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Robbery Script Animation HELP ME

I want to put in a robbery script for an animation for 4-5 seconds, but I do not know how and where to fit it. If someone came to this, he could help. I tried 2-3 things, but none of them worked. Here is my  scrip,too, who would like to fit the appropriate script and write it to me, thank you very much!


function createRob()
    Marker = createMarker ( 1788.9731445313,-1123.0570068359,23.5, "cylinder", 1, 255, 0, 0, 5 )
    setElementCollisionsEnabled( Marker, false )
    bl = createBlipAttachedTo(Marker,45)
    outputChatBox( "", root, 0, 255, 0 )
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot,createRob)
function ( player )
    if ( source ~= Marker ) then
    if ( isPedInVehicle( player ) ) then
        destroyElement( Marker )
        destroyElement( bl )
        randomMoney = math.random ( 22000, 22000 )
        randomWanted = math.random ( 5, 5 )
        setPlayerWantedLevel ( player, randomWanted )
        robPlayer = getPlayerName(player)
        setTimer( createRob, 600000, 1 )

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You can achieve this by using the event handler OnMarkerHit, this is triggered whenever a element enters your marker. To make a player/ped do an animation, we can use SetPedAnimation and trigger it on our player that enters the marker. The animation will play for however long you like as specified in the fourth parameter.

Here's your finished code.

function createRob()
	Marker = createMarker(1788.9731445313, -1123.0570068359, 23.5, "cylinder", 1, 255, 0, 0, 5)
	setElementCollisionsEnabled(Marker, false)
	bl = createBlipAttachedTo(Marker, 45)
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createRob)

addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", Marker, function(player) -- Attach the event handler to the marker so it detects when a player enters it.
	if (player) and (getElementType(player) == "player") then -- If the element who entered the marker was a player.
		setPedAnimation(player, "ROB_BANK", "CAT_SAFE_OPEN", 4000, false, false, false, false) -- Play an animation in the ROB_BANK category for 4000ms.

addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave", Marker, function(player)
	if (source ~= Marker) then

	if (isPedInVehicle(player)) then

	randomMoney = math.random(22000, 22000)
	randomWanted = math.random (5, 5)
	givePlayerMoney(player, randomMoney)
	setPlayerWantedLevel(player, randomWanted)
	robPlayer = getPlayerName(player)
	setTimer(createRob, 600000, 1)


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Thanks! I already try it!

I inserted it in the script, but it writes something wrong. There are two types of "addEventHandler" problems. Can you help me here?

I've noticed in the 8th and 14th line the issue with addEventHandler but I do not know what it is :/

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On 6/2/2018 at 17:23, RedKacsa said:

Thanks! I already try it!

I inserted it in the script, but it writes something wrong. There are two types of "addEventHandler" problems. Can you help me here?

I've noticed in the 8th and 14th line the issue with addEventHandler but I do not know what it is :/

What are the errors you're getting?

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's because Marker is nil when addEventHandler is called. Simply remove the onClientResourceStart, I don't think there is any need for it in this case.

Marker = createMarker(1788.9731445313, -1123.0570068359, 23.5, "cylinder", 1, 255, 0, 0, 5)
setElementCollisionsEnabled(Marker, false)
bl = createBlipAttachedTo(Marker, 45)

addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", Marker, function(player) -- Attach the event handler to the marker so it detects when a player enters it.
	if (player) and (getElementType(player) == "player") then -- If the element who entered the marker was a player.
		setPedAnimation(player, "ROB_BANK", "CAT_SAFE_OPEN", 4000, false, false, false, false) -- Play an animation in the ROB_BANK category for 4000ms.

addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave", Marker, function(player)
	if (source ~= Marker) then

	if (isPedInVehicle(player)) then

	randomMoney = math.random(22000, 22000)
	randomWanted = math.random (5, 5)
	givePlayerMoney(player, randomMoney)
	setPlayerWantedLevel(player, randomWanted)
	robPlayer = getPlayerName(player)
	setTimer(createRob, 600000, 1)


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