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interpolateBetween not working!

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local x, y, z = 134.52067565918, -69.88720703125, 2.4778761863708
local marker = createMarker (x, y, z)

addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, function()
    x, y, z = interpolateBetween (x, y, z, x, y, z + 3, 0, "Linear")
    setElementPosition (marker, x, y, z)

Hi i'd like to move a marker from my position, to up, but the script is not working at all. It is not giving any error but the marker is not moving.

Edited by tommymaster
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For it to work you need to increase the progress argument from 0-1 over time like this

local x, y, z = 134.52067565918, -69.88720703125, 2.4778761863708
local marker = createMarker (x, y, z)

local start = getTickCount(  )
local length = 3000 -- 3 seconds

addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, function()
    local progress = (getTickCount(  )-start)/length
    local x, y, z = interpolateBetween (x, y, z, x, y, z + 3, progress, "Linear")
    setElementPosition (marker, x, y, z)


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