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How to send a message to admins from player

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The script I'm trying to make is a player who needs help does /adminreq and he gets a message saying admin is coming and admins, supermoderators and moderators get a message saying they are needed by the person who requested. 

Current code: 

function requestAdmin(playerName)
exports.SANGcommands:sendMessage("Your request for a staff member has been accepted. One of our staff members will be with you soon", 225,255,255)

local account = getPlayerAccount (thePlayer)
if isObjectInACLGroup ("user." .. getAccountName(string(account)), aclGetGroup ("Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator")) and type == 0 then
outputChatBox("You are required by ".. getPlayerFromName(playerName .. playerName)
addCommandHandler("adminreq", requestAdmin)

But when /adminreq is typed the first message shows but admins dont get the message. Why? (i'm new to lua) 

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6 minutes ago, Ryan2233 said:


The script I'm trying to make is a player who needs help does /adminreq and he gets a message saying admin is coming and admins, supermoderators and moderators get a message saying they are needed by the person who requested. 

Current code: 

function requestAdmin(playerName)
exports.SANGcommands:sendMessage("Your request for a staff member has been accepted. One of our staff members will be with you soon", 225,255,255)

local account = getPlayerAccount (playerName) -- thePlayer ? you need to use playerName as in function (playerName)
if isObjectInACLGroup ("user." .. getAccountName(string(account)), aclGetGroup ("Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator")) and type == 0 then
outputChatBox("You are required by ".. getPlayerFromName(playerName .. playerName)
addCommandHandler("adminreq", requestAdmin)

But when /adminreq is typed the first message shows but admins dont get the message. Why? (i'm new to lua) 

Try it now, of using playerName at line 4 you used thePlayer

Edited by SSKE
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  1. function requestAdmin(playerName)
    exports.SANGcommands:sendMessage("Your request for a staff member has been accepted. One of our staff members will be with you soon", 225,255,255)
    local account = getPlayerAccount (thePlayer)
    if isObjectInACLGroup ("user." .. getAccountName(string(account)), aclGetGroup ("Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator")) and type == 0 then
    outputChatBox("You are required by ".. getPlayerFromName(playerName .. playerName)
    addCommandHandler("adminreq", requestAdmin)
    Mate the function requestAdmin(playerName)
  2. at local account = getPlayerAccount (thePlayer)  you used thePlayer you should use playerName

You can see it now ?

Try it now, I think that was the only problem..

Edited by SSKE
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3 minutes ago, SSKE said:
    function requestAdmin(playerName)
    exports.SANGcommands:sendMessage("Your request for a staff member has been accepted. One of our staff members will be with you soon", 225,255,255)
    local account = getPlayerAccount (thePlayer)
    if isObjectInACLGroup ("user." .. getAccountName(string(account)), aclGetGroup ("Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator")) and type == 0 then
    outputChatBox("You are required by ".. getPlayerFromName(playerName .. playerName)
    addCommandHandler("adminreq", requestAdmin)
    Mate the function requestAdmin(playerName)
  2. at local account = getPlayerAccount (thePlayer)  you used thePlayer you should use playerName

You can see it now ?

No. Bad argument @ 'getPlayerAccount' [Expected Element at argument 1, got nil]

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You change thePlayer to playerName ?

local account = getPlayerAccount (thePlayer)            -- see this? make it   


                --make it like that: 

local account = getPlayerAccount (playerName)


and if change thePlayer to playerName    didn't work then try this: 

  1. function requestAdmin(playerName)
        exports.SANGcommands:sendMessage("Your request for a staff member has been accepted. One of our staff members will be with you soon", 225,255,255)
        local account = getPlayerAccount (playerName)
        if isObjectInACLGroup ("user." .. getAccountName(string(account)), aclGetGroup ("Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator")) and type == 0 then
            outputChatBox("You are required by ".. getPlayerFromName(playerName .. playerName)
    addCommandHandler("adminreq", requestAdmin)
    -- use the first which is above(up) this message if it didn't work then try which is below(down) this message
    function requestAdmin()
        for _,playerName in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do
            exports.SANGcommands:sendMessage("Your request for a staff member has been accepted. One of our staff members will be with you soon", 225,255,255)
            local account = getPlayerAccount (playerName)
            if isObjectInACLGroup ("user." .. getAccountName(string(account)), aclGetGroup ("Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator")) and type == 0 then
                outputChatBox("You are required by ".. getPlayerFromName(playerName .. playerName)
    addCommandHandler("adminreq", requestAdmin)
    Try the first one if it didn't work. then try the second one, but the first one should work if it didn't then try the second one~ 
Edited by SSKE
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13 minutes ago, SSKE said:

You change thePlayer to playerName ?

local account = getPlayerAccount (thePlayer)            -- see this? make it   


                --make it like that: 

local account = getPlayerAccount (playerName)



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  1. function requestAdmin()
  2. for _,playerName in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do
  3. exports.SANGcommands:sendMessage("Your request for a staff member has been accepted. One of our staff members will be with you soon", 225,255,255)
  4. local account = getPlayerAccount (playerName)
  5. if isObjectInACLGroup ("user." .. getAccountName(string(account)), aclGetGroup ("Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator")) and type == 0 then
  6. outputChatBox("You are required by ".. getPlayerFromName(playerName .. playerName)
  7. end
  8. end
  9. end
  10. addCommandHandler("adminreq", requestAdmin)

- try this 

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2 minutes ago, SSKE said:
  1. function requestAdmin()
  2. for _,playerName in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do
  3. exports.SANGcommands:sendMessage("Your request for a staff member has been accepted. One of our staff members will be with you soon", 225,255,255)
  4. local account = getPlayerAccount (playerName)
  5. if isObjectInACLGroup ("user." .. getAccountName(string(account)), aclGetGroup ("Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator")) and type == 0 then
  6. outputChatBox("You are required by ".. getPlayerFromName(playerName .. playerName)
  7. end
  8. end
  9. end
  10. addCommandHandler("adminreq", requestAdmin)

- try this 

There's no errors or anything but it doesn't show still 

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  1. function requestAdmin(playerName)
  2.     exports.SANGcommands:sendMessage("Your request for a staff member has been accepted. One of our staff members will be with you soon", 225,255,255)
  3.     local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerName ) )
  4.     if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.".. account, aclGetGroup ("Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator")) and type == 0 then
  5.         outputChatBox("You are required by ".. getPlayerFromName(playerName .. playerName)
  6.         end
  7.     end
  8. addCommandHandler("adminreq", requestAdmin)


try this now xD 

or wait before use this one write in console":   debugscript 3

it will show all errors

Edited by SSKE
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function requestAdmin(playerName)
    exports.SANGcommands:sendMessage("Your request for a staff member has been accepted. One of our staff members will be with you soon", 225,255,255)
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition (playerName)
    local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerName ) )
    if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.".. account, aclGetGroup ("Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator")) and type == 0 then
        setElementPosition( playerName, x, y, z )
addCommandHandler("adminreq", requestAdmin)

Try this it should warp the Staff to the player which used the command, idk if it will work didn't test it


Edited by SSKE
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2 minutes ago, SSKE said:

function requestAdmin(playerName)
    exports.SANGcommands:sendMessage("Your request for a staff member has been accepted. One of our staff members will be with you soon", 225,255,255)
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition (playerName)
    local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerName ) )
    if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.".. account, aclGetGroup ("Admin", "SuperModerator", "Moderator")) and type == 0 then
        setElementPosition( playerName, x, y, z )
addCommandHandler("adminreq", requestAdmin)

Still no

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    function requestAdmin(playerName)
        outputChatBox("Your request for a staff member has been accepted. One of our staff members will be with you soon.",playerName, 225,255,255)
        local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( playerName ) )
        local Staff = isObjectInACLGroup ("user.".. account, aclGetGroup ("Admin"))
        if (Staff) then
            outputChatBox("You been requested by "..getPlayerName(playerName),playerName, 255, 255, 255)
    addCommandHandler("adminreq", requestAdmin)

Here you go ~ i test it 

Edited by SSKE
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addCommandHandler("help", function(source, commad)
    messageToAdmins("Player "..getPlayerName(source).." need a administrator now.")
    outputChatBox("Your request sent to the admins.", source)

function messageToAdmins(message)
       for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
           if isPlayerInACL(v, "Admin") or isPlayerInACL(v, "Moderator") or isPlayerInACL(v, "SuperModerator") then
              outputChatBox(message, v, 255, 255, 255, true)          

function isPlayerInACL(player, acl)
   local accountName = getAccountName( getPlayerAccount(player) )
   if accountName ~= "guest" and type( aclGetGroup(acl) ) == "userdata" then
      return isObjectInACLGroup( "user."..accountName, aclGetGroup(acl) )
   return false


Edited by TheMOG
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