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Hello guys, I need a help with something... I need a way when I press Create zone: 

zoneCreator.button[2] = guiCreateButton(137, 532, 141, 29, "Create Zone", false, zoneCreator.window[1])

those 4:

function showZoneOutput()
    guiSetText(zoneCreator.edit[1], string.format('%.3f', x))
    guiSetText(zoneCreator.edit[2], string.format('%.3f', y))
    guiSetText(zoneCreator.edit[3], string.format('%.3f', w))
    guiSetText(zoneCreator.edit[4], string.format('%.3f', d))

get added inside that table:

zones = {
    --{id = 1, name = "Test zone", owner = "TsT", ctrl = "", price = 50000, objects = 0, radio = "", x = -1188.001, y = -438.446, sx = 19.328, sy = 22.896}

Can someone help me with making that thing? I tried I know I should make a function..:

function test( )
    -- get info from loadInfo and add them inside the table zones = {
    addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", zoneCreator.button[2], showZoneOutput, false )
addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource( ) ), test )

Now of course I made it wrong with messing part... If someone can help.. Thanks.

Edited by SSKE
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Other methods next to table.insert to insert in to a table:

-- Using the table more as an array --

-- manual insert
zones[1] = "value"
zones[2] = "value"
zones[3] = "value"
zones[4] = "value"

-- Auto insert at the end. Does almost the same as table.insert, it just can't pushing items (from the first index) and it is much faster.
zones[#zones + 1] = "value"

-- #zones -- table length!
-- #zones + 1 = new free slot!

-- Using the table more as an object --

-- Dot notation
zones.header = "value"
zones.bodyText = "value"
zones.subText = "value"

-- The same without dot notation

zones["header"] = "value"
zones["bodyText"] = "value"
zones["subText"] = "value"

-- Using other values as index (yes no limits)

zones[{}] = "value" -- table
zones[2425] = "value" -- number
zones["fdgsdf"] = "value" -- string
zones[function () end] = "value" -- function



Edited by IIYAMA
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I want to add an client side coding inside a table in server side-,- I know what shoulf I use I just don't know how to add them inside the table! I know what should I use but I don't know how to make them. I tried so many times no errors but doesn't work -.-

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I'll try to explain better than before. 

  1. function showZoneOutput()
        guiSetText(zoneCreator.edit[1], string.format('%.3f', x))
        guiSetText(zoneCreator.edit[2], string.format('%.3f', y))
        guiSetText(zoneCreator.edit[3], string.format('%.3f', w))
        guiSetText(zoneCreator.edit[4], string.format('%.3f', d))
    The function showZoneOutput is in client side file.

I want to trigger that function to server side and add it inside a table which is:

  1. zones = {
        --{id = 1, name = "Test zone", owner = "TsT", ctrl = "", price = 50000, objects = 0, radio = "", x = -1188.001, y = -438.446, sx = 19.328, sy = 22.896}

(from zones table)        from the function showZoneOutput

the x                            =              x

y                                   =             y 

sx                                =             w

sy                                =              d


I want to insert X from the client side into the table zones = {} in the server side. That's all what I want..

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Yes! that is how you should explain it the next time!


Communicating with the server

The very basic of it.



function showZoneOutput()
	-- ...
	triggerServerEvent("saveDataInTable", resourceRoot, string.format('%.3f', x), string.format('%.3f', y), string.format('%.3f', w), string.format('%.3f', d))



addEvent("saveDataInTable", true)
addEventHandler("saveDataInTable", resourceRoot,
function (x, y, w, d)

	zones[#zones + 1] = {id = 1, name = "Test zone", owner = "TsT", ctrl = "", price = 50000, objects = 0, radio = "", x = x, y = y, sx = w, sy = d}





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