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onVehicleStartEnter problem


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Guys i have made this code to make non vips players can't enter hydra

vipVehicles = { [520]=true }
local cuenta = getAccountName( getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) )
if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..cuenta, aclGetGroup("VIP")) then --Group VIP
function onVehicleStartEnter ( enteringPlayer, seat, jacked, door )
	outputChatBox ( "● You must be vip to enter this vehicle", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) -- and tell the player why
addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), onVehicleStartEnter )

What is wrong with it ?

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vipVehicles = { [520]=true }

function onVehicleStartEnter ( enteringPlayer, seat, jacked, door )
local cuenta = getAccountName( getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) )
if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..cuenta, aclGetGroup("VIP")) then --Group VIP
	outputChatBox ( "● You must be vip to enter this vehicle", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) -- and tell the player why
addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), onVehicleStartEnter )

I Don't understand the spaces part though, could you explain what is its purpose?

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Thanks you but you forgot to change

local cuenta = getAccountName( getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) ) to enteringPlayer

Btw  wan't to ask you 

meta was like this  " client " , did not work

	<script src="client.lua" type="client" />

So when i changed it to server.lua and type="client" worked

how can i know that file is client or server and when i must create 2 files ( client + server ) 

Edited by Guest
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Just change thePlayer to source in your getPlayerAccount variable

A client script is what is executed on the player's computer directly, not on the server. A client script doesn't use variables like thePlayer and such because everything is source related in general.

Edited by Galactix
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