MR_Mahmoud Posted June 22, 2018 Share Posted June 22, 2018 ممكن كود اعطاء ساعات معينة عند الضغط على الزر محاولتي addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , root , function ( ) if source == button1 then setElementData ,PlayTime,20 end end ) Link to comment
Mr.Mostafa Posted June 22, 2018 Share Posted June 22, 2018 1 hour ago, MR_Mahmoud said: ممكن كود اعطاء ساعات معينة عند الضغط على الزر محاولتي addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , root , function ( ) if source == button1 then setElementData ,PlayTime,20 end end ) اطرح سرفر مود الساعات حقك Link to comment
MR_Mahmoud Posted June 22, 2018 Author Share Posted June 22, 2018 26 minutes ago, Mr.Mostafa said: اطرح سرفر مود الساعات حقك exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('PlayTime') addEvent("addTime",true) addEvent("removeTime",true) addEvent("ToServer",true) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function ( ) executeSQLQuery ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime )" ) outputDebugString ("Execute SQL Loadded !") end ) local t = { } local w = {} addEventHandler("ToServer",root, function (word,get,time) if word and tonumber(get) and tonumber(time) then table.insert(w,{word,get}) setTimer(function () for _,v in ipairs(w) do if v[1] == word and v[2] == get then table.remove(w,i) end end end,time*60*60*1000,1) end end ) addEventHandler("onConsole",root, function (msg) for _,v in ipairs(w) do if msg == v[1] then local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then if not getAccountData ( playeraccount, "time-"..msg) then addPlayerTime(source,v[2]) setAccountData( playeraccount, "time-"..msg,true) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [#ff0000 تم اعطاك ساعات #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) else outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [#ff0000 تم التوزيع من قبل #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end end end end end ) addEventHandler("addTime",root, function (to,time) if to == "all" then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do addPlayerTime(v,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم توزيع ساعات لجميع الاعبين #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end else plr = getPlayerFromName(to) if plr then addPlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم اضافة ساعات الى حسابك #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end end end ) addEventHandler("removeTime",root, function (to,time) if to == "all" then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do removePlayerTime(v,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم حذف ساعات من جميع الاعبين #ffffff] ",v,0, 255, 0,true ) end else plr = getPlayerFromName(to) if plr then removePlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم حذف ساعات من حسابك #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end end end ) function addPlayerTime(plr,time) time = math.floor(time) t[plr]['hour'] = tonumber(t[plr]['hour'] or 0) + time end function removePlayerTime(plr,time) time = math.floor(time) t[plr]['hour'] = tonumber(t[plr]['hour'] or 0) - time end function checkValues( source,arg1,arg2) if (arg2 >= 60) then t[ source ][ 'min' ] = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) + 1 t[ source ][ 'sec' ] = 0 end if (arg1 >= 60) then t[ source ][ 'min' ] = 0 t[ source ][ 'hour' ] = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) + 1 end return arg1, arg2 end setTimer( function( ) for _, v in pairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do if (not t[ v ]) then t[ v ] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end t[ v ][ 'sec' ] = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) + 1 local min,sec = checkValues ( v, t[ v ][ 'min' ] or 0, t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local hour = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) setElementData( v, "PlayTime", tostring( hour )..':'..tostring( min )..':'..tostring( sec ) ) end end, 1000, 0 ) function SaveDataOnQuit () local acc = getPlayerAccount (source) if not isGuestAccount (source) then local sValue = getElementData( source,'PlayTime' ) local hour = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) local min = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) local sec = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local accountName = getAccountName (acc) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", accountName) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", accountName,hour,min,sec,sValue ) else executeSQLQuery('UPDATE Prestege2_Save_Time SET Hours =?, Minuts =?, Seconds =?, PlayAllTime =? WHERE PlayerAccount =?', hour, min, sec, sValue, accountName) end t[ source ] = nil end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, SaveDataOnQuit) function SaveDataOnStop () for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (v)) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) local sValue = getElementData( v,'PlayTime' ) if not ( t [ v ] ) then t [ v ] = { } end local hour = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) local min = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) local sec = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", getAccountName (acc), hour,min,sec,sValue) else executeSQLQuery('UPDATE Prestege2_Save_Time SET Hours =?, Minuts =?, Seconds =?, PlayAllTime =? WHERE PlayerAccount =?', hour, min, sec, sValue, getAccountName (acc)) end end end end addEventHandler ("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, SaveDataOnStop) function GetDataOnStart () for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (v)) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then return end if not t[ v ] then t[ v ] = {} end t[ v ]["hour"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Hours"]) t[ v ]["min"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Minuts"]) t[ v ]["sec"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Seconds"]) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, GetDataOnStart) function GetDataOnLogin (_, acc) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then return end setElementData (source, "PlayTime", Results[1]["PlayAllTime"]) if not t[ source ] then t[ source ] = {} end t[ source ]["hour"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Hours"]) t[ source ]["min"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Minuts"]) t[ source ]["sec"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Seconds"]) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", root, GetDataOnLogin) addCommandHandler('T1', function(thePlayer) if getPlayerSerial (thePlayer) == "B83098E832E840D8C1BE0151CE8A58A1" then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer,'openn',thePlayer) end end ) addCommandHandler(' هنا الكلمة الي تكتبها في اف 8 عشان تقدر توزيع ساعات ', function(thePlayer) if getPlayerSerial (thePlayer) == " هنا حط سريال خويك لافتح الوحه له " then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer,'openn',thePlayer) end end ) Link to comment
N3xT Posted June 22, 2018 Share Posted June 22, 2018 addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , root, function ( ) if ( source == button1 ) then triggerServerEvent("addTime", localPlayer, getPlayerName ( localPlayer ), 20) end end ) Link to comment
MR_Mahmoud Posted June 27, 2018 Author Share Posted June 27, 2018 On 23.06.2018 at 00:17, N3xT said: addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , root, function ( ) if ( source == button1 ) then triggerServerEvent("addTime", localPlayer, getPlayerName ( localPlayer ), 20) end end) نكست انا بدي لما يضغط علا الزر يشتري ساعات محددة بفلوس محددة واذا ماكان معه فلوس يقله ليس لديك المال محاولتي addEvent("button5",true) addEventHandler("button5",root, function() local playerMoney = getPlayerMoney ( source ) local addTime = 5000 -- السعر if ( playerMoney >= addTime ) then triggerServerEvent("addTime", localPlayer, getPlayerName ( localPlayer ), 20)--الساعات takePlayerMoney ( source, addTime ) else outputChatBox("You don't have enough money", source, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end ) Link to comment
N3xT Posted June 27, 2018 Share Posted June 27, 2018 التحقق من الفلوس خليه بالسيرفر سايد, لأن الكلنت يرجع لك قيمة خاطئة احياناً 1 Link to comment
MR_Mahmoud Posted June 27, 2018 Author Share Posted June 27, 2018 8 hours ago, N3xT said: التحقق من الفلوس خليه بالسيرفر سايد, لأن الكلنت يرجع لك قيمة خاطئة احياناً لما سويته سيرفر صار يعطي الاعب فلوس المحددة كيف اسويه كلنت والأكواد سيرفر سايد تقصد اسوي ترايقر ماعرف اسوي ترايقر من سيرفر للكلت Link to comment
N3xT Posted June 27, 2018 Share Posted June 27, 2018 20 = الساعات 5000 = الفلوس addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , root, function ( ) if ( source == button1 ) then triggerServerEvent("addTime", localPlayer, "buy", 20, 5000, getPlayerName ( localPlayer )) end end ) واستبدل ذا باللي عندك exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('PlayTime') addEvent("addTime",true) addEvent("removeTime",true) addEvent("ToServer",true) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function ( ) executeSQLQuery ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime )" ) outputDebugString ("Execute SQL Loadded !") end ) local t = { } local w = {} addEventHandler("ToServer",root, function (word,get,time) if word and tonumber(get) and tonumber(time) then table.insert(w,{word,get}) setTimer(function () for _,v in ipairs(w) do if v[1] == word and v[2] == get then table.remove(w,i) end end end,time*60*60*1000,1) end end ) addEventHandler("onConsole",root, function (msg) for _,v in ipairs(w) do if msg == v[1] then local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then if not getAccountData ( playeraccount, "time-"..msg) then addPlayerTime(source,v[2]) setAccountData( playeraccount, "time-"..msg,true) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [#ff0000 تم اعطاك ساعات #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) else outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [#ff0000 تم التوزيع من قبل #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end end end end end ) addEventHandler("addTime",root, function (to,time,prize,name) if to == "all" then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do addPlayerTime(v,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم توزيع ساعات لجميع الاعبين #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end if to == "buy" then if ( name and name ~= "" ) then if ( prize and prize ~= 0 ) then local plr = getPlayerFromName ( name ) if ( plr ) then if ( getPlayerMoney ( plr ) >= prize ) then addPlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم اضافة ساعات الى حسابك #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) takePlayerMoney ( plr, prize ) else outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff ليس لديك مال كافي",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end end end end else local plr = getPlayerFromName(to) if plr then addPlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم اضافة ساعات الى حسابك #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end end end ) addEventHandler("removeTime",root, function (to,time) if to == "all" then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do removePlayerTime(v,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم حذف ساعات من جميع الاعبين #ffffff] ",v,0, 255, 0,true ) end else plr = getPlayerFromName(to) if plr then removePlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم حذف ساعات من حسابك #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end end end ) function addPlayerTime(plr,time) time = math.floor(time) t[plr]['hour'] = tonumber(t[plr]['hour'] or 0) + time end function removePlayerTime(plr,time) time = math.floor(time) t[plr]['hour'] = tonumber(t[plr]['hour'] or 0) - time end function checkValues( source,arg1,arg2) if (arg2 >= 60) then t[ source ][ 'min' ] = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) + 1 t[ source ][ 'sec' ] = 0 end if (arg1 >= 60) then t[ source ][ 'min' ] = 0 t[ source ][ 'hour' ] = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) + 1 end return arg1, arg2 end setTimer( function( ) for _, v in pairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do if (not t[ v ]) then t[ v ] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end t[ v ][ 'sec' ] = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) + 1 local min,sec = checkValues ( v, t[ v ][ 'min' ] or 0, t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local hour = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) setElementData( v, "PlayTime", tostring( hour )..':'..tostring( min )..':'..tostring( sec ) ) end end, 1000, 0 ) function SaveDataOnQuit () local acc = getPlayerAccount (source) if not isGuestAccount (source) then local sValue = getElementData( source,'PlayTime' ) local hour = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) local min = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) local sec = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local accountName = getAccountName (acc) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", accountName) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", accountName,hour,min,sec,sValue ) else executeSQLQuery('UPDATE Prestege2_Save_Time SET Hours =?, Minuts =?, Seconds =?, PlayAllTime =? WHERE PlayerAccount =?', hour, min, sec, sValue, accountName) end t[ source ] = nil end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, SaveDataOnQuit) function SaveDataOnStop () for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (v)) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) local sValue = getElementData( v,'PlayTime' ) if not ( t [ v ] ) then t [ v ] = { } end local hour = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) local min = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) local sec = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", getAccountName (acc), hour,min,sec,sValue) else executeSQLQuery('UPDATE Prestege2_Save_Time SET Hours =?, Minuts =?, Seconds =?, PlayAllTime =? WHERE PlayerAccount =?', hour, min, sec, sValue, getAccountName (acc)) end end end end addEventHandler ("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, SaveDataOnStop) function GetDataOnStart () for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (v)) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then return end if not t[ v ] then t[ v ] = {} end t[ v ]["hour"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Hours"]) t[ v ]["min"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Minuts"]) t[ v ]["sec"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Seconds"]) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, GetDataOnStart) function GetDataOnLogin (_, acc) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then return end setElementData (source, "PlayTime", Results[1]["PlayAllTime"]) if not t[ source ] then t[ source ] = {} end t[ source ]["hour"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Hours"]) t[ source ]["min"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Minuts"]) t[ source ]["sec"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Seconds"]) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", root, GetDataOnLogin) addCommandHandler('T1', function(thePlayer) if getPlayerSerial (thePlayer) == "B83098E832E840D8C1BE0151CE8A58A1" then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer,'openn',thePlayer) end end ) addCommandHandler(' هنا الكلمة الي تكتبها في اف 8 عشان تقدر توزيع ساعات ', function(thePlayer) if getPlayerSerial (thePlayer) == " هنا حط سريال خويك لافتح الوحه له " then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer,'openn',thePlayer) end end ) Link to comment
MR_Mahmoud Posted June 28, 2018 Author Share Posted June 28, 2018 (edited) 12 hours ago, N3xT said: 20 = الساعات 5000 = الفلوس addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , root, function ( ) if ( source == button1 ) then triggerServerEvent("addTime", localPlayer, "buy", 20, 5000, getPlayerName ( localPlayer )) end end) واستبدل ذا باللي عندك exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('PlayTime') addEvent("addTime",true) addEvent("removeTime",true) addEvent("ToServer",true) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function ( ) executeSQLQuery ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime )" ) outputDebugString ("Execute SQL Loadded !") end ) local t = { } local w = {} addEventHandler("ToServer",root, function (word,get,time) if word and tonumber(get) and tonumber(time) then table.insert(w,{word,get}) setTimer(function () for _,v in ipairs(w) do if v[1] == word and v[2] == get then table.remove(w,i) end end end,time*60*60*1000,1) end end ) addEventHandler("onConsole",root, function (msg) for _,v in ipairs(w) do if msg == v[1] then local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then if not getAccountData ( playeraccount, "time-"..msg) then addPlayerTime(source,v[2]) setAccountData( playeraccount, "time-"..msg,true) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [#ff0000 تم اعطاك ساعات #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) else outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [#ff0000 تم التوزيع من قبل #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end end end end end ) addEventHandler("addTime",root, function (to,time,prize,name) if to == "all" then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do addPlayerTime(v,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم توزيع ساعات لجميع الاعبين #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end if to == "buy" then if ( name and name ~= "" ) then if ( prize and prize ~= 0 ) then local plr = getPlayerFromName ( name ) if ( plr ) then if ( getPlayerMoney ( plr ) >= prize ) then addPlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم اضافة ساعات الى حسابك #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) takePlayerMoney ( plr, prize ) else outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff ليس لديك مال كافي",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end end end end else local plr = getPlayerFromName(to) if plr then addPlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم اضافة ساعات الى حسابك #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end end end ) addEventHandler("removeTime",root, function (to,time) if to == "all" then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do removePlayerTime(v,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم حذف ساعات من جميع الاعبين #ffffff] ",v,0, 255, 0,true ) end else plr = getPlayerFromName(to) if plr then removePlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff [ #ff0000"..time.." #ffffff] #ffffff [#ff0000 تم حذف ساعات من حسابك #ffffff] ",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end end end ) function addPlayerTime(plr,time) time = math.floor(time) t[plr]['hour'] = tonumber(t[plr]['hour'] or 0) + time end function removePlayerTime(plr,time) time = math.floor(time) t[plr]['hour'] = tonumber(t[plr]['hour'] or 0) - time end function checkValues( source,arg1,arg2) if (arg2 >= 60) then t[ source ][ 'min' ] = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) + 1 t[ source ][ 'sec' ] = 0 end if (arg1 >= 60) then t[ source ][ 'min' ] = 0 t[ source ][ 'hour' ] = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) + 1 end return arg1, arg2 end setTimer( function( ) for _, v in pairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do if (not t[ v ]) then t[ v ] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end t[ v ][ 'sec' ] = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) + 1 local min,sec = checkValues ( v, t[ v ][ 'min' ] or 0, t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local hour = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) setElementData( v, "PlayTime", tostring( hour )..':'..tostring( min )..':'..tostring( sec ) ) end end, 1000, 0 ) function SaveDataOnQuit () local acc = getPlayerAccount (source) if not isGuestAccount (source) then local sValue = getElementData( source,'PlayTime' ) local hour = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) local min = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) local sec = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local accountName = getAccountName (acc) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", accountName) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", accountName,hour,min,sec,sValue ) else executeSQLQuery('UPDATE Prestege2_Save_Time SET Hours =?, Minuts =?, Seconds =?, PlayAllTime =? WHERE PlayerAccount =?', hour, min, sec, sValue, accountName) end t[ source ] = nil end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, SaveDataOnQuit) function SaveDataOnStop () for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (v)) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) local sValue = getElementData( v,'PlayTime' ) if not ( t [ v ] ) then t [ v ] = { } end local hour = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) local min = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) local sec = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", getAccountName (acc), hour,min,sec,sValue) else executeSQLQuery('UPDATE Prestege2_Save_Time SET Hours =?, Minuts =?, Seconds =?, PlayAllTime =? WHERE PlayerAccount =?', hour, min, sec, sValue, getAccountName (acc)) end end end end addEventHandler ("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, SaveDataOnStop) function GetDataOnStart () for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (v)) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then return end if not t[ v ] then t[ v ] = {} end t[ v ]["hour"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Hours"]) t[ v ]["min"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Minuts"]) t[ v ]["sec"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Seconds"]) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, GetDataOnStart) function GetDataOnLogin (_, acc) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then return end setElementData (source, "PlayTime", Results[1]["PlayAllTime"]) if not t[ source ] then t[ source ] = {} end t[ source ]["hour"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Hours"]) t[ source ]["min"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Minuts"]) t[ source ]["sec"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Seconds"]) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", root, GetDataOnLogin) addCommandHandler('T1', function(thePlayer) if getPlayerSerial (thePlayer) == "B83098E832E840D8C1BE0151CE8A58A1" then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer,'openn',thePlayer) end end ) addCommandHandler(' هنا الكلمة الي تكتبها في اف 8 عشان تقدر توزيع ساعات ', function(thePlayer) if getPlayerSerial (thePlayer) == " هنا حط سريال خويك لافتح الوحه له " then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer,'openn',thePlayer) end end ) الأكواد غلط بدلته ماعاد يطلع في التاب الساعات ولا شي هي اكواد السيرفر الي عندي exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('PlayTime') addEvent("addTime",true) addEvent("removeTime",true) addEvent("ToServer",true) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function ( ) executeSQLQuery ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime )" ) outputDebugString ("Execute SQL Loadded !") end ) local t = { } local w = {} addEventHandler("ToServer",root, function (word,get,time) if word and tonumber(get) and tonumber(time) then table.insert(w,{word,get}) setTimer(function () for _,v in ipairs(w) do if v[1] == word and v[2] == get then table.remove(w,i) end end end,time*60*60*1000,1) end end ) addEventHandler("onConsole",root, function (msg) for _,v in ipairs(w) do if msg == v[1] then local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then if not getAccountData ( playeraccount, "time-"..msg) then addPlayerTime(source,v[2]) setAccountData( playeraccount, "time-"..msg,true) outputChatBox ("#000000||=[Twze3_System]=|| :#00FF00 تم اعطائك الساعات ", source, 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox ("#000000||=[Twze3_System]=|| :#FF0000 تم اعطائك ساعات من قبل", source, 255, 0, 0) end end end end end ) addEventHandler("addTime",root, function (to,time) if to == "all" then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do addPlayerTime(v,time) outputChatBox ("تم توزيع "..time.." ساعة لـ جميع اللاعبين",v,255,0,0,true ) end else plr = getPlayerFromName(to) if plr then addPlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("تم أضافة "..time.." ساعة الى حسابككـ",plr,255,0,0,true ) end end end ) addEventHandler("removeTime",root, function (to,time) if to == "all" then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do removePlayerTime(v,time) outputChatBox ("تم حذف "..time.." ساعة من جمييع الاعبين",v,255,0,0,true ) end else plr = getPlayerFromName(to) if plr then removePlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("تم حذف "..time.." ساعة من حسآبككـ ",plr,255,0,0,true ) end end end ) function addPlayerTime(plr,time) time = math.floor(time) t[plr]['hour'] = tonumber(t[plr]['hour'] or 0) + time end function removePlayerTime(plr,time) time = math.floor(time) t[plr]['hour'] = tonumber(t[plr]['hour'] or 0) - time end function checkValues( source,arg1,arg2) if (arg2 >= 60) then t[ source ][ 'min' ] = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) + 1 t[ source ][ 'sec' ] = 0 end if (arg1 >= 60) then t[ source ][ 'min' ] = 0 t[ source ][ 'hour' ] = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) + 1 end return arg1, arg2 end setTimer( function( ) for _, v in pairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do if (not t[ v ]) then t[ v ] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end t[ v ][ 'sec' ] = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) + 1 local min,sec = checkValues ( v, t[ v ][ 'min' ] or 0, t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local hour = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) setElementData( v, "PlayTime", tostring( hour )..':'..tostring( min )..':'..tostring( sec ) ) end end, 1000, 0 ) function SaveDataOnQuit () local acc = getPlayerAccount (source) if not isGuestAccount (source) then local sValue = getElementData( source,'PlayTime' ) local hour = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) local min = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) local sec = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local accountName = getAccountName (acc) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", accountName) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", accountName,hour,min,sec,sValue ) else executeSQLQuery('UPDATE Prestege2_Save_Time SET Hours =?, Minuts =?, Seconds =?, PlayAllTime =? WHERE PlayerAccount =?', hour, min, sec, sValue, accountName) end t[ source ] = nil end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, SaveDataOnQuit) function SaveDataOnStop () for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (v)) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) local sValue = getElementData( v,'PlayTime' ) if not ( t [ v ] ) then t [ v ] = { } end local hour = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) local min = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) local sec = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", getAccountName (acc), hour,min,sec,sValue) else executeSQLQuery('UPDATE Prestege2_Save_Time SET Hours =?, Minuts =?, Seconds =?, PlayAllTime =? WHERE PlayerAccount =?', hour, min, sec, sValue, getAccountName (acc)) end end end end addEventHandler ("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, SaveDataOnStop) function GetDataOnStart () for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (v)) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then return end if not t[ v ] then t[ v ] = {} end t[ v ]["hour"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Hours"]) t[ v ]["min"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Minuts"]) t[ v ]["sec"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Seconds"]) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, GetDataOnStart) function GetDataOnLogin (_, acc) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then return end setElementData (source, "PlayTime", Results[1]["PlayAllTime"]) if not t[ source ] then t[ source ] = {} end t[ source ]["hour"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Hours"]) t[ source ]["min"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Minuts"]) t[ source ]["sec"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Seconds"]) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", root, GetDataOnLogin) addCommandHandler('ساعات', function(thePlayer) if getPlayerSerial (thePlayer) == "0201F96FC2B860A7CE6716140C7828F3" then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer,'openn',thePlayer) end end ) Edited June 28, 2018 by MR_Mahmoud Link to comment
MR_Mahmoud Posted June 28, 2018 Author Share Posted June 28, 2018 4 minutes ago, N3xT said: الديبق؟ كنت مخربط فوق حاطط اكواد مود ثاني اكواد المود هي هية exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('PlayTime') addEvent("addTime",true) addEvent("removeTime",true) addEvent("ToServer",true) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function ( ) executeSQLQuery ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime )" ) outputDebugString ("Execute SQL Loadded !") end ) local t = { } local w = {} addEventHandler("ToServer",root, function (word,get,time) if word and tonumber(get) and tonumber(time) then table.insert(w,{word,get}) setTimer(function () for _,v in ipairs(w) do if v[1] == word and v[2] == get then table.remove(w,i) end end end,time*60*60*1000,1) end end ) addEventHandler("onConsole",root, function (msg) for _,v in ipairs(w) do if msg == v[1] then local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then if not getAccountData ( playeraccount, "time-"..msg) then addPlayerTime(source,v[2]) setAccountData( playeraccount, "time-"..msg,true) outputChatBox ("#000000||=[Twze3_System]=|| :#00FF00 تم اعطائك الساعات ", source, 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox ("#000000||=[Twze3_System]=|| :#FF0000 تم اعطائك ساعات من قبل", source, 255, 0, 0) end end end end end ) addEventHandler("addTime",root, function (to,time) if to == "all" then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do addPlayerTime(v,time) outputChatBox ("تم توزيع "..time.." ساعة لـ جميع اللاعبين",v,255,0,0,true ) end else plr = getPlayerFromName(to) if plr then addPlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("تم أضافة "..time.." ساعة الى حسابككـ",plr,255,0,0,true ) end end end ) addEventHandler("removeTime",root, function (to,time) if to == "all" then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do removePlayerTime(v,time) outputChatBox ("تم حذف "..time.." ساعة من جمييع الاعبين",v,255,0,0,true ) end else plr = getPlayerFromName(to) if plr then removePlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("تم حذف "..time.." ساعة من حسآبككـ ",plr,255,0,0,true ) end end end ) function addPlayerTime(plr,time) time = math.floor(time) t[plr]['hour'] = tonumber(t[plr]['hour'] or 0) + time end function removePlayerTime(plr,time) time = math.floor(time) t[plr]['hour'] = tonumber(t[plr]['hour'] or 0) - time end function checkValues( source,arg1,arg2) if (arg2 >= 60) then t[ source ][ 'min' ] = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) + 1 t[ source ][ 'sec' ] = 0 end if (arg1 >= 60) then t[ source ][ 'min' ] = 0 t[ source ][ 'hour' ] = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) + 1 end return arg1, arg2 end setTimer( function( ) for _, v in pairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do if (not t[ v ]) then t[ v ] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end t[ v ][ 'sec' ] = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) + 1 local min,sec = checkValues ( v, t[ v ][ 'min' ] or 0, t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local hour = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) setElementData( v, "PlayTime", tostring( hour )..':'..tostring( min )..':'..tostring( sec ) ) end end, 1000, 0 ) function SaveDataOnQuit () local acc = getPlayerAccount (source) if not isGuestAccount (source) then local sValue = getElementData( source,'PlayTime' ) local hour = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) local min = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) local sec = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local accountName = getAccountName (acc) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", accountName) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", accountName,hour,min,sec,sValue ) else executeSQLQuery('UPDATE Prestege2_Save_Time SET Hours =?, Minuts =?, Seconds =?, PlayAllTime =? WHERE PlayerAccount =?', hour, min, sec, sValue, accountName) end t[ source ] = nil end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, SaveDataOnQuit) function SaveDataOnStop () for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (v)) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) local sValue = getElementData( v,'PlayTime' ) if not ( t [ v ] ) then t [ v ] = { } end local hour = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) local min = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) local sec = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", getAccountName (acc), hour,min,sec,sValue) else executeSQLQuery('UPDATE Prestege2_Save_Time SET Hours =?, Minuts =?, Seconds =?, PlayAllTime =? WHERE PlayerAccount =?', hour, min, sec, sValue, getAccountName (acc)) end end end end addEventHandler ("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, SaveDataOnStop) function GetDataOnStart () for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (v)) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then return end if not t[ v ] then t[ v ] = {} end t[ v ]["hour"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Hours"]) t[ v ]["min"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Minuts"]) t[ v ]["sec"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Seconds"]) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, GetDataOnStart) function GetDataOnLogin (_, acc) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then return end setElementData (source, "PlayTime", Results[1]["PlayAllTime"]) if not t[ source ] then t[ source ] = {} end t[ source ]["hour"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Hours"]) t[ source ]["min"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Minuts"]) t[ source ]["sec"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Seconds"]) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", root, GetDataOnLogin) addCommandHandler('ساعات', function(thePlayer) if getPlayerSerial (thePlayer) == "0201F96FC2B860A7CE6716140C7828F3" then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer,'openn',thePlayer) end end ) Link to comment
بويكا Posted June 28, 2018 Share Posted June 28, 2018 (edited) لو سويتها بسكربت لحاله أفضل باستخدام triggerEvent ( "addTime", source, getPlayerName(source),tonumber(1) ) بدون ما تعدل بمود الساعات جرب بمود مستقل * Server addEvent("BuyTime",true) addEventHandler("BuyTime",root, function () if not isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(source)) then if getPlayerMoney(source) >= tonumber(50000) then takePlayerMoney(source,50000) triggerEvent ( "addTime", source, getPlayerName(source),tonumber(1) ) -- 1 عدد الساعات outputChatBox("* تم الشراء ",source,0,255,0) else outputChatBox("* You Don't Have Enough Money",source,255,0,0) end else outputChatBox("* You Are Not Logged In",source,255,0,0) end end ) Client addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if source == buy then triggerServerEvent("BuyTime",localPlayer) end end ) واذا كان فيه خطأ اتمنى المعذرهـ * لأن ما افهم كثير بالتريقر Edited June 28, 2018 by بويكا 1 Link to comment
N3xT Posted June 28, 2018 Share Posted June 28, 2018 استبدل ذا بالسيرفر, واستعمل كودي الاول حق الزر عشان تعطيه الساعات exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('PlayTime') addEvent("addTime",true) addEvent("removeTime",true) addEvent("ToServer",true) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function ( ) executeSQLQuery ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime )" ) outputDebugString ("Execute SQL Loadded !") end ) local t = { } local w = {} addEventHandler("ToServer",root, function (word,get,time) if word and tonumber(get) and tonumber(time) then table.insert(w,{word,get}) setTimer(function () for _,v in ipairs(w) do if v[1] == word and v[2] == get then table.remove(w,i) end end end,time*60*60*1000,1) end end ) addEventHandler("onConsole",root, function (msg) for _,v in ipairs(w) do if msg == v[1] then local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then if not getAccountData ( playeraccount, "time-"..msg) then addPlayerTime(source,v[2]) setAccountData( playeraccount, "time-"..msg,true) outputChatBox ("#000000||=[Twze3_System]=|| :#00FF00 تم اعطائك الساعات ", source, 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox ("#000000||=[Twze3_System]=|| :#FF0000 تم اعطائك ساعات من قبل", source, 255, 0, 0) end end end end end ) addEventHandler("addTime",root, function (to,time,prize,name) if to == "all" then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do addPlayerTime(v,time) outputChatBox ("تم توزيع "..time.." ساعة لـ جميع اللاعبين",v,255,0,0,true ) end elseif to == "buy" then if ( name and name ~= "" ) then if ( prize and prize ~= 0 ) then local plr = getPlayerFromName ( name ) if ( plr ) then if ( getPlayerMoney ( plr ) >= prize ) then addPlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("تم أضافة "..time.." ساعة الى حسابككـ",plr,255,0,0,true ) takePlayerMoney ( plr, prize ) else outputChatBox ("#FF0000* #ffffff ليس لديك مال كافي",plr,0, 255, 0,true ) end end end end else plr = getPlayerFromName(to) if plr then addPlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("تم أضافة "..time.." ساعة الى حسابككـ",plr,255,0,0,true ) end end end ) addEventHandler("removeTime",root, function (to,time) if to == "all" then for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do removePlayerTime(v,time) outputChatBox ("تم حذف "..time.." ساعة من جمييع الاعبين",v,255,0,0,true ) end else plr = getPlayerFromName(to) if plr then removePlayerTime(plr,time) outputChatBox ("تم حذف "..time.." ساعة من حسآبككـ ",plr,255,0,0,true ) end end end ) function addPlayerTime(plr,time) time = math.floor(time) t[plr]['hour'] = tonumber(t[plr]['hour'] or 0) + time end function removePlayerTime(plr,time) time = math.floor(time) t[plr]['hour'] = tonumber(t[plr]['hour'] or 0) - time end function checkValues( source,arg1,arg2) if (arg2 >= 60) then t[ source ][ 'min' ] = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) + 1 t[ source ][ 'sec' ] = 0 end if (arg1 >= 60) then t[ source ][ 'min' ] = 0 t[ source ][ 'hour' ] = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) + 1 end return arg1, arg2 end setTimer( function( ) for _, v in pairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do if (not t[ v ]) then t[ v ] = { ["hour"] = 0, ["min"] = 0, ["sec"] = 0 } end t[ v ][ 'sec' ] = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) + 1 local min,sec = checkValues ( v, t[ v ][ 'min' ] or 0, t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local hour = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) setElementData( v, "PlayTime", tostring( hour )..':'..tostring( min )..':'..tostring( sec ) ) end end, 1000, 0 ) function SaveDataOnQuit () local acc = getPlayerAccount (source) if not isGuestAccount (source) then local sValue = getElementData( source,'PlayTime' ) local hour = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) local min = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) local sec = tonumber( t[ source ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local accountName = getAccountName (acc) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", accountName) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", accountName,hour,min,sec,sValue ) else executeSQLQuery('UPDATE Prestege2_Save_Time SET Hours =?, Minuts =?, Seconds =?, PlayAllTime =? WHERE PlayerAccount =?', hour, min, sec, sValue, accountName) end t[ source ] = nil end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, SaveDataOnQuit) function SaveDataOnStop () for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (v)) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) local sValue = getElementData( v,'PlayTime' ) if not ( t [ v ] ) then t [ v ] = { } end local hour = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'hour' ] or 0 ) local min = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'min' ] or 0 ) local sec = tonumber( t[ v ][ 'sec' ] or 0 ) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO Prestege2_Save_Time ( PlayerAccount,Hours,Minuts,Seconds,PlayAllTime ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", getAccountName (acc), hour,min,sec,sValue) else executeSQLQuery('UPDATE Prestege2_Save_Time SET Hours =?, Minuts =?, Seconds =?, PlayAllTime =? WHERE PlayerAccount =?', hour, min, sec, sValue, getAccountName (acc)) end end end end addEventHandler ("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, SaveDataOnStop) function GetDataOnStart () for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if not isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (v)) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (v) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then return end if not t[ v ] then t[ v ] = {} end t[ v ]["hour"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Hours"]) t[ v ]["min"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Minuts"]) t[ v ]["sec"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Seconds"]) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, GetDataOnStart) function GetDataOnLogin (_, acc) local Results = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Prestege2_Save_Time WHERE PlayerAccount=?", getAccountName (acc)) if ( type ( Results ) == "table" and #Results == 0 or not Results ) then return end setElementData (source, "PlayTime", Results[1]["PlayAllTime"]) if not t[ source ] then t[ source ] = {} end t[ source ]["hour"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Hours"]) t[ source ]["min"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Minuts"]) t[ source ]["sec"] = tonumber(Results[1]["Seconds"]) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", root, GetDataOnLogin) addCommandHandler('ساعات', function(thePlayer) if getPlayerSerial (thePlayer) == "0201F96FC2B860A7CE6716140C7828F3" then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer,'openn',thePlayer) end end ) 1 Link to comment
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