):gsub("%$","") return tonumber(num) end end local bankPed = createPed(150, 2358.710205, 2361.2133789, 2022.919189) setPedRotation(bankPed, 90.4609375) setElementInterior(bankPed, 3) function updateTabStuff() if guiGetSelectedTab(tabPanel) == tabPersonalTransactions then guiGridListClear(gPersonalTransactions) triggerServerEvent("tellTransfersPersonal", localPlayer, cardInfoSaved) elseif guiGetSelectedTab(tabPanel) == tabBusinessTransactions then guiGridListClear(gBusinessTransactions) triggerServerEvent("tellTransfersBusiness", localPlayer) end end function showBankUI(isInFaction, isFactionLeader, factionBalance, depositable, limit, withdrawable, factionType) if not (wBank) then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "exclusiveGUI") or not isCameraOnPlayer() then return false end cardInfoSaved = nil _depositable = depositable _withdrawable = withdrawable lastUsedATM = source limitedwithdraw = limit setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "exclusiveGUI", true, false) local width, height = 600, 400 local scrWidth, scrHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local x = scrWidth/2 - (width/2) local y = scrHeight/2 - (height/2) local transactionColumns = { { "ID", 0.09 }, { "From", 0.2 }, { "To", 0.2 }, { "Amount", 0.1 }, { "Date", 0.2 }, { "Reason", 0.5 } } local bannedTypes = { [0] = true, [1] = true, } wBank = guiCreateWindow(x, y, width, height, "Bank of Los Santos | "..version.."", false) guiWindowSetSizable(wBank, false) tabPanel = guiCreateTabPanel(0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.85, true, wBank) addEventHandler( "onClientGUITabSwitched", tabPanel, updateTabStuff ) tabPersonal = guiCreateTab("Personal Banking", tabPanel) tabPersonalTransactions = guiCreateTab("Personal Transactions", tabPanel) local hoursplayed = getElementData(localPlayer, "hoursplayed") or 0 if (isInFaction) and (isFactionLeader) and not (bannedTypes[factionType]) then tabBusiness = guiCreateTab("Business Banking", tabPanel) gfactionBalance = factionBalance lBalanceB = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.05, "Balance: $" .. exports.global:formatMoney(factionBalance), true, tabBusiness) guiSetFont(lBalanceB, "default-bold-small") if (withdrawable) then -- WITHDRAWAL BUSINESS lWithdrawB = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.05, "Withdraw:", true, tabBusiness) guiSetFont(lWithdrawB, "default-bold-small") tWithdrawB = guiCreateEdit(0.22, 0.13, 0.2, 0.075, "0", true, tabBusiness) guiSetFont(tWithdrawB, "default-bold-small") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", tWithdrawB, function() if guiGetText(tWithdrawB) == "0" then guiSetText(tWithdrawB, "") end end, false) bWithdrawB = guiCreateButton(0.44, 0.13, 0.2, 0.075, "Withdraw", true, tabBusiness) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bWithdrawB, withdrawMoneyBusiness, false) else lWithdrawB = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.15, 0.5, 0.05, "This ATM does not support the withdraw function.", true, tabBusiness) guiSetFont(lWithdrawB, "default-bold-small") end if (depositable) then -- DEPOSIT BUSINESS lDepositB = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.25, 0.2, 0.05, "Deposit:", true, tabBusiness) guiSetFont(lDepositB, "default-bold-small") tDepositB = guiCreateEdit(0.22, 0.23, 0.2, 0.075, "0", true, tabBusiness) guiSetFont(tDepositB, "default-bold-small") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", tDepositB, function() if guiGetText(tDepositB) == "0" then guiSetText(tDepositB, "") end end, false) bDepositB = guiCreateButton(0.44, 0.23, 0.2, 0.075, "Deposit", true, tabBusiness) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bDepositB, depositMoneyBusiness, false) else lDepositB = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.05, "This ATM does not support the deposit function.", true, tabBusiness) guiSetFont(lDepositB, "default-bold-small") if limitedwithdraw > 0 and withdrawable then tDepositB = guiCreateLabel(0.67, 0.15, 0.2, 0.05, "Max: $" .. exports.global:formatMoney( limitedwithdraw - ( getElementData( source, "withdrawn" ) or 0 ) ) .. ".", true, tabBusiness) guiSetFont(tDepositB, "default-bold-small") end end if hoursplayed >= 12 then -- TRANSFER BUSINESS lTransferB = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.45, 0.2, 0.05, "Transfer:", true, tabBusiness) guiSetFont(lTransferB, "default-bold-small") tTransferB = guiCreateEdit(0.22, 0.43, 0.2, 0.075, "0", true, tabBusiness) guiSetFont(tTransferB, "default-bold-small") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", tTransferB, function() if guiGetText(tTransferB) == "0" then guiSetText(tTransferB, "") end end, false) bTransferB = guiCreateButton(0.44, 0.43, 0.2, 0.075, "Transfer to", true, tabBusiness) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bTransferB, transferMoneyBusiness, false) eTransferB = guiCreateEdit(0.66, 0.43, 0.3, 0.075, "<Bank Account Number>", true, tabBusiness) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", eTransferB, function() if guiGetText(eTransferB) == "<Bank Account Number>" then guiSetText(eTransferB, "") end end, false) lTransferBReason = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.55, 0.2, 0.05, "Reason:", true, tabBusiness) guiSetFont(lTransferBReason, "default-bold-small") tTransferBReason = guiCreateEdit(0.22, 0.54, 0.74, 0.075, "<What is this transaction for?>", true, tabBusiness) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", tTransferBReason, function() if guiGetText(tTransferBReason) == "<What is this transaction for?>" then guiSetText(tTransferBReason, "") end end, false) end -- TRANSACTION HISTORY tabBusinessTransactions = guiCreateTab("Business Transactions", tabPanel) gBusinessTransactions = guiCreateGridList(0.02, 0.02, 0.96, 0.96, true, tabBusinessTransactions) for key, value in ipairs( transactionColumns ) do guiGridListAddColumn( gBusinessTransactions, value[1], value[2] or 0.1 ) end end bClose = guiCreateButton(0.75, 0.91, 0.2, 0.1, "Close", true, wBank) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bClose, hideBankUI, false) local balance = getElementData(localPlayer, "bankmoney") --outputDebugString(balance) --outputDebugString(exports.global:formatMoney(balance)) --:~ lBalance = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.05, "Balance: $" .. exports.global:formatMoney(balance), true, tabPersonal) guiSetFont(lBalance, "default-bold-small") if withdrawable then -- WITHDRAWAL PERSONAL lWithdrawP = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.05, "Withdraw:", true, tabPersonal) guiSetFont(lWithdrawP, "default-bold-small") tWithdrawP = guiCreateEdit(0.22, 0.13, 0.2, 0.075, "0", true, tabPersonal) guiSetFont(tWithdrawP, "default-bold-small") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", tWithdrawP, function() if guiGetText(tWithdrawP) == "0" then guiSetText(tWithdrawP, "") end end, false) bWithdrawP = guiCreateButton(0.44, 0.13, 0.2, 0.075, "Withdraw", true, tabPersonal) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bWithdrawP, withdrawMoneyPersonal, false) else lWithdrawP = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.15, 0.5, 0.05, "This ATM does not support the withdraw function.", true, tabPersonal) guiSetFont(lWithdrawP, "default-bold-small") end if (depositable) then -- DEPOSIT PERSONAL lDepositP = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.25, 0.2, 0.05, "Deposit:", true, tabPersonal) guiSetFont(lDepositP, "default-bold-small") tDepositP = guiCreateEdit(0.22, 0.23, 0.2, 0.075, "0", true, tabPersonal) guiSetFont(tDepositP, "default-bold-small") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", tDepositP, function() if guiGetText(tDepositP) == "0" then guiSetText(tDepositP, "") end end, false) bDepositP = guiCreateButton(0.44, 0.23, 0.2, 0.075, "Deposit", true, tabPersonal) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bDepositP, depositMoneyPersonal, false) else lDepositP = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.05, "This ATM does not support the deposit function.", true, tabPersonal) guiSetFont(lDepositP, "default-bold-small") if limitedwithdraw > 0 and withdrawable then tDepositP = guiCreateLabel(0.67, 0.15, 0.2, 0.05, "Max: $" .. ( limitedwithdraw - ( getElementData( source, "withdrawn" ) or 0 ) ) .. ".", true, tabPersonal) guiSetFont(tDepositP, "default-bold-small") end end if hoursplayed >= 12 then -- TRANSFER PERSONAL lTransferP = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.45, 0.2, 0.05, "Transfer:", true, tabPersonal) guiSetFont(lTransferP, "default-bold-small") tTransferP = guiCreateEdit(0.22, 0.43, 0.2, 0.075, "0", true, tabPersonal) guiSetFont(tTransferP, "default-bold-small") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", tTransferP, function() if guiGetText(tTransferP) == "0" then guiSetText(tTransferP, "") end end, false) bTransferP = guiCreateButton(0.44, 0.43, 0.2, 0.075, "Transfer to", true, tabPersonal) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bTransferP, transferMoneyPersonal, false) eTransferP = guiCreateEdit(0.66, 0.43, 0.3, 0.075, "<Player/Faction Name>", true, tabPersonal) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", eTransferP, function() if guiGetText(eTransferP) == "<Player/Faction Name>" then guiSetText(eTransferP, "") end end, false) lTransferPReason = guiCreateLabel(0.1, 0.55, 0.2, 0.05, "Reason:", true, tabPersonal) guiSetFont(lTransferPReason, "default-bold-small") tTransferPReason = guiCreateEdit(0.22, 0.54, 0.74, 0.075, "<What is this transaction for?>", true, tabPersonal) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", tTransferPReason, function() if guiGetText(tTransferPReason) == "<What is this transaction for?>" then guiSetText(tTransferPReason, "") end end, false) end -- TRANSACTION HISTORY gPersonalTransactions = guiCreateGridList(0.02, 0.02, 0.96, 0.96, true, tabPersonalTransactions) for key, value in ipairs( transactionColumns ) do guiGridListAddColumn( gPersonalTransactions, value[1], value[2] or 0.1 ) end guiSetInputEnabled(true) --outputChatBox("Welcome to the Bank of Los Santos") end end addEvent("showBankUI", true) addEventHandler("showBankUI", getRootElement(), showBankUI) function hideBankUI() if isElement(wBank) then destroyElement(wBank) wBank = nil guiSetInputEnabled(false) cooldown = setTimer(function() cooldown = nil end, 1000, 1) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "exclusiveGUI", false, false) end end addEvent("hideBankUI", true) addEventHandler("hideBankUI", getRootElement(), hideBankUI) addEventHandler ( "onSapphireXMBShow", getRootElement(), hideBankUI ) addEventHandler("onClientChangeChar", getRootElement(), hideBankUI) function withdrawMoneyPersonal(button) if (button=="left") then local amount = tonumber2(guiGetText(tWithdrawP)) local money = getElementData(localPlayer, "bankmoney") local oldamount = getElementData( lastUsedATM, "withdrawn" ) or 0 if not amount or amount <= 0 or math.ceil( amount ) ~= amount then outputChatBox("Please enter a positive amount!", 255, 0, 0) elseif (amount>money) then outputChatBox("You do not have enough funds.", 255, 0, 0) elseif not _depositable and limitedwithdraw ~= 0 and oldamount + amount > limitedwithdraw then outputChatBox("This ATM only allows you to withdraw $" .. exports.global:formatMoney( limitedwithdraw - oldamount ) .. ".") else setElementData( lastUsedATM, "withdrawn", oldamount + amount, false ) setTimer( function( atm, amount ) setElementData( atm, "withdrawn", getElementData( atm, "withdrawn" ) - amount ) end, 120000, 1, lastUsedATM, amount ) hideBankUI() triggerServerEvent("withdrawMoneyPersonal", localPlayer, amount) end end end function depositMoneyPersonal(button) if (button=="left") then local amount = tonumber2(guiGetText(tDepositP)) if not amount or amount <= 0 or math.ceil( amount ) ~= amount then outputChatBox("Please enter a positive amount!", 255, 0, 0) elseif not exports.global:hasMoney(localPlayer, amount) then outputChatBox("You do not have enough funds.", 255, 0, 0) else hideBankUI() triggerServerEvent("depositMoneyPersonal", localPlayer, amount) end end end function transferMoneyPersonal(button) if (button=="left") then local amount = tonumber2(guiGetText(tTransferP)) local money = getElementData(localPlayer, "bankmoney") local reason = guiGetText(tTransferPReason) local playername = guiGetText(eTransferP) if not amount or amount <= 0 or math.ceil( amount ) ~= amount then outputChatBox("Please enter a positive amount!", 255, 0, 0) elseif (amount>money) then outputChatBox("You do not have enough funds.", 255, 0, 0) elseif reason == "" then outputChatBox("Please enter a reason for the Transfer!", 255, 0, 0) elseif playername == "" then outputChatBox("Please enter the full character name of the reciever!", 255, 0, 0) else triggerServerEvent("transferMoneyToPersonal", localPlayer, false, playername, amount, reason) guiSetText(tTransferP, "0") guiSetText(tTransferPReason, "") guiSetText(eTransferP, "") end end end function withdrawMoneyBusiness(button) if (button=="left") then local amount = tonumber2(guiGetText(tWithdrawB)) local oldamount = getElementData( lastUsedATM, "withdrawn" ) or 0 if not amount or amount <= 0 or math.ceil( amount ) ~= amount then outputChatBox("Please enter a positive amount!", 255, 0, 0) elseif (amount>gfactionBalance) then outputChatBox("You do not have enough funds.", 255, 0, 0) elseif not _depositable and limitedwithdraw ~= 0 and oldamount + amount > limitedwithdraw then outputChatBox("This ATM only allows you to withdraw $" .. exports.global:formatMoney( limitedwithdraw - oldamount ) .. ".") else setElementData( lastUsedATM, "withdrawn", oldamount + amount, false ) setTimer( function( atm, amount ) setElementData( atm, "withdrawn", getElementData( atm, "withdrawn" ) - amount, false ) end, 120000, 1, lastUsedATM, amount ) hideBankUI() triggerServerEvent("withdrawMoneyBusiness", localPlayer, amount) end end end function depositMoneyBusiness(button) if (button=="left") then local amount = tonumber2(guiGetText(tDepositB)) if not amount or amount <= 0 or math.ceil( amount ) ~= amount then outputChatBox("Please enter a positive amount!", 255, 0, 0) elseif not exports.global:hasMoney(localPlayer, amount) then outputChatBox("You do not have enough funds.", 255, 0, 0) else hideBankUI() triggerServerEvent("depositMoneyBusiness", localPlayer, amount) end end end function transferMoneyBusiness(button) if (button=="left") then local amount = tonumber2(guiGetText(tTransferB)) local playername = guiGetText(eTransferB) local reason = guiGetText(tTransferBReason) if not amount or amount <= 0 or math.ceil( amount ) ~= amount then outputChatBox("Please enter a positive amount!", 255, 0, 0) elseif (amount>gfactionBalance) then outputChatBox("You do not have enough funds.", 255, 0, 0) elseif reason == "" then outputChatBox("Please enter a reason for the Transfer!", 255, 0, 0) elseif playername == "" then outputChatBox("Please enter the full character name of the reciever!", 255, 0, 0) else triggerServerEvent("transferMoneyToPersonal", localPlayer, true, playername, amount, reason) guiSetText(tTransferB, "0") guiSetText(tTransferBReason, "") guiSetText(eTransferB, "") end end end function getTransactionReason(type, reason, from) if type == 0 or type == 4 then return "Withdraw" elseif type == 1 or type == 5 then return "Deposit" elseif type == 6 then return tostring(reason or "") elseif type == 7 then return "Payday (Biz+Interest+Donator)" elseif type == 8 then return "Budget" elseif type == 9 then return tostring("Fuel: "..math.ceil(reason).."L") elseif type == 10 then return "Repair" elseif type == 11 then return "Wage" else return "Transfer: " .. tostring(reason or "") end end function recieveTransfer(grid, id, amount, time, type, from, to, reason, details) local row = guiGridListAddRow(grid) guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, 1, tostring(id), false, true) guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, 2, from, false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, 3, to, false, false) if amount < 0 then guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, 4, "-$"..exports.global:formatMoney(math.abs(amount)), false, true) guiGridListSetItemColor(grid, row, 4, 255, 127, 127) else guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, 4, "$"..exports.global:formatMoney(amount), false, true) guiGridListSetItemColor(grid, row, 4, 127, 255, 127) end guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, 5, time, false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, 6, " " .. getTransactionReason(type, reason, from), false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(grid, row, 7, " " .. details, false, false) end function recievePersonalTransfer(...) recieveTransfer(gPersonalTransactions, ...) end addEvent("recievePersonalTransfer", true) addEventHandler("recievePersonalTransfer", localPlayer, recievePersonalTransfer) function recieveBusinessTransfer(...) recieveTransfer(gBusinessTransactions, ...) end addEvent("recieveBusinessTransfer", true) addEventHandler("recieveBusinessTransfer", localPlayer, recieveBusinessTransfer) function checkDataChange(dn) if wBank then if dn == "bankmoney" and source == localPlayer then guiSetText(lBalance, "Balance: $" .. exports.global:formatMoney(getElementData(source, "bankmoney"))) elseif dn == "money" and source == getPlayerTeam(localPlayer) then gfactionBalance = getElementData(source, "money") guiSetText(lBalanceB, "Balance: $" .. exports.global:formatMoney(gfactionBalance)) end end end addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange", getRootElement(), checkDataChange) local thisResourceElement = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) function cleanUp() setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "exclusiveGUI", false, false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", thisResourceElement, cleanUp) function fadeOut() fadeCamera ( true, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) end addEvent("bank:fadeOut", true) addEventHandler("bank:fadeOut", localPlayer, fadeOut) function isCameraOnPlayer() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) if vehicle then return getCameraTarget( ) == vehicle else return getCameraTarget( ) == getLocalPlayer() end end function hasBankMoney(thePlayer, amount) amount = tonumber(amount) amount = math.floor(math.abs(amount)) return getElementData(thePlayer, "bankmoney") >= amount end شوف ذا الكود مشكلته مابيه يتحرك الا اذا شغل Close لاكن اذا اتصلت بآمر call يصير يقدر يتحرك واللوحة شغالة وانا ابيه م يتحرك مهما صار لو اتصل او اي شي Link to comment
Mr.Mostafa Posted August 28, 2018 Share Posted August 28, 2018 رول بلاي ضض .. ــ علي آلعموم روح للمود حق كومآند /call وفي بدآية آلموود سوي تحقق آن آللوحة مب مفتوحة , ولو مب مفتوحة يشتغل آلكومآند عآدي 1 Link to comment
i,xAhmed Posted September 1, 2018 Author Share Posted September 1, 2018 On ٢٩/٨/٢٠١٨ at 02:36, Mr.Mostafa said: رول بلاي ضض .. ــ علي آلعموم روح للمود حق كومآند /call وفي بدآية آلموود سوي تحقق آن آللوحة مب مفتوحة , ولو مب مفتوحة يشتغل آلكومآند عآدي كيف ؟ Link to comment
Mr.Mostafa Posted September 1, 2018 Share Posted September 1, 2018 6 minutes ago, i,xAhmed said: كيف ؟ طريقة آسهل ضض سوي لمآ يضغط كلك يمين علي آلشخص حق آلبنك ويفتح له آللوحة يحط دآتآ علي آلآعب آلي فتح آللوحة setElementData(player, "openBankPanel", true) وروح لكومآند /call من آلمود حقه وسوي بعد كلمة function if getElementData(player, "openBankPanel") then outputChatBox("يجب قفل لوحة آلبنك آولآ",player,255,0,0,true) return end وطبعآ سوي لمآ يقفل آللوحة يشيل منه آلدآتآ Link to comment
Ram, Posted September 1, 2018 Share Posted September 1, 2018 5 hours ago, Mr.Mostafa said: طريقة آسهل ضض سوي لمآ يضغط كلك يمين علي آلشخص حق آلبنك ويفتح له آللوحة يحط دآتآ علي آلآعب آلي فتح آللوحة setElementData(player, "openBankPanel", true) وروح لكومآند /call من آلمود حقه وسوي بعد كلمة function if getElementData(player, "openBankPanel") then outputChatBox("يجب قفل لوحة آلبنك آولآ",player,255,0,0,true) return end وطبعآ سوي لمآ يقفل آللوحة يشيل منه آلدآتآ ليش داتا ؟؟ الداتا استخدامها كثير لا ينصح به . يقدر يسوي "onClientPlayerCommand" ويتحقق اذا اللوحة مفتوحة يسوي كانسل إيفنت .. 1 2 Link to comment
Guest Posted September 1, 2018 Share Posted September 1, 2018 26 minutes ago, #Ram said: ليش داتا ؟؟ الداتا استخدامها كثير لا ينصح به . يقدر يسوي "onClientPlayerCommand" ويتحقق اذا اللوحة مفتوحة يسوي كانسل إيفنت .. +1 Link to comment
Mr.Mostafa Posted September 1, 2018 Share Posted September 1, 2018 57 minutes ago, #Ram said: ليش داتا ؟؟ الداتا استخدامها كثير لا ينصح به . يقدر يسوي "onClientPlayerCommand" ويتحقق اذا اللوحة مفتوحة يسوي كانسل إيفنت .. في آكثر من طريقة عآدي ,, مب شرط دآتآ Link to comment
Ram, Posted September 1, 2018 Share Posted September 1, 2018 29 minutes ago, Mr.Mostafa said: في آكثر من طريقة عآدي ,, مب شرط دآتآ لما تسوي داتا بيكون مضر للسيرفر يعني كثرتها تصرف وتسبب لاق مرات .. كثير والداتا مالها ماداعي وغلط تعطيه بداتا Link to comment
KillerX Posted September 1, 2018 Share Posted September 1, 2018 (edited) 14 hours ago, #Ram said: ليش داتا ؟؟ الداتا استخدامها كثير لا ينصح به . يقدر يسوي "onClientPlayerCommand" ويتحقق اذا اللوحة مفتوحة يسوي كانسل إيفنت .. من كيسك دي onClientPlayerCommand اول مرا اسمع عنوا حتي الويكي ما سمع عنوا ض2 دا الصح يا اخ onPlayerCommand Edited September 1, 2018 by KillerX 1 Link to comment
#Mo|M|en/' Posted September 1, 2018 Share Posted September 1, 2018 14 hours ago, #Ram said: ليش داتا ؟؟ الداتا استخدامها كثير لا ينصح به . يقدر يسوي "onClientPlayerCommand" ويتحقق اذا اللوحة مفتوحة يسوي كانسل إيفنت .. فيه أفنت أسمه onClientPlayerCommand اصلاً ؟ Link to comment
KillerX Posted September 1, 2018 Share Posted September 1, 2018 (edited) 9 minutes ago, #Mo|M|en/' said: فيه أفنت أسمه onClientPlayerCommand اصلاً ؟ لا بيالف من كيسو هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههء Edited September 1, 2018 by KillerX Link to comment
Ram, Posted September 6, 2018 Share Posted September 6, 2018 On 01/09/2018 at 14:04, KillerX said: من كيسك دي onClientPlayerCommand اول مرا اسمع عنوا حتي الويكي ما سمع عنوا ض2 دا الصح يا اخ onPlayerCommand محشش انت ؟ الا موجودة 1 Link to comment
Trefeor Posted September 6, 2018 Share Posted September 6, 2018 ^ لأ مافية إيفنت بـ أسم onClientPlayerCommand ^ onPlayerCommand فقط . 1 Link to comment
KillerX Posted September 6, 2018 Share Posted September 6, 2018 4 hours ago, #Ram said: محشش انت ؟ الا موجودة يب فعلا انا اللي محشش هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه 1 Link to comment
i,xAhmed Posted September 7, 2018 Author Share Posted September 7, 2018 طيب ي اخواني فيه طريقة آخلي الماوس م يروح بدال كل ذي المرمطة ؟ جربت showCursor(true) لاكن اذا فتحت اللوحة وقفلتها يبقى ثابت الماوس Link to comment
[T]|O|[P]George Posted September 7, 2018 Share Posted September 7, 2018 1 hour ago, i,xAhmed said: طيب ي اخواني فيه طريقة آخلي الماوس م يروح بدال كل ذي المرمطة ؟ جربت showCursor(true) لاكن اذا فتحت اللوحة وقفلتها يبقى ثابت الماوس لانك خليتها لو قفلت الماوس يظهر انت تبي لوحة البنك يوم تفتح ما يحصل اي امر؟ Link to comment
#[K]iLLeR<3 Posted September 7, 2018 Share Posted September 7, 2018 20 minutes ago, i,xAhmed said: طيب ي اخواني فيه طريقة آخلي الماوس م يروح بدال كل ذي المرمطة ؟ جربت showCursor(true) لاكن اذا فتحت اللوحة وقفلتها يبقى ثابت الماوس اعمل لما يضغط على زر الخروج من الوحة showCursor(false) Link to comment
[T]|O|[P]George Posted September 7, 2018 Share Posted September 7, 2018 جرب ضيف في كود فتح لوحة البنك guiSetInputEnabled -- او guiSetInputMode Link to comment
i,xAhmed Posted September 7, 2018 Author Share Posted September 7, 2018 1 hour ago, #[K]iLLeR<3 said: اعمل لما يضغط على زر الخروج من الوحة showCursor(false) م ضبط شكرا ي شباب ضبط 1 Link to comment
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