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Need checking


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alias rpg.give {
 var %a = $iif($4 == $null,$2,$iif($mta.name($1,$4) != Unknown,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4)))
 if %a != -1 && %a != $2 {
   if $5 && $5 isnum && $5 > 0 {
     mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) gave $chr(36) $+ $5 to $mta.name($1,%a)
     !writeini -n "rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,%a) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,%a) + $5)
     !writeini -n "rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,$2) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,$2) - $5)
   else mta.say $1 Syntax: !give 
 else mta.msg $1 $2 Cannot give urself/invalid person money

Wondering if some1 could plz tell me how to make it so that people cant give cash to others if they have too little cash, as its currently leaving people with minus cash, eg cash: -100. thanx

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alias rpg.give {
 var %a = $iif($4 == $null,$2,$iif($mta.name($1,$4) != Unknown,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4)))
 if %a != -1 && %a != $2 {
   if (($5) && ($5 isnum) && ($5 > 0)) {
     if ($readini(rpg.ini,$mta.name($1,$2),cash) >= $5) {
       mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) gave $chr(36) $+ $5 to $mta.name($1,%a)
       !writeini -n "rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,%a) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,%a) + $5)
       !writeini -n "rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,$2) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,$2) - $5)
     else mta.msg $1 $2 Error - You have not enough cash!
   else mta.say $1 Syntax: !give 
 else mta.msg $1 $2 Cannot give urself/invalid person money

Edited by Guest
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try puting in commands

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{
 if ($3 == !give) {
   var %a = $iif($4 == $null,$2,$iif($mta.name($1,$4) != Unknown,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4)))
   if %a != -1 && %a != $2 {
     if (($5) && ($5 isnum) && ($5 > 0)) {
       if ($readini(rpg.ini,$mta.name($1,$2),cash) >= $5) {
         mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) gave $chr(36) $+ $5 to $mta.name($1,%a)
         !writeini -n "rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,%a) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,%a) + $5)
         !writeini -n "rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,$2) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,$2) - $5)
       else mta.msg $1 $2 Error - You have not enough cash!
     else mta.say $1 Syntax: !give 
   else mta.msg $1 $2 Cannot give urself/invalid person money

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hey umm can some1 help me with this one i am having problems it keeps saying invalid money or not enough???? how can i fix this?

alias rpg.give {

var %a = $iif($4 == $null,$2,$iif($mta.name($1,$4) != Unknown,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4)))

if %a != -1 && %a != $2 {

if $5 && $5 isnum && $5 > 0 {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) gave $chr(36) $+ $5 to $mta.name($1,%a)

!writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,%a) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,%a) + $5)

!writeini -n " $+ $rpg.dir $+ rpg.ini" $mta.name($1,$2) cash $calc($rpg.cash($1,$2) - $5)


else mta.say $1 Syntax: !give


else mta.msg $1 $2 Cannot give urself/invalid person money



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