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2 hours ago, IIYAMA said:

The easiest way would be creating an object on the map(server-side strongly recommended because of the synchronization). And let a heat seeking rocket fly to it.



I wanted to do it. I'll try later

but still, I'm waiting for a mathematical way

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local findRotation = function ( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
    local t = -math.deg( math.atan2( x2 - x1, y2 - y1 ) )
    return t < 0 and t + 360 or t

local findPitch = function (camerax,cameray,cameraz,pointx,pointy,pointz)
	local dX=camerax-pointx
	local dY=cameraz-pointz
	local dZ=cameray-pointy
	local pitch=math.atan2(dY,math.sqrt(math.pow(dZ,2) + math.pow(dX,2)));
	return pitch
local targetX, targetY, targetZ = 0, 0, 0

local elementX, elementY, elementZ = getElementPosition(projectile)
local rotZ = findRotation(targetX, targetY, elementX, elementY) + 180
local pitch = findPitch(targetX, targetY, targetZ, elementX, elementY, elementZ)

local rotX = pitch*(180/math.pi)


These are the global math functions you need, which I ripped out of my own script. You probably need some adjustments to them in order to make it work for your script.

The variable names do speak for them self, so good luck with it!



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52 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

local findRotation = function ( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
    local t = -math.deg( math.atan2( x2 - x1, y2 - y1 ) )
    return t < 0 and t + 360 or t

local findPitch = function (camerax,cameray,cameraz,pointx,pointy,pointz)
	local dX=camerax-pointx
	local dY=cameraz-pointz
	local dZ=cameray-pointy
	local pitch=math.atan2(dY,math.sqrt(math.pow(dZ,2) + math.pow(dX,2)));
	return pitch

local targetX, targetY, targetZ = 0, 0, 0

local elementX, elementY, elementZ = getElementPosition(projectile)
local rotZ = findRotation(targetX, targetY, elementX, elementY) + 180
local pitch = findPitch(targetX, targetY, targetZ, elementX, elementY, elementZ)

local rotX = pitch*(180/math.pi)


These are the global math functions you need, which I ripped out of my own script. You probably need some adjustments to them in order to make it work for your script.

The variable names do speak for them self, so good luck with it!



Thank you very much!

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