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adding money to the player's account using nickname


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Hi! I am writing a script to transfer money from one player's account to another. I have already written a code to collect money from the sender's account, but I have no idea how to add the money to the recipient's account.  I know that the function responsible for adding money is


and looks like this

bool givePlayerMoney ( player thePlayer, int amount )

And I want to use it to add money to another player's account.  How do I specify the name of the recipient's account in this function? I have to use "for" for this or how can I still do it?

My code (this is s-side):

function przekaz (nadawca, komenda, odbiorca, kwota)  -- who used command, commandname, the variable of the player to whom the money is transferred, amount

    local pieniazki = tonumber(kwota)  --variable amount
        if (getPlayerMoney(nadawca)==pieniazki) or (getPlayerMoney(nadawca)>pieniazki) then --if the player's amount is equal to or greater than the amount to be sent
            takePlayerMoney (nadawca, kwota)  -- collects the amount of money sent from the player's account
                outputChatBox("Wysłałeś kwotę" ..pieniazki.. "graczowi" ..odbiorca  , nadawca)  --sends a successful transaction notification
                    --here is to be a line with a function whose task is to add a specific amount to the player's account. 

addCommandHandler("zaplac", przekaz)
addCommandHandler("dajkase", przekaz)
addCommandHandler("przelej", przekaz)


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function przekaz (nadawca, komenda, odbiorca, kwota)  -- who used command, commandname, the variable of the player to whom the money is transferred, amount
	local pieniazki = tonumber(kwota)  --variable amount
		if (getPlayerMoney(nadawca)==pieniazki) or (getPlayerMoney(nadawca)>pieniazki) then --if the player's amount is equal to or greater than the amount to be sent
			takePlayerMoney(nadawca, kwota)  -- collects the amount of money sent from the player's account
			outputChatBox("Wysłałeś kwotę" ..pieniazki.. "graczowi" ..odbiorca  , nadawca)  --sends a successful transaction notification
			givePlayerMoney(getPlayerFromName(odbiorca), kwota) --here is to be a line with a function whose task is to add a specific amount to the player's account. 
addCommandHandler("zaplac", przekaz)
addCommandHandler("dajkase", przekaz)
addCommandHandler("przelej", przekaz)

You can use getPlayerFromName to get the player from their name, and then givePlayerMoney.

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