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[MYSQL] When you are beginner #2


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Im trying to create mysql players load, but i have this

qh = dbQuery(DBConnection, "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `Name` = ? LIMIT 1", getPlayerName(source))
    res = dbPoll(qh, -1)
    if(res) then
        triggerClientEvent(source, "prikazilog", source)
        for rid, row in ipairs (fromJSON(toJSON(res))) do 
            for column, value in pairs (row) do
                setPlayerAnnounceValue(source, column, value)
        triggerClientEvent(source, "prikazi", source)

prikazilog is for showing login gui

and prikazi is to show  register gui


so, where am i wrong. It shows login dialog everytime

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wtf xD

it stores players name (game username)

now i want to make loading, but it only works for those who have acc, im slighty updated code

function joinHan()
    fadeCamera(source, true)
    showCursor(source, true)
    setPlayerHudComponentVisible (source, "clock", false )
    qh = nil
    res = nil
    qh = dbQuery(DBConnection, "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `Name` = ? LIMIT 1", getPlayerName(source))
    res = dbPoll(qh, -1)
    if(res) then
		for rid, row in ipairs (fromJSON(toJSON(res))) do 
			if(rid == 0) then
				triggerClientEvent(source, "prikazi", source)
			elseif(rid > 0) then
				triggerClientEvent(source, "prikazilog", source)
			    for column, value in pairs (row) do
					setPlayerAnnounceValue(source, column, value)

And again, it doesnt work for player who dont have acc (triggerClientEvent(source, "prikaz", source)

Also I dont get any bug on /debugscript so?

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1. dbPoll will always return true as long as the statement returned without an error, even though it's empty, which means your first if statement will always be true (unless DB error happens)

2. Since you are using LIMIT 1, there's no need to use loop, it's impossible to return multiple rows. 

3. dbPoll returns a table with the following structure (only 1 row in your case):

    { colname1=value1, colname2=value2, ... },
    { colname1=value3, colname2=value4, ... },

Try this: 

if res[1]["Name"] then
  outputChatBox("User is registered")
  outputChatBox("User is not registered")

4. fromJson(toJson(res)) - what are you trying to achieve there? Is your data saved as JSON object in DB? Either way, converting to then back from JSON is pointless. 

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