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¿how do I make the explosion and the object appear where I look?

here I leave my code

objs = {} 
       addCommandHandler ( "explosion",
            function ( thePlayer ) 
                local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer )

                local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation ( thePlayer )

                local origX, origY, origZ = getElementPosition ( thePlayer )

                local mat = Matrix.create ( x, y, z+20, rx, ry, rz, origX - 30,origY+30,origZ)

                local forward = ( Matrix.getForward ( mat ) * 4)

                local pos = ( Matrix.getPosition ( mat ) + forward )

                setTimer (createExplosion, 2000, 1,x+10, y, z, 11) 
                objs[thePlayer] = createObject(751, pos)

                local newZ = origZ +0
                moveObject( objs[thePlayer], 2000, origX, origY, origZ)



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A lot of this code doesn't make sense. You should try commenting on it to show your intention as its difficult to find out what you were trying to do.

objs = {} 

addCommandHandler ( "explosion",
  function ( thePlayer ) 
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer )
    local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation ( thePlayer )

    local origX, origY, origZ = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) --why is this being defined? you're not modifying x, y, z in the code so this is going to remain identical to x, y, z defined earlier

    local mat = Matrix.create ( x, y, z+20, rx, ry, rz, origX - 30,origY+30,origZ) --I'm pretty sure this does not follow the syntax of Matrix.create which expects two vectors or 6 floats for position and rotation respectively. You've inputted 9 floats.

    local forward = ( Matrix.getForward ( mat ) * 4)

    local pos = ( Matrix.getPosition ( mat ) + forward ) --this would be the Vector3 for a position 4 units in front of mat, or in front of the player 20 units above on Z

    setTimer (createExplosion, 2000, 1,x+10, y, z, 11) --this creates an explostion 10 units to the north of the player (not relative to rotation)
    objs[thePlayer] = createObject(751, pos) --this creates an object 20 units above the player and 4 units in front

    local newZ = origZ +0 --this defined a variable that doesn't even get used
    moveObject( objs[thePlayer], 2000, origX, origY, origZ) --this moves the object to the player's position


Edited by MrTasty
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what I wanted was to create an object that would appear above and when the object fell, the explosion would be activated

and the problem is that the object appears above where I am, and I want it further away and where I am looking, and the explosion appears behind me and I want it to appear where I look
the matrix did not work

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