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This can be done with some basic math.

Let's say we're positioning the notifications from 0,0 on the client's screen (top left)

--Notification values
local notificationBaseX, notificationBaseY = 0, 0
local notificationWidth, notificationHeight = 200, 60
local notificationMargin = 7

local notifications = {} --Our table where the notifications are stored.

function createNotification(text) --Example function to create a notification
  table.insert(notifications, text)

function renderNotifications() --Draw the notifications
  for i, notificationText in ipairs(notifications) do
    local notificationX, notificationY = notificationBaseX + notificationMargin, notificationBaseY + (notificationHeight + notificationMargin) * (i - 1) --Add the notification height & margin, then multiply that by the current notification index. We'll start indexing at 0 by removing 1 from the current index.
    dxDrawRectangle(notificationX, notificationY, notificationWidth, notificationHeight, tocolor(255, 0, 0))
    dxDrawText(notificationText, notificationX, notificationY, notificationX + notificationWidth, notificationY + notificationHeight, tocolor(255,255,255), 1, "default-bold", "center", "center")
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderNotifications)

--Create the notifications
createNotification("Notification 1")
createNotification("Notification 2")
createNotification("Notification 3")

I hope that's enough to get you started. Any questions just ask :) 

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local sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize()
local sx, sy = sw/1920, sh/1080
local notificationBaseX, notificationBaseY = (sw/677)/2, 40
local notificationWidth, notificationHeight = 677, 40
local notificationMargin = 7

function sendClientMessage(message, r, g, b, colorCoded)
    if type(message) == "string" then
	   if not colorCoded then
	       r, g, b = tonumber (r) , tonumber(g) , tonumber(b)
		   colorCoded = false
	       r, g, b = getColorFromString(message)
		   colorCoded = true
	      removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderNotifications)
	   end, 15000, 1)
addEvent("sendClientMessage", true)
addEventHandler("sendClientMessage", root, sendClientMessage)

function renderNotifications()
    local notificationX, notificationY = notificationBaseX +notificationMargin ,  notificationBaseY+(notificationHeight +notificationMargin)*1
    dxDrawRectangle(sx*notificationX, sy*notificationY, sx*notificationWidth, sy*notificationHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255))
	dxDrawText(message, sx*notificationX, sy*notificationY, sx*notificationX+notificationWidth, sy*notificationY+notificationHeight, tocolor(r, g, b, 255), sx*1.2, "default-blod", "left", "top", false, false, false, colorCoded, false)
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderNotifications)

i did something like this but i can't take message because i take warning in drawText is nil i want to take the message from that function can you help me?

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You need to store 'message' somewhere if you want to use it in renderNotification. In the following code, I've placed it into notification[1] as well as r, g, b and colorCoded in the subsequent indices.

local sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize()
local sx, sy = sw/1920, sh/1080
local notificationBaseX, notificationBaseY = (sw/677)/2, 40
local notificationWidth, notificationHeight = 677, 40
local notificationMargin = 7
local notification -- current notification data storage

function sendClientMessage(message, r, g, b, colorCoded)
  if type(message) == "string" then
    if not colorCoded then
      r, g, b = tonumber (r) , tonumber(g) , tonumber(b)
      colorCoded = false
      r, g, b = getColorFromString(message)
      colorCoded = true
    notification = {message, r, g, b, colorCoded} -- set current notification data
        notification = nil -- reset current notification data after 15000ms
        -- but don't remove event handler as that will prevent further notifcations showing up
        -- unless you re-attach the handler every time a new notifcation comes
      end, 15000, 1)
addEvent("sendClientMessage", true)
addEventHandler("sendClientMessage", root, sendClientMessage)

function renderNotifications()
  if notification then -- if there is any current notication (data)
    -- collect notification data
    local message = notification[1]
    local r, g, b = notification[2], notification[3], notification[4]
    local colorCoded = notification[5]
    local notificationX, notificationY = notificationBaseX +notificationMargin, notificationBaseY+(notificationHeight +notificationMargin)*1
    dxDrawRectangle(sx*notificationX, sy*notificationY, sx*notificationWidth, sy*notificationHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255))
    dxDrawText(message, sx*notificationX, sy*notificationY, sx*notificationX+notificationWidth, sy*notificationY+notificationHeight, tocolor(r, g, b, 255), sx*1.2, "default-blod", "left", "top", false, false, false, colorCoded, false)
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderNotifications)

The way you modified the code allows only for one message to render at any time. If this is not what you intended, you should try to more closely mirror what LopSided gave you.

Edited by MrTasty
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i fix it that but not it in middle of screen as i wanted it idk why

local sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize()
local sx, sy = sw/1920, sh/1080

function sendClientMessage(message, r, g, b, colorCoded)
    if type(message) == "string" then
	   if not colorCoded then
	       r, g, b = tonumber (r) , tonumber(g) , tonumber(b)
		   colorCoded = false
	       r, g, b = getColorFromString(message)
		   colorCoded = true
	   notification = {message, r, g, b, colorCoded}
	      notification = nil
	   end, 15000, 1)
addEvent("sendClientMessage", true)
addEventHandler("sendClientMessage", root, sendClientMessage)

function renderNotifications()
    if notification then 
	   local notificationText = notification[1]
	   local r, g, b = notification[2], notification[3], notification[4]
       local colorCoded = notification[5]		
       dxDrawRectangle((sw/530)/2, sy*32, sx*530, sy*32, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255))
 	   dxDrawText(notificationText, (sw/530)/2, sy*44, sx*530, sy*44, tocolor(r, g, b, 255), sx*1.2, "default-blod", "center", "center", false, false, false, colorCoded, false)
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderNotifications)


Edited by Dimos7
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