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[RPG]San Andreas Extreme Gaming[ALL]

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Hello my name is @KnucklesSAEG but in-game name Knuckles - Information about me
----- Brief Description about SAEG----
Costumized GUIs- SAEG Made a system to make awesome windows, almost all our systems  has modified with it

Public Vehicle Spawners- SAEG Made a system for new players and even old, if your stranded and near a hospital you can spawn vehicles there are free  Vehicles,"Sanchez,"Voodoo","Caddy"

24/7 Shops- SAEG Made a system that you can buy  cool weapons such as "Chainsaw","Katana","Poolstick"  etc
Bus station system- SAEG Made a system that you can travel to diffrent cities and countries with a small fair
Job system- SAEG made a awesome system , jobs there are many diffrent jobs located arround the map "Gangster","Police","Trucker","Pilot","Mechanic","Taxi","Hobo","Pizza Delivery" and custom jobs
Group System- SAEG Made a system wich you can create your own group and turf and invite members there are 3 diffrent types "Gang"-Can turf ,"Squad"-Arresting,"Clan"-Any job
Arresting System- SAEG made a system where you can arrest players, if the player is wanted you will see a blue hand cuff, if the player is dangerous you must kill them
WarZone System-  SAEG made a fun system where at a specific time of day an event will start named WarZones you can enter by pressing F3>Events>Warzones>join Event
----- Contact information----
Owners  Facebbok:Majd Hani picture:blacksuit
My contact:FB:Shaheed Ally
------Connection Information-----


Edited by KnucklesSAEG
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