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saving system erorr


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function playerSpawn (spawnX, spawnY, spawnZ, team, permission, skin, weapons, player, skinName, sR, sG, sB, rot, dim, int)
	local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(player)
	local hasPermission = false
	if getAccountData(playerAccount, "override") then
		hasPermission = true	
		if permission:lower() == "none" then
			hasPermission = true
		local outerPerm = split(permission, ";") or {permission}
		for i,v in ipairs(outerPerm) do
			local permArray = split(v, ",")
			if #permArray == 2 then
				local permType = permArray[1]
				local permTo = permArray[2]
				if permType:lower() == "group" then
					if exports.acl:isPlayerInGroup(player, permTo) then hasPermission = true end
					if isMayhemEnabled and free2[permTo] then hasPermission = true end
				elseif permType:lower() == "gang" then
					local gang = getAccountData(playerAccount, "gang")
					if gang and gang:lower() == permTo:lower() then hasPermission = true end
	if hasPermission then 
		local spawnTeam = getTeamFromName(team)
		if not rot then rot = 0 end
		spawnPlayer (player, spawnX , spawnY, spawnZ + 1, rot, skin, 0, 0, spawnTeam)
		setElementDimension(player, dim or 0)
		setElementInterior(player, int or 0)
		fadeCamera (player, true)
		setCameraInterior (player, int or 0 )
		setCameraTarget (player, player)
		local tR , tG , tB = getTeamColor(spawnTeam)
		local r = sR or tR
		local g = sG or tG
		local b = sB or tB
		local blip = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b, 255, 0, 300, getRootElement())
		setElementVisibleTo(blip, player, false)
		setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b)
		if(weapons) then
			local weps = split(weapons, ",")
			for i, node in ipairs(weps) do
				local wepinfo = split(node, ".")
				local wepid = wepinfo[1]
				local wepammo = wepinfo[2]
				giveWeapon ( player, wepid, wepammo )
			exports.commands:giveMoney(localPlayer, 500)
		setAccountData(playerAccount, "lastSpawnPerm", permission)
		setElementData(player, "class", skinName)
		if getResourceState(getResourceFromName("hud")) == "running" then
			setPlayerHudComponentVisible(player, "all", false)
			setPlayerHudComponentVisible(player, "crosshair", true)
		if armorTeams[team] then
			setPedArmor(player, 100)
		triggerClientEvent(player, "onSpawnSuccessful", getRootElement())
		triggerClientEvent(player, "onSpawnError", getRootElement() , "Burda Doðamazsýn.!")

addEvent("onPlayerSpawnButton", true)
addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawnButton", getRootElement(), playerSpawn)

function playerDespawn()
	local player = source
	for i,v in ipairs(getAttachedElements(player)) do
		if getElementType(v) == "blip" and getElementParent(getElementParent(v)) == resourceRoot then
addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), playerDespawn)
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), playerDespawn)

function saveProperty(a, b, c, playah)
	local player = playah or source
	local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount(player)
	if not isPedDead(player) then
		local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player)
		local rot = getPedRotation(player)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "x", x)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "y", y)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "z", z)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "rot", rot)
		local skin = getElementModel(player)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "skin", skin)
		local team = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(player))
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "team", team)
		local weaponsarray = {}
		for i=1, 12 do
			if(getPedWeapon(player, i) ~= 0 and getPedTotalAmmo(player, i) > 0) then
				table.insert(weaponsarray, getPedWeapon(player, i) .. "." .. getPedTotalAmmo(player, i))
		local weaponstring = table.concat(weaponsarray,",")
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "weapons", weaponstring)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "aliveonquit", true)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "class", getElementData(player, "class"))
		local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(player)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "r", r)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "g", g)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "b", b)
		local dimension = getElementDimension(player)
		local interior = getElementInterior(player)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "interior", interior)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "dimension", dimension)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "aliveonquit", false)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "x", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "y", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "z", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "permission", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "team", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "skin", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "weapons", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "class", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "r", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "g", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "b", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "rot", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "dimension", nil)
		setAccountData(playeraccount, "interior", nil)
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), saveProperty)

function wasPlayerAlive()
	if getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source), "aliveonquit") then
		--outputConsole("Seems like playah wus alive!")
		local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(source)
		local x = getAccountData(playerAccount, "x")
		local y = getAccountData(playerAccount, "y")
		local z = getAccountData(playerAccount, "z")
		local rot = getAccountData(playerAccount, "rot")
		local team = getAccountData(playerAccount, "team")
		local permission = getAccountData(playerAccount, "lastSpawnPerm")
		local skin = getAccountData(playerAccount, "skin")
		local weps = getAccountData(playerAccount, "weapons")
		local skinName = getAccountData(playerAccount, "class")
		local r = getAccountData(playerAccount, "r")
		local g = getAccountData(playerAccount, "g")
		local b = getAccountData(playerAccount, "b")
		local dim = getAccountData(playerAccount, "dimension")
		local int = getAccountData(playerAccount, "interior")
		playerSpawn(x , y , z, team, permission, skin, weps, source, skinName, r, g, b, rot, dim, int)

addEvent("wasPlayerAliveEvent", true)
addEventHandler("wasPlayerAliveEvent", getRootElement(), wasPlayerAlive)

my erorr is : attempt to index local 'permission' (a bloolean value)


if permission:lower() == "none" then


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5 hours ago, MrTasty said:

Hata mesajı açıkça önerdiğinden, boole değeri string.lower () yapmaya çalışıyorsunuz. Başka bir deyişle,  izin  değişkeni bir dizge değil, bir boole (doğru / yanlış) olur.

what I change?

can u share code pls

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