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Hi Friends !^_^

Again, I've fall into a big hole :S. So, I'm requesting you to help me to come outside this hole by answering this problem :signhelp:.

The problem is mentioned below,

            We use 'setElementData' to store some data in a element like below,

local marker = createMarker(0,0,5,"cylinder",1.5,255,255,0,255)

addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker,
  function (hitter)

addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave", marker,
  function (leaver)

as you can see, when element hit the marker, we set it's data called "isInsideMarker", the value "yes". when leave, element's data "isInsideMarker" set to the value "no". Simple idea ! So, in this occasion, "isInsideMarker" data gets only the value "yes" and "no". It successfully store only one value at one time. So, my problem is, how to store multiple values set in one element's data ? [ it may be using a table or ..ect ] can you describe me how to store multiple values in one element data ?

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3 hours ago, Dimos7 said:

Bro, what is the relationship between 'isElementWithinMarker' and 'setElementData' ?:violent1:  I want to insert multiple values to one key of an element's data. Marker code is only an example use to describe problem.

Think we create a script like this, 

There are some markers that we have created. When an element / player hit a marker, his key called "hitMarkers" will be added new value.

local a = createMarker(bla,bla,bla)
local b = createMarker(bla,bla,bla)
local c = createMarker(bla,bla,bla)

addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", root,
function (player)
   if (source == a) then
      setElementData(player,"hitMarkers","a") -- on hit marker a set Value to "a"
   elseif (source == b) then
      setElementData(player,"hitMarkers",????) -- if I write this line as setElementData(player,"hitMarkers","b"), it will remove the current value and replace new value. How to add "b" without remove previous value ?


Edited by DeadthStrock
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Using JSON as Dimos7 said.


Or just use directly a table:

do -- set
	local theTable = {a = 100}
	setElementData(player, "hitMarkers", theTable)

do -- update
	local theTable = getElementData(player, "hitMarkers")
	theTable.b = 200
	setElementData(player, "hitMarkers", theTable)

do -- debug
	local theTable = getElementData(player, "hitMarkers")


Information about what is allowed inside of this table.

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