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One hit Kill when hydra attacks other hydra

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-- client
explosiveWeaponIDS = { 
[ 51 ] = true,
[ 19 ] = true,
[ 50 ] = true,

function check(attacker, weapon)
local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) 
if theVehicle then
local id = getElementModel ( theVehicle )
if id = 520 then
 triggerServerEvent ( "onVehicleKill", resourceRoot, attacker )
addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleDamage", root, check )

-- server

function killPlaya(attacker)
    local hisVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)
    killPed(source, attacker, 49)
addEvent( "onVehicleKill", true )
addEventHandler( "onVehicleKill", root, killPlaya )


hello ,  i am working on a script in which destroys hydra from one hit and and get the right kill mesaage , can  someone tell me whats wrong :) and sorry if there are mistakes , i am new to scripting 

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From my understanding, your script basically kills the attacker when he hits an hydra because you set the triggerServerEvent element to attacker, whereas it should be source because the event is triggered when a vehicle gets damaged. By changing your "attacker" at line 13 to "source", the event should trigger for the person being hit, and not the opposite.

But what you should also fix is that by the way your script is, it triggers by any type of damage, as you don't use the explosiveWeaponIDS table at all.

Edited by Galactix
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13 minutes ago, TheGrimReaper said:

thanks alot bro , appreciate your help


i have tried that man but no difference :(

can u show me in script form if possible

I would gladly provide you a working script but unfortunately I wouldn't be able to test it as a second player is required for that. All I can say is that you need to make a if statement that includes your table and would make the event trigger when a player is piloting an hydra and gets hit by one of the 3 explosive id from the table which would then trigger the kill function.

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Try this

-- client
explosiveWeaponIDS = { 
	[ 51 ] = true,
	[ 19 ] = true,
	[ 50 ] = true,

function check(attacker, weapon)
	local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) 
	if theVehicle then
		local id = getElementModel ( theVehicle )
		if id == 520 and explosiveWeaponIDS[weapon] then
		 	triggerServerEvent ( "onVehicleKill", localPlayer, attacker, weapon )
addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleDamage", root, check )

-- server

function killPlaya(attacker,weapon)
    local hisVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)
    killPed(source, attacker, weapon)
addEvent( "onVehicleKill", true )
addEventHandler( "onVehicleKill", root, killPlaya )


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Oh my bad... I forgot that triggers for everyone who is streamed in.

function check(attacker, weapon)
    local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) 
    if theVehicle and source == theVehicle then
        local id = getElementModel ( theVehicle )
        if id == 520 and explosiveWeaponIDS[weapon] then
            triggerServerEvent ( "onVehicleKill", localPlayer, attacker, weapon )
addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleDamage", root, check )


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@Mr.Loki last question , sorry for this , i know this might be a bit annoying, is there a way which i can make the script trigger just once for each player , right now when u hit with double missles u get dual kills , and also when rammed by another hydra the player dies :( 

and again sorry for so many questions xD 

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In the first killPlaya func use the isPedDead function to check if the player is dead so it wont trigger again

and you will want to only use 19 in the explosiveWeaponIDS because 50 is damage of helicopter blades and 51 is exlposive damage so if a vehicle sxploded near u it would destroy your hydra.

If it does not work post what you did and we'll look at it.

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