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[Question]: Display resolution and MTA


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Hello, I have a few questions about the various resolutions of the displays for players:
1. Does MTA support widescreen monitors, such as, for example, a Samsung monitor with a resolution of 3840x1080?
( I mean, the picture in the MTA is stretched to the full resolution or only to a certain, and on the sides are black bars? )

2. Are there ways to optimize the custom graphical server interface for different monitor resolutions for players?

Sorry for my bad english.

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I'll answer on your second question only, because I dont know the answer for the first:

So, yeah it does, and I'm just about to implement a simple argument to dxDrawFunctions(only rectangle, image, image section and text for now)
which will automatically position everything based on the screen resolution, and the source resolution on which the whole thing was designed.
But its just kinda s*it.
Use CEF instead, HTML+CSS is designed for such purposes, and yeah bootstrap will help you a lot, but for that you'll need to learn a little.
I boostrap I personally cant help you, since, I'm a total noob in it.

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