GTA San Posted May 19, 2018 Share Posted May 19, 2018 السلام عليككم صصباحح الخخير @@@@@ debugscript 3 معي لوحة تسجيل بس في اخطاء في 1135 - 1315 - 418 - 419 في الاسطر تقدروأ تصلحوهـأ -------------------------=============LoginPlanel===============--------------------------- PathImage = {} _guiCreateStaticImage = guiCreateStaticImage function guiCreateStaticImage( X, Y, W, D, URl , R, P ) Image = _guiCreateStaticImage(X, Y, W, D, "images/"..URl..".png", R, P) PathImage[Image] = URl return Image end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() staticimage = {} label = {} edit = {} MainLabel = guiCreateLabel((screenW - 399) / 2, (screenH - 248) / 2, 399, 248, "", false ) WarningLabel = guiCreateLabel(5, 50, 399, 28, "", false, MainLabel) guiSetFont(WarningLabel, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(WarningLabel, 255, 0, 0) -- Login Window LoginLabel = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, 399, 248, "", false, MainLabel) staticimage[1] = _guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 399, 54, "images/login_window.png", false, LoginLabel) staticimage[2] = guiCreateStaticImage(259, 85, 140, 54, "login", false, LoginLabel) staticimage[3] = guiCreateStaticImage(259, 140, 140, 54, "register", false, LoginLabel) staticimage[4] = guiCreateStaticImage(259, 195, 140, 54, "recovery", false, LoginLabel) edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(111, 101, 148, 25, "", false, LoginLabel) edit[2] = guiCreateEdit(111, 149, 148, 25, "", false, LoginLabel) checkbox = guiCreateCheckBox(111, 179, 78, 15, "(Keep Saved!)", false, false, LoginLabel) guiSetFont(checkbox, "default-small") label[1] = guiCreateLabel(51, 106, 64, 18, "Username: ", false, LoginLabel) label[2] = guiCreateLabel(51, 156, 64, 18, "Password: ", false, LoginLabel) label[3] = guiCreateLabel(49, 195, 210, 15, "You are Registered as:", false, LoginLabel) label[4] = guiCreateLabel(49, 215, 210, 15, "Forget Your Passowrd? Click Here --->", false, LoginLabel) guiLabelSetColor(label[3], 0, 255, 255) guiLabelSetColor(label[4], 0, 255, 0) -- Register Window RegisterLabel = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, 399, 248, "", false, MainLabel) staticimage[5] = _guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 399, 54, "images/register_window.png", false, RegisterLabel) staticimage[6] = guiCreateStaticImage(109, 195, 140, 54, "registerT", false, RegisterLabel) staticimage[7] = guiCreateStaticImage(259, 195, 140, 54, "back", false, RegisterLabel) edit[3] = guiCreateEdit(166, 81, 148, 25, "", false, RegisterLabel) edit[4] = guiCreateEdit(166, 116, 148, 25, "", false, RegisterLabel) edit[5] = guiCreateEdit(166, 151, 148, 25, "", false, RegisterLabel) label[5] = guiCreateLabel(51, 81, 64, 18, "Username: ", false, RegisterLabel) label[6] = guiCreateLabel(51, 119, 64, 18, "Password: ", false, RegisterLabel) label[7] = guiCreateLabel(51, 151, 115, 18, "Confirm Password: ", false, RegisterLabel) guiSetVisible(RegisterLabel, false) -- Rcovery 1 Window Rcovery_1_Label = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, 399, 248, "", false, MainLabel) staticimage[8] = _guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 399, 54, "images/recoveryMine.png", false, Rcovery_1_Label) staticimage[9] = guiCreateStaticImage(132, 194, 140, 54, "back", false, Rcovery_1_Label) staticimage[10] = guiCreateStaticImage(15, 64, 370, 56, "recoverySP", false, Rcovery_1_Label) guiSetVisible ( Rcovery_1_Label, false) -- Rcovery 2 Window Rcovery_2_Label = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, 399, 248, "", false, MainLabel) staticimage[12] = _guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 399, 54, "images/recoveryAccountData.png", false, Rcovery_2_Label) staticimage[13] = guiCreateStaticImage(132, 194, 140, 54, "back", false, Rcovery_2_Label) edit[6] = guiCreateEdit(79, 64, 109, 25, "", false, Rcovery_2_Label) edit[7] = guiCreateEdit(260, 64, 109, 25, "", false, Rcovery_2_Label) guiEditSetReadOnly( edit[6], true ) guiEditSetReadOnly( edit[7], true ) label[8] = guiCreateLabel(10, 68, 69, 15, "Account(1):", false, Rcovery_2_Label) label[9] = guiCreateLabel(204, 68, 56, 15, "Password:", false, Rcovery_2_Label) guiLabelSetColor(label[8], 0, 255, 0) guiLabelSetColor(label[9], 0, 255, 255) guiSetVisible ( Rcovery_2_Label, false) setCameraMatrix( 1484.3911132813, -1674.2763671875, 77.577201843262, 1564.5532226563, -1674.4821777344, 17.794372558594 ) fadeCamera (true) triggerServerEvent ( "getInformation", localPlayer) SOUND = playSound("images/Intro.ogg", true) showPlayerHudComponent( "all", false ) showCursor( true ) showChat( false ) setTime( 12, 00 ) end ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot, function ( ) if (source == staticimage[2]) then USERNAME = guiGetText (edit[1]) PASSWORD = guiGetText (edit[2]) if ( USERNAME ~= "" ) then if ( PASSWORD ~= "" ) then triggerServerEvent ("LOGIN", localPlayer, USERNAME, PASSWORD, guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkbox) ) else showWarning("Please Enter your Passowrd!", "الرجاء إدخال كلمة المرور!") end else showWarning("Please Enter The Username!", "الرجاء إدخال اسم المستخدم!") end elseif ( source == staticimage[6] ) then USERNAME = guiGetText (edit[3]) PASSWORD = guiGetText (edit[4]) RE_PASSWORD = guiGetText (edit[5]) if ( USERNAME ~= "" ) then if ( PASSWORD ~= "" ) then if ( PASSWORD == RE_PASSWORD ) then triggerServerEvent ("REGISTER", localPlayer, USERNAME, PASSWORD, RE_PASSWORD ) else showWarning("Password does not match the confirm password.", "كلمة المرور لا تطابق تاكيد كلمة المرور.") end else showWarning("Please Enter your Passowrd!", "الرجاء إدخال كلمة المرور!") end else showWarning("Please Enter The Username!", "الرجاء إدخال اسم المستخدم!") end elseif ( source == staticimage[3] ) then guiSetVisible ( LoginLabel, false) guiSetVisible ( RegisterLabel, true) elseif ( source == staticimage[7] ) then guiSetVisible ( RegisterLabel, false) guiSetVisible ( LoginLabel, true) elseif ( source == staticimage[4] ) then guiSetVisible ( LoginLabel, false) guiSetVisible ( Rcovery_1_Label, true) elseif ( source == staticimage[9] ) then guiSetVisible ( Rcovery_1_Label, false) guiSetVisible ( LoginLabel, true) elseif ( source == staticimage[10] ) then guiSetVisible ( Rcovery_1_Label, false) guiSetVisible ( Rcovery_2_Label, true) elseif ( source == staticimage[13] ) then guiSetVisible ( Rcovery_2_Label, false) guiSetVisible ( LoginLabel, true) end end ) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter", resourceRoot, function() if ( getElementType(source) == "gui-staticimage" ) then local Path = PathImage[source] if ( Path ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage ( source, "images/"..Path.."2.png" ) end end end ) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseLeave", resourceRoot, function() if ( getElementType(source) == "gui-staticimage" ) then local Path = PathImage[source] if ( Path ) then guiStaticImageLoadImage ( source, "images/"..Path..".png" ) end end end ) function showWarning( ENGLISH, ARABIC ) if ( isTimer(Timer) ) then killTimer(Timer) end guiSetText(WarningLabel, ARABIC.."\n"..ENGLISH ) Timer = setTimer(function() guiSetText(WarningLabel, "" ) end, 5000, 1 ) end addEvent("showWarning", true) addEventHandler("showWarning",root,showWarning) addEvent("setInformation", true) addEventHandler("setInformation",root, function( USERNAME, PASSWORD, SAVE ) if ( SAVE == "TRUE" ) then guiSetText(edit[1],USERNAME) guiSetText(edit[2],PASSWORD) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(checkbox,true) end guiSetText(label[3],"You are Registered as: "..USERNAME) guiSetText(edit[6],USERNAME) guiSetText(edit[7],PASSWORD) end ) addEvent("HideLoginPanel", true) addEventHandler("HideLoginPanel",root, function( ) setCameraTarget( localPlayer, localPlayer ) showPlayerHudComponent( "all", true ) guiSetVisible ( MainLabel, false) destroyElement( SOUND ) showCursor( false ) showChat( true ) end ) -----------------------===========================----------------------------------- addEvent("onLoginSuccess", true) addEventHandler("onLoginSuccess", root, function() local radioURL = "" SelectSong = playSound(radioURL, true) showCursor(false) skinCount = 0 sPed = createPed(105, -2819.83545, 1177.29004, 20.27344) local pDim = getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) local pInt = getElementInterior ( localPlayer ) setElementDimension ( sPed, 0 ) setElementInterior ( sPed, 0 ) setElementDimension ( localPlayer, 0 ) setElementInterior ( localPlayer, 0 ) sRight() bindKey("arrow_l", "down", sLeft) bindKey("arrow_r", "down", sRight) bindKey("arrow_u", "down", sUp) bindKey("arrow_d", "down", sDown) bindKey("enter", "down", EnterSpawn) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, drawTeamName) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, loginRender) removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, loginPanelRender) setElementData(localPlayer,"NoComm",false) end) local skinTable = { -- skinID, team -- {71 , "Police"}, {73 , "Police"}, {163, "Police"}, {164, "Police"}, {165, "Police"}, {166, "Police"}, {265, "Police"}, {266, "Police"}, {267, "Police"}, {280, "Police"}, {281, "Police"}, {282, "Police"}, {283, "Police"}, {284, "Police"}, {285, "Police"}, {286, "Police"}, {287, "Police"}, {288, "Police"}, {312, "Police"}, {274, "Medic"}, {275, "Medic"}, {276, "Medic"}, {70, "Medic"}, {105, "Grove"}, {106, "Grove"}, {107, "Grove"}, {269, "Grove"}, {270, "Grove"}, {300, "Grove"}, {301, "Grove"}, {311, "Grove"}, {114, "Aztecas"}, {115, "Aztecas"}, {116, "Aztecas"}, {292, "Aztecas"}, {108, "Vagos"}, {109, "Vagos"}, {110, "Vagos"}, {102, "Ballas"}, {103, "Ballas"}, {104, "Ballas"}, {293, "Ballas"}, {124, "Mafia"}, {125, "Mafia"}, {126, "Mafia"}, {127, "Mafia"}, {296, "Mafia"}, {111, "Russians"}, {112, "Russians"}, {113, "Russians"}, {173, "Rifa"}, {174, "Rifa"}, {175, "Rifa"}, {307, "Rifa"}, {117, "Triads"}, {118, "Triads"}, {120, "Triads"}, {294, "Triads"}, {121, "Da Nang Boys"}, {122, "Da Nang Boys"}, {123, "Da Nang Boys"}, {0, "No Team"}, {1, "No Team"}, {2, "No Team"}, {7, "No Team"}, {14, "No Team"}, {16, "No Team"}, {17, "No Team"}, {18, "No Team"}, {19, "No Team"}, {20, "No Team"}, {21, "No Team"}, {22, "No Team"}, {23, "No Team"}, {24, "No Team"}, {25, "No Team"}, {26, "No Team"}, {27, "No Team"}, {28, "No Team"}, {29, "No Team"}, {30, "No Team"}, {32, "No Team"}, {33, "No Team"}, {34, "No Team"}, {35, "No Team"}, {36, "No Team"}, {37, "No Team"}, {43, "No Team"}, {44, "No Team"}, {45, "No Team"}, {46, "No Team"}, {47, "No Team"}, {48, "No Team"}, {49, "No Team"}, {50, "No Team"}, {51, "No Team"}, {52, "No Team"}, {57, "No Team"}, {58, "No Team"}, {59, "No Team"}, {60, "No Team"}, {61, "No Team"}, {62, "No Team"}, {66, "No Team"}, {68, "No Team"}, {72, "No Team"}, {78, "No Team"}, {79, "No Team"}, {80, "No Team"}, {81, "No Team"}, {82, "No Team"}, {83, "No Team"}, {84, "No Team"}, {94, "No Team"}, {95, "No Team"}, {96, "No Team"}, {97, "No Team"}, {98, "No Team"}, {99, "No Team"}, {101, "No Team"}, {128, "No Team"}, {132, "No Team"}, {133, "No Team"}, {134, "No Team"}, {135, "No Team"}, {136, "No Team"}, {142, "No Team"}, {143, "No Team"}, {144, "No Team"}, {146, "No Team"}, {153, "No Team"}, {154, "No Team"}, {155, "No Team"}, {156, "No Team"}, {158, 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16.377283096313) setElementPosition(sPed, -2819.83545, 1177.29004, 20.27344) setPedRotation(sPed, 8) updateSetting(team) setPedAnimation(sPed, "GANGS", "Invite_Yes") sttimer = setTimer(setPedAnimation,5000,1,sPed, "DANCING", "dnce_M_d") elseif team == "Ballas" then -- setCameraMatrix(-2821.123046875, 1184.1121826172, 21.084520339966, -2804.1689453125, 1085.6723632813, 16.377283096313) setElementPosition(sPed, -2819.83545, 1177.29004, 20.27344) setPedRotation(sPed, 8) updateSetting(team) setPedAnimation(sPed, "GANGS", "Invite_Yes") sttimer = setTimer(setPedAnimation,5000,1,sPed, "DANCING", "dnce_M_d") elseif team == "Mafia" then -- setCameraMatrix(-2821.123046875, 1184.1121826172, 21.084520339966, -2804.1689453125, 1085.6723632813, 16.377283096313) setElementPosition(sPed, -2819.83545, 1177.29004, 20.27344) setPedRotation(sPed, 8) updateSetting(team) setPedAnimation(sPed, "GANGS", "Invite_Yes") sttimer = setTimer(setPedAnimation,5000,1,sPed, "DANCING", "dnce_M_d") elseif team == "Russians" then -- setCameraMatrix(-2821.123046875, 1184.1121826172, 21.084520339966, -2804.1689453125, 1085.6723632813, 16.377283096313) setElementPosition(sPed, -2819.83545, 1177.29004, 20.27344) setPedRotation(sPed, 8) updateSetting(team) setPedAnimation(sPed, "GANGS", "Invite_Yes") sttimer = setTimer(setPedAnimation,5000,1,sPed, "DANCING", "dnce_M_d") elseif team == "Rifa" then -- setCameraMatrix(-2821.123046875, 1184.1121826172, 21.084520339966, -2804.1689453125, 1085.6723632813, 16.377283096313) setElementPosition(sPed, -2819.83545, 1177.29004, 20.27344) setPedRotation(sPed, 8) updateSetting(team) setPedAnimation(sPed, "GANGS", "Invite_Yes") sttimer = setTimer(setPedAnimation,5000,1,sPed, "DANCING", "dnce_M_d") elseif team == "Aztecas" then -- setCameraMatrix(-2821.123046875, 1184.1121826172, 21.084520339966, -2804.1689453125, 1085.6723632813, 16.377283096313) setElementPosition(sPed, -2819.83545, 1177.29004, 20.27344) setPedRotation(sPed, 8) updateSetting(team) setPedAnimation(sPed, "GANGS", "Invite_Yes") sttimer = setTimer(setPedAnimation,5000,1,sPed, "DANCING", "dnce_M_d") elseif team == "Medic" then setCameraMatrix(-2821.123046875, 1184.1121826172, 21.084520339966, -2804.1689453125, 1085.6723632813, 16.377283096313) setElementPosition(sPed, -2819.83545, 1177.29004, 20.27344) setPedRotation(sPed, 8) updateSetting(team) setPedAnimation(sPed, "GANGS", "Invite_Yes") sttimer = setTimer(setPedAnimation,5000,1,sPed, "DANCING", "dnce_M_d") elseif team == "Police" then setCameraMatrix(-2821.123046875, 1184.1121826172, 21.084520339966, -2804.1689453125, 1085.6723632813, 16.377283096313) setElementPosition(sPed, -2819.83545, 1177.29004, 20.27344) setPedRotation(sPed, 8) updateSetting(team) setPedAnimation(sPed, "GANGS", "Invite_Yes") sttimer = setTimer(setPedAnimation,5000,1,sPed, "DANCING", "dnce_M_d") elseif team == "No Team" then setCameraMatrix(-2821.123046875, 1184.1121826172, 21.084520339966, -2804.1689453125, 1085.6723632813, 16.377283096313) setElementPosition(sPed, -2819.83545, 1177.29004, 20.27344) setPedRotation(sPed, 8) updateSetting(team) setPedAnimation(sPed, "GANGS", "Invite_Yes") sttimer = setTimer(setPedAnimation,5000,1,sPed, "DANCING", "dnce_M_d") elseif team == "Da Nang Boys" then setCameraMatrix(-2821.123046875, 1184.1121826172, 21.084520339966, -2804.1689453125, 1085.6723632813, 16.377283096313) setElementPosition(sPed, -2819.83545, 1177.29004, 20.27344) setPedRotation(sPed, 8) updateSetting(team) setPedAnimation(sPed, "GANGS", "Invite_Yes") sttimer = setTimer(setPedAnimation,5000,1,sPed, "DANCING", "dnce_M_d") elseif team == "Triads" then setCameraMatrix(-2821.123046875, 1184.1121826172, 21.084520339966, -2804.1689453125, 1085.6723632813, 16.377283096313) setElementPosition(sPed, -2819.83545, 1177.29004, 20.27344) setPedRotation(sPed, 8) updateSetting(team) setPedAnimation(sPed, "GANGS", "Invite_Yes") sttimer = setTimer(setPedAnimation,5000,1,sPed, "DANCING", "dnce_M_d") end end --CCCZXXX = createObject (1241,math.random (1404,1497),-1328,math.random (210,255)) --setElementAlpha (CCCZXXX,0) --moveObject (CCCZXXX,10000,math.random (1404,1497),-1328,math.random (210,255)) --setTimer(function() --moveObject (CCCZXXX,10000,math.random (1404,1497),-1328,math.random (210,255)) --end,10000,0) function loginRender () local xxx,yyy,zzz = getElementPosition(CCCZXXX) setCameraMatrix(1375.17, -1221.46, 202.44, xxx,yyy,zzz) end far = 0 fary = 0 setFarClipDistance(800) function loginPanelRender () far = far - 0.1 fary = fary - 0.02 setCameraMatrix(0 - far, -1309 - fary, 250, 1536, -1309, 150) end function updateSetting(team) if team == "Medic" then local rand = math.random(1, 2) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2025.96, -1422.59, 16.99, 135 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1179.55, -1323.64, 14.17, 271 end elseif team == "Police" then local rand = math.random(1, 4) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1550.90, -1675.63, 15.61, 90 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1579.61, -1634.83, 13.56, 90 elseif rand == 3 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1568.56, -1693.54, 5.85, 180 elseif rand == 4 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1543.81, -1610.84, 13.38, 270 end elseif team == "No Team" then local rand = math.random(1, 17) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1519.55, -1459.38, 9.5, 180 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1766.66, -1396.39, 15.75, 360 elseif rand == 3 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1954.41, -1372.20, 19.64, 90.0 elseif rand == 4 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1770.85, -1656.83, 14.42, 130 elseif rand == 5 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1654.14, -1657.07, 22.51, 180 elseif rand == 6 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1568.24, -1889.93, 13.55, 360 elseif rand == 7 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1449.45, -1847.18, 13.54, 360 elseif rand == 8 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1210.05, -1748.19, 13.59, 36 elseif rand == 9 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1115.90, -1619.24, 20.48, 90.0 elseif rand == 10 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1129.08, -1488.75, 22.76, 360 elseif rand == 11 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1151.11, -1206.33, 19.20, 180 elseif rand == 12 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1318.73, -1182.44, 23.60, 322 elseif rand == 13 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1545.38, -1270.61, 17.40, 137 elseif rand == 14 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1657.71, -1424.82, 13.72, 180 elseif rand == 15 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1422.73, -1491.91, 20.42, 240 elseif rand == 16 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1722.77, -1634.68, 20.21, 360 elseif rand == 17 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2464.70, -1953.54, 16.81, 360 end elseif team == "Grove" then local rand = math.random(1, 5) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2530.45, -1667.44, 15.16, 90.0 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2531.70, -1692.42, 13.58, 55 elseif rand == 3 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2454.96, -1709.97, 13.61, 180 elseif rand == 4 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2486.81, -1646.95, 14.07, 180 elseif rand == 5 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2527.13, -1639.90, 13.91, 312 end elseif team == "Vagos" then local rand = math.random(1, 4) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2287.99, -1106.17, 37.97, 170 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2288.22, -1079.50, 47.54, 339 elseif rand == 3 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2256.29, -1068.54, 49.47, 50 elseif rand == 4 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2227.05, -1061.33, 46.01, 224 end elseif team == "Ballas" then local rand = math.random(1, 4) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2231.23, -1333.31, 23.98, 90.0 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2202.84, -1365.97, 25.67, 180 elseif rand == 3 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2230.10, -1281.96, 25.36, 180 elseif rand == 4 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 2192.19, -1278.71, 24.61, 180 end elseif team == "Aztecas" then local rand = math.random(1, 4) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1754.82, -1912.01, 13.56, 270 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1751.16, -1944.62, 13.56, 180 elseif rand == 3 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1764.11, -1930.78, 13.56, 360 elseif rand == 4 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1731.78, -1911.95, 13.56, 90.0 end elseif team == "Russians" then local rand = math.random(1, 4) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2623.17, 1407.76, 7.10, 196 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2631.40, 1429.70, 7.10, 345 elseif rand == 3 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2656.04, 1357.96, 7.04, 270 elseif rand == 4 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2690.21, 1389.84, 7.10, 165 end elseif team == "Mafia" then local rand = math.random(1, 4) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -1951.61, 641.12, 46.56, 360 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -1919.02, 671.50, 46.56, 90.0 elseif rand == 3 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -1983.86, 671.39, 46.56, 270 elseif rand == 4 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -1959.79, 708.49, 46.56, 180 end elseif team == "Rifa" then local rand = math.random(1, 4) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2032.94, 148.59, 28.83, 270 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2133.41, 195.18, 35.33, 180 elseif rand == 3 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2119.18, 222.64, 35.07, 360 elseif rand == 4 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2043.21, 307.21, 35.20, 90.0 end elseif team == "Da Nang Boys" then local rand = math.random(1, 4) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2105.18, 902.07, 76.62, 360 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2116.93, 925.36, 86.07, 180 elseif rand == 3 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2058.93, 892.84, 61.54, 360 elseif rand == 4 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2073.49, 974.01, 62.92, 190 end elseif team == "Triads" then local rand = math.random(1, 4) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2182.64, 716.05, 53.89, 180 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2173.96, 680.06, 55.16, 90.0 elseif rand == 3 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2174.01, 632.32, 49.43, 360 elseif rand == 4 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = -2206.77, 652.92, 49.43, 180 end else local rand = math.random(1, 4) if rand == 1 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1550.90, -1675.63, 15.61, 90 elseif rand == 2 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1579.61, -1634.83, 13.56, 90 elseif rand == 3 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1568.56, -1693.54, 5.85, 180 elseif rand == 4 then sX, sY, sZ, sR = 1543.81, -1610.84, 13.38, 270 end end end function sRight() skinCount = skinCount + 1 if skinCount > #skinTable then skinCount = 1 end skinID, team = unpack(skinTable[skinCount]) adjSelectionSetting(team) setElementModel(sPed, skinID) updateSetting(team) local pDim = getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) local pInt = getElementInterior ( localPlayer ) setElementDimension ( sPed, 0 ) setElementInterior ( sPed, 0 ) setElementDimension ( localPlayer, 0 ) setElementInterior ( localPlayer, 0 ) end function sLeft() skinCount = skinCount - 1 if skinCount < 1 then skinCount = #skinTable end skinID, team = unpack(skinTable[skinCount]) adjSelectionSetting(team) setElementModel(sPed, skinID) updateSetting(team) local pDim = getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) local pInt = getElementInterior ( localPlayer ) setElementDimension ( sPed, 0 ) setElementInterior ( sPed, 0 ) setElementDimension ( localPlayer, 0 ) setElementInterior ( localPlayer, 0 ) end function sUp() updateSetting(team) if skinCount >= 0 and skinCount < 20 then --Medic skinCount = 20 elseif skinCount < 24 and skinCount >= 20 then --Grove skinCount = 24 elseif skinCount < 32 and skinCount >= 24 then --Aztecas skinCount = 32 elseif skinCount < 36 and skinCount >= 32 then --Vagos skinCount = 36 elseif skinCount < 39 and skinCount >= 36 then --Ballas skinCount = 39 elseif skinCount < 43 and skinCount >= 39 then --Mafia skinCount = 43 elseif skinCount < 48 and skinCount >= 43 then --Russians skinCount = 48 elseif skinCount < 51 and skinCount >= 48 then --Rifa skinCount = 51 elseif skinCount < 55 and skinCount >= 51 then --Triads skinCount = 55 elseif skinCount < 59 and skinCount >= 55 then --Da Nang Boys skinCount = 59 elseif skinCount < 62 and skinCount >= 59 then --No Team skinCount = 62 elseif skinCount >= 62 then --Police skinCount = 1 end skinID, team = unpack(skinTable[skinCount]) adjSelectionSetting(team) setElementModel(sPed, skinID) local pDim = getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) local pInt = getElementInterior ( localPlayer ) setElementDimension ( sPed, 0 ) setElementInterior ( sPed, 0 ) setElementDimension ( localPlayer, 0 ) setElementInterior ( localPlayer, 0 ) end function sDown() updateSetting(team) if skinCount >= 0 and skinCount < 20 then --No Team skinCount = 62 elseif skinCount < 24 and skinCount >= 20 then --Police skinCount = 1 elseif skinCount < 32 and skinCount >= 24 then --Medic skinCount = 20 elseif skinCount < 36 and skinCount >= 32 then --Grove skinCount = 24 elseif skinCount < 39 and skinCount >= 36 then --Aztecas skinCount = 32 elseif skinCount < 43 and skinCount >= 39 then --Vagos skinCount = 36 elseif skinCount < 48 and skinCount >= 43 then --Ballas skinCount = 39 elseif skinCount < 51 and skinCount >= 48 then --Mafia skinCount = 43 elseif skinCount < 55 and skinCount >= 51 then --Russians skinCount = 48 elseif skinCount < 59 and skinCount >= 55 then --Rifa skinCount = 51 elseif skinCount < 62 and skinCount >= 59 then --Triads skinCount = 55 elseif skinCount >= 62 then --Da Nang Boys skinCount = 59 end skinID, team = unpack(skinTable[skinCount]) adjSelectionSetting(team) setElementModel(sPed, skinID) local pDim = getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) local pInt = getElementInterior ( localPlayer ) setElementDimension ( sPed, 0 ) setElementInterior ( sPed, 0 ) setElementDimension ( localPlayer, 0 ) setElementInterior ( localPlayer, 0 ) end ---- function onwasted(killer) setElementData(localPlayer, "Alive", false) setElementData(localPlayer,"New",false) weap = getPedWeapon(localPlayer) total = getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer) clip = getPedAmmoInClip(localPlayer) if weap == 25 or weap == 33 or weap == 34 then if total < 5 then clip = total else clip = 5 end end weap1 = getPedWeapon(localPlayer, 1) weap2 = getPedWeapon(localPlayer, 2) weap3 = getPedWeapon(localPlayer, 3) weap4 = getPedWeapon(localPlayer, 4) weap5 = getPedWeapon(localPlayer, 5) weap6 = getPedWeapon(localPlayer, 6) weap7 = getPedWeapon(localPlayer, 7) weap8 = getPedWeapon(localPlayer, 8) weap11 = getPedWeapon(localPlayer, 11) weap12 = getPedWeapon(localPlayer, 12) ammo1 = getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer, 1) ammo2 = getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer, 2) ammo3 = getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer, 3) ammo4 = getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer, 4) ammo5 = getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer, 5) ammo6 = getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer, 6) ammo7 = getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer, 7) ammo8 = getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer, 8) ammo11 = getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer, 11) ammo12 = getPedTotalAmmo(localPlayer, 12) setElementData(localPlayer, "WP2", weap2) setElementData(localPlayer, "WP3", weap3) setElementData(localPlayer, "WP4", weap4) setElementData(localPlayer, "WP5", weap5) setElementData(localPlayer, "WP6", weap6) setElementData(localPlayer, "WP7", weap7) setElementData(localPlayer, "WP8", weap8) setElementData(localPlayer, "WP11", weap11) setElementData(localPlayer, "WP12", weap12) setElementData(localPlayer, "WA2", ammo2) setElementData(localPlayer, "WA3", ammo3) setElementData(localPlayer, "WA4", ammo4) setElementData(localPlayer, "WA5", ammo5) setElementData(localPlayer, "WA6", ammo6) setElementData(localPlayer, "WA7", ammo7) setElementData(localPlayer, "WA8", ammo8) setElementData(localPlayer, "WA11", ammo11) setElementData(localPlayer, "WA12", ammo12) if weap == weap2 then ammo2 = ammo2-clip elseif weap == weap3 then ammo3 = ammo3-clip elseif weap == weap4 then ammo4 = ammo4-clip elseif weap == weap5 then ammo5 = ammo5-clip elseif weap == weap6 then ammo6 = ammo6-clip --elseif weap == weap7 then --ammo7 = ammo7-clip elseif weap == weap8 then ammo8 = ammo8-clip elseif weap == weap11 then ammo11 = ammo11-clip elseif weap == weap12 then ammo12 = ammo12-clip end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), onwasted) function SCT() if source == localPlayer then setElementData(source, "Alive", true) setElementData(source,"ChangeSkinStats",false) if not getElementData(localPlayer,"New") then triggerServerEvent("onPS", localPlayer, localPlayer, weap1, weap2, weap3, weap4, weap5, weap6, weap7, weap8, weap11, weap12, ammo1, ammo2, ammo3, ammo4, ammo5, ammo6, ammo7, ammo8, ammo11, ammo12) end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn", localPlayer, SCT) ---- function EnterSpawn() if (team == "Police") then ctb = countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Ballas")) ctg = countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Grove")) ctv = countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Vagos")) cta = countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Aztecas")) ctp = countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Police")) ctm = countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Medic")) ctn = countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("No Team")) -- ctr = countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Rifa")) ctma = countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Mafia")) ctru = countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Russians")) cttr = countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Triads")) ctda = countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Da Nang Boys")) coal = #getElementsByType("player") -- cat = (ctb+ctg+ctv+cta+ctm+ctn+ctr+ctma+ctru+cttr+ctda)/1.5 coalp = (coal-ctp)/1.5 local wL = getPlayerWantedLevel(localPlayer) local LegalStatus = getElementData(localPlayer, "Stats") if wL > 0 then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("لا يمكنك الانضمام للشرطة وانت مطلوب (نجوم)ـ", 255, 0, 0) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("You can't join police when you are wanted!", 255, 0, 0) end return elseif LegalStatus == 3 then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("لا يمكنك الانضمام للشرطة وانت مسجون", 255, 0, 0) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("You can't join police when you are jailed!", 255, 0, 0) end return elseif ctp > coalp and getElementData(localPlayer,"Account") ~= "7up" and not getElementData(localPlayer, "isPlayerVIP") and getElementData(localPlayer, "Group") ~= "[ARMY]" and getElementData(localPlayer, "Group") ~= "[SWAT]" then --getElementData(localPlayer, "Group") ~= "Special-Forces" then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("هناك الكثير من الشرطة في الوقت الحالي . الرجاء الانضمام لفريق آخر", 255, 0, 0) exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("|VIP|بامكانية الدخول الاجباري لفريق للشرطة(VIP)يتميز كبار الشخصيات|VIP|", 255, 200, 0) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("There are lot of cops . please go to another Team!", 255, 0, 0) exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("(VIP) players Characterized by join the Police Team Compulsory", 255, 200, 0) end sUp() return elseif getElementData(localPlayer, "TBan") == 1 then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("انت محظور من فريق الشرطة", 255, 0, 0) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("You have been banned from the police team", 255, 0, 0) end return elseif getElementData(localPlayer, "Group") ~= "FBI" and ( skinID == 286 ) then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("هذه الشخصية خاصة بأعضاء الشرطة الفدرالية فقط", 0, 0, 255) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("This Skin Only For FBI Members", 0, 0, 255) end return elseif getElementData(localPlayer, "Group") ~= "[ARMY]" and ( skinID == 287 ) then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("هذه الشخصية خاصة بأعضاء الجيش فقط", 0, 0, 255) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("This Skin Only For ARMY Members", 0, 0, 255) end return elseif getElementData(localPlayer, "Group") ~= "[SWAT]" and ( skinID == 285 ) then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("هذه الشخصية خاصة بأعضاء التدخل السريع فقط", 0, 0, 255) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("This Skin Only For SWAT Members", 0, 0, 255) end return elseif getElementData(localPlayer, "Group") ~= "CIA" and ( skinID == 165 ) then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("هذه الشخصية خاصة بأعضاء الاستخبارات فقط", 0, 0, 255) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("This Skin Only For CIA Members", 0, 0, 255) end return elseif getElementData(localPlayer, "Group") ~= "S.A.S" and ( skinID == 166 ) then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("هذه الشخصية خاصة بأعضاء الخدمات الجوية الخاصة فقط", 0, 0, 255) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("This Skin Only For Special Air Service Members", 0, 0, 255) end return else setElementData( localPlayer, "Occupation", "Police Officer", true ) end elseif (team == "No Team") then if getElementData(localPlayer, "Group") ~= "[TOP]" and ( skinID == 1 ) then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("هذه الشخصية خاصة بأعضاء توب فقط",255,80,80) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("This Skin Only For [TOP] Members", 255,80,80) end return elseif getElementData(localPlayer, "Group") ~= "xCode" and ( skinID == 2 ) then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("هذه الشخصية خاصة بأعضاء اكس كود فقط",255,80,80) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("This Skin Only For xCode Members", 255,80,80) end return elseif getElementData(localPlayer, "Group") ~= "[W.A.O]" and ( skinID == 7 ) then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("هذه الشخصية خاصة بأعضاء وي ار ون فقط",255,80,80) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("This Skin Only For [W.A.O] Members", 255,80,80) end return elseif getElementData(localPlayer, "Group") ~= "[DGH]" and ( skinID == 14 ) then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("هذه الشخصية خاصة بأعضاء دجه فقط",255,80,80) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("This Skin Only For [DGH] Members", 255,80,80) end return end elseif (team == "Medic") then setElementData( localPlayer, "Occupation", "Paramedic", true ) elseif (team == "Grove") then setElementData( localPlayer, "Occupation", "Grove", true ) elseif (team == "Vagos") then setElementData( localPlayer, "Occupation", "Vagos", true ) elseif (team == "Ballas") then setElementData( localPlayer, "Occupation", "Ballas", true ) elseif (team == "Aztecas") then setElementData( localPlayer, "Occupation", "Aztecas", true ) elseif (team == "Mafia") then setElementData( localPlayer, "Occupation", "Mafia", true ) elseif (team == "Russians") then setElementData( localPlayer, "Occupation", "Russians", true ) elseif (team == "Rifa") then setElementData( localPlayer, "Occupation", "Rifa", true ) elseif (team == "Da Nang Boys") then setElementData( localPlayer, "Occupation", "Da Nang Boys", true ) elseif (team == "Triads") then setElementData( localPlayer, "Occupation", "Triads", true ) end unbindKey("arrow_l", "down", sLeft) unbindKey("arrow_r", "down", sRight) unbindKey("arrow_u", "down", sUp) unbindKey("arrow_d", "down", sDown) unbindKey("enter", "down", EnterSpawn) removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, drawTeamName) removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, loginRender) destroyElement(sPed) triggerServerEvent("spawnMe", localPlayer, skinID, sX, sY, sZ, sR, team) chgTeamOnDeath = false if isElement(SelectSong) then destroyElement(SelectSong) end if isTimer(sttimer) then killTimer ( sttimer ) end showPlayerHudComponent ( "all", true ) setElementData(localPlayer,"ShowKillMsg",true) showChat ( true ) if New then New = false triggerServerEvent("FirstSP", localPlayer) else if not getElementData(localPlayer,"ChangeSkinStats") then triggerServerEvent("onPS", localPlayer, localPlayer, weap1, weap2, weap3, weap4, weap5, weap6, weap7, weap8, weap11, weap12, ammo1, ammo2, ammo3, ammo4, ammo5, ammo6, ammo7, ammo8, ammo11, ammo12) end end end chgTeamOnDeath = false addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", localPlayer, function() updateSetting(team) if chgTeamOnDeath then setElementData(localPlayer,"ChangeSkinStats",true) setElementDimension ( localPlayer, 0 ) setElementInterior ( localPlayer, 0 ) setTimer(function() triggerServerEvent("RemovePlayerFromTeam", localPlayer, localPlayer) setCameraMatrix(1203.63, -1663.87, 14.5, 1202.634, -1663.953, 14.43) showCursor(false) if not isElement(sPed) then sPed = createPed(105, 1199.158, -1664, 13.687) local pDim = getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) local pInt = getElementInterior ( localPlayer ) setElementDimension ( sPed, pDim ) setElementInterior ( sPed, pInt ) end local radioURL = "" SelectSong = playSound(radioURL, true) sRight() updateSetting(team) bindKey("arrow_l", "down", sLeft) bindKey("arrow_r", "down", sRight) bindKey("arrow_u", "down", sUp) bindKey("arrow_d", "down", sDown) bindKey("enter", "down", EnterSpawn) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, drawTeamName) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, loginRender) end, 5000, 1) else setTimer(function() triggerServerEvent("spawnMe", localPlayer, skinID, sX, sY, sZ, sR, team) end, 5000, 1) end end) bindKey("F4", "down", function() if not chgTeamOnDeath then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("يمكنك تغيير الفريق والشخصية عند الموت", 0, 255, 0) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("You will be able to change your team and skin when you die.", 0, 255, 0) end chgTeamOnDeath = true else if getElementData(localPlayer,"Language") == 1 then exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("تم إلغاء تغيير الفريق والشخصية عند الموت", 255, 255, 0) else exports["guimessages"]:outputClient("Changing team and skin cancelled.", 255, 255, 0) end chgTeamOnDeath = false end end) local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() function drawTeamName() setElementPosition(localPlayer, 0, 0, 0) if sPed and team then local teamElement = getTeamFromName(team) if teamElement then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(teamElement) local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition(sPed, 4) --local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+0.5) local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() if sx and sy then dxDrawText(team, sx/2 + 1, sy/8 + 1, sx/2 + 1, sy/8 + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 2, "pricedown", "center") dxDrawText(team, sx/2 + 1, sy/8 - 1, sx/2 - 1, sy/8 + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 2, "pricedown", "center") dxDrawText(team, sx/2 - 1, sy/8 - 1, sx/2 - 1, sy/8 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 2, "pricedown", "center") dxDrawText(team, sx/2, sy/8, sx/2, sy/8, tocolor(r, g, b, 255), 2, "pricedown", "center") dxDrawText("["..countPlayersInTeam(teamElement).."] Players", sx/2 + 1, sy/4 + 1, sx/2 + 1, sy/4 + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, "bankgothic", "center") dxDrawText("["..countPlayersInTeam(teamElement).."] Players", sx/2 , sy/4 , sx/2 , sy/4 , tocolor(r, g, b, 255), 1, "bankgothic", "center") dxDrawText("Press [Up] or [Down] to Change The Team", sx/24 + 1, sy/2.8 + 1, sx/2 + 1, sy/3.5 + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, "default-bold", "left") dxDrawText("Press [Up] or [Down] to Change The Team", sx/24 , sy/2.8 , sx/2 , sy/3.5 , tocolor(r, g, b, 255), 1, "default-bold", "left") dxDrawText("Press [Left] or [Right] to Change The Skin", sx/24 + 1, sy/2.45 + 1, sx/2 + 1, sy/3.5 + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, "default-bold", "left") dxDrawText("Press [Left] or [Right] to Change The Skin", sx/24 , sy/2.45 , sx/2 , sy/3.5 , tocolor(r, g, b, 255), 1, "default-bold", "left") dxDrawText("Press [Enter] to select The Skin", sx/24 + 1, sy/2.2 + 1, sx/2 + 1, sy/3 + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, "default-bold", "left") dxDrawText("Press [Enter] to select The Skin", sx/24 , sy/2.2 , sx/2 , sy/3 , tocolor(r, g, b, 255), 1, "default-bold", "left") end end end end -----------------------------------|Medic|----------------------------------- --[[addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, function(healer, weapon) if healer and getElementType(healer) == "player" then local team = getPlayerTeam(healer) local teamName = team and getTeamName(team) or false local Health = getElementHealth(source) if (teamName == "Medic") and (weapon == 41) then cancelEvent() if (Health < 99) then triggerServerEvent("healP", localPlayer, healer) end end end end)]] -----------------------------------|Medic|----------------------------------- vehicles = {596,598,597,523,599,427} local screX, screY = guiGetScreenSize() window = guiCreateWindow(screX / 2 - 100, screY / 2 - 150, 200, 350, "Selecting Vehicles Menu", false) guiSetVisible(window, false) guiWindowSetSizable(window, false) local list = guiCreateGridList(0, 0.07, 1, 0.66, true, window) local column = guiGridListAddColumn(list, "vehicle", 0.9) local selectB = guiCreateButton(0.05, 0.75, 1, 0.1, "Select!", true, window) local closeB = guiCreateButton(0.05, 0.86, 1, 0.1, "Close", true, window) function onWaste() guiSetVisible(window, false) showCursor(false) setTimer(setElementFrozen,50,1,player,false) end --@--addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), onWaste) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", closeB, onWaste, false) for i,car in ipairs(vehicles) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(list) guiGridListSetItemText(list, row, column, getVehicleNameFromModel(tonumber(car)), false, false) end if getPlayerTeam(player) == getTeamFromName("Police") then M1 = createMarker(1560, -1608.38, 12.4, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150) M2 = createMarker(1572, -1608.38, 12.4, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150) M3 = createMarker(1587.5, -1608.38, 12.4, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150) M4 = createMarker(1587.11, -1710.39, 5, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150) M5 = createMarker(1564.03, -1711.77, 5, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150) end function createTheChoosenCar() local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(list) if row and row >= 0 then guiSetVisible(window, false) setTimer(setElementFrozen,50,1,player,false) showCursor(false) triggerServerEvent("onCreatePoliceCar", player, guiGridListGetItemText(list, row, column)) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", selectB, createTheChoosenCar, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", list, createTheChoosenCar, false) addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange",root, function(dataName,old) if getElementType(source) == "player" and source == player and dataName == "Alive" then setTimer(function(source) if getElementData(source,"Alive") == true and old == false then if getPlayerTeam(source) and getPlayerTeam(source) == getTeamFromName("Police") then if isElement(M1) then destroyElement(M1) end if isElement(M2) then destroyElement(M2) end if isElement(M3) then destroyElement(M3) end if isElement(M4) then destroyElement(M4) end if isElement(M5) then destroyElement(M5) end M1 = createMarker(1560, -1608.38, 12.4, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150) M2 = createMarker(1572, -1608.38, 12.4, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150) M3 = createMarker(1587.5, -1608.38, 12.4, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150) M4 = createMarker(1587.11, -1711, 5, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150) M5 = createMarker(1564.03, -1711, 5, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150) else if isElement(M1) then destroyElement(M1) end if isElement(M2) then destroyElement(M2) end if isElement(M3) then destroyElement(M3) end if isElement(M4) then destroyElement(M4) end if isElement(M5) then destroyElement(M5) end end end end,1000,1,source) end end) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", root, function(pp) if getElementType(pp) ~= "player" or pp ~= player or isPedInVehicle(pp) or getPlayerTeam(pp) ~= getTeamFromName("Police") then return end if source == M1 or source == M2 or source == M3 or source == M4 or source == M5 then if isOnTheHeightRange(pp, source) then setTimer(function(pp,source) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local xx, yy, zz = getElementPosition(pp) setElementPosition(pp, xx, yy, z+0.5) setElementFrozen(player,true) end,150,1,pp,source) guiSetVisible(window, true) showCursor(true) end end end) -- Cancel Heli Damge function cancelDeath() cancelEvent() end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerHeliKilled", getLocalPlayer(), cancelDeath) -- Cant Use Grnade inside the bulding ! addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, function() if getElementInterior(localPlayer) ~= 0 then local wp = getPedWeapon(localPlayer) if wp == 16 or wp == 17 or wp == 39 then if isControlEnabled("fire") then toggleControl("fire", false) stat = 0 end elseif wp ~= 16 and wp ~= 17 and wp ~= 39 then if not isControlEnabled("fire") and stat == 0 then toggleControl("fire", true) stat = 1 end end end end) function ClientExplosionFunction() if getElementInterior(source) ~= 0 then cancelEvent () end end addEventHandler("onClientExplosion", root, ClientExplosionFunction) -- ADD HEAL PLAYERS ! waitTimer = {} addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", root, function(attacker, weapon) if attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" and attacker ~= source then local Model = getElementModel(attacker) local Team = getPlayerTeam(attacker) if Team and (getTeamName(Team) == "Medic") and (weapon == 41) and (Model > 273 and Model < 277) then cancelEvent() if not isTimer(waitTimer[source]) then triggerServerEvent("healPlayer", attacker, source, attacker) waitTimer[source] = setTimer(function(p) waitTimer[p] = nil end, 1500, 1, source) end end end end) function isOnTheHeightRange(player, marker) local _, _, Pz = getElementPosition(player) local _, _, Mz = getElementPosition(marker) if Mz + 5 >= Pz then return true end end -- HOLSTEN (TAPL = -_-""") ---- Vehicles Spawner local x, y, z, r local MarkersTable = {} local vehicles = {413, 422, 462} local MarkersPosition = { [1] = {1679, -2327.5, 12.5, 0}, -- LS AIR PORT [2] = {-1385, -355, 13, 100}, -- SF AIR PORT [3] = {1711, 1517, 9.7, 180}, -- LV AIR PORT [4] = {2499, -1651.32 ,12.53, 175}, -- GROVE STREET [5] = {1359, -1754, 12.4, 0}, -- POLICE LS [6] = {2216.80591, -1314.92834, 22.98438, 270}, -- BALLAS [7] = {2292.79, -1115.81 ,36.98, 90}, -- Vagus [8] = {1803.1, -1933.42 ,12.39, 0}, -- Azetcas [9] = {1182.8, -1315 ,12.64, 270}, -- LS ASG Hospital [10] = {2007.22, -1440.68 ,12.56, 130}, -- LS HOSPITAL [11] = {2680.76, -1697.33 ,8.41, 55}, -- WWE [12] = {1194.19, -1756.06 ,12.58, 90}, -- NO TEAM [13] = {1144.47, -1465.78 ,14.79, 0}, -- NO TEAM [14] = {1535.13, -1476.71 ,8.5, 0}, -- NO TEAM [15] = {2489.13, -1953.85, 12.42, 0}, -- NO TEAM [16] = {1427.47, -1056.45, 22.16, 0}, -- NO TEAM [17] = {1974.27, -1278.81, 22.82, 0}, -- NO TEAM [18] = {1946.59, -1362.73, 17.58, 90}, -- NO TEAM [19] = {-1861.45, 595.74, 34.17, 0}, -- BANK [20] = {-2136.47, -78.1, 34.32, 0}, -- WAREHOUSE [21] = {333.81, -1519.94, 34.87, 319}, -- Club [22] = {1771.77, -1344.41, 14.76, 177}, -- NO TEAM [23] = {1722.63, -1609.57, 12.55 , 1}, -- NO TEAM [24] = {-2022.86, 155.56, 27.83594 , 0}, -- RIFA [25] = {-2175.38, 704.29, 52.89063 , 180}, -- Triads [26] = {-2107.17, 903.50, 75.48021 , 360}, -- Da Nang [27] = {-2621.01, 1379.10, 6.14884 , 180}, -- Mafia [28] = {-1704.59, 1339.44, 6.18072 , 136}, -- Russians [29] = {1624, 1820, 9.7, 0}, -- LV HOSPITAL } local Window_CarsForCr = guiCreateWindow(screX/2 - 100, screY/2 - 150, 200, 350, "Selecting Vehicles Menu", false) guiSetVisible(Window_CarsForCr, false) guiWindowSetSizable(Window_CarsForCr, false) local list_Cars = guiCreateGridList(0, 0.07, 1, 0.66, true, Window_CarsForCr) local column_cars = guiGridListAddColumn(list_Cars, "vehicle", 0.9) local selectBB = guiCreateButton(0.05, 0.75, 1, 0.1, "Select!", true, Window_CarsForCr) local closeBBB = guiCreateButton(0.05, 0.86, 1, 0.1, "Close", true, Window_CarsForCr) local list_Medic = guiCreateGridList(0, 0.07, 1, 0.66, true, Window_CarsForCr) guiSetVisible(list_Medic, false) local column_Medic = guiGridListAddColumn(list_Medic, "vehicle", 0.9) guiGridListSetItemText(list_Medic, guiGridListAddRow(list_Medic), column_Medic, "Ambulance", false, false) local medic1 = createMarker(1177, -1308, 12.95, "cylinder", 2, 0, 255, 255, 100) local medic2 = createMarker(1177, -1338.5, 12.95, "cylinder", 2, 0, 255, 255, 100) function onWaste() guiSetVisible(Window_CarsForCr, false) showCursor(false) setTimer(setElementFrozen, 50, 1, player, false) end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", player, onWaste) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", closeBBB, onWaste, false) for _,car in ipairs(vehicles) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(list_Cars) guiGridListSetItemText(list_Cars, row, column_cars, getVehicleNameFromModel(tonumber(car)), false, false) end for _, Pos in ipairs(MarkersPosition) do local marker = createMarker(Pos[1], Pos[2], Pos[3], "cylinder", 2, 200, 200, 200, 100) setElementID(marker, tostring(Pos[4])) MarkersTable[marker] = true end function createTheChoosenCarr() if not guiGetVisible(list_Cars) then return end local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(list_Cars) if row and row >= 0 then guiSetVisible(Window_CarsForCr, false) setTimer(setElementFrozen,50,1,player,false) showCursor(false) triggerServerEvent("onSpawnVehicle", player, guiGridListGetItemText(list_Cars, row, column_cars), x, y, z, r) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", selectBB, createTheChoosenCarr, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", list_Cars, createTheChoosenCarr, false) function createTheChoosenCarrm() if not guiGetVisible(list_Medic) then return end local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(list_Medic) if row and row >= 0 then guiSetVisible(Window_CarsForCr, false) setTimer(setElementFrozen,50,1,player,false) showCursor(false) triggerServerEvent("onSpawnVehicle", player, guiGridListGetItemText(list_Medic, row, column_Medic), x, y, z, 270) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", selectBB, createTheChoosenCarrm, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", list_Medic, createTheChoosenCarrm, false) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", resourceRoot, function(pp) if getElementType(pp) ~= "player" or pp ~= player or isPedInVehicle(pp) then return end if MarkersTable[source] and isOnTheHeightRange(pp, source) and getElementData(pp, "Stats") < 2 then guiSetVisible(list_Cars, true) guiSetVisible(list_Medic, false) setTimer(function(pp,source) x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) r = getElementID(source) local xx, yy, zz = getElementPosition(pp) setElementPosition(pp, xx, yy, z+0.5) setElementFrozen(player,true) end, 150, 1, pp, source) guiSetVisible(Window_CarsForCr, true) showCursor(true) end end) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", resourceRoot, function(pp) if getElementType(pp) ~= "player" or pp ~= player or isPedInVehicle(pp) then return end if source == medic1 or source == medic2 then if isOnTheHeightRange(pp, source) and getElementData(pp, "Stats") < 2 and getPlayerTeam(pp) == getTeamFromName("Medic") then guiSetVisible(list_Cars, false) guiSetVisible(list_Medic, true) setTimer(function(pp,source) x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) r = getElementID(source) local xx, yy, zz = getElementPosition(pp) setElementPosition(pp, xx, yy, z+0.5) setElementFrozen(player,true) end, 150, 1, pp, source) guiSetVisible(Window_CarsForCr, true) showCursor(true) end end end) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerLeave", resourceRoot, function(pp) if getElementType(pp) ~= "player" or pp ~= player or isPedInVehicle(pp) then return end if MarkersTable[source] or source == medic1 or source == medic2 then guiSetVisible(Window_CarsForCr, false) setTimer(setElementFrozen,250,1,player,false) setElementFrozen(player,false) showCursor(false) end end) addEvent("Tcheckntf", true) function checkntf(c, e, s, t, p) if p == player then if ntf then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), notification) destroyElement(ntf) destroyElement(ntfe) destroyElement(ntft) ntf = false ntfe = false ntft = false if dntf then killTimer(dntf) dntf = false end end notification(c, e, s, t) end end Link to comment
Ram, Posted May 19, 2018 Share Posted May 19, 2018 سطر 418 , ماهو CCCZXXX أنت مو معرفه . سطر 419 , إنت حاط احداثيات لإلمنت انت مو معرفه وهوCCCZXXX سطر 1315 , إنت مو معرف بلاير سطر 1135 انت مو معرف بلاير ايضاً Link to comment
GTA San Posted May 20, 2018 Author Share Posted May 20, 2018 6 hours ago, AbU - W6N said: سطر 418 , ماهو CCCZXXX أنت مو معرفه . سطر 419 , إنت حاط احداثيات لإلمنت انت مو معرفه وهوCCCZXXX سطر 1315 , إنت مو معرف بلاير سطر 1135 انت مو معرف بلاير ايضاً اعرفهم ع بعض Link to comment
GTA San Posted May 30, 2018 Author Share Posted May 30, 2018 On ٢٠/٥/٢٠١٨ at 01:49, AbU - W6N said: سطر 418 , ماهو CCCZXXX أنت مو معرفه . سطر 419 , إنت حاط احداثيات لإلمنت انت مو معرفه وهوCCCZXXX سطر 1315 , إنت مو معرف بلاير سطر 1135 انت مو معرف بلاير ايضاً كيف اعرفها Link to comment
Ram, Posted June 2, 2018 Share Posted June 2, 2018 On ٣٠/٥/٢٠١٨ at 08:55, GTA San said: كيف اعرفها هذا المود طويل وعريض .. ولو انت مو مسويه ومو مبرمجه من الصفر راح تطول وانت تجرب تعرف وتشيل وتغير , ف الافضل انك تسويه بنفسك 2 Link to comment
GTA San Posted June 3, 2018 Author Share Posted June 3, 2018 ههه لا مو انا مسوية طبعاا الممهم ماقصصرتـأ Link to comment
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