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[HELP] Click on water // fishing system

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I want to create a fishing system but I have to know, how can I calculate the position of the cursor when the player clicks on the water and how can I get if he clicks on the water or just on the ground, because at this point I want to create an object at the top of the water. 

Thanks in advance! ?

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function getCursorPosAtHeight(h)
    --// Calculate the cursorposition at the v3StartAz.z height.
  local v3CamPos = getCamera():getPosition()
    local v3Unit = v3CamPos-Vector3(getWorldFromScreenPosition(v2CursorPos.x, v2CursorPos.y, 1))--// Calculate how much going down 1 depth effects our z
    local zDistance = (v3CamPos.z-h)/v3Unit.z --// Get the height between the wanted height and the cam and devide it by the v3Unit.z, so we get how much units we need
    return Vector3(v3CamPos.x-v3Unit.x*zDistance, v3CamPos.y-v3Unit.y*zDistance, h)--// Calculate the cursor position at the given height.

Water is always at height 0.
Now, to test that the user really clicked on water just use the mentioned function.

testLineAgainstWater(getCamera():getPosition(), getWorldFromScreenPosition(v2CursorPos, 300))

If this returns true then he clicked at water.
To get the water height juse use



Edited by Pirulax
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On 2018. 07. 29. at 14:55, Pirulax said:


function getCursorPosAtHeight(h)
    --// Calculate the cursorposition at the v3StartAz.z height.
  local v3CamPos = getCamera():getPosition()
    local v3Unit = v3CamPos-Vector3(getWorldFromScreenPosition(v2CursorPos.x, v2CursorPos.y, 1))--// Calculate how much going down 1 depth effects our z
    local zDistance = (v3CamPos.z-h)/v3Unit.z --// Get the height between the wanted height and the cam and devide it by the v3Unit.z, so we get how much units we need
    return Vector3(v3CamPos.x-v3Unit.x*zDistance, v3CamPos.y-v3Unit.y*zDistance, h)--// Calculate the cursor position at the given height.

Water is always at height 0.
Now, to test that the user really clicked on water just use the mentioned function.

testLineAgainstWater(getCamera():getPosition(), getWorldFromScreenPosition(v2CursorPos, 300))

If this returns true then he clicked at water.
To get the water height juse use



This getCursorPosAtHeight function only works if I create the object at client side but I want to bring it to server side 

Edited by tacsa
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