Boris. Posted July 7, 2018 Share Posted July 7, 2018 I want create money and score system in race. When player finish race, get some money and score and save it. And showing in scoreboard. Link to comment
Boris. Posted July 7, 2018 Author Share Posted July 7, 2018 Im download one script and work, but when I finish race, I dont get money, and reactions dont work... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Original file by NeXTreme. Thanks for you'r awesome resource. -- -- -- -- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.-- -- -- -- -- -- Edited by Xiti. All right reserved. Copyright 2012. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- String.random characters chars = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"} local dataTable = { "cash", "points", "firstTimeJoin", "totalTimesJoined", "unlockedAchievements", "mapsWon", "totalToptimes", "totalHunters", "mapsPlayed", "totalBets", "totalBetsWon", "totalDeaths", "totalPlayingTimeMinutes", "totalPlayingTimeHours", "totalReactionTests", "bestReactionTime", "totalPVP", "totalPVPsWon", "highestWinstreak", "totalSpins", "DMs", "DMplayed", "DDwins", "DDplayed", "FUNwins", "FUNplayed", "buyedMaps", "totalLoteryWins", "ach1", "ach2", "ach3", "ach4", "ach5", "ach6", "ach7", "ach8", "ach9", "ach10", "ach11", "ach12", "ach13", "ach14", "ach15", "ach16", "ach17", "ach18", "ach19", "ach20", "ach21", "ach22", "ach23", "ach24", "ach25", "ach26", "ach27", "ach28", "ach29", "ach30", "everSetCustomVehicleColor", "c1R", "c1G", "c1B", "c2R", "c2G", "c3B", "everSetHeadlightsColor", "hlcRed", "hlcGreen", "hlcBlue", "headlightBought", "rainbowBought", "donatorEnabled", "donatorTime", "freeMaps", "timeToRenew", } textDataTable = {"nick"} playerTableStats = {} respawnFix = {} hunterFix = {} ----------------------------------- --- Protect Userpanel ----------------------------------- messege = "???" function protectUserpanel() onResourceStart() messege = "tbR2ftLf539jaeWVjfAQ" end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),protectUserpanel) ----------- -- Settings ----------- betTimeLimit = 40 -- Duration of the betting period in seconds. minPlayers = 5 -- Minimum required players to bet. mapCost = 3000 -- The price for setting maps. vehicleColor = 15000 headlightColor = 10000 moneyEarnPart = 30 -- The amount of money to calculate with to get the final money to give to the player. reactionMin = 200 -- Minimum money for the reaction test reactionMax = 500 -- Maximum money for the reaction test reactionDuration = 20 -- Duration of the reaction test in seconds reactionMinRedo = 300 -- Minimum amount of time to pass before a new reaction test is started in seconds reactionMaxRedo = 400 -- Maximum amount of time to pass before a new reaction test is started in seconds reactionLength = 10 -- Number of characters to use in the reaction test function onResourceStart() mapIsAlreadySet = false reactionString = "" reactionMoney = 0 mapType = "" mapName = "" mapBlock = "" setTimer(newReactionTest,math.random(reactionMinRedo*1000,reactionMaxRedo*1000),1) outputDebugString("Userpanel by Xiti for Alien Racers started!") end -- Disable voting function disableVote() cancelEvent() end addCommandHandler("voteredo",disableVote) addCommandHandler("new",disableVote) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------| USERPANEL |----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- -- Refresh Players ---------------------------- function triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist(thePlayer) local loggedPlayers = {} for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if not (isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(player))) then table.insert(loggedPlayers, tostring(getPlayerName(player))) end end setTimer(callClientFunction,1000,1,getRootElement(),"buildPlayerGridlist",loggedPlayers) end addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),triggerRebuildPlayerGridlist) function checkIfPlayerIsLogged(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not isGuestAccount(account) then callClientFunction(thePlayer,"allowBind",true) onPlayerLoginSecoundHandler(thePlayer) end end ---------------------------------- -- Tables System based on Accounts ---------------------------------- function createNewTables() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then for i, data in ipairs(dataTable) do if not (getAccountData(account, data)) then setAccountData(account, data, "0") outputDebugString("Setting data: "..tostring(data).." for player: "..tostring(getPlayerName(source)).." to 0") end end end if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then for i, data in pairs(textDataTable) do if not (getAccountData(account, data)) then setAccountData(account, data, getPlayerName(source)) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), createNewTables) addCommandHandler("resetStats", function (player, cmd, arg1) if (arg1) then local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Admin"))) then local target = getPlayerWildcard(arg1) if (target) then local account = getPlayerAccount(target) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then for i, data in ipairs(dataTable) do setAccountData(account, data, "0") outputDebugString("Setting data: "..tostring(data).." for player: "..tostring(getPlayerName(target)).." to 0") end end if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then for i, data in pairs(textDataTable) do end end end end end end) ------------------------------------------- -- Userpanel - handle requests from clients ------------------------------------------- function timesJoin() setElementData(source,"join","joined") scoreboardRefresh(source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),timesJoin) -- Stats view function getPlayerStats(triggeringPlayer,thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then playerTableStats[1] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) playerTableStats[2] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"points")) playerTableStats[3] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"mapsWon")) playerTableStats[4] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"mapsPlayed")) playerTableStats[5] = math.floor((playerTableStats[3]/playerTableStats[4])*100).."%" playerTableStats[6] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalHunters")) playerTableStats[7] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalToptimes")) playerTableStats[8] = 0 for i=1,25 do if tonumber(getAccountData(account,"ach"..i)) == 1 then playerTableStats[8] = playerTableStats[8]+1 end end playerTableStats[8] = playerTableStats[8].."/25" playerTableStats[9] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalPVP")) playerTableStats[10] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalPVPsWon")) minutes = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalPlayingTimeMinutes")) hours = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalPlayingTimeHours")) if hours < 10 then hours = "0"..hours end if minutes < 10 then minutes = "0"..minutes end playerTableStats[11] = ""..hours..":"..minutes.."" -- Total Playing Time playerTableStats[12] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"buyedMaps")) playerTableStats[13] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalLoteryWins")) playerTableStats[14] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalSpins")) playerTableStats[15] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalBetsWon")) playerTableStats[16] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalSpins")) callClientFunction(triggeringPlayer,"displayPersonalStats",thePlayer,playerTableStats) end end -- Maps function getServerMaps (loadList) local tableOut if loadList then tableOut = {} local maps = call(getResourceFromName("mapmanager"), "getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode" , getResourceFromName("race")) for _,map in ipairs (maps) do table.insert(tableOut ,getResourceInfo(map, "name") or getResourceName(map)) end table.sort(tableOut, sortCompareFunction) end callClientFunction(loadList,"loadMaps", tableOut) end function sortCompareFunction(s1, s2) if type(s1) == "table" and type(s2) == "table" then s1, s2 =, end s1, s2 = s1:lower(), s2:lower() if s1 == s2 then return false end local byte1, byte2 = string.byte(s1:sub(1,1)), string.byte(s2:sub(1,1)) if not byte1 then return true elseif not byte2 then return false elseif byte1 < byte2 then return true elseif byte1 == byte2 then return sortCompareFunction(s1:sub(2), s2:sub(2)) else return false end end function callGetMaps() for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do callClientFunction(player,"getMaps") end end addCommandHandler("rebuildMaps",callGetMaps) addCommandHandler("refresh",callGetMaps) mapTimer = {} mapQueue = {} nextByRedo = false -- Buy a next map function buyMap(thePlayer,mapName,command) if not PVP[thePlayer] then local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) if not (mapName == "") then if playerCash >= mapCost then if command then mapName = getMapName(mapName) else mapName = tostring(mapName) end if not mapTimer[mapName] then table.insert(mapQueue,mapName) local freeMaps = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"freeMaps")) if freeMaps ~= 0 then addStat(account,"freeMaps",-1) else setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash - mapCost) end addStat(account,"buyedMaps",1) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) mapTimer[mapName] = true setTimer(resetMapTimer,900000,1,mapName) if #mapQueue == 1 then triggerEvent("onUseranelWantSetMap",getRootElement(),mapQueue[1]) end callClientFunction(thePlayer,"setFreeMapPurchase",getAccountData(account,"freeMaps")) unlockAchievement(thePlayer,18) unlockAchievement(thePlayer) showServerMsg(getRootElement(),"Map queue",getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #ffffffbought and add "..mapName.." to map queue") callClientFunction(getRootElement(),"updateMapQueueList",mapQueue) else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"Buy nextmap","#FFFFFFYou can't set this map now, wait some time to set!") end else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"Buy nextmap","#FFFFFFYou don't have enough money to set a map!") end else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"Buy nextmap","#FFFFFFPlease select a map from the list first!") end end else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"Buy nextmap","#FFFFFFYou can't buy maps because you're playing a PVP match now!") end end redo = {} function buyRedo(thePlayer) if thePlayer then local currentMap = exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap() local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if isGuestAccount(account) then return end if getAccountData(account,"donatorEnabled") == 1 then local mapName = getMapName(currentMap) if not redo[mapName] then local freeMaps = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"freeMaps")) if freeMaps ~= 0 then addStat(account,"freeMaps",-1) elseif (getAccountData(account,"cash") >= 2500) then setAccountData(account,"cash",getAccountData(account,"cash")-2500) if #mapQueue ~= 0 then for i=#mapQueue,1 do mapQueue[i+1] = mapQueue[i] end mapQueue[1] = mapName triggerEvent("onUseranelWantSetMap",getRootElement(),mapQueue[1]) else mapQueue[1] = mapName triggerEvent("onUseranelWantSetMap",getRootElement(),mapQueue[1]) end callClientFunction(thePlayer,"setFreeMapPurchase",getAccountData(account,"freeMaps")) redo[mapName] = setTimer(function(mapName) redo[mapName] = false end,900000,1,mapName) showServerMsg(getRootElement(),"Redo",getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #ffffffadded this map to map queue as redo!") callClientFunction(getRootElement(),"updateMapQueueList",mapQueue) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"Redo","You don't have enough money!") end else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"Redo","You cant redo this map at this moment!") end else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"Buy redo","This option is just for donators") end end end addCommandHandler("buyredo",buyRedo) function resetMapSetStatus(g_MapInfo) if nextByRedo then nextByRedo = false if #mapQueue ~= 0 then triggerEvent("onUseranelWantSetMap",getRootElement(),mapQueue[1]) end else if #mapQueue == 1 then table.remove(mapQueue,1) elseif #mapQueue >1 then triggerEvent("onUseranelWantSetMap",getRootElement(),mapQueue[2]) table.remove(mapQueue,1) end end callClientFunction(getRootElement(),"updateMapQueueList",mapQueue) end addEvent("onMapStarting") addEventHandler("onMapStarting",getRootElement(),resetMapSetStatus) addCommandHandler("redo", function() nextByRedo = true end) function resetMapTimer(mapName) if mapTimer[mapName] then mapTimer[mapName] = nil showServerMsg( getRootElement(),"Map",mapName.." can be bought again!") end end function buyMapCommand(player,command,mapString) local map, errormsg = findMap( mapString ) if not map then showServerMsg( player,"Next map",errormsg) return end buyMap(player,map,true) end addCommandHandler("bm",buyMapCommand) function onMapStartingStatsReset() for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do respawnFix[player] = nil hunterFix[player] = nil end respawnFix = {} hunterFix = {} allowPVP() end addEvent("onMapStarting",true) addEventHandler("onMapStarting",getRootElement(),onMapStartingStatsReset) -- Playing time function playingTimeAdd(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then local totalPlayingTimeMinutes = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalPlayingTimeMinutes")) local totalPlayingTimeHours = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalPlayingTimeHours")) if totalPlayingTimeMinutes == 59 then setAccountData(account,"totalPlayingTimeMinutes",0) addStat(account,"totalPlayingTimeHours",1) unlockAchievement(thePlayer,25) else addStat(account,"totalPlayingTimeMinutes",1) end end end -- Times joined the server function loginHandler() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then local totalTimesJoined = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalTimesJoined")) local joined = getElementData(source,"join") local firstTime = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"firstTimeJoin")) if firstTime == 0 then setAccountData(account,"nick",getPlayerName(source)) setAccountData(account,"firstTimeJoin",1) end if joined == "joined" then local nick = getAccountData(account,"nick") if nick ~= getPlayerName(source) then setAccountData(account,"nick",getPlayerName(source)) end addStat(account,"totalTimesJoined",1) destroyElement(source) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFWelcome to our DD/DM server, "..getPlayerName(source).."#FFFFFF! Press '#00ff00F7#ffffff' to open our userpanel.",source,255,255,255,true) end callClientFunction(source,"allowBind",true) unlockAchievement(source,2) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Donators"))) then end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(), loginHandler) function logoutHandler() callClientFunction(source,"allowBind",false) if getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)) == "Donators" then setPlayerTeam(source,nil) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(),logoutHandler) function onPlayerChangeNick(oldNick,newNick) if getElementData ( source, "isNickMuted" ) then cancelEvent() outputChatBox ( "Please wait some time to change your nick again.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) return end if not (isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(source))) then setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source),"nick",newNick) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChangeNick", getRootElement(), onPlayerChangeNick ) -- Total maps played function totalMapsPlayedAdd() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then local mapsPlayed = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"mapsPlayed")) addStat(account,"mapsPlayed",1) if mapType == "DM" then addStat(account,"DMplayed",1) elseif mapType == "DD" then addStat(account,"DDplayed",1) elseif mapType == "FUN" then addStat(account,"FUNplayed",1) end end end addEvent("onNotifyPlayerReady",true) addEventHandler("onNotifyPlayerReady",getRootElement(),totalMapsPlayedAdd) -- Total bets function totalBetsAdd(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then local totalBets = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalBets")) addStat(account,"totalBets",1) end end -- Total bets won function totalBetsWonAdd(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then local totalBetsWon = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalBetsWon")) addStat(account,"totalBetsWon",1) end end --------------------------- -- Userpanel - Achievements --------------------------- function onPlayerLoginSecoundHandler(thePlayer) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) playingTimeAdd(thePlayer) updateClientData(thePlayer) refreshAchievements(thePlayer) donatorLogin(thePlayer) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), function() local thePlayer = source scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) playingTimeAdd(thePlayer) updateClientData(thePlayer) refreshAchievements(thePlayer) donatorLogin(thePlayer) end) ---------------------------------------- -- Toplist ---------------------------------------- local amountOfTopsToDisplay = 20 function getTopList( player, value ) if value then local tableOrder = {} if value ~= "playingTime" and value ~= "ach" then for i, v in ipairs (getAccounts()) do table.insert (tableOrder, { name = getAccountData ( v, "nick" ) or getAccountName ( v ), data = getAccountData ( v, value ) or 0 } ) end elseif value == "playingTime" then for i, v in ipairs (getAccounts()) do local dataH = getAccountData ( v, "totalPlayingTimeHours" ) or 0 local dataM = getAccountData ( v, "totalPlayingTimeMinutes" ) or 0 local dataHms = dataH * 3600000 local dataMms = dataM * 60000 local time = dataHms+dataMms table.insert (tableOrder, { name = getAccountData ( v, "nick" ) or getAccountName ( v ), data = time } ) end elseif value == "ach" then for i, v in ipairs (getAccounts()) do local ach = 0 for i=1,25 do if getAccountData(v,"ach"..i) == 1 then ach = ach + 1 end end table.insert (tableOrder, { name = getAccountData ( v, "nick" ) or getAccountName ( v ), data = ach } ) end end table.sort (tableOrder, function (a,b) return (tonumber( or 0) > (tonumber( or 0) end) callClientFunction(player,"updateRankingList",tableOrder,value) else outputDebugString("ERROR! [getTopList] Bad value ("..value..")!",1,255,0,0) end end achievements = { {false,false}, {false,false}, {"cash",1000000}, {"cash",10000000}, {"points",100000}, {"points",1000000}, {false,false}, {"totalToptimes",1}, {"totalToptimes",100}, {"totalHunters",1}, {"totalHunters",100}, {false,false}, {"mapsWon",1000}, {false,false}, {false,false}, {false,false}, {"totalSpins",100}, {false,false}, {"buyedMaps",100}, {"totalPVP",100}, {"totalPVPsWon",10}, {false,false}, {false,false}, {false,false}, {"totalPlayingTimeHours",50} } function unlockAchievement(thePlayer,number) if thePlayer then local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if isGuestAccount(account) then return end for i=1,#achievements do if achievements[i][1] and not number then local data = tonumber(getAccountData(account,achievements[i][1])) if data >= achievements[i][2] and tonumber(getAccountData(account,"ach"..i)) == 0 then setAccountData(account,"ach"..i,1) unlockAchievementHandler(thePlayer,i) end elseif number and number == i then if tonumber(getAccountData(account,"ach"..i)) == 0 then setAccountData(account,"ach"..i,1) unlockAchievementHandler(thePlayer,i) end end end end end function refreshAchievements(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if isGuestAccount(account) then return end local ach = {} for i=1,#achievements do ach[i] = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"ach"..i)) end callClientFunction(thePlayer,"updateAchievementState",ach) end function unlockAchievementHandler(thePlayer,number) refreshAchievements(thePlayer) callClientFunction(thePlayer,"unlockAchievement",number) end -------------------------------------------- -- Get alive and dead players by their STATE -------------------------------------------- function getAliveRacePlayers() local alivePlayers = 0 for index,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player,"state") == "alive" then alivePlayers = alivePlayers + 1 end end return alivePlayers end function getDeadRacePlayers() local deadPlayers = 0 for index,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player,"state") == "dead" then deadPlayers = deadPlayers + 1 end end return deadPlayers end -------------- -- Race winner -------------- LastWinners={} addEvent("onPlayerDestructionDerbyWin",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerDestructionDerbyWin",getRootElement(), function (winner) local account = getPlayerAccount(winner) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then if getPlayerCount() >= 1 then local WinStreak = 0 local thePlayer = winner LastWinners[20] = LastWinners[19] LastWinners[19] = LastWinners[18] LastWinners[18] = LastWinners[17] LastWinners[17] = LastWinners[16] LastWinners[16] = LastWinners[15] LastWinners[15] = LastWinners[14] LastWinners[14] = LastWinners[13] LastWinners[13] = LastWinners[12] LastWinners[12] = LastWinners[11] LastWinners[11] = LastWinners[10] LastWinners[10] = LastWinners[9] LastWinners[9] = LastWinners[8] LastWinners[8] = LastWinners[7] LastWinners[7] = LastWinners[6] LastWinners[6] = LastWinners[5] LastWinners[5] = LastWinners[4] LastWinners[4] = LastWinners[3] LastWinners[3] = LastWinners[2] LastWinners[2] = LastWinners[1] LastWinners[1] = thePlayer if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 1 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 2 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 3 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 4 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 5 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 6 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 7 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 8 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 9 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 10 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 11 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 12 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 13 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 14 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer and LastWinners[15] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 15 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer and LastWinners[15] == thePlayer and LastWinners[16] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 16 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer and LastWinners[15] == thePlayer and LastWinners[16] == thePlayer and LastWinners[17] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 17 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer and LastWinners[15] == thePlayer and LastWinners[16] == thePlayer and LastWinners[17] == thePlayer and LastWinners[18] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 18 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer and LastWinners[15] == thePlayer and LastWinners[16] == thePlayer and LastWinners[17] == thePlayer and LastWinners[18] == thePlayer and LastWinners[19] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 19 if LastWinners[1] == thePlayer and LastWinners[2] == thePlayer and LastWinners[3] == thePlayer and LastWinners[4] == thePlayer and LastWinners[5] == thePlayer and LastWinners[6] == thePlayer and LastWinners[7] == thePlayer and LastWinners[8] == thePlayer and LastWinners[9] == thePlayer and LastWinners[10] == thePlayer and LastWinners[11] == thePlayer and LastWinners[12] == thePlayer and LastWinners[13] == thePlayer and LastWinners[14] == thePlayer and LastWinners[15] == thePlayer and LastWinners[16] == thePlayer and LastWinners[17] == thePlayer and LastWinners[18] == thePlayer and LastWinners[19] == thePlayer and LastWinners[20] == thePlayer then WinStreak = 20 end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end end local pAlive = getAliveRacePlayers() local pDead = getDeadRacePlayers() local WinS = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"highestWinstreak")) if WinS < WinStreak then setAccountData(account,"highestWinstreak",WinStreak) end local cashToWin = tonumber((moneyEarnPart*getPlayerCount())*WinStreak) local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) if not (cashToWin < 0) then setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash+cashToWin) end local points = math.floor(((pAlive + pDead)*pDead)*WinStreak) if not (points < 0) then local playerPoints = getAccountData(account,"points") setAccountData(account,"points",playerPoints+points) end addStat(account,"mapsWon",1) outputChatBox ("#00ff00* #FFFFFF" .. getPlayerName(winner) .." #FFFFFFhas won! He/She gets $#00ff00" .. tostring(cashToWin) .." #ffffffand #00ff00"..points.."#ffffff points || x"..WinStreak.."#00ff00!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) triggerClientEvent("Streaktext", root, WinStreak) --setTimer ( function(WinStreak)end, 100, 1 ) scoreboardRefresh(winner) unlockAchievement(winner) unlockAchievement(winner,12) else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFNot enough players to earn money - #00ff003 #FFFFFFrequired.",winner,255,255,255,true) end callClientFunction(winner,"deathReset") local thePlayer = winner scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) end end) ------------------- -- Other race ranks ------------------- function earnMoney() local thePlayer = source local position = (getAliveRacePlayers() + 1) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then if getPlayerCount() >= 3 then local pAlive = getAliveRacePlayers() local pDead = getDeadRacePlayers() local finalCash = 0 if not (position == 1) then if pAlive == 0 then pAlive = 1 end if not respawnFix[thePlayer] then local finalCash = math.floor(((40/position)*pDead)*pAlive) -- Calculate the final money value. local points = math.floor((pAlive + pDead)*pDead) local playerCash = getAccountData(account,"cash") local playerPoints = getAccountData(account,"points") setAccountData(account,"points",playerPoints+points) setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash+finalCash) local playerCash = getAccountData(account,"cash") local playerPoints = getAccountData(account,"points") addStat(account,"totalDeaths",1) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFYou have recieved $#00ff00" .. finalCash .. " #ffffff and #00ff00"..points.."#ffffff points for#00ff00 "..position.." #ffffffplace!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) respawnFix[thePlayer] = true unlockAchievement(thePlayer) end end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFNot enough players to earn money - #ABCDEF3 #FFFFFFrequired.",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return end scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),earnMoney) ----------------- -- Hunter handler ----------------- function hunterBonus(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then local cashToWin = 500 local points = 5 outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFYou recieved #00ff00"..cashToWin.." #FFFFFFand #00ff00"..points.." #FFFFFFpoints for getting hunter! ",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) local playerCash = getAccountData(account,"cash") local playerPoints = getAccountData(account,"points") setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash+cashToWin) setAccountData(account,"points",playerPoints+points) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) addStat(account,"totalHunters",1) unlockAchievement(thePlayer) end end function checkForHunter(number,sort,model) if sort == "vehiclechange" then if model == 425 then if not hunterFix[source] then setTimer(hunterBonus,200,1,source) hunterFix[source] = true end end end end addEvent('onPlayerPickUpRacePickup') addEventHandler("onPlayerPickUpRacePickup",getRootElement(),checkForHunter) function toptimeadd(player,newPos,newTime) local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then local cashToWin = math.floor(500/newPos) local points = math.floor(10/newPos) if newPos <= 10 then local playerCash = getAccountData(account,"cash") setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash+cashToWin) addStat(account, "points",points) local thePlayer = player if newPos == 1 then unlockAchievement(thePlayer,7) end outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFYou recieved $#00ff00"..cashToWin.."#ffffff and #00ff00"..points.."#ffffff points for set a toptime.",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) addStat(account,"totalToptimes",1) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) unlockAchievement(thePlayer) end end end addEvent("onPlayerToptimeImprovement",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerToptimeImprovement",getRootElement(),toptimeadd) ----------------- -- Reaction tests ----------------- function newReactionTest() reactionString = string.random(reactionLength) reactionMoney = math.random(reactionMin,reactionMax) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFSay #ABCDEF"..reactionString.."#FFFFFF to win #ABCDEF$"..reactionMoney.."#FFFFFF!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",getRootElement(),checkForOpenConsole) reactionTimer = setTimer( function() removeEventHandler("onPlayerChat",getRootElement(),checkForOpenConsole) end,reactionDuration*1000,1) if isTimer(newReactionTimer) then killTimer(newReactionTimer) end newReactionTimer = setTimer(newReactionTest,math.random(reactionMinRedo*1000,reactionMaxRedo*1000),1) end addCommandHandler("testr",newReactionTest) function checkForOpenConsole(message,type) callClientFunction(source,"checkForOpenConsole",message,type) end function checkReactionTest(thePlayer,message,type,isOpen) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then if (isOpen == true) then outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#FFFFFF attempted to cheat at the reaction test!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFMoney decreased by #ABCDEF$1,000#FFFFFF! Do not cheat!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) local playerCash = getAccountData(account,"cash") setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash-1000) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) return end message = tostring(message) if message == "..." then return end if (message == reactionString) then local timeLeft,leftExec,totalExec = getTimerDetails(reactionTimer) killTimer(reactionTimer) removeEventHandler("onPlayerChat",getRootElement(),checkForOpenConsole) setTimer(outputChatBox,200,1,"#00ff00* #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #FFFFFFhas won the reaction test in #ABCDEF"..math.round((reactionDuration*1000 - timeLeft)/1000,2,floor) .." #FFFFFFseconds and wins #ABCDEF$"..reactionMoney,getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) local playerCash = getAccountData(account,"cash") local totalReactionTests = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"totalReactionTests")) local bestReactionTime = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"bestReactionTime")) setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash+reactionMoney) addStat(account,"totalReactionTests",1) if (math.round((reactionDuration*1000 - timeLeft)/1000)) < bestReactionTime or (bestReactionTime == 0) then addStat(account,"bestReactionTime",math.round((reactionDuration*1000 - timeLeft)/1000,2,floor)) end scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) -- Check for achievement here if math.round((reactionDuration*1000 - timeLeft)/1000,2,floor) <= 5 then end reactionString = "" reactionMoney = 0 unlockAchievement(thePlayer,24) end end end function string.random(len) local str = "" for i=1,len do local getChar = math.random(1,35) if getChar <= 25 then local caps = math.random(1,2) if caps == 1 then str = str..string.upper(chars[getChar]) else str = str..string.lower(chars[getChar]) end else str = str..chars[getChar] end end return str end ----------------- -- Betting system ----------------- function createNewBet(thePlayer,toPlayer,newAmount,oldAmount,betState) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then if getPlayerCount() >= minPlayers then if bettingEnabled == true then if (betState == 0) then if (toPlayer) then if (newAmount) then local newAmount = tonumber(math.ceil(tonumber(newAmount))) if (newAmount >= 1) then local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) local maxBet = 10000 if (findPlayerByName(toPlayer)) then local toPlayerName = findPlayerByName(toPlayer) if (newAmount <= playerCash) then if newAmount <= maxBet then callClientFunction(thePlayer,"addNewBet",toPlayerName,newAmount) setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash-newAmount) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) totalBetsAdd(thePlayer) unlockAchievement(thePlayer,14) --outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFYou have placed your bet on "..getPlayerName(toPlayerName).."#FFFFFF for #ABCDEF$"..newAmount.."#FFFFFF!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#FFFFFF has placed a bet on "..getPlayerName(toPlayerName).."#FFFFFF for #ABCDEF$"..newAmount.."#FFFFFF!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) elseif newAmount > maxBet then outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFYou are allowed to bet a maximum of #ABCDEF$"..maxBet.."#FFFFFF!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFERROR! You don't have enough money!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFERROR! The player you specified has not been found! (#FFFF00"..toPlayer.."#FFFFFF)",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFERROR! Invalid amount! [#ABCDEF$"..newAmount.."#FFFFFF]",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFERROR! Please specify an amount to bet! Correct syntax: #ABCDEF/bet [player] [amount]",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFERROR! Please specify a player! Correct syntax: #ABCDEF/bet [player] [amount]",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFYou have already placed your bet on "..betState.." #FFFFFFfor #ABCDEF$"..oldAmount.."#FFFFFF!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFBetting time is over! You can place your bet on the next map.",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFBetting #00ff00disabled.#FFFFFF Minimum required players on server: #ABCDEF" ..minPlayers.."#00ff00 | #FFFFFFConnected: #ABCDEF"..getPlayerCount(),thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFYou have to be logged to bet!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end function onPlayerBetWin(self,betAmount) local thePlayer = self local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(self).."#FFFFFF has won his bet and has recieved #ABCDEF$".. betAmount*2 .."#FFFFFF!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) local playerCash = getAccountData(account,"cash") setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash+betAmount+betAmount*2) totalBetsWonAdd(thePlayer) unlockAchievement(thePlayer,15) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) end end function bettingTimer() if isTimer(chatTimer) then killTimer(chatTimer) end if isTimer(disableTimer) then killTimer(disableTimer) end if getPlayerCount() >= minPlayers then chatTimer = setTimer(outputChatBox,3500,1,"#00ff00* #FFFFFFPlace your bets! #FFFFFF[#ABCDEF/bet#FFFFFF]",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) bettingEnabled = true disableTimer = setTimer(disableBetting,betTimeLimit*1000+2000,1) end end addEvent("onMapStarting",true) addEventHandler("onMapStarting",getRootElement(),bettingTimer) function disableBetting() outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFBetting time is over#00ff00!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) bettingEnabled = false end function checkWin(winner) callClientFunction(getRootElement(),"compareResult",winner) end addEvent("onPlayerDestructionDerbyWin",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerDestructionDerbyWin",getRootElement(),checkWin) function retrieveData(thePlayer,commandName,toPlayer,newAmount) callClientFunction(thePlayer,"triggerBettingSystem",thePlayer,toPlayer,newAmount) end addCommandHandler("bet",retrieveData) -------------------- -- Spin command -------------------- spins = {} function spin(thePlayer,commandName,value) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then if value then local value = tonumber(value) if (value >= 1) and (value<50001) then local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) if playerCash >= value then if spins[thePlayer] then outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou have to wait 30 seconds.",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) else spins[thePlayer] = true setTimer(resetSpin,30000,1,thePlayer) local luck = math.random(1,2) addStat(account,"totalSpins",1) if luck == 1 then setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash+value) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffff"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #ffffffflip a coin and won $#11dd11"..value.."#ffffff!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) unlockAchievement(thePlayer,16) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) else setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash-value) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffff"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #ffffffflip a coin and lost $#ff0000"..value.."#ffffff!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) end unlockAchievement(thePlayer) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou dont have cash to flip a coin.",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffSet correct value. Maximal value of flip is $50000 and minimal 1$.",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou need to set value (For example /flip 1000).",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end end addCommandHandler("flip",spin) function resetSpin(thePlayer) spins[thePlayer] = nil end ---------------------------- -- PVP Script by Xiti! ---------------------------- PVP = {} PVPrequest = {} requestTimer = {} function askForPVP(thePlayer,command,targetPlayer,maps,cash) if targetPlayer and maps and cash then if not requestTimer[thePlayer] then local targetPlayer = findPlayerByName(targetPlayer) if targetPlayer ~= thePlayer then if not (isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))) and not (isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer))) then if not PVP[thePlayer] and not PVP[targetPlayer] then if tonumber(maps) > 1 then local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer),"cash")) local targetCash = tonumber(getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer),"cash")) if tonumber(cash) >= 1000 then if not PVPrequest[targetPlayer] then if playerCash > tonumber(cash) and targetCash > tonumber(cash) then local PVPData = {} PVPData[1] = thePlayer PVPData[2] = tonumber(maps) PVPData[3] = tonumber(cash) PVPrequest[targetPlayer] = PVPData outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffff"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #ffffffchallenge "..getPlayerName(targetPlayer).."#ffffff to a PVP! ",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffff"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #ffffffchallenge you to a PVP! [Maps: #00ff00"..maps.."#ffffff Cash: #00ff00$""#ffffff]",targetPlayer,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffType #11dd11[/acceptpvp true]#ffffff to accept or #00ff00[/acceptpvp false] #ffffffto decline!",targetPlayer,255,255,255,true) requestTimer[thePlayer] = true setTimer(resetPVPTimer,120000,1,targetPlayer,thePlayer) else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou or opponent dont have enought cash!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffOpponent have other PVP request now!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffMinimal PVP value is $1000!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffMaps must be more than one!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou or opponent play now PVP!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou or your opponent you are not logged in!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else ouputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou cant play PVP with youself!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou have other request now!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffBad syntax! [/pvp target maps cash]",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end addCommandHandler("pvp",askForPVP) function resetPVPTimer(thePlayer,targetPlayer) if PVPrequest[thePlayer] then requestTimer[targetPlayer] = nil PVPrequest[thePlayer] = nil outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffff"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff didn't accept your PVP request!",targetPlayer,255,0,0,true) end end function confirmPVP(thePlayer,command,string) if PVPrequest[thePlayer] then if string == "true" then local targetPlayer = PVPrequest[thePlayer][1] if targetPlayer then startPVP(thePlayer,targetPlayer) end else local targetPlayer = PVPrequest[thePlayer][1] outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffff"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff decline you'r PVP request!",targetPlayer,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou decline PVP request.",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) requestTimer[targetPlayer] = nil PVPrequest[thePlayer] = nil end end end addCommandHandler("acceptpvp",confirmPVP) function startPVP(thePlayer,targetPlayer) if thePlayer and targetPlayer then if not PVP[thePlayer] and not PVP[targetPlayer] then if not (isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))) and not (isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer))) then local PVPDataOne = {} local PVPDataTwo = {} PVPDataOne[1] = thePlayer PVPDataOne[2] = PVPrequest[thePlayer][2] PVPDataOne[3] = PVPrequest[thePlayer][3] PVPDataOne[4] = tonumber(0) PVPDataOne[5] = true PVPDataTwo[1] = targetPlayer PVPDataTwo[2] = PVPrequest[thePlayer][2] PVPDataTwo[3] = PVPrequest[thePlayer][3] PVPDataTwo[4] = tonumber(0) PVPDataTwo[5] = true PVP[thePlayer] = PVPDataTwo PVP[targetPlayer] = PVPDataOne PVPrequest[thePlayer] = nil requestTimer[targetPlayer] = nil outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffff"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff start PVP vs "..getPlayerName(targetPlayer).."#ffffff for #00ff00$"..PVP[thePlayer][3].."#ffffff!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) local accountX = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) local accountY = getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer) addStat(accountX,"totalPVP",1) addStat(accountY,"totalPVP",1) local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer),"cash")) local targetCash = tonumber(getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer),"cash")) setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer),"cash",playerCash - tonumber(PVPDataTwo[3])) setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer),"cash",targetCash - tonumber(PVPDataTwo[3])) else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou can't play PVP becouse you or you'r oppenent aren't logged in!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou can't play PVP becouse you or you'r oppenent aren't logged in!",targetPlayer,255,255,255,true) PVPrequest[thePlayer] = nil end end end end function checkPVP() thePlayer = source if not respawnFix[thePlayer] then if PVP[thePlayer] then if PVP[thePlayer][5] == false then local opponent = getOpponent(thePlayer) PVP[opponent][4] = PVP[opponent][4]+1 PVP[opponent][2] = PVP[opponent][2]-1 PVP[thePlayer][2] = PVP[thePlayer][2]-1 if PVP[thePlayer][2] == 0 and PVP[opponent][4] ~= PVP[thePlayer][4] then return endPVP(thePlayer,opponent) elseif PVP[thePlayer][2] == 0 and PVP[opponent][4] == PVP[thePlayer][4] then PVP[thePlayer][2] = 1 PVP[opponent][2] = 1 end PVP[thePlayer][5] = true PVP[opponent][5] = true outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou won a PVP round! [ "..getPlayerName(PVP[thePlayer][1]).." #00ff00"..PVP[opponent][4].." #ffffff: #00ff00"..PVP[thePlayer][4].." #ffffff"..getPlayerName(PVP[opponent][1]).."#ffffff ]",PVP[thePlayer][1],255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #ffffffYou lost a PVP round! [ "..getPlayerName(PVP[thePlayer][1]).." #00ff00"..PVP[opponent][4].." #ffffff: #00ff00"..PVP[thePlayer][4].." #ffffff"..getPlayerName(PVP[opponent][1]).."#ffffff ]",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),checkPVP) function getOpponent(thePlayerData) return PVP[thePlayerData][1] end function allowPVP() for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if PVP[player] then PVP[player][5] = false end end end function endPVP(thePlayer,targetPlayer) if PVP[thePlayer] and PVP[targetPlayer] then if PVP[thePlayer][4] > PVP[targetPlayer][4] then local playerCash = getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer),"cash") setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer),"cash",playerCash+(PVP[thePlayer][3]*2)) addStat(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer),"totalPVPsWon",1) outputChatBox("*#ffffff You lost a PVP match vs "..getPlayerName(thePlayer)..".#ffffff Final result: #00ff00"..PVP[targetPlayer][4].." #ffffff: #00ff00"..PVP[thePlayer][4].."#ffffff!",targetPlayer,255,0,0,true) outputChatBox("*#ffffff You won a PVP match vs "..getPlayerName(targetPlayer)..".#ffffff Final result: #00ff00"..PVP[targetPlayer][4].." #ffffff: #00ff00"..PVP[thePlayer][4].."#ffffff!",thePlayer,255,0,0,true) outputChatBox("*#ffffff "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff won PVP vs "..getPlayerName(targetPlayer).."#ffffff and won #00ff00$"..(PVP[targetPlayer][3]*2).."#ffffff!",getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) unlockAchievement(thePlayer) unlockAchievement(targetPlayer) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) scoreboardRefresh(targetPlayer) else local playerCash = getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer),"cash") setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer),"cash",playerCash+(PVP[targetPlayer][3]*2)) outputChatBox("*#ffffff You won a PVP vs "..getPlayerName(thePlayer)..".#ffffff Final result: #00ff00"..PVP[targetPlayer][4].." #ffffff: #00ff00"..PVP[thePlayer][4].."#ffffff!",targetPlayer,255,0,0,true) outputChatBox("*#ffffff You lose a PVP vs "..getPlayerName(targetPlayer)..".#ffffff Final result: #00ff00"..PVP[targetPlayer][4].." #ffffff: #00ff00"..PVP[thePlayer][4].."#ffffff!",thePlayer,255,0,0,true) outputChatBox("*#ffffff "..getPlayerName(targetPlayer).."#ffffff won PVP vs "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff and won #00ff00$"..(PVP[targetPlayer][3]*2).."#ffffff!",getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) scoreboardRefresh(targetPlayer) unlockAchievement(thePlayer) unlockAchievement(targetPlayer) end PVP[thePlayer] = nil PVP[targetPlayer] = nil end end function playerPVPQuit() if PVP[source] then local targetPlayer = PVP[source][1] if targetPlayer then local playerCash = getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer),"cash") setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer),"cash",playerCash+(PVP[source][3]*2)) outputChatBox("*#ffffff You won a PVP vs "..getPlayerName(source)..".#ffffff, becouse you'r opponent left!",targetPlayer,255,0,0,true) outputChatBox("*#ffffff "..getPlayerName(targetPlayer).."#ffffff won PVP vs "..getPlayerName(source).."#ffffff and won #00ff00$"..(PVP[source][3]*2).."#ffffff!",getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) PVP[targetPlayer] = nil PVP[source] = nil scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) scoreboardRefresh(targetPlayer) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),playerPVPQuit) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(),playerPVPQuit) ------------- -- Give money ------------- function giveMoney(thePlayer,command,targetPlayer,amount) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then if not (targetPlayer == "") then if tonumber(amount) then local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) if tonumber(amount) > 0 then if tonumber(amount) <= playerCash then if (findPlayerByName(targetPlayer)) then local target = findPlayerByName(targetPlayer) local targeta = getPlayerAccount(target) if target ~= thePlayer then local amount = math.ceil(amount) local playerCash = getAccountData(account,"cash") local targetCash = getAccountData(targeta,"cash") setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash-tonumber(amount)) setAccountData(targeta,"cash",targetCash+tonumber(amount)) local playerCash = getAccountData(account,"cash") local targetCash = getAccountData(targeta,"cash") scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) scoreboardRefresh(target) unlockAchievement(thePlayer) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFYou have sent #ABCDEF$"..amount.."#FFFFFF to "..getPlayerName(target).."#FFFFFF!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." #FFFFFFhas sent you #ABCDEF$"..amount.."#FFFFFF!",target,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFERROR! You cannot send money to yourself!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFERROR! The player you specified does not exist! (#FFFF00"..targetPlayer.."#FFFFFF)",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFERROR! You don't have enough money!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFERROR! Invalid amount! [#ABCDEF"..amount.."#FFFFFF]",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFERROR! Please specify the amount to send!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFFERROR! Please select a player!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) return false end end end addCommandHandler("give",giveMoney) ------------- -- PM system ------------- function privateMessage(player, command, toplayername, ...) local words = { ... } local message = table.concat(words," ") if toplayername then if (findPlayerByName (toplayername)) then toplayer = (findPlayerByName (toplayername)) if not (toplayer == player) then if message then outputChatBox("#00ff00[PM]#00aaff Message to #FFFFFF" .. getPlayerName(toplayer) .. "#FFFFFF: " .. message, player, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("#00ff00[PM]#00aaff Message from #FFFFFF" .. getPlayerName(player) .. "#FFFFFF: " .. message, toplayer, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#00ff00[PM]#00aaff Invalid syntax! Usage:#FFFFFF /pm [partical player name] [message]", player, 255, 255, 255, true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00[PM]#00aaff You cannot PM yourself#FFFFFF!", player, 255, 255, 255, true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00[PM]#00aaff Player not found! #FFFFFF("..toplayername..").", player, 255, 255, 255, true) return false end else outputChatBox("#00ff00[PM]#00aaff Invalid syntax! Usage:#FFFFFF /pm [partical player name] [message]", player, 255, 255, 255, true) return false end end addCommandHandler("pm", privateMessage) -------------------------------------- -- Find player by a part of their name -------------------------------------- function findPlayerByName (name) local player = getPlayerFromName(name) if player then return player end for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if string.find(string.gsub(getPlayerName(player):lower(),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), name:lower(), 1, true) then return player end end return false end ---------------------- -- Automated Ghostmode ---------------------- addEventHandler("onMapStarting", getRootElement(), function(mapInfo, mapOptions, gameOptions) if (ismapDM( == 1) then for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData( thePlayer, "overrideCollide.uniqueblah", 0, false ) end mapType = "DM" elseif (ismapDM( == 2) then for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData(thePlayer, "overrideCollide.uniqueblah", nil, false ) end mapType = "DD" elseif (ismapDM( == 3) then for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData(thePlayer, "overrideCollide.uniqueblah", nil, false ) end mapType = "FUN" elseif (ismapDM( == 4 then mapType = "?" end end) function ismapDM(isim) if string.find(isim, "[DM]", 1, true) then return 1 elseif string.find(isim, "[DD]", 1,true) then return 2 elseif string.find(isim, "[FUN]", 1,true) then return 3 else return 4 end end ------------------------------------------------ -- Set headlights on map start and on veh-change ------------------------------------------------ function setPlayerHeadlightColor(number, sort, model) if sort == "vehiclechange" then local car = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if car then if not getElementData(source,"shopFeatures") then return end if getElementData(source,"shopFeatures")[4][2] then setVehicleHeadLightColor(car,unpack(getElementData(source,"shopFeatures")[3])) end if getElementData(source,"shopFeatures")[4][1] then local firstColors = getElementData(source,"shopFeatures")[1] local secoundColors = getElementData(source,"shopFeatures")[2] setVehicleColor(car,firstColors[1],firstColors[2],firstColors[3],secoundColors[1],secoundColors[2],secoundColors[3]) end end end end function setPlayerHeadlightColor2() local car = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if car then if getElementData(source,"shopFeatures")[4][2] then setVehicleHeadLightColor(car,unpack(getElementData(source,"shopFeatures")[3])) end if getElementData(source,"shopFeatures")[4][1] then local firstColors = getElementData(source,"shopFeatures")[1] local secoundColors = getElementData(source,"shopFeatures")[2] setVehicleColor(car,firstColors[1],firstColors[2],firstColors[3],secoundColors[1],secoundColors[2],secoundColors[3]) end end end addEvent("onNotifyPlayerReady", true) addEventHandler("onNotifyPlayerReady", getRootElement(), setPlayerHeadlightColor2) addEventHandler("onPlayerPickUpRacePickup",getRootElement(),setPlayerHeadlightColor) local shop = { colorPrice = 5000, headlightsPrice = 10000, policeHeadlightsPrice = 200000, rainbowColorPrice = 400000, } function buyColorsInShop(thePlayer,id,red,green,blue) if thePlayer and id then local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if (isGuestAccount(account)) then return end local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) if id == "#1" then if playerCash >= shop.colorPrice then setAccountData(account,"everSetCustomVehicleColor",1) setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash-shop.colorPrice) setAccountData(account,"c1R",red) setAccountData(account,"c1G",green) setAccountData(account,"c1B",blue) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) showServerMsg(thePlayer,"New car color!","You successfully bought a new car color!") updateClientData(thePlayer) unlockAchievement(thePlayer,22) local uVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( thePlayer ) setVehicleColor( uVehicle, getAccountData(account,"c1R",red), getAccountData(account,"c1G",red), getAccountData(account,"c1B",red) ) else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"ERROR!","You don't have enough cash!") end elseif id == "#2" then if playerCash >= shop.colorPrice then setAccountData(account,"everSetCustomVehicleColor",1) setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash-shop.colorPrice) setAccountData(account,"c2R",red) setAccountData(account,"c2G",green) setAccountData(account,"c2B",blue) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) showServerMsg(thePlayer,"New car color!","You successfully bought a new car color!") updateClientData(thePlayer) unlockAchievement(thePlayer,22) else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"ERROR!","You don't have enough cash!") end elseif id == "H" then if playerCash >= shop.headlightsPrice then setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash-shop.headlightsPrice) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) setAccountData(account,"hlcRed",red) setAccountData(account,"hlcGreen",green) setAccountData(account,"hlcBlue",blue) setAccountData(account,"everSetHeadlightsColor",1) showServerMsg(thePlayer,"New headlights color!","You successfully bought a new headlights color!") updateClientData(thePlayer) else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"ERROR!","You don't have enough cash!") end end end end function buySpecialTuning(thePlayer,id) if thePlayer and id then local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if isGuestAccount(account) then return end local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) if id == 1 then if tonumber(getAccountData(account,"headlightBought")) == 0 then if playerCash>=shop.policeHeadlightsPrice then setAccountData(account,"headlightBought",1) setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash-shop.policeHeadlightsPrice) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) showServerMsg(thePlayer,"Police headlights bought!","You successfully bought this feature!\nToggle on/off in settings window.") updateClientData(thePlayer) else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"ERROR!","You dont have enough cash!") end else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"ERROR!","You already have bought this feature!") end elseif id == 2 then if tonumber(getAccountData(account,"rainbowBought")) == 0 then if playerCash>=shop.rainbowColorPrice then setAccountData(account,"rainbowBought",1) setAccountData(account,"cash",playerCash-shop.rainbowColorPrice) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) showServerMsg(thePlayer,"Rainbow car color bought!","You successfully bought this feature!\nToggle on/off in settings window.") updateClientData(thePlayer) unlockAchievement(thePlayer,23) else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"ERROR!","You dont have enough cash!") end else showServerMsg(thePlayer,"ERROR!","You already have bought this feature!") end end end end function updateClientData(thePlayer) if thePlayer then local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if isGuestAccount(account) then return end local colors = {{255,255,255},{255,255,255},{255,255,255},{false,false}} if tonumber(getAccountData(account,"everSetCustomVehicleColor")) == 1 then colors[1] = {tonumber(getAccountData(account,"c1R")),tonumber(getAccountData(account,"c1G")),tonumber(getAccountData(account,"c1B"))} colors[2] = {tonumber(getAccountData(account,"c2R")),tonumber(getAccountData(account,"c2G")),tonumber(getAccountData(account,"c2B"))} colors[4][1] = true end if tonumber(getAccountData(account,"everSetHeadlightsColor")) == 1 then colors[3] = {tonumber(getAccountData(account,"hlcRed")),tonumber(getAccountData(account,"hlcGreen")),tonumber(getAccountData(account,"hlcBlue"))} colors[4][2] = true end setElementData(thePlayer,"shopFeatures",colors) local special = {false,false} if tonumber(getAccountData(account,"headlightBought")) == 1 then special[1] = true end if tonumber(getAccountData(account,"rainbowBought")) == 1 then special[2] = true end setElementData(thePlayer,"specialFeatures",special) callClientFunction(thePlayer,"udpatePanelData",colors,special) end end --------------------------------------------- -- Set most widely used stats as element data --------------------------------------------- -- Get player's element data (testing) function getElementDataOnCommand(player,command,data) outputChatBox(tostring(getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player),tostring(data)))) end addCommandHandler("get",getElementDataOnCommand) ----------------- -- Get dead count ----------------- function getDeadCount () deadAmount = 0 for i,v in ipairs (getDeadPlayers()) do deadAmount = deadAmount +1 end return deadAmount end ------------------ -- Get alive count ------------------ function getAliveCount () aliveAmount = 0 for i,v in ipairs (getAlivePlayers()) do aliveAmount = aliveAmount +1 end return aliveAmount end ------------------------------------------- -- Calling functions from the client's side ------------------------------------------- function callServerFunction(funcname, ...) local arg = { ... } if (arg[1]) then for key, value in next, arg do arg[key] = tonumber(value) or value end end loadstring("return "..funcname)()(unpack(arg)) end addEvent("onClientCallsServerFunction", true) addEventHandler("onClientCallsServerFunction", resourceRoot , callServerFunction) ----------------------- -- Call client function ----------------------- function callClientFunction(client, funcname, ...) local arg = { ... } if (arg[1]) then for key, value in next, arg do if (type(value) == "number") then arg[key] = tostring(value) end end end -- If the clientside event handler is not in the same resource, replace 'resourceRoot' with the appropriate element triggerClientEvent(client, "onServerCallsClientFunction", resourceRoot, funcname, unpack(arg or {})) end ---------------------- -- Math.round function ---------------------- function math.round(number, decimals, method) decimals = decimals or 0 local factor = 10 ^ decimals if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end end ----------------------------------------------- SCOREBOARD ----------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn("Rank",getRootElement(),6,30) exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn("Money",getRootElement(),5) exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn("Points",getRootElement(),5) exports.scoreboard:removeScoreboardColumn("race rank") exports.scoreboard:removeScoreboardColumn("checkpoint") end) function scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then local playerCash = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"cash")) local playerPoints = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"points")) setElementData(thePlayer,"Money","$"..playerCash) setElementData(thePlayer,"Points",playerPoints) else setElementData(thePlayer,"Money","Guest") setElementData(thePlayer,"Points","Guest") setElementData(thePlayer,"Rank","?") end end function scoreboardRefreshTrigger() local thePlayer = source scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(),scoreboardRefreshTrigger) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),scoreboardRefreshTrigger) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),scoreboardRefreshTrigger) function scoreboardRefreshTriggerRank() getRankSB(source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),scoreboardRefreshTriggerRank) function getAllRankSB() local tableOrder = { } for i, v in ipairs ( getAccounts ( ) ) do table.insert ( tableOrder, { name = getAccountData ( v, "nick" ) or getAccountName ( v ), data = getAccountData ( v, "points" ) } ) end table.sort ( tableOrder, function ( a, b ) return ( tonumber ( ) or 0 ) > ( tonumber ( ) or 0 ) end ) for i,player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if not (isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(player))) then for i=1,#tableOrder do if tableOrder[i].name == getPlayerName(player) then setElementData(player,"Rank",i) end end end end outputDebugString("Updating rank for all player") end setTimer(function() getAllRankSB() end,300000,0) function getRankSB(player,command) local tableOrder = { } for i, v in ipairs ( getAccounts ( ) ) do table.insert ( tableOrder, { name = getAccountData ( v, "nick" ), data = getAccountData ( v, "points" ) } ) end table.sort ( tableOrder, function ( a, b ) return ( tonumber ( ) or 0 ) > ( tonumber ( ) or 0 ) end ) for i=1,#tableOrder do if tableOrder[i].name == getPlayerName(player) then outputDebugString("Updating rank for: "..tostring(string.gsub(getPlayerName(player),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""))) setElementData(player,"Rank",i) break end end end -------------------------------------- -- Very importatnt account functions -------------------------------------- function addStat(account, data, val) if (tostring(data)) and (tonumber(val)) then local theData = getAccountData(account, data) if (theData) then setAccountData(account, data, tonumber(theData) + tonumber(val)) else outputDebugString("Bad argument (Could not get Data)", 1, 255, 0, 0) end else outputDebugString("Bad argument", 1, 255, 0, 0) end end local scriptcol = {{255,178,0,true},{255,0,0,true},{0,255,0,true}} addCommandHandler("setAccountData", function (player, command, target, data, value) local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Admin"))) then if (target) and (data) and (value) then local targetPlayer = getPlayerWildcard(target) if (targetPlayer) then if not (isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer))) then for i, v in ipairs(dataTable) do if (v == data) then setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer), data, value) scoreboardRefresh(targetPlayer) outputChatBox("* Successfully set account data for : #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(targetPlayer).." #FFB200[datatype: '"..tostring(data).."' , value: '"..tostring(value).."' ]",player,unpack(scriptcol[1])) outputChatBox("* #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(player).."#00FF00 set new data for your account! [datatype: '"..tostring(data).."' , value: '"..tostring(value).."' ]",targetPlayer,unpack(scriptcol[3])) return end end else outputChatBox("* Error: Target not logged in!",player,unpack(scriptcol[2])) end else outputChatBox("* Error: Could not find player!",player,unpack(scriptcol[2])) end else outputChatBox("* Error: Syntax error: /setAccountData <player> <data> <value>!",player,unpack(scriptcol[2])) end else outputChatBox("* Error: You can't use this function!",player,unpack(scriptcol[2])) end end) addCommandHandler("getAccountData", function (player, command, target, data) local account = getPlayerAccount(player) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Admin"))) then if (target) and (data) then local targetPlayer = getPlayerWildcard(target) if (targetPlayer) then if not (isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer))) then for i, v in ipairs(dataTable) do if (v == data) then local value = getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(targetPlayer), data) outputChatBox("* Account data for: #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(targetPlayer).." #00FF00[datatype: '"..tostring(data).."' , value: '"..tostring(value).."' ]",player,unpack(scriptcol[3])) return end end else outputChatBox("* Error: Target not logged in!",player,unpack(scriptcol[2])) end else outputChatBox("* Error: Could not find player!",player,unpack(scriptcol[2])) end else outputChatBox("* Error: Syntax error: /getAccountData <player> <data>!",player,unpack(scriptcol[2])) end else outputChatBox("* Error: You can't use this function!",player,unpack(scriptcol[2])) end outputChatBox("* Error: Could not find the datatype!",player,unpack(scriptcol[2])) end) function getPlayerWildcard(namePart) namePart = string.lower(namePart) local bestaccuracy = 0 local foundPlayer, b, e for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do b,e = string.find(string.lower(string.gsub(getPlayerName(player):lower(),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")), namePart) if b and e then if e-b > bestaccuracy then bestaccuracy = e-b foundPlayer = player end end end if (foundPlayer) then return foundPlayer else return false end end function findMap( query ) local maps = findMaps( query ) -- Make status string local status = "Found " .. #maps .. " match" .. ( #maps==1 and "" or "es" ) for i=1,math.min(5,#maps) do status = status .. ( i==1 and ": " or ", " ) .. "'" .. getMapName( maps[i] ) .. "'" end if #maps > 5 then status = status .. " (" .. #maps - 5 .. " more)" end if #maps == 0 then return nil, status .. " for '" .. query .. "'" end if #maps == 1 then return maps[1], status end if #maps > 1 then return nil, status end end -- Find all maps which match the query string function findMaps( query ) local results = {} --escape all meta chars query = string.gsub(query, "([%*%+%?%.%(%)%[%]%{%}%\%/%|%^%$%-])","%%%1") -- Loop through and find matching maps for i,resource in ipairs(exports.mapmanager:getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode(getResourceFromName( "race" ))) do local resName = getResourceName( resource ) local infoName = getMapName( resource ) -- Look for exact match first if query == resName or query == infoName then return {resource} end -- Find match for query within infoName if string.find( infoName:lower(), query:lower() ) then table.insert( results, resource ) end end return results end function getMapName( map ) return getResourceInfo( map, "name" ) or getResourceName( map ) or "unknown" end function addDonatorTime(thePlayer,command,type,donatorPlayer,time) if thePlayer and type then if type:lower() == "add" then local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Admin"))) then local donatorPlayer = findPlayerByName(donatorPlayer) if donatorPlayer then local donatorAccount = getPlayerAccount(donatorPlayer) if not isGuestAccount(donatorAccount) then local currentTime = getRealTime() local oneDay = 86400 if tonumber(time) then local daysToDonate = oneDay * time setAccountData(donatorAccount,"donatorEnabled",1) setAccountData(donatorAccount,"donatorTime",currentTime.timestamp + daysToDonate) addStat(donatorAccount,"cash",10000 * time) scoreboardRefresh(donatorPlayer) outputChatBox("#00ff00*#ffffff You successfully add a donator status for "..getPlayerName(donatorPlayer),thePlayer,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#00ff00*#ffffff You recieve a #00ff00"..time.."#ffffff days of donator status!",donatorPlayer,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#00ff00*#ffffff You recieve "..10000 * time.."$. Thanks for support us!",donatorPlayer,255,255,255,true) donatorLogin(donatorPlayer) setTeam(thePlayer) end else outputChatBox("Donator: Can't find a player account or player is not logged in!",thePlayer,255,0,0,true) end else outputChatBox("Donator: Can't find a player!",thePlayer,255,0,0,true) end else outputChatBox("Donator: You need to have a admin rights to do that!",thePlayer,255,0,0,true) end elseif type:lower() == "remove" then local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Admin"))) then local donatorPlayer = findPlayerByName(donatorPlayer) if donatorPlayer then local donatorAccount = getPlayerAccount(donatorPlayer) if not isGuestAccount(donatorAccount) then if getAccountData(donatorAccount,"donatorEnabled") == 1 then setAccountData(donatorAccount,"donatorEnabled",0) setAccountData(donatorAccount,"donatorTime",0) outputChatBox("#00ff00*#ffffff You successfully removed a donator status for "..getPlayerName(donatorPlayer),thePlayer,255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#00ff00*#ffffff".. getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#ffffff remove your donator status.",donatorPlayer,255,255,255,true) donatorLogin(donatorPlayer) if getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(donatorPlayer)) == "Donators" then setPlayerTeam(donatorPlayer,nil) end end else outputChatBox("Donator: Can't find a player account or player is not logged in!",thePlayer,255,0,0,true) end else outputChatBox("Donator: Can't find a player!",thePlayer,255,0,0,true) end else outputChatBox("Donator: You need to have a admin rights to do that!",thePlayer,255,0,0,true) end else outputChatBox("Donator: Syntax /donator [add/remove] [donatorPlayer] [time]",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("Donator: Syntax /donator [add/remove] [donatorPlayer] [time]",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end addCommandHandler("donator",addDonatorTime) function secoundsToDays(secound) if secound then local value,state if secound >= 86400 then value = math.floor(secound/86400) if secound - (value*86400) > (60*60) then value = value.." days and "..math.floor((secound - (value*86400))/(60*60)).." hours" else value = value.." days" end state = 1 else value = 0 .."days and "..math.floor(secound/(60*60)).." hours" state = 2 end return value else return false end end function donatorLogin(thePlayer) if thePlayer then local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if not isGuestAccount(account) then local donatorState,donatorTime = false,"Expired" if getAccountData(account,"donatorEnabled") == 1 then local donatorTime = tonumber(getAccountData(account,"donatorTime")) if donatorTime then local currentTime = getRealTime() if donatorTime > currentTime.timestamp then local donatorState,donatorTime = true,secoundsToDays(donatorTime-currentTime.timestamp) showServerMsg(thePlayer,"Donator","Your donation status going to expire in "..donatorTime..". Thanks for support us!") callClientFunction(thePlayer,"setDonatorInfo",donatorState,donatorTime) local timeToRenew = getAccountData(account,"timeToRenew") local currentTime = getRealTime() local oneDay = 86400 if tonumber(timeToRenew)<=tonumber(currentTime.timestamp) then showServerMsg(thePlayer,"Free map","You free map purchase were renewed") setAccountData(account,"timeToRenew",currentTime.timestamp+oneDay) setAccountData(account,"freeMaps",2) end callClientFunction(thePlayer,"setFreeMapPurchase",getAccountData(account,"freeMaps")) setTeam(thePlayer) else setAccountData(account,"donatorEnabled",0) showServerMsg(thePlayer,"Donator","Your donator status was expired") return donatorLogin(thePlayer) end end else local donatorState,donatorTime = false,"Expired" callClientFunction(thePlayer,"setDonatorInfo",donatorState,donatorTime) end end end end function setTeam(thePlayer) local donators = getTeamFromName ( "Donators" ) if not getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) then if ( donators ) then -- If it was found (not false) setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer, donators ) else createTeam ( "Donators", 255, 100, 0 ) return setTeam(thePlayer) end end end function colouredChat ( message, theType ) if theType == 0 then --if its normal chat (not /me or teamchat) then cancelEvent() --prevent MTA from outputting chat message = string.gsub(message, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") --remove any hex tags in a player's chat to prevent custom colours by using lua's string.gsub local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor ( source ) --get the player's nametag colour local chatterName = getPlayerName ( source ) --get his name --output a message with the name as his nametag colour, and the rest in white. outputChatBox ( chatterName..":#FFFFFF "..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true ) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), colouredChat) Link to comment
Boris. Posted July 8, 2018 Author Share Posted July 8, 2018 Im try got test message when I finish race, but NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING....... addEventHandler("onPlayerFinish", root, function(rank, time) -- Calculate some reward amount down from 500 local thePlayer = source outputChatBox("#00ff00* #FFFFFF TEST .",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) -- Give the calculated reward amount to the player givePlayerMoney(source, rewardAmount) end) Link to comment
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