DentistaSK Posted June 24, 2018 Share Posted June 24, 2018 I tried everything I could, but I didnt made it work whatsoever. Error: [13:19:04] ERROR: interior-system/s_interior_system.lua:662: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value Line of code:, -(getElementData(gov, "id")), cost, 5 , "Interior Purchase", intName.." (ID: "..pickupid..")" ) (sorry if I didnt paste all things needes, Im kinda new in scripting) Thanks. Link to comment
Galactix Posted June 24, 2018 Share Posted June 24, 2018 1 hour ago, DentistaSK said: I tried everything I could, but I didnt made it work whatsoever. Error: [13:19:04] ERROR: interior-system/s_interior_system.lua:662: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value Line of code:, -(getElementData(gov, "id")), cost, 5 , "Interior Purchase", intName.." (ID: "..pickupid..")" ) (sorry if I didnt paste all things needes, Im kinda new in scripting) Thanks. If you want someone to be able to help you, you need to post the scripts that are causing the error first, otherwise we don't have the possibility to understand the issue. Link to comment
DentistaSK Posted June 24, 2018 Author Share Posted June 24, 2018 function buyInteriorCash(player, pickup, cost, isHouse, isRentable) if not then outputChatBox("You have already reached the maximum number of interiors. You can extend your max interiors in F10 -> Premium Features.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end if isRentable then local result = mysql:query_fetch_assoc( "SELECT COUNT(*) as 'cntval' FROM `interiors` WHERE `owner` = " .. getElementData(player, "dbid") .. " AND `type` = 3" ) if result then local count = tonumber(result['cntval']) if count ~= 0 then outputChatBox("You are already renting another house.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end end elseif not, 4, 1) then outputChatBox("You do not have the space for the keys.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end if, cost) then local charid = getElementData(player, "dbid") local pickupid = getElementData(pickup, "dbid") local intName = getElementData(pickup, "name") local gov = getTeamFromName("Government of Los Santos") if (isHouse) then outputChatBox("Congratulations! You have just bought this house for $" .. .. ".", player, 255, 194, 14) gov, cost ),-(getElementData(gov, "id")), cost, 5 , "Interior Purchase", intName.." (ID: "..pickupid..")" ) elseif (isRentable) then outputChatBox("Congratulations! You are now renting this property for $" .. .. ".", player, 255, 194, 14) else outputChatBox("Congratulations! You have just bought this business for $" .. .. ".", player, 255, 194, 14) getTeamFromName("Government of Los Santos"), cost ), -(getElementData(gov, "id")), cost, 5 , "Interior Purchase", intName.." (ID: "..pickupid..")" ) end mysql:query_free( "UPDATE interiors SET owner='" .. charid .. "', locked=0, lastused=NOW() WHERE id='" .. pickupid .. "'") local interiorEntrance = getElementData(pickup, "entrance") call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", isHouse and 4 or 5, pickupid ), isHouse and 4 or 5, pickupid) exports.logs:dbLog(player, 37, { "in"..tostring(pickupid) } , "BUYPROPERTY $"..cost) realReloadInterior(tonumber(pickupid), {player}) exports["interior-manager"]:addInteriorLogs(pickupid, "Bought/rented, $"", "..getPlayerName(player), player) triggerClientEvent(player, "createBlipAtXY", player, interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_TYPE], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_X], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_Y]) else outputChatBox("Sorry, you cannot afford to purchase this property.", player, 255, 194, 14) end end I can post whole script, but it has over 1k lines. But thanks for letting me know. local timerLoadAllInteriors = 60000 addEvent("onPlayerInteriorChange", true) intTable = {} safeTable = {} mysql = exports.mysql -- to check: -- payday -- to test -- /sell --[[ Interior types: TYPE 0: House TYPE 1: Business TYPE 2: Government (Unbuyable) TYPE 3: Rentable --]] -- Small hack function setElementDataEx(source, field, parameter, streamtoall, streamatall) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx( source, field, parameter, streamtoall, streamatall) end -- End small hack function switchGroundSnow( toggle ) if getResourceState ( getResourceFromName( "shader_snow_ground" ) ) == "running" then triggerClientEvent( thePlayer, "switchGoundSnow", thePlayer, toggle) end end function SmallestID( ) -- finds the smallest ID in the SQL instead of auto increment local result = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT MIN( AS nextID FROM interiors AS e1 LEFT JOIN interiors AS e2 ON +1 = WHERE IS NULL") if result then local id = tonumber(result["nextID"]) or 1 return id end return false end function findProperty(thePlayer, dimension) local dbid = dimension or (thePlayer and getElementDimension( thePlayer ) or 0) if dbid and tonumber(dbid) and tonumber(dbid) > 0 then dbid = tonumber(dbid) local foundInterior = exports.pool:getElement("interior", dbid) if foundInterior then local interiorEntrance = getElementData(foundInterior, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(foundInterior, "exit") local interiorStatus = getElementData(foundInterior, "status") return dbid, interiorEntrance, interiorExit, interiorStatus[INTERIOR_TYPE], foundInterior end end return 0 end function cleanupProperty( id, donotdestroy) if id > 0 then if exports.mysql:query_free( "DELETE FROM dancers WHERE dimension = " .. mysql:escape_string(id) ) then local res = getResourceRootElement( getResourceFromName( "dancer-system" ) ) if res then for key, value in pairs( getElementsByType( "ped", res ) ) do if getElementDimension( value ) == id then destroyElement( value ) end end end end if exports.mysql:query_free( "DELETE FROM shops WHERE dimension = " .. mysql:escape_string(id) ) then local res = getResourceRootElement( getResourceFromName( "shop-system" ) ) if res then for key, value in pairs( getElementsByType( "ped", res ) ) do if getElementDimension( value ) == id then local npcID = getElementData( value, "dbid" ) exports.mysql:query_free( "DELETE FROM `shop_products` WHERE `npcID` = " .. mysql:escape_string(npcID) ) destroyElement( value ) end end end end if exports.mysql:query_free( "DELETE FROM atms WHERE dimension = " .. mysql:escape_string(id) ) then local res = getResourceRootElement( getResourceFromName( "bank-system" ) ) if res then for key, value in pairs( getElementsByType( "object", res ) ) do if getElementDimension( value ) == id then destroyElement( value ) end end end end -- if exports.mysql:query_free( "DELETE FROM `elevators` WHERE `dimensionwithin` = '" .. mysql:escape_string(id).."' OR `dimension` = '" .. mysql:escape_string(id).."'" ) then -- local res = getResourceRootElement( getResourceFromName( "elevator-system" ) ) -- if res then -- for key, value in pairs( getElementsByType( "elevator", res ) ) do -- if getElementDimension( value ) == id then -- destroyElement( value ) -- call( getResourceFromName( "elevator-system" ), "reloadOneElevator", value ) -- end -- end -- end -- end local resE = getResourceRootElement( getResourceFromName( "elevator-system" ) ) if resE then call( getResourceFromName( "elevator-system" ), "delElevatorsFromInterior", "MAXIME" , "PROPERTYCLEANUP", id ) end if not donotdestroy then local res1 = getResourceRootElement( getResourceFromName( "object-system" ) ) if res1 then exports['object-system']:removeInteriorObjects( tonumber(id) ) end end if safeTable[id] then local safe = safeTable[id] call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "clearItems", safe ) if safe and isElement(safe) then destroyElement(safe) end safeTable[id] = nil end setTimer ( function () call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAllItemsWithinInt", id, 0, "CLEANUPINT" ) end, 3000, 1) end end function sellProperty(thePlayer, commandName, bla) if bla then outputChatBox("Use /sell to sell this place to another player.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) return end local dbid, entrance, exit, interiorType, interiorElement = findProperty( thePlayer ) if dbid > 0 then if interiorType == 2 then outputChatBox("You cannot sell a government property.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) elseif interiorType ~= 3 and commandName == "unrent" then outputChatBox("You do not rent this property.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) else local interiorStatus = getElementData(interiorElement, "status") if interiorStatus[INTERIOR_OWNER] == getElementData(thePlayer, "dbid") or ( getElementData(thePlayer, "factionleader") > 0 and interiorStatus[INTERIOR_FACTION] == getElementData(thePlayer, "faction")) then publicSellProperty(thePlayer, dbid, true, true, false) cleanupProperty(dbid, true) exports.logs:dbLog(thePlayer, 37, { "in"..tostring(dbid) } , "SELLPROPERTY "..dbid) local addLog = mysql:query_free("INSERT INTO `interior_logs` (`intID`, `action`, `actor`) VALUES ('"..tostring(dbid).."', '"..commandName.."', '"..getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id").."')") or false if not addLog then outputDebugString("Failed to add interior logs.") end else outputChatBox("You do not own this property.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end else outputChatBox("You are not in a property.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end addCommandHandler("sellproperty", sellProperty, false, false) addCommandHandler("unrent", sellProperty, false, false) function publicSellProperty(thePlayer, dbid, showmessages, givemoney, CLEANUP) local dbid, entrance, exit, interiorType, interiorElement = findProperty( thePlayer, dbid ) local query = mysql:query_free("UPDATE interiors SET owner=-1, faction=0, locked=1, safepositionX=NULL, safepositionY=NULL, safepositionZ=NULL, safepositionRZ=NULL WHERE id='" .. dbid .. "'") if query then local interiorStatus = getElementData(interiorElement, "status") if getElementDimension(thePlayer) == dbid and not CLEANUP then setElementInterior(thePlayer, entrance[INTERIOR_INT]) setCameraInterior(thePlayer, entrance[INTERIOR_INT]) setElementDimension(thePlayer, entrance[INTERIOR_DIM]) setElementPosition(thePlayer, entrance[INTERIOR_X], entrance[INTERIOR_Y], entrance[INTERIOR_Z]) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, "interiormarker", false, false, false) end if safeTable[dbid] then local safe = safeTable[dbid] if safe then exports['item-system']:clearItems(safe) destroyElement(safe) safeTable[dbid] = nil end end if interiorType == 0 or interiorType == 1 then if interiorType == 1 then mysql:query_free("DELETE FROM interior_business WHERE intID='" .. dbid .. "'") end local gov = getTeamFromName("Government of Los Santos") if interiorStatus[INTERIOR_OWNER] == getElementData(thePlayer, "dbid") then local money = math.ceil(interiorStatus[INTERIOR_COST] * 2/3) if givemoney then, money) if, money, true) then, "id"), interiorStatus[INTERIOR_OWNER], money, 3 , "Interior sold to Government", getElementData(interiorElement, "name").." (ID: "..getElementData(interiorElement, "dbid")..")" ) end end if showmessages then if CLEANUP == "FORCESELL" then"[INTERIOR]: "" has force-sold interior #"..dbid.." ("..getElementData(interiorElement,"name")..").") else outputChatBox("You sold your property for " .. .. "$.", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) end end -- take all keys call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", interiorType == 0 and 4 or 5, dbid ) --triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "removeBlipAtXY", thePlayer, interiorType, entrance[INTERIOR_X], entrance[INTERIOR_Y], entrance[INTERIOR_Z]) elseif interiorStatus[INTERIOR_FACTION] == getElementData(thePlayer, "faction") then local money = math.ceil(interiorStatus[INTERIOR_COST] * 2/3) local faction = exports.factions:getTeamFromFactionID(interiorStatus[INTERIOR_FACTION]) if givemoney and faction then, money) if, money, true) then, "id"), -interiorStatus[INTERIOR_FACTION], money, 3 , "Interior sold to Government", getElementData(interiorElement, "name").." (ID: "..getElementData(interiorElement, "dbid")..")" ) end end if showmessages then if CLEANUP == "FORCESELL" then"[INTERIOR]: "" has force-sold interior #"..dbid.." ("..getElementData(interiorElement,"name")..").") elseif faction then outputChatBox("You sold your property for " .. .. "$ (Transferred to the bank of '"..getTeamName(faction).."')", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) end end -- take all keys call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", interiorType == 0 and 4 or 5, dbid ) else if showmessages then if CLEANUP == "FORCESELL" then"[INTERIOR]: "" has force-sold interior #"..dbid.." ("..getElementData(interiorElement,"name")..").") else outputChatBox("You set this property to unowned.", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) end end end else if showmessages then if CLEANUP == "FORCESELL" then"[INTERIOR]: "" has force-sold interior #"..dbid.." ("..getElementData(interiorElement,"name")..").") else outputChatBox("You are no longer renting this property.", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) end end -- take all keys call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", interiorType == 0 and 4 or 5, dbid ) --triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "removeBlipAtXY", thePlayer, interiorType, entrance[INTERIOR_X], entrance[INTERIOR_Y], entrance[INTERIOR_Z]) end realReloadInterior(dbid, {thePlayer}) else outputChatBox("Error 504914 - Report on", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end function unownProperty(intid, reason) --This function is meant to be used by the system or to be triggered from UCP remotely. Works similarly to the publicSellProperty however, it's simplier. / MAXIME / 2015.1.11 if intid and tonumber(intid) then intid = tonumber(intid) else return false, "Interior is missing or invalid" end --Existed or not, we take all keys anyway. call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", 4 , intid ) call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", 5 , intid ) --Clean up NPC, ATMs, dancers, etc in the interior but don't destroy objects if it's a custom interior. cleanupProperty(intid, true) --Now we process in database first. local int = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT id, type FROM interiors WHERE id="..intid.." LIMIT 1") if int and ~= mysql_null() then mysql:query_free("UPDATE interiors SET owner=-1, faction=0, locked=1, safepositionX=NULL, safepositionY=NULL, safepositionZ=NULL, safepositionRZ=NULL WHERE id='" .. intid .. "'") if int.type == "1" then -- if it's a business, clean up in other table too. mysql:query_free("DELETE FROM interior_business WHERE intID='" .. intid .. "'") end else return false, "Interior does not existed in database." end --Alright, it's time to give admins some clues of what just happened exports.logs:dbLog("SYSTEM", 37, { "in"..intid } , reason and reason or "FORCESELL") exports["interior-manager"]:addInteriorLogs(intid, reason and reason or "Forcesold by SYSTEM") --Check if interior is loaded in game local dbid, entrance, exit, interiorType, interiorElement = findProperty( nil, intid ) if interiorElement then realReloadInterior(intid) --Reload interior and update owner's radar blips. return true else return true, "Interior is not loaded in game so only cleaned up in database." end end function sellTo(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayerName) -- only works in dimensions local dbid, entrance, exit, interiorType, interiorElement = findProperty( thePlayer ) if dbid > 0 and not isPedInVehicle( thePlayer ) then local interiorStatus = getElementData(interiorElement, "status") if interiorStatus[INTERIOR_TYPE] == 2 then outputChatBox("You cannot sell a government property.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) elseif not targetPlayerName then outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [partial player name / id]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) outputChatBox("Sells the Property you're in to that Player.", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) outputChatBox("Ask the buyer to use /pay to recieve the money for the Property.", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) else local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName =, targetPlayerName) if targetPlayer and getElementData(targetPlayer, "dbid") then local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local tx, ty, tz = getElementPosition(targetPlayer) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(px, py, pz, tx, ty, tz) < 10 and getElementDimension(targetPlayer) == getElementDimension(thePlayer) then if not then outputChatBox(targetPlayerName .. " has already too much interiors.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) outputChatBox((getPlayerName(thePlayer):gsub("_", " ")) .. " tried to sell you an interior, but you have too much interiors already.", targetPlayer, 255, 0, 0) return false end if interiorStatus[INTERIOR_OWNER] == getElementData(thePlayer, "dbid") or exports.integration:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer) then if getElementData(targetPlayer, "dbid") ~= interiorStatus[INTERIOR_OWNER] then if, 4, dbid) then local query = mysql:query_free("UPDATE interiors SET owner = '" .. getElementData(targetPlayer, "dbid") .. "', faction=0, lastused=NOW() WHERE id='" .. dbid .. "'") if query then local keytype = 4 if interiorType == 1 then keytype = 5 end call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", 4, dbid ) call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", 5, dbid ), keytype, dbid) --triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "removeBlipAtXY", thePlayer, interiorType, entrance[INTERIOR_X], entrance[INTERIOR_Y], entrance[INTERIOR_Z]) --triggerClientEvent(targetPlayer, "createBlipAtXY", targetPlayer, interiorType, entrance[INTERIOR_X], entrance[INTERIOR_Y], entrance[INTERIOR_Z]) if interiorType == 0 or interiorType == 1 then outputChatBox("You've successfully sold your property to " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) outputChatBox((getPlayerName(thePlayer):gsub("_", " ")) .. " sold you this property.", targetPlayer, 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox(targetPlayerName .. " has taken over your rent contract.", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) outputChatBox("You did take over " .. getPlayerName(thePlayer):gsub("_", " ") .. "'s renting contract.", targetPlayer, 0, 255, 0) end exports.logs:dbLog(thePlayer, 37, { targetPlayer, "in"..tostring(dbid) } , "SELLPROPERTY "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." => "..targetPlayerName) local adminID = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id") realReloadInterior(dbid, {targetPlayer, thePlayer}) exports["interior-manager"]:addInteriorLogs(dbid, commandName.." to "..targetPlayerName.."("..getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:username")..")", thePlayer) else outputChatBox("Error 09002 - Report on Forums.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end else outputChatBox(targetPlayerName .. " has no space for the property keys.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end else outputChatBox("You can't sell your own property to yourself.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end else outputChatBox("This property is not yours.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end else outputChatBox("You are too far away from " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end end end end addCommandHandler("sell", sellTo) function realReloadInterior(interiorID, updatePlayers) local dbid, entrance, exit, inttype, interiorElement = exports['interior-system']:findProperty( false, interiorID ) if dbid > 0 then if safeTable[dbid] then destroyElement(safeTable[dbid]) safeTable[dbid] = false end triggerClientEvent("deleteInteriorElement", interiorElement, tonumber(dbid)) destroyElement(interiorElement) reloadOneInterior(tonumber(dbid), updatePlayers, false) end end -- CONVERTED local stats_numberOfInts = 0 local timerDelay = 100 local loadedInteriors = 0 local initializeSoFarDetector = 0 function reloadOneInterior(id, updatePlayers, massLoad) --[[if (hasCoroutine==nil) then hasCoroutine = false end]] local row = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT (CASE WHEN lastlogin IS NOT NULL THEN TO_SECONDS(lastlogin) ELSE NULL END) AS owner_last_login, AS id, interiors.x AS x, interiors.y AS y, interiors.z AS z, interiorwithin, dimensionwithin, angle, interiorx, interiory, interiorz, interior, angleexit, type, disabled, locked, owner, cost, supplies, faction, name, keypad_lock, keypad_lock_pw, keypad_lock_auto,safepositionX, safepositionY, safepositionZ, safepositionRZ, businessNote, TO_SECONDS(lastused) AS lastused_sec, (CASE WHEN ((protected_until IS NULL) OR (protected_until > NOW() = 0)) THEN -1 ELSE TO_SECONDS(protected_until) END) AS protected_until FROM `interiors` LEFT JOIN `interior_business` ON `interiors`.`id` = `interior_business`.`intID` LEFT JOIN characters ON WHERE = '" .. id .."' AND `deleted` = '0'") if row then --[[if (hasCoroutine) then coroutine.yield() end]] local whatToReturn local interiorElement if row then for k, v in pairs( row ) do if v == null then row[k] = nil else row[k] = tonumber(v) or v end end interiorElement = createElement("interior", "int"..tostring( setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "dbid",, true) setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "entrance", { row.x, row.y, row.z, row.interiorwithin, row.dimensionwithin, row.angle, 0 }, true) setElementPosition(interiorElement, tonumber(row.x), tonumber(row.y), tonumber(row.z)) setElementInterior(interiorElement, tonumber(row.interiorwithin)) setElementDimension(interiorElement, tonumber(row.dimensionwithin)) setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "exit", {row.interiorx, row.interiory, row.interiorz, row.interior,, row.angleexit, 0 }, true ) setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "status", { row.type, row.disabled == 1, row.locked == 1, row.owner, row.cost,, tonumber(row.faction)}, true ) setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "name",, true) --Inactivity Protection / MAXIME if tonumber(row.owner) > 0 and tonumber(row.protected_until) ~= -1 then setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "protected_until", tonumber(row.protected_until), true) end if (row.lastused_sec ~= mysql_null()) then setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "lastused", tonumber(row.lastused_sec), true) end if (row.owner_last_login ~= mysql_null()) then setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "owner_last_login", tonumber(row.owner_last_login), true) end --Keyless Digital Door Lock / maxime if type(row.keypad_lock) ~= "userdata" and tonumber(row.type) ~= 2 and type(row.owner) ~= "userdata" and tonumber(row.owner) and tonumber(row.owner) > 0 then --outputDebugString("yes") setElementData(interiorElement, "keypad_lock", tonumber(row.keypad_lock), true) if type(row.keypad_lock_pw) ~= "userdata" then setElementData(interiorElement, "keypad_lock_pw", row.keypad_lock_pw, true) end if type(row.keypad_lock_auto) ~= "userdata" then setElementData(interiorElement, "keypad_lock_auto", tonumber(row.keypad_lock_auto) == 1, true) end else removeElementData(interiorElement, "keypad_lock") removeElementData(interiorElement, "keypad_lock_pw") removeElementData(interiorElement, "keypad_lock_auto") end --setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "isLightOn", row.isLightOn == 1, true) if row.safepositionX and row.safepositionY and row.safepositionZ ~= mysql_null() and row.safepositionRZ then setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "safe", {row.safepositionX, row.safepositionY, row.safepositionZ, 0, 0, row.safepositionRZ}, false) local tempobject = createObject(2332, row.safepositionX, row.safepositionY, row.safepositionZ, 0, 0, row.safepositionRZ) setElementInterior(tempobject, row.interior) setElementDimension(tempobject, safeTable[] = tempobject else setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "safe", false, true) end if row.businessNote then setElementDataEx(interiorElement, "business:note", row.businessNote , true) end --outputDebugString( "[INTERIOR] LOADED INT #" .. id.." ("")" ) if updatePlayers then if isElement(updatePlayers[2]) then if isElement(updatePlayers[1]) then triggerClientEvent(updatePlayers[1], "drawAllMyInteriorBlips", updatePlayers[2]) end triggerClientEvent(updatePlayers[2], "drawAllMyInteriorBlips", updatePlayers[2]) end end whatToReturn = true exports.pool:allocateElement(interiorElement, tonumber(, true) else --outputDebugString( "[INTERIOR] LOADING FAILED Invalid Int #" .. id ) whatToReturn = false --return false end if massLoad then loadedInteriors = loadedInteriors + 1 local newInitializeSoFarDetector = math.ceil(loadedInteriors/(stats_numberOfInts/100)) if loadedInteriors == 1 or loadedInteriors == stats_numberOfInts or initializeSoFarDetector ~= newInitializeSoFarDetector then triggerClientEvent("interior:initializeSoFar", root, loadedInteriors, stats_numberOfInts) --outputDebugString("triggered - loadedInteriors:"..loadedInteriors.." - initializeSoFarDetector:"..initializeSoFarDetector.." - newInitializeSoFarDetector:"..newInitializeSoFarDetector) initializeSoFarDetector = newInitializeSoFarDetector end else --outputDebugString("interiorElement = "..tostring(interiorElement)) triggerClientEvent("interior:schedulePickupLoading", root, interiorElement) end return whatToReturn or false end end --[[local threads = { } function resume() for key, value in ipairs(threads) do coroutine.resume(value) end end]] function loadAllInteriors() local players = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player") for k, thePlayer in ipairs(players) do exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, "interiormarker", false, false, false) end local result = mysql:query("SELECT `id` FROM `interiors` WHERE `deleted` = '0'") if (result) then while true do local row = mysql:fetch_assoc(result) if not row then break end setTimer(reloadOneInterior, timerDelay, 1,, false, true) timerDelay = timerDelay + 100 stats_numberOfInts = stats_numberOfInts + 1 end mysql:free_result(result) outputDebugString("[INTERIOR] Started loading "..stats_numberOfInts.." interiors. Finish in "" second(s)") end setInteriorSoundsEnabled ( false ) -- maxime end setTimer(loadAllInteriors, timerLoadAllInteriors, 1) --addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), loadAllInteriors) function buyInterior(player, pickup, cost, isHouse, isRentable) if not then outputChatBox("You have already had too much interiors.", player, 255, 0, 0) return false end if isRentable then local result = mysql:query_fetch_assoc( "SELECT COUNT(*) as 'cntval' FROM `interiors` WHERE `owner` = " .. getElementData(player, "dbid") .. " AND `type` = 3" ) if result then local count = tonumber(result['cntval']) if count ~= 0 then outputChatBox("You are already renting another house.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end end elseif not, 4, 1) then outputChatBox("You do not have the space for the keys.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end if, cost) then if (isHouse) then outputChatBox("Congratulations! You have just bought this house for $" .. .. ".", player, 255, 194, 14) getTeamFromName("Government of Los Santos"), cost ) elseif (isRentable) then outputChatBox("Congratulations! You are now renting this property for $" .. .. ".", player, 255, 194, 14) else outputChatBox("Congratulations! You have just bought this business for $" .. .. ".", player, 255, 194, 14) getTeamFromName("Government of Los Santos"), cost ) end local charid = getElementData(player, "dbid") local pickupid = getElementData(pickup, "dbid") mysql:query_free( "UPDATE interiors SET owner='" .. charid .. "', locked=0, lastused=NOW() WHERE id='" .. pickupid .. "'") local interiorEntrance = getElementData(pickup, "entrance") -- make sure it's an unqiue key call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", 4, pickupid ) call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", 5, pickupid ) if (isHouse) or (isRentable) then, 4, pickupid) else, 5, pickupid) end exports.logs:dbLog(thePlayer, 37, { "in"..tostring(pickupid) } , "BUYPROPERTY $"..cost) realReloadInterior(tonumber(pickupid), {player}) exports["interior-manager"]:addInteriorLogs(pickupid, "Bought/rented, $"", "..getPlayerName(thePlayer), thePlayer) else outputChatBox("Sorry, you cannot afford to purchase this property.", player, 255, 194, 14) end end function buypropertyForFaction(interior, cost, isHouse) --Maxime local can, reason = if not can then outputChatBox(reason, source, 255, 0, 0) return end local theFaction = can if not, cost) then outputChatBox("Could not take money from your faction bank.", source, 255, 0, 0) return end local gov = getTeamFromName("Government of Los Santos") local intName = getElementData(interior,"name") local factionId = getElementData(theFaction, "id") local intId = getElementData(interior, "dbid") gov, cost ), -(getElementData(gov, "id")), cost, 3 , "Interior Purchase", intName.." (ID: "..intId..")" ) if not mysql:query_free( "UPDATE interiors SET owner='-1', faction='"..factionId.."', locked=0, lastused=NOW() WHERE id='" .. intId .. "'") then, cost) gov, cost ) outputChatBox("Internal error code 334INT2.", source, 255, 0, 0) return false end local factionName = getTeamName(theFaction):gsub("_", " ") outputChatBox("Congratulations! You have just bought this property for your faction '"..factionName.."' for $" .. .. ".", source, 255, 194, 14) local interiorEntrance = getElementData(interior, "entrance") call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", isHouse and 4 or 5, intId ), isHouse and 4 or 5, intId) exports.logs:dbLog(source, 37, { "in"..tostring(intId) } , "BUYPROPERTY $"..cost.." FOR FACTION '"..factionName.."'") realReloadInterior(tonumber(intId)) exports["interior-manager"]:addInteriorLogs(intId, "Bought for faction '"..factionName.."', $"", "..getPlayerName(source), source) triggerClientEvent(source, "createBlipAtXY", source, interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_TYPE], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_X], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_Y]) exports.achievement:playSoundFx(source) return true end addEvent( "buypropertyForFaction", true ) addEventHandler( "buypropertyForFaction", getRootElement( ), buypropertyForFaction) function buyInteriorCash(player, pickup, cost, isHouse, isRentable) if not then outputChatBox("You have already reached the maximum number of interiors. You can extend your max interiors in F10 -> Premium Features.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end if isRentable then local result = mysql:query_fetch_assoc( "SELECT COUNT(*) as 'cntval' FROM `interiors` WHERE `owner` = " .. getElementData(player, "dbid") .. " AND `type` = 3" ) if result then local count = tonumber(result['cntval']) if count ~= 0 then outputChatBox("You are already renting another house.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end end elseif not, 4, 1) then outputChatBox("You do not have the space for the keys.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end if, cost) then local charid = getElementData(player, "dbid") local pickupid = getElementData(pickup, "dbid") local intName = getElementData(pickup, "name") local gov = getTeamFromName("Government of Los Santos") if (isHouse) then outputChatBox("Congratulations! You have just bought this house for $" .. .. ".", player, 255, 194, 14) gov, cost ), -(getElementData(gov, "id")), cost, 5 , "Interior Purchase", intName.." (ID: "..pickupid..")" ) elseif (isRentable) then outputChatBox("Congratulations! You are now renting this property for $" .. .. ".", player, 255, 194, 14) else outputChatBox("Congratulations! You have just bought this business for $" .. .. ".", player, 255, 194, 14) getTeamFromName("Government of Los Santos"), cost ), -(getElementData(gov, "id")), cost, 5 , "Interior Purchase", intName.." (ID: "..pickupid..")" ) end mysql:query_free( "UPDATE interiors SET owner='" .. charid .. "', locked=0, lastused=NOW() WHERE id='" .. pickupid .. "'") local interiorEntrance = getElementData(pickup, "entrance") call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", isHouse and 4 or 5, pickupid ), isHouse and 4 or 5, pickupid) exports.logs:dbLog(player, 37, { "in"..tostring(pickupid) } , "BUYPROPERTY $"..cost) realReloadInterior(tonumber(pickupid), {player}) exports["interior-manager"]:addInteriorLogs(pickupid, "Bought/rented, $"", "..getPlayerName(player), player) triggerClientEvent(player, "createBlipAtXY", player, interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_TYPE], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_X], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_Y]) else outputChatBox("Sorry, you cannot afford to purchase this property.", player, 255, 194, 14) end end addEvent( "buypropertywithcash", true ) addEventHandler( "buypropertywithcash", getRootElement( ), buyInteriorCash) function buyInteriorBank(player, pickup, cost, isHouse, isRentable) if not then outputChatBox("You have already reached the maximum number of interiors. You can extend your max interiors in F10 -> Premium Features.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end if isRentable then local result = mysql:query_fetch_assoc( "SELECT COUNT(*) as 'cntval' FROM `interiors` WHERE `owner` = " .. getElementData(player, "dbid") .. " AND `type` = 3" ) if result then local count = tonumber(result['cntval']) if count ~= 0 then outputChatBox("You are already renting another house.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end end elseif not, 4, 1) then outputChatBox("You do not have the space for the keys.", player, 255, 0, 0) return end if not, cost) then outputChatBox( "You lack the money in your bank to buy this property", player, 255, 0, 0 ) else local charid = getElementData(player, "dbid") local pickupid = getElementData(pickup, "dbid") local gov = getTeamFromName("Government of Los Santos") local intName = getElementData(pickup, "name") if (isHouse) then outputChatBox("Congratulations! You have just bought this house for $" .. .. ".", player, 255, 194, 14) gov, cost ) elseif (isRentable) then outputChatBox("Congratulations! You are now renting this property for $" .. .. ".", player, 255, 194, 14) else outputChatBox("Congratulations! You have just bought this business for $" .. .. ".", player, 255, 194, 14) gov, cost ) end, -(getElementData(gov, "id")), cost, 2 , "Interior Purchase", intName.." (ID: "..pickupid..")" ) mysql:query_free( "UPDATE interiors SET owner='" .. charid .. "', locked=0, lastused=NOW() WHERE id='" .. pickupid .. "'") local interiorEntrance = getElementData(pickup, "entrance") call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "deleteAll", isHouse and 4 or 5, pickupid ), isHouse and 4 or 5, pickupid) exports.logs:dbLog(player, 37, { "in"..tostring(pickupid) } , "BUYPROPERTY $"..cost) realReloadInterior(tonumber(pickupid), {player}) exports["interior-manager"]:addInteriorLogs(pickupid, "Bought/rented, $"", "..getPlayerName(player), player) triggerClientEvent(player, "createBlipAtXY", player, interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_TYPE], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_X], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_Y]) end end addEvent( "buypropertywithbank", true ) addEventHandler( "buypropertywithbank", getRootElement( ), buyInteriorBank) --[[ function vehicleStartEnter(thePlayer) local marker = getElementData(thePlayer, "interiormarker") local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) if marker then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), vehicleStartEnter) addEventHandler("onVehicleStartExit", getRootElement(), vehicleStartEnter)]] -- I guess I'll test this on my local server before we put it in, make sure miniguns dont fall from the sky and everyone turns into a clown. -Bean --[[function vehicleStartEnter(thePlayer) local marker = getElementData(thePlayer, "interiormarker") local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local lastDistance = 1 -- This is the distanceBetweenPoints3D, I'm sure we could make it less, but this should do if they are on the interior marker, right? for _, interior in ipairs(possibleInteriors) do local interiorEntrance = getElementData(interior, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(interior, "exit") local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local dimension = getElementDimension(thePlayer) for _, point in ipairs( { interiorEntrance, interiorExit } ) do if (point[5] == dimension) then local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(posX, posY, posZ, point[1], point[2], point[3]) if (distance < lastDistance) then found = interior -- Set it to the interior ID so that it knows there's something there. lastDistance = distance end end end end if marker and found then -- If it's there, then you cancel, not just because the event wants us to. cancelEvent() else exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, "interiormarker", nil, nil, nil) -- If it's not found, then let them enter the car, and clear the element data so it's not there anymore. end end addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), vehicleStartEnter) addEventHandler("onVehicleStartExit", getRootElement(), vehicleStartEnter)]] function enterInterior( ) if source and client then local canEnter, errorCode, errorMsg = canEnterInterior(source) -- Checks for disabled and locked ints. if canEnter then setPlayerInsideInterior( source, client ) elseif isInteriorForSale(source) then local interiorStatus = getElementData(source, "status") local cost = interiorStatus[INTERIOR_COST] local isHouse = interiorStatus[INTERIOR_TYPE] == 0 local isRentable = interiorStatus[INTERIOR_TYPE] == 3 local neighborhood = triggerClientEvent(client, "openPropertyGUI", client, source, cost, isHouse, isRentable, neighborhood) --buyInterior(client, source, cost, isHouse, isRentable) else outputChatBox(errorMsg, client, 255, 0, 0) end end end addEvent("interior:enter", true) addEventHandler("interior:enter", getRootElement(), enterInterior) --MAXIME NEW MELTHOD local interiorTimer = {} function setPlayerInsideInterior(theInterior, thePlayer, teleportTo) if interiorTimer[thePlayer] or not theInterior then return false end interiorTimer[thePlayer] = true local enter = true if not teleportTo then local pedCurrentDimension = getElementDimension( thePlayer ) local interiorEntrance = getElementData(theInterior, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(theInterior, "exit") local interiorStatus = getElementData(theInterior, "status") if (interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_DIM] == pedCurrentDimension) then teleportTo = interiorExit enter = true else teleportTo = interiorEntrance enter = false end end doorGoThru(theInterior, thePlayer) fadeCamera ( thePlayer, true, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) fadeCamera ( thePlayer, false, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementFrozen(thePlayer, true) --triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "CantFallOffBike", thePlayer) triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "setPlayerInsideInterior", theInterior, teleportTo, theInterior) setTimer(function() setCameraInterior(thePlayer, teleportTo[INTERIOR_INT]) setElementInterior(thePlayer, teleportTo[INTERIOR_INT]) setElementDimension(thePlayer, teleportTo[INTERIOR_DIM]) setElementAlpha(thePlayer, 0) if teleportTo[INTERIOR_ANGLE] then setPedRotation(thePlayer, teleportTo[INTERIOR_ANGLE]) end if teleportTo[INTERIOR_DIM] == 0 then triggerEvent("s_updateClientTime", thePlayer) switchGroundSnow(true) else switchGroundSnow( false ) end setElementPosition(thePlayer, teleportTo[INTERIOR_X], teleportTo[INTERIOR_Y], teleportTo[INTERIOR_Z], true) end, 1000, 1) local dbid = getElementData(theInterior, "dbid") mysql:query_free("UPDATE `interiors` SET `lastused`=NOW() WHERE `id`='" .. mysql:escape_string(dbid) .. "'") setElementData(theInterior, "lastused", exports.datetime:now(), true) --Alright, it's time to give admins some clues of what just happened exports.logs:dbLog("SYSTEM", 31, { theInterior, thePlayer } , enter and "ENTERED" or "EXITED") exports["interior-manager"]:addInteriorLogs(dbid, enter and "Entered" or "Exited", thePlayer) return true end addEventHandler("onPlayerInteriorChange", getRootElement( ), function( a, b, toDimension, toInterior) if toDimension then triggerEvent("frames:loadInteriorTextures", source, toDimension) -- Adams setElementDimension(source, toDimension) end if toInterior then setElementInterior(source, toInterior) end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( source ) if not vehicle then end fadeCamera ( source, false, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) fadeCamera ( source, true, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementFrozen(source, false) setElementAlpha(source, 255) interiorTimer[source] = false end ) -- NOT CONVERTED function setPlayerInsideInterior2(theInterior, thePlayer) local teleportTo = nil -- does the player want to go in? local pedCurrentDimension = getElementDimension( thePlayer ) local interiorEntrance = getElementData(theInterior, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(theInterior, "exit") local interiorStatus = getElementData(theInterior, "status") if (interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_DIM] == pedCurrentDimension) then --[[ We want to go inside, Check for a fee ***REMOVED.*** if getElementData( thePlayer, "duty_admin" ) ~= 1 and not thePlayer, 5, getElementData( theInterior, "dbid" ) ) and not (getElementData(thePlayer,"ESbadge")) and not (getElementData(thePlayer,"PDbadge"))and not (getElementData(thePlayer,"SheriffBadge")) and not (getElementData(thePlayer,"GOVbadge")) and not (getElementData(thePlayer,"SANbadge")) then local fee = interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_FEE] if fee and fee > 0 then if not thePlayer, fee ) then outputChatBox( "You don't have enough money with you to enter this interior.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) return else local ownerid = interiorStatus[INTERIOR_OWNER] local query = mysql:query_free( "UPDATE characters SET bankmoney = bankmoney + " .. fee .. " WHERE id = " .. ownerid ) if query then for k, v in pairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do if isElement( v ) then if getElementData( v, "dbid" ) == ownerid then exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx( v, "businessprofit", getElementData( v, "businessprofit" ) + fee, false ) break end end end else outputChatBox( "Error 100.6 - Report on Forums.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) end end end end]] -- We've passed the feecheck, yet we still want to go inside. teleportTo = interiorExit else -- We'd like to leave this building, kthxhopefullybye. --[[if (getElementData(thePlayer, "snake")==true) then return end]] -- Removed old snake cams teleportTo = interiorEntrance end if teleportTo then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "setPlayerInsideInterior", theInterior, teleportTo, theInterior) if teleportTo[INTERIOR_DIM] == 0 then triggerEvent("s_updateClientTime", thePlayer) switchGroundSnow(true) else switchGroundSnow(true) end setElementInterior(thePlayer, teleportTo[INTERIOR_INT]) setElementDimension(thePlayer, teleportTo[INTERIOR_DIM]) doorGoThru(theInterior, thePlayer) local dbid = getElementData(theInterior, "dbid") mysql:query_free("UPDATE `interiors` SET `lastused`=NOW() WHERE `id`='" .. mysql:escape_string(dbid) .. "'") setElementData(theInterior, "lastused", exports.datetime:now(), true) triggerEvent("frames:loadInteriorTextures", thePlayer, dbid) -- Adams end end --[[ SAFES ]] function addSafeAtPosition( thePlayer, x, y, z, rotz ) local dbid = getElementDimension( thePlayer ) local interior = getElementInterior( thePlayer ) if dbid == 0 then return 2 elseif dbid >= 20000 then -- Vehicle Interiors local vid = dbid - 20000 if exports['vehicle-system']:getSafe( vid ) then outputChatBox("There is already a safe in this property. Type /movesafe to move it.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) return 1 elseif thePlayer, 3, vid ) then z = z - 0.5 rotz = rotz + 180 if exports.mysql:query_free( "UPDATE vehicles SET safepositionX='" .. x .. "', safepositionY='" .. y .. "', safepositionZ='" .. z .. "', safepositionRZ='" .. rotz .. "' WHERE id='" .. vid .. "'") then if exports['vehicle-system']:addSafe( vid, x, y, z, rotz, interior ) then return 0 end end return 1 end elseif dbid >= 19000 then -- temp vehicle interiors return 2 elseif (( thePlayer, 5, dbid ) or thePlayer, 4, dbid))) then if safeTable[dbid] then outputChatBox("There is already a safe in this property. Type /movesafe to move it.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) return 1 else z = z - 0.5 rotz = rotz + 180 mysql:query_free( "UPDATE interiors SET safepositionX='" .. x .. "', safepositionY='" .. y .. "', safepositionZ='" .. z .. "', safepositionRZ='" .. rotz .. "' WHERE id='" .. dbid .. "'") local tempobject = createObject(2332, x, y, z, 0, 0, rotz) setElementInterior(tempobject, interior) setElementDimension(tempobject, dbid) safeTable[dbid] = tempobject call( getResourceFromName( "item-system" ), "clearItems", tempobject ) return 0 end end return 3 end function moveSafe ( thePlayer, commandName ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition( thePlayer ) local rotz = getPedRotation( thePlayer ) local dbid = getElementDimension( thePlayer ) local interior = getElementInterior( thePlayer ) if (dbid < 19000 and ( thePlayer, 5, dbid ) or thePlayer, 4, dbid))) or (dbid >= 20000 and, 3, dbid - 20000)) then z = z - 0.5 rotz = rotz + 180 if dbid >= 20000 and exports['vehicle-system']:getSafe(dbid-20000) then local safe = exports['vehicle-system']:getSafe(dbid-20000) exports.mysql:query_free("UPDATE vehicles SET safepositionX='" .. x .. "', safepositionY='" .. y .. "', safepositionZ='" .. z .. "', safepositionRZ='" .. rotz .. "' WHERE id='" .. (dbid-20000) .. "'") setElementPosition(safe, x, y, z) setObjectRotation(safe, 0, 0, rotz) elseif dbid > 0 and safeTable[dbid] then local safe = safeTable[dbid] exports.mysql:query_free("UPDATE interiors SET safepositionX='" .. x .. "', safepositionY='" .. y .. "', safepositionZ='" .. z .. "', safepositionRZ='" .. rotz .. "' WHERE id='" .. dbid .. "'") -- Update the name in the sql. setElementPosition(safe, x, y, z) setObjectRotation(safe, 0, 0, rotz) else outputChatBox("You need a safe to move!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end else outputChatBox("You need the keys of this interior to move the Safe.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end addCommandHandler("movesafe", moveSafe) local function hasKey( source, key ) if, 4, key) or, 5,key) then return true, false else if getElementData(source, "duty_admin") == 1 then return true, true else return false, false end end return false, false end function lockUnlockHouseEvent(player, checkdistance) if (player) then source = player end local itemValue = nil local found = nil local foundpoint = nil local minDistance = 5 local interiorName = "" local pPosX, pPosY, pPosZ = getElementPosition(source) local dimension = getElementDimension(source) local canEnter, byAdmin = nil local possibleInteriors = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("interior") for _, interior in ipairs(possibleInteriors) do local interiorEntrance = getElementData(interior, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(interior, "exit") for _, point in ipairs( { interiorEntrance, interiorExit } ) do if (point[INTERIOR_DIM] == dimension) then local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pPosX, pPosY, pPosZ, point[INTERIOR_X], point[INTERIOR_Y], point[INTERIOR_Z]) or 20 if (distance < minDistance) then local interiorID = getElementData(interior, "dbid") canEnter, byAdmin = hasKey(source, interiorID) if canEnter then -- house found found = interior foundpoint = point itemValue = interiorID minDistance = distance interiorName = getElementData(interior, "name") end end end end end -- For elevators already local possibleElevators = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("elevator") for _, elevator in ipairs(possibleElevators) do local elevatorEntrance = getElementData(elevator, "entrance") local elevatorExit = getElementData(elevator, "exit") for _, point in ipairs( { elevatorEntrance, elevatorExit } ) do if (point[INTERIOR_DIM] == dimension) then local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pPosX, pPosY, pPosZ, point[INTERIOR_X], point[INTERIOR_Y], point[INTERIOR_Z]) if (distance < minDistance) then if hasKey(source, elevatorEntrance[INTERIOR_DIM]) and elevatorEntrance[INTERIOR_DIM] ~= 0 then found = elevator foundpoint = point itemValue = elevatorEntrance[INTERIOR_DIM] minDistance = distance elseif hasKey(source, elevatorExit[INTERIOR_DIM]) and elevatorExit[INTERIOR_DIM] ~= 0 then found = elevator foundpoint = point itemValue = elevatorExit[INTERIOR_DIM] minDistance = distance end end end end end if (checkdistance) then return found, minDistance end if found and itemValue then local dbid, entrance, exit, interiorType, interiorElement = findProperty( source, itemValue ) if getElementData(interiorElement, "keypad_lock") then if not (exports.integration:isPlayerTrialAdmin(source) and getElementData(source, "duty_admin") == 1) then exports.hud:sendBottomNotification(source, "Keyless Digital Door Lock", "This door is keyless, you must use the keypad to access it.") return false end end local interiorStatus = getElementData(interiorElement, "status") local locked = interiorStatus[INTERIOR_LOCKED] and 1 or 0 locked = 1 - locked -- Invert status local newRealLockedValue = false mysql:query_free("UPDATE interiors SET locked='" .. mysql:escape_string(locked) .. "' WHERE id='" .. mysql:escape_string(itemValue) .. "' LIMIT 1") if locked == 0 then doorUnlockSound(interiorElement, source) if byAdmin then if getElementData(source, "hiddenadmin") == 0 then local adminTitle = local adminUsername = getElementData(source, "account:username")"[INTERIOR]: "..adminTitle.." ".. getPlayerName(source):gsub("_", " ").. " ("..adminUsername..") has unlocked Interior ID #"..itemValue.." without key."), " * The door should be now open *", 255, 51, 102, 30, {}, true) exports["interior-manager"]:addInteriorLogs(itemValue, "unlock without key", source) end else triggerEvent('sendAme', source, "puts the key in the door to unlock it.") end exports.logs:dbLog(source, 31, { "in"..tostring(itemValue) }, "UNLOCK INTERIOR") else --:~ doorLockSound(interiorElement, source) newRealLockedValue = true if byAdmin then if getElementData(source, "hiddenadmin") == 0 then local adminTitle = local adminUsername = getElementData(source, "account:username")"[INTERIOR]: "..adminTitle.." ".. getPlayerName(source):gsub("_", " ").. " ("..adminUsername..") has locked Interior ID #"..itemValue.." without key."), " * The door should be now locked *", 255, 51, 102, 30, {}, true) exports["interior-manager"]:addInteriorLogs(itemValue, "lock without key", source) end else triggerEvent('sendAme', source, "puts the key in the door to lock it.") end exports.logs:dbLog(source, 31, { "in"..tostring(itemValue) }, "LOCK INTERIOR") end interiorStatus[INTERIOR_LOCKED] = newRealLockedValue exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(interiorElement, "status", interiorStatus, true) else cancelEvent( ) end end addEvent( "lockUnlockHouse",false ) addEventHandler( "lockUnlockHouse", getRootElement(), lockUnlockHouseEvent) function doorUnlockSound(house, source) if (house) then if (getElementType(house) == "interior") then local interiorEntrance = getElementData(house, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(house, "exit") for index, nearbyPlayer in ipairs(exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player")) do if isElement(nearbyPlayer) and getElementData(nearbyPlayer, "loggedin") == 1 then for k, v in ipairs({{interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_X], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_Y], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_Z], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_DIM]}, {interiorExit[INTERIOR_X], interiorExit[INTERIOR_Y], interiorExit[INTERIOR_Z], interiorExit[INTERIOR_DIM]}}) do if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(v[1], v[2], v[3], getElementPosition(nearbyPlayer)) < 20 and getElementDimension(nearbyPlayer) == v[4] then triggerClientEvent(nearbyPlayer, "doorUnlockSound", source, v[1], v[2], v[3]) end end end end else -- It would be 0 local found = nil local minDistance = 20 local pPosX, pPosY, pPosZ = getElementPosition(source) local dimension = getElementDimension(source) local possibleInteriors = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("interior") for _, interior in ipairs(possibleInteriors) do local interiorEntrance = getElementData(interior, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(interior, "exit") for _, point in ipairs( { interiorEntrance, interiorExit } ) do if (point[INTERIOR_DIM] == dimension) then local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pPosX, pPosY, pPosZ, point[INTERIOR_X], point[INTERIOR_Y], point[INTERIOR_Z]) or 20 if (distance < minDistance) then found = interior minDistance = distance end end end end end if found then triggerEvent("doorUnlockSound", source, found) end end end function doorLockSound(house, source) if (house) then if (getElementType(house) == "interior") then local interiorEntrance = getElementData(house, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(house, "exit") for index, nearbyPlayer in ipairs(exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player")) do if isElement(nearbyPlayer) and getElementData(nearbyPlayer, "loggedin") == 1 then for k, v in ipairs({{interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_X], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_Y], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_Z], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_DIM]}, {interiorExit[INTERIOR_X], interiorExit[INTERIOR_Y], interiorExit[INTERIOR_Z], interiorExit[INTERIOR_DIM]}}) do if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(v[1], v[2], v[3], getElementPosition(nearbyPlayer)) < 20 and getElementDimension(nearbyPlayer) == v[4] then triggerClientEvent(nearbyPlayer, "doorLockSound", source, v[1], v[2], v[3]) end end end end else -- It would be 0 local found = nil local minDistance = 20 local pPosX, pPosY, pPosZ = getElementPosition(source) local dimension = getElementDimension(source) local possibleInteriors = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("interior") for _, interior in ipairs(possibleInteriors) do local interiorEntrance = getElementData(interior, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(interior, "exit") for _, point in ipairs( { interiorEntrance, interiorExit } ) do if (point[INTERIOR_DIM] == dimension) then local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pPosX, pPosY, pPosZ, point[INTERIOR_X], point[INTERIOR_Y], point[INTERIOR_Z]) or 20 if (distance < minDistance) then found = interior minDistance = distance end end end end end if found then triggerEvent("doorLockSound", source, found) end end end function doorGoThru(house, source) if (house) then if (getElementType(house) == "interior") then local interiorEntrance = getElementData(house, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(house, "exit") for index, nearbyPlayer in ipairs(exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player")) do if isElement(nearbyPlayer) and getElementData(nearbyPlayer, "loggedin") == 1 then for k, v in ipairs({{interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_X], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_Y], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_Z], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_DIM]}, {interiorExit[INTERIOR_X], interiorExit[INTERIOR_Y], interiorExit[INTERIOR_Z], interiorExit[INTERIOR_DIM]}}) do if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(v[1], v[2], v[3], getElementPosition(nearbyPlayer)) < 20 and getElementDimension(nearbyPlayer) == v[4] then triggerClientEvent(nearbyPlayer, "doorGoThru", source, v[1], v[2], v[3]) end end end end else -- It would be 0 local found = nil local minDistance = 20 local pPosX, pPosY, pPosZ = getElementPosition(source) local dimension = getElementDimension(source) local possibleInteriors = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("interior") for _, interior in ipairs(possibleInteriors) do local interiorEntrance = getElementData(interior, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(interior, "exit") for _, point in ipairs( { interiorEntrance, interiorExit } ) do if (point[INTERIOR_DIM] == dimension) then local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pPosX, pPosY, pPosZ, point[INTERIOR_X], point[INTERIOR_Y], point[INTERIOR_Z]) or 20 if (distance < minDistance) then found = interior minDistance = distance end end end end end if found then triggerEvent("doorGoThru", source, found) end end end addEvent( "lockUnlockHouseID",true ) addEventHandler( "lockUnlockHouseID", getRootElement(), function( id, usingKeypad ) local hasKey1, byAdmin = hasKey(source, id) if id and tonumber(id) and (hasKey1 or usingKeypad) then local result = mysql:query_fetch_assoc( "SELECT 1-locked as 'val' FROM interiors WHERE id = " .. id) local locked = 0 if result then locked = tonumber( result["val"] ) end local newRealLockedValue = false mysql:query_free("UPDATE interiors SET locked='" .. locked .. "' WHERE id='" .. id .. "' LIMIT 1") if not usingKeypad then local dbid, entrance, exit, interiorType, interiorElement = findProperty( source, id ) --outputDebugString(getElementData(interiorElement, "keypad_lock")) if getElementData(interiorElement, "keypad_lock") then if not (exports.integration:isPlayerTrialAdmin(source) and getElementData(source, "duty_admin") == 1) then exports.hud:sendBottomNotification(source, "Keyless Digital Door Lock", "This door is keyless, you must use the keypad to access it.") return false end end if locked == 0 then if byAdmin then if getElementData(source, "hiddenadmin") == 0 then local adminTitle = local adminUsername = getElementData(source, "account:username")"[INTERIOR]: "..adminTitle.." ".. getPlayerName(source):gsub("_", " ").. " ("..adminUsername..") has unlocked Interior ID #"" without key."), " * The door should be now open *", 255, 51, 102, 30, {}, true) exports["interior-manager"]:addInteriorLogs(id, "unlock without key", source) end else triggerEvent('sendAme', source, "puts the key in the door to unlock it.") end exports.logs:dbLog(source, 31, { "in"..tostring(id) }, "UNLOCK INTERIOR") else newRealLockedValue = true if byAdmin then if getElementData(source, "hiddenadmin") == 0 then local adminTitle = local adminUsername = getElementData(source, "account:username")"[INTERIOR]: "..adminTitle.." ".. getPlayerName(source):gsub("_", " ").. " ("..adminUsername..") has locked Interior ID #"" without key."), " * The door should be now closed *", 255, 51, 102, 30, {}, true) exports["interior-manager"]:addInteriorLogs(id, "lock without key", source) end else triggerEvent('sendAme', source, "puts the key in the door to lock it.") end exports.logs:dbLog(source, 31, { "in"..tostring(id) }, "LOCK INTERIOR") end if interiorElement then local interiorStatus = getElementData(interiorElement, "status") interiorStatus[INTERIOR_LOCKED] = newRealLockedValue exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(interiorElement, "status", interiorStatus, true) end else if locked == 0 then triggerEvent('sendAme', source, "unlocks the door.") exports.logs:dbLog(source, 31, { "in"..tostring(id) }, "UNLOCK INTERIOR") else newRealLockedValue = true triggerEvent('sendAme', source, "locks the door.") exports.logs:dbLog(source, 31, { "in"..tostring(id) }, "LOCK INTERIOR") end local dbid, entrance, exit, interiorType, interiorElement = findProperty( source, id ) if interiorElement then local interiorStatus = getElementData(interiorElement, "status") interiorStatus[INTERIOR_LOCKED] = newRealLockedValue exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(interiorElement, "status", interiorStatus, true) if newRealLockedValue then doorLockSound(interiorElement, source) else doorUnlockSound(interiorElement, source) end end triggerClientEvent(source, "keypadRecieveResponseFromServer", source, locked == 0 and "unlocked" or "locked", false) end else cancelEvent( ) end end ) function findParent( element, dimension ) local dbid, entrance, exit, type, interiorElement = findProperty( element, dimension ) return interiorElement end function playerKnocking(house) if (house) then if isElement(house) and (getElementType(house) == "interior") then local interiorEntrance = getElementData(house, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(house, "exit") for index, nearbyPlayer in ipairs(exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player")) do if isElement(nearbyPlayer) and getElementData(nearbyPlayer, "loggedin") == 1 then for k, v in ipairs({{interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_X], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_Y], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_Z], interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_DIM]}, {interiorExit[INTERIOR_X], interiorExit[INTERIOR_Y], interiorExit[INTERIOR_Z], interiorExit[INTERIOR_DIM]}}) do if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(v[1], v[2], v[3], getElementPosition(nearbyPlayer)) < 20 and getElementDimension(nearbyPlayer) == v[4] then triggerClientEvent(nearbyPlayer, "playerKnock", source, v[1], v[2], v[3]) end end end end else -- It would be 0 local found = nil local minDistance = 20 local pPosX, pPosY, pPosZ = getElementPosition(source) local dimension = getElementDimension(source) local possibleInteriors = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("interior") for _, interior in ipairs(possibleInteriors) do local interiorEntrance = getElementData(interior, "entrance") local interiorExit = getElementData(interior, "exit") for _, point in ipairs( { interiorEntrance, interiorExit } ) do if (point[INTERIOR_DIM] == dimension) then local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pPosX, pPosY, pPosZ, point[INTERIOR_X], point[INTERIOR_Y], point[INTERIOR_Z]) or 20 if (distance < minDistance) then found = interior minDistance = distance end end end end end if found then triggerEvent("onKnocking", source, found) end end end addEvent("onKnocking", true) addEventHandler("onKnocking", getRootElement(), playerKnocking) function client_requestHUDinfo() -- Client = client -- Source = interior element if not isElement(source) or (getElementType(source) ~= "interior" and getElementType(source) ~= "elevator") then return false end local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(client) if theVehicle and (getVehicleOccupant ( theVehicle, 0 ) ~= client) then return false end exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx( client, "interiormarker", true, false, false ) local interiorID, interiorName, interiorStatus, interiorEntrance, interiorExit = nil if getElementType(source) == "elevator" then local playerDimension = getElementDimension(client) local elevatorEntranceDimension = getElementData(source, "entrance")[INTERIOR_DIM] local elevatorExitDimension = getElementData(source, "exit")[INTERIOR_DIM] if playerDimension ~= elevatorEntranceDimension and elevatorEntranceDimension ~= 0 then local dbid, entrance, exit, type, interiorElement = findProperty( client, elevatorEntranceDimension ) if dbid and interiorElement then interiorID = getElementData(interiorElement, "dbid") interiorName = getElementData(interiorElement,"name") interiorStatus = getElementData(interiorElement, "status") interiorEntrance = getElementData(interiorElement, "entrance") interiorExit = getElementData(interiorElement, "exit") end elseif elevatorExitDimension ~= 0 then local dbid, entrance, exit, type, interiorElement = findProperty( client, elevatorExitDimension ) if dbid and interiorElement then interiorID = getElementData(interiorElement, "dbid") interiorName = getElementData(interiorElement,"name") interiorStatus = getElementData(interiorElement, "status") interiorEntrance = getElementData(interiorElement, "entrance") interiorExit = getElementData(interiorElement, "exit") end end if not dbid then interiorID = -1 interiorName = "None" interiorStatus = { } interiorEntrance = { } interiorStatus[INTERIOR_TYPE] = 2 interiorStatus[INTERIOR_COST] = 0 interiorStatus[INTERIOR_OWNER] = -1 interiorEntrance[INTERIOR_FEE] = 0 end else interiorName = getElementData(source,"name") interiorStatus = getElementData(source, "status") interiorEntrance = getElementData(source, "entrance") interiorExit = getElementData(source, "exit") end local interiorOwnerName = exports['cache']:getCharacterName(interiorStatus[INTERIOR_OWNER]) or "None" local interiorType = interiorStatus[INTERIOR_TYPE] or 2 local interiorCost = interiorStatus[INTERIOR_COST] or 0 local interiorBizNote = getElementData(source, "business:note") or false triggerClientEvent(client, "displayInteriorName", source, interiorName or "Elevator", interiorOwnerName, interiorType or 2, interiorCost or 0, interiorID or -1, interiorBizNote) --INTERIOR PREVIEW / MAXIME --[[ if interiorName == "None" and (interiorType == 3 or interiorType <2) then -- IF FOR SALE INT setElementData(client, "official-interiors:showIntPreviewer", true, true) setElementData(client, "official-interiors:showIntPreviewer:ForSale", true, true) end ]] end addEvent("interior:requestHUD", true) addEventHandler("interior:requestHUD", getRootElement(), client_requestHUDinfo) addEvent("int:updatemarker", true) addEventHandler("int:updatemarker", getRootElement(), function( newState ) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(client, "interiormarker", newState, false, true) -- No sync at all: function is only called from client thusfar has the actual state itself end ) viewingTimer = nil function timedInteriorView( thePlayer, houseID ) local dbid, entrance, exit, type, interiorElement = findProperty( thePlayer, houseID ) if entrance then if isTimer ( viewingTimer ) then killTimer( viewingTimer ) end triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "setPlayerInsideInterior2", interiorElement, exit, interiorElement) outputChatBox( "You are now viewing this property. You will be unable to drop any items. You may exit your viewing by leaving the interior, or wait for the 60 second timer.", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) setElementData( thePlayer, "viewingInterior", 1, true ) viewingTimer = setTimer( function() endTimedInteriorView( thePlayer, houseID ) end, 60000, 1 ) else outputChatBox( "Invalid House.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent("viewPropertyInterior", true) addEventHandler("viewPropertyInterior", getRootElement(), timedInteriorView) function endTimedInteriorView( thePlayer, houseID ) local dbid, entrance, exit, type, interiorElement = findProperty( thePlayer, houseID ) if entrance then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "setPlayerInsideInterior2", interiorElement, entrance, interiorElement) outputChatBox( "Your timed viewing has ended.", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) setElementData( thePlayer, "viewingInterior", 0, true ) if isTimer ( viewingTimer ) then killTimer( viewingTimer ) end viewingTimer = nil else outputChatBox( "Invalid House.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent("endViewPropertyInterior", true) addEventHandler("endViewPropertyInterior", getRootElement(), endTimedInteriorView) --INTERIOR LIGHT BY MAXIME --[[function toggleInteriorLights(thePlayer, commandName) local playerInterior = getElementInterior(thePlayer) if (playerInterior==0) then outputChatBox("There is no light out here.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) else local possibleInteriors = getElementsByType("interior") for _, interior in ipairs(possibleInteriors) do if getElementData(interior, "dbid") == playerInterior then if getElementData(interior, "isLightOn") then setElementDataEx(interior, "isLightOn", false, true ) updateLight(false, playerInterior), "*"..getPlayerName(thePlayer):gsub("_", " ").." turns off the lights.", 255, 51, 102, 30, {}, true) local mQuery1 = mysql:query_free("UPDATE `interiors` SET `isLightOn` = '0' WHERE `id` = '"..tostring(playerInterior).."'") if not mQuery1 then outputDebugString("[SQL] Failed to update interior light status") end break else setElementDataEx(interior, "isLightOn", true, true ) updateLight(true, playerInterior), "*"..getPlayerName(thePlayer):gsub("_", " ").." turns on the lights.", 255, 51, 102, 30, {}, true) local mQuery1 = mysql:query_free("UPDATE `interiors` SET `isLightOn` = '1' WHERE `id` = '"..tostring(playerInterior).."'") if not mQuery1 then outputDebugString("[SQL] Failed to update interior light status") end break end end end end end addCommandHandler("toglight", toggleInteriorLights) addCommandHandler("togglelight", toggleInteriorLights) function updateLight(status, playerInterior) local possiblePlayers = getElementsByType("player") for _, player in ipairs(possiblePlayers) do if getElementInterior(player) == playerInterior then triggerClientEvent ( player, "updateLightStatus", player, status ) end end end addEvent("setInteriorLight", true) addEventHandler("setInteriorLight", getRootElement(), updateLight) ]] Link to comment
Galactix Posted June 24, 2018 Share Posted June 24, 2018 1 hour ago, DentistaSK said: I can post whole script, but it has over 1k lines. You didn't have to post the whole script, you could've just posted the function that causes the errors and the functions working along with it. With that being said, it is a bit too complicated for me being able to help you, sorry about that. Hopefully now that you posted the script someone else can help you fixing it. Link to comment
Addlibs Posted June 24, 2018 Share Posted June 24, 2018 I believe -(getElementData(gov, "id")) is the arithmetic error. The data of gov (which was defined as the team of name "Government of Los Santos" on line 25) is not a number but a boolean, therefore you cannot stick a minus sign in front. Link to comment
DentistaSK Posted June 24, 2018 Author Share Posted June 24, 2018 MrTastz You are a Genius, thanks, you saved my ass. Link to comment
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