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Seems like you have lots of work sorting the models..

Guest Latep

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.. and I would be more than pleased to help you! :D

If it's possible to sort models without releasing and telling any code of mta, I would be very pleased to do many hours of work to you, just to help you making proggress :) Please answer, into topic, msn, or email.

Thanks ;)

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Well not really, I just want to help with models, as I'm sure that they don't let any strangers into the real team ;)

I'll just pm someone

EDIT: PM:ed, so could someone lock or del this topic?

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It's not really very difficult. If you were sorting roads, you'd just type "road" and add all of the models with "road" in the name into a file along with variations such as "street". This narrows down the number of models left so that you can go through the remaining ones and assign ones that you may have missed such as "rd". Once all of them are sorted, there will probably be a little bit of fine-tuning.

You need to use MTA:SA to preview the models and make sure that the .models files work properly though. Some models have random filenames so you need to preview them. There's a platform with a fence around it that's called "fuuuuuuuuuuck" for some reason.

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well i have actually done nothing in gta modding, but I don't think sorting models is so hard.. But anyway, If I have to use mtasa to preview models, I don't think there's anything I can do, unless some other job..

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i was bored :)) i had to write something :)))))

Which number would that be?

Hmm... how should i say in english... for who knows romanian: Numar de Inmatriculare

For who doesn`t know romanian: Car ID Number, i thing this is the correct way to say :))

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