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hey, somebody could this function but she is not detecting when the veh Blow, somebody could help me


function blowveh4 (source)
	if (veh4[source]) and isElement(veh4[source]) then
		destroyElement (veh4[source])
		setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim4, source, false )
		outputChatBox("#ff0000Mission failled, your vehicle blow", source ,0,0,0,true)
addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), blowveh4 )


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Function attached to event onVehicleExplode has no parameters. And source is an element that the event is originated from and it's predefined.

I suppose it's just a fragment of full code. I can't see veh4 table and Bfim4 element declarations. Moreover, using outputChatBox for source element in this case doesn't make sense because source is actually a vehicle. Try this code and reply if it's working.

function blowveh4 ()
	--if (veh4[source]) and isElement(veh4[source]) then
		destroyElement (source)
		setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim4, source, false )
		outputChatBox("#ff0000Mission failled, your vehicle blow", root ,0,0,0,true)
addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), blowveh4 )


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5 minutes ago, NeverUnbeatable said:

Function attached to event onVehicleExplode has no parameters. And source is an element that the event is originated from and it's predefined.

I suppose it's just a fragment of full code. I can't see veh4 table and Bfim4 element declarations. Moreover, using outputChatBox for source element in this case doesn't make sense because source is actually a vehicle. Try this code and reply if it's working.

function blowveh4 ()
	--if (veh4[source]) and isElement(veh4[source]) then
		destroyElement (source)
		setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim4, source, false )
		outputChatBox("#ff0000Mission failled, your vehicle blow", root ,0,0,0,true)
addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), blowveh4 )



There are other missions together so I need to specify the vehicle that blows because of this. But it does not work what you suggest.

Mfim4 = createMarker ( -1875.0139160156, -1474.5141601563, 1 -1, "ring", 4, 0 ,255 ,0, 255)

Bfim4 = createBlipAttachedTo ( Mfim4, 20 )
setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim4, root, false )

veh4 = {}

function inicio4 ()
	if isElement (veh4[client]) then -- Client = localPlayer, somente neste caso.
		destroyElement (veh4[client])
		veh4[client] = nil
	Trabalho = true
	veh4[client] = createVehicle (493, -615.03826904297, 1807.0825195313, 0.19021162390709, 0, 0, 76.391845703125)
	setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim4, client, true )
	warpPedIntoVehicle (client, veh4[client])
	outputChatBox ("#ffff00Take this Flag Card without leaving the vehicle!", client, 0, 0, 0, true)
addEvent ("iniciaJob4", true) -- Cria o evento "iniciaJob e permite que ele seja chamado pelo client.
addEventHandler ("iniciaJob4", getRootElement(), inicio4) -- Executa essa função quando o evento "iniciaJob" for chamado.

function fim4 (source)
	if veh4[source] and isElement(veh4[source]) then
		destroyElement (veh4[source])
		setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim4, source, false )
		outputChatBox("#00ff00você Ganhou $10000 Pela Entrega,Parabéns!",source,0,0,0,true)
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",Mfim4 ,fim4)

function sair4 (source)
	if (veh4[source]) and isElement(veh4[source]) then
		destroyElement (veh4[source])
		setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim4, source, false )
		outputChatBox("#ff0000Você Perdeu o Trabalho Ao Sair Do Veículo", source ,0,0,0,true)
addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), sair4 )

function blowveh4 ()
	if (veh4[source]) and isElement(veh4[source]) then
		destroyElement (source)
		setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim4, source, false )
		outputChatBox("#ff0000Mission failled, your vehicle blow", root ,0,0,0,true)
addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), blowveh4 )


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